Conjurors: The Society Of Imaginary Friends Part 13

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Thai looked up and almost choked on his noodles when he saw her. She couldnt help the smile that tugged at her mouth. It was good to see him so happy. He said something to his family in Vietnamese, and then left.

Sorry, I didnt mean to startle you. I can come back later.

Its fine, we were finis.h.i.+ng up anyway. Somethings wrong, I can tell.

She quickly explained to Thai what she had discovered about Henry and her visions. To her surprise, he didnt seem shocked.

I knew you were seeing something real. I watched you when you had your vision at Stonehenge, and whatever you were experiencing was really happening to you. You were so afraid that you were shaking in my arms. And no regular dream sends someone to a hospital.

I have a huge favor to ask. When we figure out where Henry is, will you go to him? Im so afraid that Venu will be after him next. And Henry has no idea whats happening to him! Hes never heard of the Globe. He must think that hes going crazy, or that monsters are really trying to hurt him.

Thats horrible, Thai said with a shudder. I cant imagine going through my change without Midnights help. I would have lost my mind.

Im so scared for him.

Of course Ill help in any way I can.

What about Tan? Will he be able to handle this trip? I know that youre sharing your body with him more and more, and I dont want you to sacrifice his"or your"health.

Tan will be okay. Hes getting stronger every day, and hes beginning to understand more of whats happening. Im sure h.e.l.l want to help you, too. So consider us both in on your plan, Thai said confidently. Now, where was Henry last seen?

If Kantis right and this is her old friend, then he used to live in America. Also, in my vision, he spoke English without an accent of any kind, so I think chances are he probably does live there.

Ill go straight there. And as soon as you find him, Ill be ready.

Thank you so much. I feel so much better knowing that youll be there to protect him.

Valerie let herself be pulled back to her body on the Globe, and she opened her eyes. Kanti was rus.h.i.+ng around the room, yanking clothes out of drawers and throwing them into a silver box that sat in the middle of the floor. Valerie looked inside and saw that it was full of food, clothes, a water jug, and an a.s.sortment of other strange objects.

How will we carry that box on our journey? Wouldnt backpacks be easier?

Kanti put the lid on the box. Its a call box. We leave it right here in this room, and when we need something, we call for it and it appears wherever we are on the Globe. I packed you some clothes and food, and Cyrus is grabbing his stuff as we speak.

Valerie bent over the box to examine it more closely. It seemed like any ordinary silver box, but it had a slight hum of power that indicated it had been touched by magic. No need for suitcases, she murmured with a shake of her head.

It makes traveling much easier. Plus, someone is bound to stop three kids wandering around with luggage and ask where theyre going. And trust me, there is no way Dulcea is going to be okay with us traveling to another country on our own.

Shouldnt we let her know well be gone? I dont want her to worry.

Not going to work. Sh.e.l.l insist that we have a chaperone, and that could take days. Sh.e.l.l probably punish us when we get back, but this trip cant wait.

Valerie shook her head regretfully. I know youre right, but lets at least leave her a note so she knows we havent been kidnapped or something.

Good idea"she wont be back for a couple hours anyway. Can you write it, Val?

She jotted down a note for Dulcea explaining their quest and apologizing. When she was satisfied with what shed written, she turned back to Kanti. So how do we get to this Oracle, anyway? Im guessing its not by bus.

Youll see, she said with a grimace. Its not my favorite way to travel, but Cyrus said youll love it.

Before they left, Valerie took the flower of light from her nightstand and slid it into her pocket, where it glowed through the fabric. It somehow didnt feel right to leave it behind, and she might be glad to have a light at night during their journey.

Cyrus met them gliding down the stairs and hopped on to their platform. I dumped my stuff in the call box. Wed better hurry; the next car leaves the station in fifteen minutes.

Car, huh? Valerie said curiously. I thought you said"

Its a surprise! Cyrus said, and then refused to add another word.

Before they left, she dropped off the note for Dulcea. Minutes later, they arrived at the station, which seemed ordinary enough, like a train station on Earth. But when they reached the tracks, the sight made her heart leap. Conjurors travel by rollercoaster cars? she shouted with glee.

Stretching into the distance, the silver track was full of twists, turns, and loops. A red rollercoaster car was waiting at their station. Valerie boarded and sat between Cyrus and Kanti, and a conductor came over and strapped them into their harnesses.

Its totally safe, too. The harnesses are something to hold on to; the magic in the seat will prevent you from falling out, Cyrus explained.

Sure, you wont die, but the magic wont protect you from getting hit with my puke, Kanti said. So if I start turning green, be prepared to duck.

Thanks for that image, Cyrus said, wrinkling his nose.

Last call, Ephesus! the conductor cried, and then the rollercoaster inched slowly forward.

Once the car had exited the station, it immediately whooshed forward at top speed. The wind yanked Valeries hair straight back, and she screamed with joy. It was so much smoother than the old wooden rollercoaster she had ridden two years ago on a school field trip. That time, she had been jostled so much that she left the ride with a headache. But not this time. Every loop and corkscrew was as smooth as gla.s.s, and Valerie could enjoy the speed and the thrill without distractions.

At one point, the rollercoaster sped past the lake where she had met Azra the night before. They came so close that Valerie could reach out and touch the water, sending a spray all over Cyrus, who laughed and repaid the favor. She was drenched, but she quickly dried in the wind.

Finally, the rollercoaster slowed down at the edge of the shady woods as the sun sank behind the horizon. Even Valerie had her fill of riding at that point, and solid ground had never felt so wonderful. Kanti looked green from nausea, and Valerie hoped that she wasnt going to throw up.

Were definitely walking home, Kanti said grumpily. Youll never get me on that thing again!

I feel a little dizzy, but that was so worth it, Valerie said. I have to hand it to you, Cy, you know how to travel in style!

I knew youd love it, he replied triumphantly as the rollercoaster took off, roaring as it zoomed away into the distance.

Where are we? I dont see anything out here, Valerie said. The rollercoaster had stopped at the edge of Ardens forest, and stretching out before them were a smattering of trees that gradually became and more ghostly, giving way to nothing but the yellow sands of a vast, barren desert.

This is as far as we can travel by rollercoaster, Kanti said. Travelers to the Roaming City in Ephesus have to enter on foot.

The Roaming City is where the Oracle Conjurors live?

Yes"not many Conjurors ever get to see it, Cyrus said, clearly excited by the prospect of the adventure ahead of them.

How far away is the Roaming City from here? Valerie said, straining her eyes to see anything other than miles of sand.

Thats the tricky part. You dont find the Oracle, the Oracle finds you. Its called the Roaming City because its never in the same place twice. It can only be found by those in great need of guidance. People have come here searching for the Roaming City until they go crazy, but youll only find it if the Oracle wants you to.

Well, our need is great, so well find it for sure, Valerie said with determination. Lets go.

Chapter 22.

As Valerie began to walk toward the immense desert, she heard a rustling in the trees behind them, and what sounded like the whimper of a wounded animal. Instinct told her that someone was in danger.

Did you hear that? Kanti asked.

Lets check it out.

Valerie quietly made her way back through the trees. After she had walked for a couple of minutes, she heard a boys voice say, Weve been waiting a long time to get our hands on you.

Again, Valerie heard the weak whimpering. Peering through the trees, she saw a lanky older boy who wore grungy clothes that were full of holes and looked as if he hadnt washed in weeks. The small creature he was talking to was no larger than a baby bear cub, and looked like no animal Valerie had ever seen on Earth. He had wide, innocent eyes and was covered in soft golden fur that was trembling from fear. But the strangest thing about him was that it looked like something was glowing deep inside him. It was his heart, she realized with surprise as she watched the red light pulse softly under his skin.

Its Darling! Cyrus said in surprise. Seeing Valeries confusion, he explained, He has healing powers, and he visits sick children all over the Globe.

Seeing a helpless creature at the mercy of someone much bigger unlocked the anger inside of Valerie, making her fearless. After all, this scraggly boy would hardly be a threat when she unleashed her powers. She stepped out of the trees.

Wait, no! Cyrus called behind her, but it was too late to turn back.

Really? Picking on someone one-fifth your size? Youre such a coward that it makes me sick, she said, stalking over to the boy.

The boy laughed. You have no idea the world of trouble you walked into, just to help this little rat.

Youre not the first person to underestimate me and regret it, she snapped back. Never breaking eye contact with the boy, she knelt down, and Darling ran into her arms. A wave of protectiveness washed over her, and she hugged him close. Darlings safety was more important than her urge to fight this thug, so she turned to leave.

But before she could take two steps, the boys voice said mockingly, Going so soon? We havent had a chance to get to know each other.

Were not going to let you hurt him, Cyrus said harshly.

Do you really think you have a choice? And hes not the only one who will be giving us what we want. Give us a taste of your magic, or well take it, he said with a dark grin. The trees behind the boy moved, and seven dirty kids of various ages with nasty sneers on their faces stepped out of the shadows.

Take a hike, jerk, Kanti said, stepping forward. Valerie tried to yank Kanti back. The dynamics of the fight had changed dramatically. Couldnt she see that they were completely outnumbered? It didnt mean that the fight was lost, but they did need to use a different strategy than she had planned on.

Those are some nasty words for such a pretty little yellow thing, the leader replied sarcastically. He stepped forward threateningly. They call me Shade"and Im your worst nightmare.

Kanti laughed out loud. Really? Nice line, Shade. It goes so well with your super-cool name.

Shades eyes narrowed. Im going to enjoy watching you take your words back and beg me to forgive you.

Kanti, no! Cyrus whispered. You dont know what youre doing! They have a weapon. Then he spoke more loudly to Shade, How much do you want? Our powers are still developing.

Kanti looked at Cyrus incredulously. Are you kidding? Were not giving these thugs anything.

Without another word, Shade whipped something out of his pocket. To Valerie, it looked like a small black cone. But it was clearly much more, because dark magic hummed from it. Run, Darling! she whispered before releasing him behind a tree. He scampered into the forest.

Shade lunged at Kanti as the other attackers closed around her in a circle, leaving her nowhere to run. Shade pressed the cone against Kanti, and she turned pale and fell to her knees.

No! Valerie said, and her defenses automatically kicked into high gear. Two of the thugs stepped closer and grabbed her, trying to pin her down. But she swept her leg underneath one of them, and he fell to the ground. The second attacker pulled out a sharpened stone from his pocket, but she kicked it out of his hand before he could even try to strike her. It was so different from the fights shed had on Earth"she almost felt guilty at how easy it was to take them down.

Her grin of victory was brief. As she looked over, she saw that Cyrus had tried to tackle Shade and blind him with a s.h.i.+eld made of light. But Shade pressed the cone against Cyruss forehead, and he cried out in pain. The light in his s.h.i.+eld was instantly extinguished. To her astonishment, she saw that Shades hands were now glowing.

Cool power, he said, playing with the light in his hands. Something inside of her snapped. No one hurts Cyrus. Ever.

Get away from him!

Shade ignored her, fascinated by the way he could draw light to himself. She took advantage of Shades distraction and approached him from behind. With an elegant jab of her elbow, she hit him in the back, hard. He grunted and turned around. She noticed with triumph the pain in his eyes. But then Shade turned the cone on her. Something tugged inside of her, sucking away her strength. It was as if her fighting powers had vanished, and the cone hadnt even touched her skin yet.

Whats happening? she asked, more to herself than her attacker.

Youre realizing how big a mistake you made when you decided to mess with Shade.

In the edge of her vision, she saw Cyruss head hit the ground. He was unconscious. She knew that she couldnt let that cone get any closer to her, or she would be knocked out, too. And then they would be completely defenseless.

She took a deep breath and tried to keep her rising panic from taking over. She may not have her power, but she had common sense. As fast as she could, she kicked the cone out of Shades hand and then punched him in the face.

Without her powers, her punch didnt do much damage, but it did make him stagger back. His friends were quickly closing in on her, ready to help their leader if he needed it. But with the cone on the ground, rolling away, her powers returned in a rush.

Her body hummed, and a thrill ran through her as she realized that she was humming from her own magic this time. The thugs closed in on her, and she punched one in the gut and elbowed another in the chest in one swift move. Both squealed like wounded piglets and backed away.

Without allowing her to catch her breath, the five remaining thugs attacked all at once, punching, kicking, and biting her. She curled in a ball to s.h.i.+eld herself from their blows. Shade stood slightly away from the group, watching with a satisfied smirk. All right, guys, back off so I can take her power.

The minute the blows eased up, she jumped up and kicked one of the thugs in the back, and smashed a second in the knee with her heel. At that point, Shade jumped back into the fray. She had the presence of mind to kick the cone out of his hand immediately. It flew out of his grasp and landed several yards away, out of reach.

Something inside of Valerie took over. It was almost like she was watching herself from above as she fought the last three, blocking their punches and kicks effortlessly. She dispatched one with a jab to the neck, and a second with a well-timed blow to his shoulder.

Finally, she had her chance to fight Shade. His moves were sloppy, and his eye was red from where she had hit him earlier. With her power, his strength was no match for hers. She tackled him to the ground, pinning him beneath her knee.

Retreat, Shade said weakly to the rest of his gang, his formerly sarcastic voice now full of pain. She let his friends hobble away, but she kept Shade pinned down.

Swear youll never bother us again.

Im not promising you anything. Without your powers, youre nothing more than a helpless little girl. Next time, Ill know to take your powers first. Youd never be able to beat me in a fair fight. It will feel so good to watch you beg for mercy.

Before she could blurt out an angry reply, Shade pulled his arm free, grabbed a rock and smashed it into her head. She fell back, loosening her grip. Shade immediately grabbed his cone and raced away into the woods before she could get her bearings. She started to chase after him, but Kantis groan stopped her.

Are you okay?

Yeah, its my own d.a.m.n fault. I thought I would be immune to his power-eater, since I dont have any magic.

By power-eater, you mean that cone thing?

Yes, it temporarily sucks peoples powers. And now I have a killer headache.

Darling scampered out from his hiding place and ran over to Kanti. She gently petted his back, and the light from his heart glowed brighter. The pain on Kantis face vanished. Thank you, Darling, she said, her voice full of relief.

Valerie hurried over to Cyrus, who was still unconscious. She realized that Cyrus wasnt glowing at all. It was as if the light that was always turned on inside of him had been switched off. Fear gnawed at her stomach. What if Shade had taken more than Cyruss power?

Conjurors: The Society Of Imaginary Friends Part 13

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Conjurors: The Society Of Imaginary Friends Part 13 summary

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