The Crimson Flash Part 10

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"Good! Fine!" he exclaimed, after he had glanced over the bonds. "Now can you tell me who sold you these two together?"

"I don't know his name; a fat, red faced fellow at the entrance of the big top."

"Good! That's one of them. They're the right kind, I'll wager. Let's see!"

Pant spread the bonds out on a broad plank.

"No, only one!" he mused. "Getting careful, I'd say, Johnny." He turned suddenly. "Would you risk much for an old friend?"

"I'd do a lot for you, Pant."

"Thanks!" Pant gripped his hand warmly. "Take these two bonds you got from that fat fellow and sell them to-morrow to some dealer in bonds on La Salle street. You bought them for $39, did you not?"


"You should get $45. Good little gain, eh?"

Johnny grinned. He knew Pant too well to think for a moment that he would engage in a small business of trading in bonds two or three at a time.

What his real game was, he was unable to guess.

"All right, old man. See you to-morrow," he said, rising and tucking the bonds away in his inner pocket. "I'll hurry back now. I think I'm going to box the fellow who boxes the bear, though how I am to arrange it, I can't quite tell."

Johnny wandered back to the big top. It was late morning. Many of the circus people would be in the big tent going through their stunts.

His hope of finding the boxer of the bear in one of the rings was not in vain. He was, at the moment of Johnny's entrance, in the act of putting the bear through his mock heroic battle.

With an air of apparent indifference, Johnny leaned against a center tent pole and watched him. Allegretti hated being watched, Johnny knew. That was why he lingered.

The Italian stood his scrutiny for three minutes, then with an angry glare in his eye, he cried:

"Go 'way, you b.u.m!"

Johnny's only reply was a grin.

"Go 'way! No can box-a da bear when you all time loafin' here."

The Italian was dancing with rage.

"You can't box anyway, so what's the difference?" Johnny grinned again.

"No can box?" The Italian stormed, "No can box? You wan'na see?"

"Sure, show me," Johnny grinned.

An extra pair of gloves lay near by. Allegretti kicked them toward him.

"Putta dem on. 'No can box,' he says. Allegretti show dat b.u.m!"

He squared away in such an awkward manner that Johnny found it hard to suppress a smile.

"Now where do you want me to hit you first?" Johnny asked politely.

The answer was a volley of quick blows, which all fell upon Johnny's well managed gloves.

When the Italian paused for breath, Johnny tapped him lightly on the nose. Enraged at being so easily scored upon, the fiery foreigner fairly went wild in his efforts to reach Johnny with a blow that would send him to the surgeon. To avoid these wild swings was child's play for Johnny.

Time and again the Italian left him a wide opening, but Johnny only further enraged his opponent by tapping him lightly.

This farce lasted for five minutes. Johnny was puzzled to know what to do. He knew that the impostor, who called himself a boxer, was completely within his power. By a single jab of his powerful right, he could send him to dreamland. This, however, was farthest from his thought. To needlessly injure a man was never part of Johnny's program.

A large, low, paper-topped barrel, used in the trained dog act, stood within ten feet of them. Suddenly Johnny resolved what he would do; he would humiliate his opponent. Perhaps that would bring him to terms.

Slowly he forced Allegretti back until he was within five feet of the barrel when, with a quick right to the chest, he lifted him off the ground and landed him square in the center of the top of the tub. There followed a ripping sound, the paper burst, and Allegretti dropped from sight.

With a smile Johnny stood waiting the Italian's reappearance, when, to his utter astonishment, he was struck a sledge hammer blow in the middle of the back.

The blow sent him sprawling. In a flash he was on his feet, and faced about to meet this new and powerful foe. Imagine his amazement when he found himself facing, not a man but a bear. With gloved forepaws, with broad mouth grinning, the bear stood ready for his share of the match.

What had happened was evident. The Italian had neglected to remove the bear's gloves. The bear had now entered the ring. Johnny had a choice of facing him or running. It was a novel experience, but he was not well acquainted with flight, so he held his ground.

The bear advanced with none of the skill of an experienced fighter. His training had been superficial. He had been taught to swing his arms in a certain way when his opponent swung his as a signal. The bear, however, was six times as heavy as Johnny. One fair smash in the face with that giant paw would send Johnny to the happy hunting grounds.

As Johnny squared back, with his guard high, the bear hesitated, a quizzical, almost human grin overspreading his face. Then, seeming to get a signal to rush in, he came plowing forward, striking straight out as he advanced. Johnny sidestepped, and, leaping off his toes, tapped him on the ear. It was a stinging blow. Bruin's ears were sensitive. That blow came near proving the undoing of Johnny, for instantly flying into a rage, the bear forgot his training. Dropping on all fours, he rushed at Johnny with the fierceness of his forest ancestors. Dodging this way and that, Johnny sought to get in a felling blow, but in vain.

Again the bear reared upon his hind legs. So quickly was this accomplished Johnny did not escape the grappling swing which, open handed, the bear let fly. The animal's stubby claws raked his face, leaving three livid lines of red. The matter was growing serious.

Something must be done quickly. Johnny did it. Watching for an opening, he at last leaped high and forward. His arm went up in one of his short, lightning master blows. There was the sound as of a steel trap sprung.

The bear whirled in a circle, then crumpled to earth.

"There's your bear," panted Johnny, wiping his face.

"No box-a da bear," groaned the grief stricken Italian.

"I should say not," said Johnny. "He doesn't box fair. He scratches."

"You kill-a da bear. I get-a your goat."

"Oh! The bear'll be all right," grinned Johnny. "Just give him a lump of sugar and a sniff of smelling salts. He's a bit dizzy, that's all."

"But say!" he said after a moment. "You can't get my goat. I ain't got any. But I have a notion that I've got yours right now."

He had, but the Italian wasn't to know it until some hours later.

As he turned to walk away, Johnny noticed a well built, wholesome looking girl in short skirt and middy standing a short distance off. She was looking his way and smiling. It was Gwen, the queen. He wanted to go over and speak to her. He was sure she had seen all that had happened.

"Can't afford to rush things too fast," he whispered to himself and, turning toward the bunk tent, he hastened away.

As an hour and a half remained before he must go on duty, Johnny slicked up a bit and went over to La Salle street to sell the bonds which Pant had entrusted to his care. The first two dealers he approached refused to buy; they did not purchase bonds in such small lots. The third looked Johnny over carefully, then examined the bonds. After that, he wet the tip of his right forefinger on a sponge and proceeded to count out a handful of bills. These, with some small change, he shoved beneath the lattice to Johnny.

"Fine day," he smiled, as he turned away.

"You bet," Johnny agreed, as he pocketed the money.

The Crimson Flash Part 10

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The Crimson Flash Part 10 summary

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