The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Iv Part 8

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For the prouision and furniture for a s.h.i.+ppe of 200 tunnes, to catch the Whale fish in Russia, pa.s.sing from England. How many men to furnish the s.h.i.+p.

How many fishermen skilful to catch the Whale, & how many other officers and Coopers.

How many boats, and what fas.h.i.+on, and how many men in each boate.

What wages of such skilful men and other officers, as we shall neede out of Biskay.

How many harping irons, speares, cordes, axes, hatchets, kniues, and other implements for the fis.h.i.+ng, and what sort and greatnes of them.

How many kettles, the greatnesse and maner of them, and what mettall, and whether they bee set on triuets or on furnaces for boiling of the traine oyle, and others.

What quant.i.tie of caske, and what sort of caske, and what number of hoopes and twigges, and how much thereof to be staued for the traine.

What quant.i.tie of victuals, and what kinde of victuals for the men in all the s.h.i.+p for 4 moneths time.

For the common mariners and officers to gouerne the s.h.i.+p, we shall not need any out of Biskaie, but onely men skilful in the catching of the Whale, and ordering of the oile, and one Cooper skilful to set vp the staued caske.

Also what other matters are requisite to be knowen, and done for the said voyage to catch the Whale, not here noted nor remembred.

These requests were thus answered, which may serue as directions for all such as shall intend the same voyage, or the like for the Whale.

A proportion for the setting forth of a s.h.i.+p of 200 tunne, for the killing of the Whale.

There must be 55 men who departing for Wardhouse in the moneth of April, must bee furnished with 4 kintals and a halfe of bread for euery man.

250 hogsheds to put the bread in.

150 hogsheds of Cidar.

6 kintals of oile.

8 kintals of bacon.

6 hogsheds of beefe.

100 quarters of salt.

150 pound of candles.

8 quarters of beanes and pease.

Saltfish & herring, a quant.i.tie conuenient.

4 tunnes of wines.

Half a quarter of mustard seed, and a querne.

A grindstone.

800 empty shaken hogsheds.

350 bundles of hoopes, and 6 quintalines.

800 paire of heds for the hogsheds.

10 Estachas called roxes for harping irons.

10 pieces of Arporieras.

3 pieces of Baibens for the Iauelines small.

2 tackles to turne the Whales.

A halser of 27 fadom long to turne the Whales.

15 great Iauelines.

18 small Iauelins.

50 harping irons.

9 machicos to cut the Whale withal.

2 doozen of machetos to minch the Whale.

2 great hookes to turne the Whale.

3 paire of Can hookes.

6 hookes for staues.

3 dozen of staues for the harping irons.

6 pullies to turne the Whale with.

10 great baskets.

10 lampes of iron to carie light.

5 kettles of 150 li. the piece, and 6 ladles.

1000 of nailes for the pinnases.

560 of nailes of Carabelie for the houses, and the Wharfe.

18 axes and hatchets to cleaue wood.

The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Iv Part 8

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The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Volume Iv Part 8 summary

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