A Study of Fairy Tales Part 43

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c. Humorous tales mentioned previously 221

d. Drakesbill, a humorous type 221

4. The realistic tale 223

a. Lazy Jack, a realistic type of common life 224

b. The Old Woman and Her Pig, a realistic type 225

c. How Two Beetles Took Lodgings, a realistic tale of scientific interest 226

d. t.i.tty Mouse and Tatty Mouse, a realistic theme transformed into a romantic tale 227

5. The romantic tale 228

a. Cinderella 228

b. Sleeping Beauty 231

c. Red Riding Hood 232

d. Puss-in-Boots. (See _Appendix_) 232

1) The Norse Lord Peter (See _Appendix_) 232

e. Tom Thumb, a romantic tale of fancy. (See _Appendix_) 232

1) The French Little Thumb. (See _Appendix_) 232

2) The English Tom Thumb. (See _Appendix_) 232

f. Snow White and Rose Red, a highly idealized romantic type tested by the standards included here. (See _Appendix_) 232

6. The old tale and the modern tale 234

a. The modern tale often lacks the great art qualities of the old tale, unity and harmony, sincerity and simplicity 235

b. The modern tale often fails to use the method of suggestion 235

c. The modern tale often does not stand the test of literature 235

d. The modern tale gives richly to the primary and elementary field 235

e. Criticism of a few modern tales 236

1) Little Beta and the Lame Giant, a good modern tale 236

2) The c.o.c.k, the Mouse, and the Little Red Hen, a good modern tale 238

3) Peter Rabbit, a cla.s.sic; other animal tales 239

4) The Elephant's Child, a modern animal tale. (See _Appendix_) 239

5) A Quick-Running Squash, a good modern tale 240

6) A few St. Nicholas fairy stories 241

7) The Hop-About-Man, a romantic modern fairy tale 241

f. What the modern fairy tale is 243


Basis on which lists are made. Introductory 245

I. A list of fairy tales and folk-tales suited to the kindergarten and first grade 246

1. Tales of Perrault 246

2. Tales of the Grimms 246

3. Norse tales 247

4. English tales, by Jacobs 247

5. Modern fairy tales, by Andersen 248

6. Uncle Remus tales, by Harris 248

7. Miscellaneous tales 249

II. Bibliography of fairy tales 253

III. A list of picture-books 254

IV. A list of pictures 255

V. A list of fairy poems 256

VI. Main standard fairy-tale books 256

VII. Fairy tales of all nations 258

VIII. Miscellaneous editions of fairy tales 259

IX. School editions of fairy tales 262


A Study of Fairy Tales Part 43

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