The Divinity Code To Understand Your Dreams And Visions Part 65
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(1) Josh. 1:6.
Submarine: (1) Not openly shown or not public; (2) Underground church; (3) Church in the Spirit; (4) Spiritual vessel not yet revealed; (5) The Spirit (submarine searching underwater).
(1) John 8:59; 12:36; (2) Acts 8:1, 3-4; (3) 1 Cor. 12:13; (4) John 14:22; 17:6; Rom. 16:25-26; (5) Prov. 20:27; Rom. 8:27.
Subst.i.tute: (1) Appointment; (2) Replacement.
(1) Gen. 4:25; (2) 1 Sam. 16:1.
Sucking: (1) Dependence; (2) Drawing from or being sustained by; (3) Nurturing and nursing (baby); (4) Emptying; (5) Sapping the life out of (parasite); (6) Providence; (7) Youngest and immature (baby); (8) Innocent; (9) Feeding (blood); (10) Milk-fed (baby); (11) Consolation; (12) Comfort; Also see Leech.
(1) Deut. 32:13; 1 Sam. 1:23; (2) Deut. 32:13; Job 39:30; Isa. 60:16; (3) Num. 11:12; Matt. 24:19 (KJV); (4) Ezek. 23:34; (5) Prov. 30:15; (6) Deut. 33:19 (KJV); (7) Num. 11:12; Deut. 32:25; 1 Sam. 15:3; (8) 1 Sam. 7:9; Isa. 11:8; (9) Job 39:30; (10) 1 Sam. 1:23; 1 Kings 3:21 (KJV); (11) Isa. 66:11; (12) Isa. 66:12-13.
Sue/Suing: (1) Exercising your legal right spiritually over what has been stolen from you; (2) Claiming the wealth of the world; (3) Harboring unforgiveness (being sued); (4) A threat of real litigation.
(1) Prov. 6:30-31; (2) Exod. 3:22; 12:35-36; (3) Matt. 5:23-26; 18:32-35; Luke 12:58.
Sugar: See Honey.
Suicide: (1) Warning of pending suicidal thoughts; (2) Oppression and/or depression; (3) Hopelessness; (4) Spirit of heaviness; (5) Self-hatred; (6) Wanting to give up; (7) Self-pity; (8) Twisted form of revenge (getting back at someone).
(1) See below; (2) 1 Kings 19:4; Jon. 4:3, 8; (3) Num. 11:15; 1 Sam. 31:3-5; (4) Isa. 61:3; (5) 1 John 3:15; (6) 1 Kings 19:4; (7) 1 Kings 19:4; (8) Num. 35:31; Deut. 21:9 (trying to make them guilty).
The Bible appears to set forth three stages in the life of one contemplating suicide: (1) Impossiblity, loss, or failure; (2) Emotions dominating over sound decision making; (3) Lack of social support. If these seem evident, seek professional a.s.sistance immediately.
Suit: (1) Business; (2) Pastor; (3) Desire for prominence (expensive suit); (4) Pretense; (5) Renewed authority (best suit); (6) Mocking (stunning suit); (7) Angels (glorious suit); (8) Rottenness and decay (moth-eaten); (9) Garment of Christ (perfumed).
It is important to explore the understanding of what a suit represents to the person with the dream or vision; this will be of major significance in ascertaining its interpretation. The suit color may also be a major indicator of its meaning.
Also see Clothing and individual colors.
(1) Ezek.27:20-21, 24a; (3-4) Mark 12:38-40 (look for the other witnesses in this pa.s.sage before proclaiming this interpretation); (5) Luke 15:22; (6) Luke 23:11; (7) Luke 24:4; (8) Job 13:28; (9) Ps. 45:8.
Suitcase: (1) Travel; (2) Departure; (3) Preparedness; (4) Baggage; (5) Giving you a burden (someone giving you a suitcase); (6) Helping with your burdens (someone carrying your suitcase).
Also see Bag, Cruise s.h.i.+p, and Holiday.
(1) Josh. 9:3-6; (2-3) 1 Kings 10:2, 10; (4) Isa. 46:1-2; Jon. 1:5; (5) Luke 11:46; (6) Gal. 6:2.
Summer: (1) Harvest time (end of summer); (2) The prelude to the Second Coming of Christ; (3) Preparation time; (4) Time of drought (and heat); (5) Fruitfulness; (6) The end.
Also see Drought, Fig, and Winter.
(1) Prov. 10:5; Isa. 16:9b; 18:5-6; Jer. 8:20; Dan. 2:35; John 4:35; (2) Matt. 24:32-34; Mark 13:26-28; Luke 21:30; (3) Prov. 10:5; 30:25; (4) Ps. 32:4; (5) 2 Sam. 16:1-2; Isa. 28:4; Jer. 40:10; 48:32b; Mic. 7:1; (6) Amos 8:1-2; Jer. 8:20.
Sun: (1) Glory of G.o.d; (2) Father; (3) Jesus Christ.
(1) Ps. 19:1-6; 84:11; (2) Gen. 37:9-10; (3) Ps. 19:4b-6; Mal. 4:2a; Acts 26:1315; Rev. 1:16-17.
Sun (Setting): (1) Setting sun means the Glory is departing; (2) End of an issue; (3) Time to settle accounts; (4) Followed by dark activity; (5) Death.
(1) Judg. 19:14-28; 1 Kings 22:36; 2 Chron. 18:34; (2) Exod. 17:12; Josh. 10:13; Eph. 4:26; (3) Deut. 24:13, 15; Josh. 10:27; Judg. 14:18; Ps. 50:1; Eph. 4:26; (4) Ps. 104:19-20; John 13:30; (5) Gen. 28:11; Sleep parallels death in Scripture (i.e. John 11:11-13); Dan. 6:14; Daniel's experience in the lion's den pre-pictures Jesus death, h.e.l.l, and resurrection experience.
Sun (Rising): (1) New revelation; (2) Beginning or new beginning; (3) Eve of revival; (4) Resurrection.
(1) Gen. 32:31; (2-3) Matt. 28:1, 7-8; (4) Matt. 28:1, 7.
Sunburn: (1) The judgment of G.o.d; (2) Sin brought to the light; (3) Coming down out of the glory (only if the dream is positive).
Also see Burn and Burnt.
(1) Ezek. 16:41; Rev. 18:8; (cf. John 5:22 & Mal. 4:2); (2) John 3:20-21; (3) Exod. 34:29; Rev. 1:15; 2:18.
Sunday: (1) One; (2) G.o.d; (3) Resurrection; (4) New Beginnings; (5) Rest.
Also see Day and Seven (The secular world sees Sunday as the seventh day of the week).
(1-2) Gen. 1:1; (3-4) Matt. 28:1, 6; (5) Exod. 23:12.
Sunflowers: (1) Disciples (They follow the sun [Son] and are full of seeds [Word]).
(1) Mal. 4:2 & Matt. 8:23, (cf. Luke 8:11). (1) Christ's perspective; (2) Spiritual outlook; (3) Coping with G.o.d's glory; (4) Self-image issues (especially if are worn inside); (5) Not able to handle the glory.
Also see Sun.
(1) Ps. 19:4b-5a; Mal. 4:2; (2) Num. 12:6-8; 1 Cor. 13:12; (3) 2 Cor. 3:7-8; (4) 1 Pet. 3:3; (5) Exod. 34:33, 35.
Suntan: (1) The glory of G.o.d (bronze suntan).
(1) Exod. 34:29; Rev. 1:15; 2:18.
Superhero: (1) Christ; (2) The Holy Spirit; (3) You empowered by the Holy Spirit (you as the superhero); (4) Powerful man or woman of G.o.d; (5) Demonic spirit (enemies); (6) Superman can be an antichrist (instead of Christ).
Also see Famous Person.
(1) Luke 24:19, 51; (2-3) Acts 10:38; (4) Acts 7:22; 2 Cor. 12:12; (5) Luke 4:6; 10:19; (6) 2 Thess. 2:9.
Supermarket: See Shop.
Supervisor: (1) The Holy Spirit; (2) Leader.
(1) John 14:26; Acts 16:6-7; (2) Acts 6:3.
Supper: (1) Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Great Feast); (2) Covenant meal; (3) Intimate fellows.h.i.+p; (4) Last Supper; (5) Remembrance of Jesus' death; (6) Celebration; (7) Call to heart fellows.h.i.+p with Christ.
Also see Table.
(1) Luke 14:16; Rev. 19:9a, 17; (2) Luke 22:20; (3) John 12:2; 21:20; Rev. 3:20; (4) John 13:2, 4; (5) 1 Cor. 11:20; (6) Mark 6:21; (7) Rev. 3:20.
Surf: (1) Wave of the Holy Spirit; (2) Flow of the Holy Spirit.
(1-2) 1 Kings 18:12; Isa. 44:3; Isa. 59:19 (Consider here that the comma is in the wrong place); Mark 1:8; Acts 2:17.
Surfer: (1) Prophet (waiting on the wave of the Spirit); (2) Wors.h.i.+p leader (surfing the anointing); (3) Moving in the Spirit (operating in the gifts).
Also see Surf, Surfing, and Waves.
(1) Isa. 40:31; Hab. 2:1-2; (2) 1 Sam. 10:5-6; Matt. 14:29-30; (3) Rom. 5:15 (NIV).
Surfing: (1) Flowing in the Holy Spirit (standing surfer); (2) Negatively surfing the world wide web (surfer lying down, not upright).
Also see Surf Surfer, and Waves.
(1) Acts 11:28; Rev. 11:11; (2) Ps. 51:10 (KJV).
Swallow (bird): (1) Type of true believer (heavenly being). Seen in the bird's attributes: (2) Brings up her young in G.o.d's courts; (3) Non-landing; (4) Nonstop prayer (chattering); (5) Aware of the times (seasons).
(2) Ps. 84:3; (3) Prov. 26:2 (cf. Heb. 11:9-10); (4) Isa. 38:14 (cf. 1 Thess. 5:17); (5) Jer. 8:7 (cf. 1 Thess. 5:1-2).
Swallow (verb): (1) Allow or embrace; (2) Engulf; (3) Consumed; (4) Caught and Killed; (5) Destroy; (6) Steal; (7) Smothered; (8) Partake; (9) Speed (swallow up the ground); (10) Devour; (11) Oppression; (12) Reproach; (13) Kill; (14) Abuse; (15) Envelope.
Also see Drink, Eat, and Mouth.
(1) Matt. 23:24; (2) Ezek. 36:3; 1 Cor. 15:54; (3) Num. 16:30, 32, 34; Deut. 11:6; Eccl. 10:12; Isa. 28:7; Lam. 2:5; (4) 2 Sam. 17:16; (5) 2 Sam. 20:19-20; (6) Job 5:5; (7) Job 6:3; (8) Job 20:18; (9) Job 39:24; (10) Ps. 21:9; (11) Ps. 56:1; (12) Ps. 57:3; (13) Ps. 124:3; Prov. 1:12; (14) Amos 8:4; (15) Jon. 1:17.
Swamp: (1) No flow of the Spirit; (2) No output; (3) Quenching the Spirit; (4) Stagnant water; (5) Bogged down.
(1) Matt. 13:58. & Acts 10:38; (2) Mark 4:24; (3) 1 Thess. 5:19; (4) Exod. 15:23; (5) Ps. 69:2, 14; Heb. 12:1.
Swan: (1) Gracefulness; (2) Love (two swans); (2) Sun; (3) Moon; (4) Unclean spirit.
(1-4) Historical, cultural, and mythological a.s.sociations; (4) Lev. 11:18.
Swearing (Cussing): (1) Bitter water; (2) Speaking words of death; (3) Denial of Christ; (4) Putting a curse on someone or self; (5) To lose spiritual strength; (6) Corruption; (7) UnG.o.dly discontent; (8) Covetousness; (9) Verbal violence; (10) Disputes; (11) Pride; (12) Jealousy; (13) Hatred; (14) Spirit of murder; (15) Frustration.
(1) Num. 5:18b; James 3:9-12; (2) Prov. 18:21; Mark 15:11-15; (3) Matt. 26:7475; (4) Matt. 26:74; (cf. Matt. 27:23, Acts 5:30 & Gal. 3:13); (5-6) Eph. 4:26, 27, 29, 30; (7) Phil. 4:11; 3 John 1:10; (8) Heb. 13:5; (9) Luke 3:14; (10) Jude 1:8-9; (11) Prov. 21:24; 1 Tim. 6:3-6; (12) Prov. 6:34-35; (13-14) Mark 15:1115; 1 John 3:15; (15) 3 John 1:10.
Sweat/ing: (1) Human works or self-effort; (2) Sin; (3) Anguish and distress (sweating blood); (4) Worry; (5) Poverty mindset.
(1) Gen. 3:19; Ezek. 44:18; (2) Gen. 3:17-19; (3) Luke 22:44; (4) As in, "don't sweat it"; (4-5) 2 Sam. 9:6-7; Matt. 6:31-33, 34; Luke 10:38-42.
Sweeping: (1) Cleaning out; (2) Searching; (3) Drastic reform; (4) Judgment. Also see Broom.
(1-2) Luke 15:8; (3) As in, "sweeping changes"; (4) As in, "getting rid of sin and filth"; Gen. 18:23 (NIV).
Sweets: See Candy.
Swelling: (1) Flattery; (2) Sign of corruption or defilement; (3) Iniquity; (4) Poison or venomous; (5) Conceit.
Also see Taller and Yeast.
(1) 2 Pet. 2:18; Jude 1:16 (empty words); (2) Num. 5:21-22, 27; Deut. 8:4; (3) Isa. 30:13; (4) Acts 28:6; (5) 2 Cor. 12:20 (compare KJV & NKJV).
Swimming: (1) Moving in the Spirit; (2) River of Life; (3) Bringing to the surface; (4) Deep (suggests that the water is deep); (5) Having to let go and trust G.o.d; (6) Advancing in own strength; (7) Overcome with sorrow or grief.
Also see Deep.
(1-2) Ezek. 47:5; Isa. 25:11; (3) 2 Kings 6:6; (4) Ps. 42:7 (deep within); Ezek. 47:5; (5) Ezek. 47:5 (having to break reliance on the earth beneath your feet); (6) John 21:7 (cf. John 21:3, 18); (7) Ps. 6:6-7.
Swimming Pool: (1) Immersed in G.o.d (in pool); (2) Ready for baptism; (3) Purification or cleansing; (4) Church; (5) Church without love (pool with ice in it).
Also see Swimming.
(1-3) Acts 8:38b-39a; Heb.10:22b; John 9:7; (4) John 5:2; (5) Matt. 24:12. Swine: See Pig.
Swing: (1) Moved by circ.u.mstance/opposition; (2) Change of mind; (3) Doubt; (4) Double-mindedness.
Also see Shaking.
(1) Matt. 11:7; 14:30; Luke 7:24; (2) 2 Thess. 2:2; (3) James 1:6; (4) James 1:8. Swiss: See Switzerland in Name and Place Dictionary.
Sword: (1) Word of G.o.d; (2) Words; (3) Divides and separates; (4) Live by it, die by it; (5) Two-edged; (6) Tongue; (7) Judgment.
Also see Knife and Tongue.
(1) Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12; (2) Ps. 55:21; 64:3a; (3) Matt. 10:34-35; Rom. 8:35; Heb. 4:12; (4) Matt. 26:52; Rev. 13:10; (5) Rev. 1:16; 2:12; (6) Rev. 1:16; 2:16; (7) 1 Chron. 21:16; Ezek. 21:3-5,9-17; Rom. 13:1-4; Rev. 19:15.
Syringe: (1) Inoculation; (2) Antidote (injection of life); (3) As they are used to inject into a vein, they speak of spiritual life or death (dependent on the contents).
Also see Drug-Taking and Needle.
(1) Prov. 4:23; (2) Job 33:4; 2 Cor. 3:6; (3) Lev. 17:11a.
Table: (1) Communion or fellows.h.i.+p; (2) Alignment with someone; (3) In relations.h.i.+p; (4) Communion with G.o.d; (5) The King's or Father's provision; (6) Commerce or trade; (7) A writing place; (8) The heart; (9) Union with Christ; (10) Planning place; (11) Negotiation leading to agreement and treaty or contract signing; (12) Decision-making; (13) Serving the Body of Christ; (14) Indicative of your sphere of influence (big/small table).
Also see Gla.s.s Table, Kitchen, Meal, Sitting, and Under the Table.
(1) 1 Cor. 10:20-21; (2) 1 Sam. 20:34; Luke 22:21; (3) John 12:2; 13:28; (4) 1 Cor. 10:20-21; (5) 2 Sam. 9:7-11; 19:28; Ps. 23:5; 78:19; Matt. 15:26-27; Luke 22:30; (6) Matt. 21:12; Mark 11:15; John 2:15; (7) 2 Cor. 3:3; (8) Lev. 24:6 (pure table); 2 Cor. 3:3; (9) John 13:28; (10) Dan. 11:27; (11) As in, "both parties came to the table"; (12) John 13:27, 30; (13) Acts 6:2; (14) 1 Kings 10:5.
Table (Gla.s.s): (1) Transparency of communion; (2) Seeing through to the heart; (3) Fragile relations.h.i.+p.
(1) 1 Cor. 10:21; (2) 2 Cor. 3:3 (KJV); (3) 1 Sam. 19:7-10; 20:32-34.
Table (Under the Table): (1) Deception; (2) Bribe; (3) Taxation.
(1) Prov. 23:7 (The heart is below the surface); (2) 1 Sam. 8:3; 12:3; Job 15:34; Ps. 26:10; Amos 5:12.
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