Vegetable Teratology Part 31

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* var. cult.!

Chelone barbata.

*Antirrhinum majus!

Rhinanthus crista galli.

Pedicularis sylvatica.

Pedicularis euphrasioides.

Scrophularia aquatica!

Sesamum indic.u.m.




Nepeta diffusa.

Galeopsis Ladanum.


Galeobdolon luteum.

Teucrium campanulatum!

Plectranthus fruticosus.

Cleonia lusitanica.

Dracocephalum austriac.u.m.

Phlomis fruticosa!

Vitex incisa.

Aristolochia, sp.!

Ophrys aranifera!

Orchis simia.








Habenaria bifolia.

Corallorhiza innata.

Aceras anthropophora.

Cattleya Moasiae!

Phalaenopsis equestris!

Pogonia ophioglossoides!

The literature of peloria is very extensive. The following are the papers, not already mentioned, which relate to the subject, arranged under the genera, placing those first which are most subject to this anomaly (see also Regular Peloria).

_Linaria_.--Adanson, 'Fam. Plant.,' t. i, p. 110. Jussien, 'Gen. Plant.,' p. 120. Poiret, 'Encycl. Method, Suppl.,' t.

iii, Jaeger, 'Missbilld. der Gewachs.,' pp. 94, 97, and 313.

Ca.s.sini, 'Op. Phytol.,' t. ii, p. 331. Ratzebourg, 'Animadv. ad pelor. spectand.,' 1825. Turpin. 'Ic. Veget.,' tab. xx, f. 16.

Curtis, 'Flor. Londin.,' i, 118. Hopkirk, 'Flora Anom.,' pl.

vii, figs. 1, 2, 3. Haller, 'Act. Helvet.,' 2, p. 25, t. iv. De Candolle, 'Flore Franc.,' t. iii, p. 583. Sowerby, 'Engl.

Bot.,' iv, 260, ed. Syme, tab. 963. Chavannes, 'Mon.

Antirrhin.' Delavaud, 'Bull. Soc. Bot. France,' 1858, p. 689; id., 1860, p. 175. Heufler, 'Linnaea,' xvii, tab. ii. Weber, 'Verhandl. des Nat. Hist. Vereins. f. d. Rh. Preuss.,' 1850, tab. i, figs. 1-8. 'Verh. Nat. Hist. Ver. Rh. Preus.,' 1849, vol. vi, p. 290, tab. xiii.--_Antirrhinum_, Clos, 'Mem. Acad.

Toulous.,' vi, 1862. Chavannes, 'Mon. Antirrh.,' p. 62.

Fresenius, 'Mus. Senkenb.,' ii, t. iv, fig. 10. 'Bot. Soc.

Edinb.,' 1851, July 10.--_Calceolaria_, Chamisso, 'Linnaea,' t.

vii, p. 206. Guillemin, 'Archiv. Bot.,' t. ii, p. 1 et 136.

Schlechtendal, 'Linnaea,' xii, p. 686. Ernst Meyer, 'Linnaea,'

xvi, 26, tab. iii. Morren, 'Bull. Acad. Belg.,' t. xv, n. 7, et t. xviii, p. 583. 'Gard. Chron.,' 1850, p. 389; ibid., 1866, p.

612.--_Viola_, Leers, 'Flor. Herborn.,' p. 145. De Candolle, 'Organ. Veget.,' t. i, p. 519, pl. xlv. Forbes, 'Proc. Linn.

Soc.,' June 6, 1848, p. 382. Hildebrand, 'Bot. Zeit.,' 1862, vol. xx, tab. viii.--_Orchidaceae_, His, 'Jourl. Phys.,' 65, p.

241. Wydler, 'Arch. Bot.,' t. ii, p. 310, tab. xvi. R. Brown, 'Obs. organ. Orchid.,' p. 698. A. Richard, 'Mem. soc. d'hist.

nat.,' t. i, p. 212. Greville, 'Flora Edinens.,' p. 87 (_Corallorhiza_). Curtis, 'Flora Londinensis,' t. lx.x.xii.

Morren, C., 'Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg.,' t. xix, part ii, p. 171.

Clos, 'Mem. Acad. Sc. Toulous.,' 5 ser., vol. iii. Caspary, 'Schrift. K. Gesellsch. Konigsberg,' 1860, i, 59. Masters, 'Jourl. Linn. Soc.,' vol. viii, p. 208 (_Ophrys_, _Pogonia_).

Duchartre, 'Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr.,' vol. vii, 1860, p. 26, _Cattleya_. Cramer, 'Bildungsabweich.'--_Limosella_, Baillon, 'Adansonia,' i, p. 305. (Flower normally irregular, becoming regular "a force d'irregularite.")--_Chelone_, Chamisso, 'Linnaea,' vii, p. 206,--_c.l.i.toria_, Bonavia, 'Gard. Chron.,'

1868, p. 1013. In this latter communication, published as this sheet is pa.s.sing through the press, the author gives an interesting account of the transitional stages between the ordinary papilionaceous condition and the regular form which is like that of a Rosaceous plant. The peloric form is stated to be transmitted by seed.

For other references see Moq.-Tandon, 'El. Terat. Veget.,' p.

186. Hallier, 'Phytopathol.,' p. 151.


[232] 'Amoen. Acad.,' i, p. 55, t. iii (1744):--The following note refers to Linne's notion that these forms were due to hybridization. It is extracted from Gmelin's edition of the 'Systema Naturae,' 1791, p.

931. "_Linariae_ proles hybrida, ejusdemque qualitatis et constans, radicibus infinite sese multiplicans charactere fructificationis diversissima, corolla regulari, quinque-corniculata, pentandra, ut genus proprium absolute const.i.tueret et distinctissimum, nisi fructus frequentissime abortiret. Naturae prodigium. Ita quidem a Linne.

Verisimilor autem videtur ea opinio, quae peloriam pro peculiari degeneratione monstrosa floris habet, in quam inclinare hoc genus (Linaria) prae aliis, similis a forma deflexio in aliis speciebus, e.g.

_spurio Elatine_, _cymbalaria_, observata, ... Merk., 'Goett. gel.

Anz.,' 1774, n. 121. Linck, 'Annal. Naturg.,' i, p. 32."

[233] 'Bull. Acad. Belg.,' xviii, part i, p. 591. Lobelia, p. 137.

[234] See also Seringe, 'Esquisse d'une Monogr. du genre _Aconitum_,' p.


[235] Schlotterbec, 'Act. Helvet.,' t. ii, pl. i, Roeper. Balsam, p. 10, note.

[236] Masters. "Peloria, &c., _Ophrys aranifera_," 'Journ. Linn. Soc.,'

viii, p. 207.

[237] G.o.dron, "Mem. sur les Fumariees a fl. irreg.," 'Ann. Sc. Nat.,'

ser. 5, vol. ii, tab. xvii, p. 280.

[238] 'Bull. Soc. Bot. France,' vol. v, 1858, p. 701.

[239] 'Bull. Soc. Bot. France,' vol. vi, 1859, p. 717.

[240] 'Variation of Anim. and Plants,' ii, p. 70.

[241] Loc. cit., p. 59.

[242] 'Theor. Elem.,' ed. 2, p. 266.

[243] Cited in 'Bull. Soc. Bot. France,' vol. xiii (Rev. Bibl.), p. 81.

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