Forehead Kisses: Uncrushable Part 27

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She studied my face, the emotion s.h.i.+ning like a beacon in her eyes.

"I want to be with you forever, having silent conversations without realizing it, sharing every secret through quiet whispers. You're the only person who truly understands me, who knows the hards.h.i.+ps I've endured. With you, I don't need to explain myself. You're another flower in my garden, growing in the same light that nourishes us both. We've survived every frost, and we prosper every spring. My heart beats for you and yours beats for me."

Her eyes coated with tears but they didn't fall. I didn't usually express my emotions in this way. I was never good with words, not like she was. The only way I could really show her how I felt was through my touch. Every night we were together, she knew exactly how I felt about her.

The moment I'd been waiting for finally arrived.

I moved off the bench then lowered myself to one knee.

Keira gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. The coat of moisture bubble then formed a drop. When she blinked, it fell. The light in her eyes darkened, her body tensing at the sight of me.

I pulled the ring out of my pocket then extended it to her. It was simple, a single band with a single diamond. I knew she didn't want anything extravagant. She wanted something plain because she added so much to it with her beauty. "Say yes."

I didn't want to ask her to marry me. It was unnecessary. We were already married in my eyes, and I knew she would never say no. I waited for those words to leave her lips.

"Yes." Her hand shaking, she held it out.

I slipped the ring on her finger then held her hand in mine. "Thank you."

She left the bench then moved to her knees in front of me. She pressed her forehead to mine then let the tears drip down her face. I closed my eyes and felt the emotion in my heart.

The garden we built together buzzed with life around us. The sun still s.h.i.+ned in the pink sky, but we were oblivious to the world around us. All that existed was she and I. All that mattered was us.

Time would go on and the world would change. Flowers would grow and die, only to be replaced by others. The sky would rise and set, looking the same every day. Clouds would pa.s.s then disappear.

But she and I would last forever.

Until the end of time.


Book Four in the Forehead Kisses Series.

Scotty and Livia.


Forehead Kisses: Uncrushable Part 27

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Forehead Kisses: Uncrushable Part 27 summary

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