A Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene Part 75

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SCA-LENUS. [Gr. +skalnos+, _skalnos_, unequal.] A term applied to some muscles of the neck.

SCAPHOID. [Gr. +skaph+, _skaph_, a little boat.] The name applied to one of the wrist-bones.

SCAPU-LA. [L.] The shoulder-blade.

SCAPU-LAR. Relating to the scapula.

SCARF-SKIN. The outer, thin integument of the body; the cuticle.

SCI-ATIC. [Gr., pertaining to the loins.] The name of the large nerve of the loins and leg.

SCLE-ROTIC. [Gr. +sklros+, _sklros_, hard.] A membrane of the eye.

SE-BACEOUS. [L., _seb.u.m_, tallow.] Pertaining to fat; unctuous matter.

SE-CRETION. The act of secerning; the act of producing from the blood substances different front the blood itself, as bile, saliva. The matter secreted, as mucus, bile, &c.

SE-CRETO-RY. Performing the office of secretion.

SE-CUNDUS. Second. A term applied to certain muscles.

SEM-I-CIRCU-LAR. Having the form of a half circle. The name of a part of the ear.

SEM-I-TEN-DI-NOSUS. [L. _semi_, half and _tendo_, a tendon.] The name of a muscle.

SEPTUM. [L.] A membrane that divides two cavities from each other.

SEROUS. Thin; watery. Pertaining to serum.

SERUM. [L.] The thin, transparent part of blood.

SER-RATUS. [L. _serro_, to saw.] A term applied to some muscles of the trunk.

SIGMOID. [Gr.] Resembling the Greek +s+, sigma.

SI-LICI-UM. A term applied to one of the earths.

SINUS. [L., a bay.] A cavity, the interior of which is more expanded than the entrance.

SKELE-TON. [Gr. +skell+, _skell_, to dry.] The aggregate of the hard parts of the body; the bones.

SODI-UM. The metallic base of soda

SPHINCTER. [Gr. +sphing+, _sphingo_, to restrict.] A muscle that contracts or shuts an orifice.

SPINAL CORD. A prolongation of the brain.

SPI-NALIS. Relating to the spine.

SPINE. A thorn. The vertebral column; back-bone.

SPINOUS. Belonging to the spinal column.

SPLEEN. The milt. It is situated in the abdomen, and attached to the stomach.

SPLENIC. Relating to the spleen.

SPLENI-US. The name of a muscle of the neck.

STAPES. The name of one of the small bones of the ear.

STERNUM. The breast-bone. The bone that forms the front of the chest from the neck to the stomach.

STOMACH. The princ.i.p.al organ of the digestive apparatus.

STRATUM. [L. _sterno_, to stew.] A bed; a layer.

STYLOID. [L. _stylus_, a pencil.] An epithet applied to processes that resemble a style, a pen.

SUB-CLAVI-AN. [L. _sub_, under, and _clavis_, a key.] Situated under the clavicle.

SUB-LIMIS. High in place.

SUB-LINGUAL. [L. _sub_, under, and _lingua_, the tongue.] Situated under the tongue.

SUB-MAXIL-LA-RY. [L. _sub_, under, and _maxilla_, the jaw-bone.]

Located under the jaw.

SULPHUR. A simple, mineral substance, of a yellow color, brittle, insoluble in water, but fusible by heat.

SU-PE-RI-ORIS. A term applied to certain muscles.

SU-PI-NATOR. [L.] A muscle that turns the palm of the hand upward.

SUTURE. [L. _suo_, to sew.] The seam or joint that unites the bones of the skull.

SYN-OVI-A. [Gr. +syn+, _sn_, with, and +on+, _on_, an egg.] The fluid secreted into the cavities of joints for the purpose of lubricating them.

SYN-OVI-AL. Pertaining to synovia.

SYSTEM. An a.s.semblage of organs composed of the same tissues, and intended for the same functions.

SYS-TEMIC. Belonging to the general system.

SYSTO-LE. [Gr. +systell+, _sstell_, to contract.] The contraction of the heart and arteries for expelling the blood and carrying on the circulation.

TARSAL. Relating to the tarsus.

A Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene Part 75

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