The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Xiii Part 45

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M324 Captaine Spicer drowned.

M325 They leaue the coast of Virginia.

109 Heave to.

M326 13. Pipes of siluer

110 Between 1587 and 1602 Raleigh sent out five expeditions to Virginia.

To the last be firmly believed in the future of the country.

M327 The Isle of Madera M328 They discouer land.

M329 The coast trendeth to the East in 34. degrees of lat.i.tude.

111 North-East.

M330 Courteous and gentle people.

M331 They run 50 leagues farther.

M332 They ran along the coast 200 leagues. They make hollow their Canoes with fire.

M333 Vines like those of Lombardie.

M334 A mighty riuer.

M335 People clad with feathers of diuers colours.

M336 The pleasantness and riches of the land.

M337 The description of Claudia, Iland, tenne leagues from the mayne.

Claudia was mother of king Francis.

M338 Most pleasant and fruitful lands.

M339 The fas.h.i.+on of their houses.

M340 The coast full of good havens.

M341 Their curing with Tobacco and perfumes.

M342 The description of a notable hauen in 41. deg. and 2 tierces.

M343 Here the people begin to be more sauage.

M344 Beades of copper.

M345 32 pleasant Islands.

M346 They ran almost to 50. degrees.

M347 Other mens misfortune ought to be our warning.

_ 112 Marginal note_.-The chiefe things worthie obseruation in Florida are drawen in colours by Iames Morgues painter sometime liuing in the Black fryers in London.

113 Pierced.

M348 A collection of the commodities of Virginia.

M349 Meanes to raise benefit in new discoueries vsed by the Spaniards and Portugals.

M350 Kine, sugar-canes and ginger transported into Hispaniola and Madera &c.

M351 Woad and vines planted in the Azores.

_ 114 Marginal note._-The great zeal of Elizabeth Queene of Castile and Aragon in aduancing of new discoueries tending to G.o.ds glory.

M352 The aptnesse of the people in the maine of Virginia to embrace Christianitie. Seneca.

M353 2 Cor. 12. 14.

M354 Iosue 1. 6.

M355 The good successe in Ireland of Richard Strangbow earle of Chepstowe.

M356 The happy late discouery of the Northwest of Captaine Dauis.

115 [Marginal note: The kings of Poartugal had neuer aboue ten thousand of their naturall subiects in all their new conquered dominions.]

M357 Planting of Colonies.

M358 When force of armes is to be vsed.

M359 Nota.

M360 America vnknowen to all antiquity.

M361 Christopher Colon or Columbe. Americus Vespucius of whom America took the name. The first generall part of America. Cabota in the yeere 1597 had discouered all this tract for the crowne of England.

M362 The trees of Florida.

M363 These are perhaps those which the Sauages call Tunas.

M364 The beasts of Florida.

M365 The foule of Florida.

M366 The disposition and maners of the Floridians.

M367 The wearing of their haire.

M368 Many Hermaphrodites which have the nature of both s.e.xes.

M369 Their order in marching to the warre.

M370 The drinking of Ca.s.sine before they goe to battell.

M371 Their maner of the buriall of Kings.

M372 The buriall of their Priests.

M373 Their maner of liuing in the Winter.

M374 Oile in Florida.

M375 The first voyage of Iohn Ribault to Florida. 1562.

M376 The course of the Spaniards not altogether necessary.

M377 Cape Francois in 30. degrees.

M378 A pillar set vp.

M379 Prayiers and thankes to G.o.d.

M380 Presents giuen to Ribault.

M381 Their fish weares like those of Virginia.

M382 They ouer the riuer.

116 Belle a voir.

M383 The Riuer of Port Royall in 32. degrees of lat.i.tude.

M384 A pa.s.sage by a riuer into the Sea.

M385 Ribault saileth 12 leagues vp the Riuer.

M386 A Pillar of free stone wherein the Armes of France were grauen, set vp in an Iland in the riuer of Port Royal.

M387 Two Indians taken away.

M388 The dolefull songs of the Indians.

M389 The Indians eat not before the sun be set.

M390 Landonniers putting down in writing the words and phrases of the Indians speech.

M391 This seemeth to be La grand Copal.

M392 The 2 Indians escape away.

M393 The benefite of planting.

M394 The Oration of Iohn Ribault to his company.

M395 aelius Pertinax descending from base parentage became Emperour of Rome.

M396 Agathocles a potters sonne became king of Sicilie.

M397 Rusten Ba.s.sha of an heard-mans sonne through his valure became the greate Turkes sonne in law.

M398 The souldiers answere to Ribaults Oration.

M399 The length and bredth of the fort taken by Laudonnier and Captaine Salles.

The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Xiii Part 45

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The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Xiii Part 45 summary

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