The Exiles of Florida Part 25
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To effect this object, recourse was had to the bribery of certain chiefs. Money was now offered certain influential men of the Seminoles and Exiles to induce them to exert their influence with their friends to emigrate. It was reported that slaves who had but a few years since left their masters, and intermarried with the Seminoles, dare not surrender, knowing that slavery awaited such act. Without them, their relatives and connexions would not remove. It was therefore proposed that Congress should make an appropriation for the purpose of purchasing such Exiles; yet the bill making it was general in its provisions, granting a hundred thousand dollars to be expended by the Secretary of War for the subsistence and _benefit_ of certain chiefs and warriors of the Seminole Indians who wished to emigrate. The subsistence of such emigrants was provided for in other bills; but the _benefits_ for which this money was to be expended was to purchase the pretended interest of certain white men to individual Exiles whom they claimed as property.
By thus disguising the real intention and object of the bill, it was evidently expected it would pa.s.s without scrutiny, under the rules which prohibited the discussion of all questions involving the subject of slavery. The better to carry out this design, Hon. Waddy Thompson of South Carolina, a Whig member of the House of Representatives, but fully sympathizing with the Executive in his policy of conducting the war in the manner "_required by the interests and feelings of the people of Florida_," was regarded as the proper agent to introduce the bill and superintend its pa.s.sage.
[Sidenote: 1841.]
The information found in the public doc.u.ments had awakened previous investigation; and when this bill came up for action (Feb. 9), the policy of this war, with the causes which led to its commencement, were exposed. Every effort was made by slaveholding members to prevent the public discussion of this subject. They insisted that the gag-rules, as they were called, prohibiting the discussion of slavery, forbid this exposure; but the presiding officer (Mr. Clifford of Maine) adhering to the parliamentary law, decided that an examination of the causes which led to the war was legitimate, and the discussion proceeded.
This discussion was published and widely circulated among the people; and is supposed to have given to the public the first information touching the real causes of the war.[129]
The bill pa.s.sed by a large majority; and the report of the Secretary of War the next year, showing the expenditures of his department, exhibited the manner in which the money appropriated and entrusted to his care was expended. Another bill, however, making an appropriation of more than a million of dollars for suppressing Indian hostilities in Florida was pa.s.sed, giving to the War Department all the powers desired for bribery, and tempting Indian chiefs to emigrate to the Western Country.
By reference to the map of Florida, it will be perceived that the great swamps, extensive everglades, hommocks, ponds and lakes, which spread over that Territory, must present great difficulties in the progress of troops embodied in military force; while a small party, following the footsteps of their leader, would pa.s.s over, around or through them with facility. The Great Okefenoka Swamp, lying on the south line of Georgia and the northern portion of Florida, afforded a retreat for small parties of Indians and Exiles, from which they sallied forth and committed depredations upon the people of southern Georgia, murdering families, burning buildings and devastating plantations. The swamps bordering on the Withlacoochee, the Great Wahoo Swamp, and other fastnesses on the western portion of the Peninsula, gave shelter to other bands, who, in like manner, wreaked their vengeance upon the inhabitants of that portion of the Territory. So also the Big Cypress Swamp, lying farther south, afforded shelter for others, who laid waste the settlements along the St. John's River, and in the vicinity of the Atlantic Coast. From these, and numerous other strong-holds, the Indians and their allies came forth in small bands, spreading devastation and death throughout the Territory and the southern portion of Georgia.
The people of Florida who had sought this war, and protested against peace except on such terms as would secure them in the exercise of that oppression which they deemed so necessary to their happiness, now felt the full force of that appropriate penalty which some philosophers believe attaches to every violation of the law of righteousness. Some died by the hands of the very individuals whom they had oppressed, and whom they again sought to enslave; others were again driven from their homes, unable even to obtain food; their wives and children receiving rations from the public stores, and subsisting by the charity of the United States.
But this condition of things superinduced another most extraordinary feature of this war. Our officers, and the Executive, naturally feeling some degree of sympathy for a people thus driven from their homes, on whom the evils of war fell with so much force, extended to them every aid in their power. Some were employed in the Commissary's Department; some as contractors for transporting provisions; and others as attendants upon the army in all the various departments of service, so numerous in a time of war. Even the slaves who remained in the service of their masters were employed by the officers as guides, interpreters and employees at high wages. In this manner they earned for their owners far more than they could by labor upon plantations. This system was carried so far, that the war actually afforded to many greater profits than they could acquire in any other way; and consequently it became a matter of interest with such men to prolong hostilities, and they were said to exert all their influence to effect that object.
General Harrison a.s.sumes the duties of Chief Executive--Much expected of him--His sudden death--His successor--Political feeling--General Armistead retires--Is succeeded by General Worth--Instructions to General Worth--He discharges all unnecessary employees--Halec Tustenuggee--General Worth's attempt to capture him--Wild Cat--His character and adventures--General Worth sends message to him--He and some companions come in--His manner and bearing--Meets his daughter--Interesting scene--Is seized by Colonel Childs--Placed in irons and sent to New Orleans--General Worth orders his return--Meets him at Tampa Bay--Arrangements--Wild Cat sends messengers to his friends--Sympathy for him--Chief Micco--He brings in his people--Wild Cat's band comes in--He is released from his irons--Meets his friends--His wife and child--General Jessup's policy as to Exiles--Consults Wild Cat--Hospetarche and Tiger-tail--Otulke comes in--Hospetarche is suspicious--Wild Cat brings him in--Army suffers from sickness--General change of policy from that adopted at the commencement of the War--Army reduced--Wild Cat visits Tiger-tail--Singular adventure--Embarkation of Emigrants--Parting scene between Wild Cat and General Worth--The Emigrants reach Fort Gibson and join their friends--Wild Cat's position in his new home.
[Sidenote: 1841.]
On the fourth of March, General Harrison was inaugurated President of the United States. Much was expected of him in regard to the war. The Whigs had condemned it throughout the Presidential struggle, and it was antic.i.p.ated that he would bring it to a successful and honorable termination; but before he even entered upon the consideration of this subject, he was called from this to another sphere of existence, and was succeeded by the then Vice President, John Tyler, of Virginia. Nor is it easy to see what great reform General Harrison could have effected in regard to this war, had he lived to complete his term of service. The policy of so directing the energies of the Federal Government as to support the interests of slavery, had long existed; he was not expected to make any substantial changes in that respect. But whatever may have been his designs, he had no opportunity to carry them into effect; and Mr. Tyler, after coming into office, soon ceased to enjoy the confidence of the Whig party, who generally declared themselves no longer responsible for his acts.
The new Administration soon identified itself with this war by the following order:
"ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, _Was.h.i.+ngton City_, May 19, 1841."
"SIR: Brigadier General Armistead, being about to relinquish the command of the Florida Army, as you will see by the instructions communicated to him of this date, of which a copy is herewith enclosed; as the officer next in rank, you will relieve him and a.s.sume the command accordingly.
"I am directed, by the Secretary of War, to advise you of the earnest desire of the Department to terminate, as speedily as possible, the protracted hostilities in Florida, and to cause the most perfect protection and security to be given to the frontiers, and to those citizens who may be disposed to penetrate the country, for lawful purposes of trade or settlement. For the attainment of these important objects, you are considered as being clothed with all the powers of a commander in the field, under the laws and regulations of the army.
"It is expected the troops under your command will be kept in a perfect state of discipline, and that you make such disposition of them as to be in readiness to meet any contingency that may all for active and energetic movements, the execution of which is left entirely at your own discretion.
"If you should deem it indispensable for the protection of the frontier, the President directs that you make a requisition upon the Governor of Florida for militia, not exceeding one regiment, which, if called out, you will cause to be mustered into the service of the United States, in the manner prescribed by the regulations, for any period authorized by the const.i.tution and laws.
"The Secretary of War, placing, as he does, entire confidence in your ability and patriotism, desires me to say, that every possible aid and support will be afforded to enable you to bring to a close this protracted and most embarra.s.sing war."
"As the commander of Florida, you will exercise a sound discretion in the use of the means placed at your disposal; and while these should be employed with the greatest efficiency, the Secretary of War directs that you will, consistently with the primary object in view, diminish, in a spirit of sound economy, all unnecessary drains upon the Treasury, by discharging all persons employed in a civil capacity whose services you shall not deem indispensable to the duties of your command, and by regulating and reducing as far as practicable all other expenses, in accordance with the just expectations of the Government and the country.
"I am, Sir, your obedient servant,
(Signed) R. JONES, _Adjutant General_.
Col. J. W. WORTH,
8th Infantry, Tampa, Florida."
General Worth now applied himself, with commendable zeal, to the work a.s.signed him. His first object was to discharge all employees not necessary to the operations of the army, and in every department to curtail the expenditures as far as possible; thereby rendering the war unprofitable to those who had been seeking to prolong it. Early in June he issued the following order:
"HEAD QUARTERS, ARMY OF THE SOUTH,} No. 1.] _Fort King_, June 8, 1841. }
"I. Hereafter no expenditures of money will be made on account of barracks-quarters, or other buildings at temporary posts, except for such slight covering as may be indispensably necessary for the protection of the sick and security of the public stores, without previous reference to, and authority obtained from, head-quarters.
"II. All safe-guards or pa.s.sports granted to Indians prior to this date, are hereby revoked. Any Indian presenting himself at any post, will be seized and held in strict confinement, except when commanding officers may, in the exercise of sound discretion, deem it advisable to send out an individual runner to communicate with others.
"III. When the garrisons are not too much reduced by sickness, detachments will be sent out as often as once in seven days, or more frequently if circ.u.mstances indicate a necessity, to scour and examine in all directions to the distance of eight or ten miles.
"IV. All restraints heretofore imposed upon district commanders, in respect to offensive field operations, are hereby revoked; on the contrary, the utmost activity and enterprise is enjoined. District commanders will give instructions to commanders of posts accordingly.
"V. Brief reports of the operations carried on under the foregoing orders, setting forth the strength of the detachments, and by whom commanded, with such observations as may be deemed useful or interesting to the service, will be made to district commanders on the 10th, 20th, and last of every month, by whom they will be transmitted to these head-quarters.
"By order of Colonel WORTH:
(Signed) G. WRIGHT,
_Capt. 8th Infantry, and A. A. A. General_."
Halec Tustenuggee was regarded as the most active and vindictive of the hostile chiefs. Among his followers were some forty Indian warriors and ten or twelve Exiles capable of bearing arms. They and their families, numbering in all some two hundred souls, were supposed to be somewhere in the neighborhood of Lake "Fonee-Safakee," among the extensive swamps and hommocks of that region. Some few of this band had surrendered and gone West. Among those who came in to Fort Jupiter for the purpose of emigrating, were several Exiles who had been born in that region, and had ever been connected with this small tribe. Some of those who had previously surrendered, were retained as guides and interpreters, with the expectation that they might be made useful in persuading their friends to emigrate also. It was thought very desirable to capture this band, if possible; and guides, and interpreters, and scouts were sent in every direction, where it was supposed they might be discovered, in order to open a communication with them. At length it was reported that a trail had been discovered leading to one of their favorite haunts, where it was believed they might be found.
We cannot better exhibit the dangers which constantly beset the Exiles who remained hostile, or the vigilance with which they and their friends watched for their own safety, than by giving a short account of Colonel Worth's expedition for the capture of this small party, which we copy from Sprague's History of the Florida War. Says that author:
"The negro guides, recently of the band, represented it as his favorite resort from its seclusion, where he held his green corn dances and councils. Measures were at once adopted to follow it up. Colonel Worth, with one hundred men of the 2d Infantry, accompanied by Lieutenant Colonel Riley and Major Plympton, together with Captain B. L. Beall's company 2d Dragoons, and forty men of the 8th Infantry, in command of First Lieutenant J. H. Harvil, moved from Fort King for Fort McClure or Warm Spring; thence, under the guidance of Indian negroes, to the neighborhood of the lake. At midnight, on the night of the tenth, the swamp was reached; the troops having marched forty-four miles. To surprise the Indian camp just at break of day, was the only chance of success. The guides represented it to be on the opposite side of the swamp, five or six miles through. The horses were picketed, and the baggage left with a small guard on the margin of the swamp. The soldier carried only a musket and his ammunition; the officers a rifle or sword.
Quietly and resolutely the command moved, confident of success. The water became colder and deeper at every step; halts were frequently made to extricate the officers and soldiers from the mud. The night was dark, which added to the dismal gloomy shadows of a cypress swamp. The command could only follow by the splas.h.i.+ng of water, and the calm but firm intonations of the word of command. The negroes in advance, followed closely by the most hardy and active, guided these two hundred men to what was believed to be the stronghold of the enemy. Every hour and step confirmed this conviction. The advance reached the opposite side just before the break of day. Anxiously they awaited and greeted every officer and soldier as he emerged from the swamp, covered with mud and water. Day broke; when silently the command was given--'Fall in!'
Eleven officers and thirty-five privates were present. Occasionally a straggler would arrive, and report those in the rear as coming. The Indian huts, by the gray dawn of morning (twenty-four in number), could be discerned through the scrub, which separated the white and red man, three hundred yards distant. At this hour the Indian around his camp fire feels secure. From the number of huts, and their location, they outnumbered the a.s.sailants. To await the arrival of the entire force, the day would be far advanced; and discovery was a total defeat. It was determined with the number present to make a vigorous a.s.sault, and, if outnumbered, to rely upon those in the rear. Each man reprimed his musket, and cautiously, on his hands and knees, worked his way through the dense undergrowth to within a few yards of the cl.u.s.ter of huts and temporary sheds. Not a word was uttered. Eagerly each man grasped his musket, anxious for the first whoop, when he would be rewarded for his toil. A musket was discharged to arouse the inmates, and meet them on their retreat. It sent back its dull heavy reverberation, causing disappointment and chagrin. Not a human being occupied the huts, or was upon the ground."
Large fields of corn were before them; they had been carefully cultivated, and gave incontestable proof that the allies had just left.
This place had been the temporary residence of a strong force; but their patrols had discovered the approach of our troops, and communicated information to the party in time to enable them, with their wives and children, to escape from danger.
The officers and soldiers looked about a while with wonder, and then commenced the work of destroying the cabins and crops, which being effected, they retraced their steps to head-quarters, fully satisfied that a disciplined army was not adapted to the work of surprising Indians and Exiles.
Perhaps no act or policy of General Worth contributed so much to the favorable prosecution of the war, as his treatment of Coacoochee, or Wild Cat, as he was more recently called. This extraordinary personage became conspicuous in 1841. During the entire war he deeply sympathized with the Exiles--was always attended by some of his more dusky friends, in whose welfare he took a deep interest; nor has he yet forsaken them.
Even at the time of writing this narrative, he is supposed to be with them; and a short notice of some of his more than romantic experience in this war may interest the reader in the fortunes of a man who may yet fill a large s.p.a.ce in the history of our country.
He was the son of King Philip, a Seminole chief of some reputation. He is now (1857) about fifty years of age; five feet eight inches in height; well proportioned; exhibiting the most perfect symmetry in his physical form. His eye is dark, full and expressive; and his countenance youthful and pleasing. His voice is clear, soft and musical; his speech fluent; his gestures rapid and violent. His views are always ingenious and clearly expressed; and he never fails to infuse all his measures with spirit, and to exert a controlling influence over his followers. He was born near Ahapopka Lake, where he resided at the commencement of the Florida War; but soon after sought a more secure retreat in the large swamps, near Fort Mellon and Lake "Okechobee." His band at that time numbered some two hundred souls, among whom were several families of Exiles. In these sable warriors he is said to have reposed much confidence. He accompanied them at the ma.s.sacre of Major Dade and his battalion in December, 1835. Here he formed his acquaintance with Lewis Pacheco, who acted as guide to Major Dade. Lewis is said to have attended him, and to have shared in every battle in which Wild Cat partic.i.p.ated, until the capitulation of 1837. After that capitulation had been agreed to, he visited General Jessup's camp with the apparent intention of emigrating West. He brought in some of his friends, among whom was Lewis Pacheco, whom he claimed as his slave, and declared that he had captured him at Dade's ma.s.sacre. Lewis, being a negro, was placed within the stockade at Tampa Bay, but Wild Cat of course went among his friends in the vicinity. When he found that General Jessup was violating the articles of capitulation, and delivering over to slavery those Exiles who were claimed by the people of Florida, instead of securing them in their lives and property, for which the faith of the nation had been pledged, he became indignant, and insisted that every Indian and Exile who was enjoying his liberty, should leave the encampment where they were receiving food and raiment from the United States, and flee to their own homes. Micanopy, one of the most wealthy and influential chiefs, refused, and expressed his determination to emigrate. Wild Cat and Osceola (Powell), two young and daring chiefs, came to the tent of Micanopy, at midnight, and compelled him, at the peril of his life, to leave and flee to the Indian country. He did so, and with him every Indian and Exile, who was outside the stockade at Tampa Bay, made their escape.
The Exiles of Florida Part 25
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