Chronicles Of The Warlands - Warlord Part 38

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"True." I smiled as he started in on the stew. I picked up the other bowl of stew.

"Rafe and Prest told me what you did at the birthing." Keir looked at me oddly. "Is it true, you cut her open and pulled out the babes? And they all lived?"

"So far as I know, they live. Maybe now I can check on her openly." I smiled in quiet satisfaction as Keir mopped up the last of his stew. "I felt so much better that Rafe and Prest were there. I was rea.s.sured, knowing that they were watching over me, even from a distance."

Keir nodded, chewing. But then his head jerked up, and he swallowed and fixed me with his glare. "But there will be no more sneaking under tent walls to go healing!"

"I promise, Keir." I reached out, took the empty bowl and handed him the full one. "After what happened in the village, I promise that I will tell you where I go and why." I gave him a sly glance. "Not that I promise to obey, mind you."

"Might as well order the wind not to blow," Keir muttered. But the corners of his eyes were crinkled, and I knew he understood. I eyed him over the rim of my kavage mug, but said nothing. He smiled then, his shoulders easing down under his quilted tunic. He reached for more bread, and started eating again.

I reached for the gurt, and popped a few in my mouth. For some reason, it still tasted wonderful, and I chewed with enjoyment.

Keir reached the bottom of the bowl, and mopped up the last of the broth with the last of the bread. Mar cus had been right. Not enough to feed an army, but enough to feed one empty warlord.

"I'll miss Keekai." I spoke softly, putting my empty kavage mug on the tray and reaching for a few more pieces of gurt. "She was a true friend to you."

"Even in death." Keir placed the empty bowl on the tray. "She kept you safe for me."

"She did." I caught my breath, remembering the pain. "I thought it was you, riding behind me, guarding me."

Keir lifted the tray and set it by our feet. "I could not find you." Keir's voice was just as soft. "I thought I'd sent you to your death."

I looked at him, my tears welling up. "Keir."

He reached out, and I went into his arms and hugged him tight, crying at what might have been. The gurt dropped from my hand, forgotten. No threat of chainmail, so I rested my head on his shoulder, and listened to the beat of his heart. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "I should be so happy, but I was so afraid. And now . . ."

"We're out of balance." Keir reached for my hand.

I smiled. "It takes the touch of another to bring us back, to center us, am I right?"

"That is so." Keir rubbed my knuckles, and then started to stroke the back of my hand. "The soul is made of fire, and sits within the left hand."

I watched as his fingers moved lightly over my skin. "Seems to me it's a convenient reason to touch another."

"Really?" Keir arched an eyebrow.

"Really," I whispered, reaching for his right hand, placing it in mine. "The breath is made of air, and sits within the right hand." I ma.s.saged his hand as best I could, rubbing it lightly with my fingers.

Keir made a sound of appreciation deep in his throat. "How clever we of the Plains are, to have a reason to touch."

His hands moved then to the bottom edge of my tunic. He worked them up and under, warm as they covered my back with soft strokes. I leaned back, and he eased my tunic over my head. My breastband was next, tossed in a corner. The air was warm, Keir's hands were warmer still. I s.h.i.+vered at the pleasure of his touch, but I couldn't resist. "I thought the feet were next?"

Keir smiled. He eased me down to sprawl on the bed. One hand covered my breast. The other worked through my hair, fanning it out over the bed. He chuckled softly, and then held up a piece of gurtle fur that he'd found there.

"The gurtles kept me warm." I smiled at the memory. "They slept close enough that their fur covered me."

Keir nodded. "They are trained so." He stretched out next to me, propping his head up with one hand. The other twirled the strand of gurtle fur, then reached to stroke it around one of my nipples.

I gasped at the sensation. The fur was so soft, yet felt rough against that delicate skin.

Keir chuckled, and continued his a.s.sault, moving the fur gently over my b.r.e.a.s.t.s in no particular pattern. My breath deepened, and I squirmed until I reached out and captured his hand.

Keir allowed me to wrest the bit of fur away from him. But now his free hand slipped down to my waist, and slid just under the band of my trous.

I shuddered as his hand spread out to cover my belly. "Oh Keir, I've missed this so."

Keir smiled then, that relaxed, sly smile that I knew so well. "I want to see you, Lara," he whispered.

I lifted my hips, and he tugged down my trous, removing my underthings all in one swift move. I would have curled up in modesty, but he placed his hands on my knees, his eyes hungry, his face filled with desire.

So I stretched out instead, my arms up over my head, and arched my back, feeling slightly embarra.s.sed, but pleased at his reaction.

He rose then, to move up over me, but I lifted my hands to stop him. "Is this fair, my Warlord?" My voice was thick with my own pa.s.sion. "I want to see you, my Keir."

He paused, then eased back to stand by the bed. His eyes on mine, he started unbuckling his belt.

I stood then, and started to work on the lacings of the quilted tunic. The garment parted, to show the base of his throat. I leaned in, and licked the pulse that throbbed there.

Keir closed his eyes and lifted his chin, granting me access. I continued, nuzzling the column of his throat, and then moved off to the side where my mark still marred his skin. I lapped at it with the tip of my tongue. "My mark, my warlord."

"Yours." Keir's voice crackled as he answered. "Yours, my warprize."

My fingers fumbled with the lacings, until his chest was exposed. I'd lost the bit of gurtle fur, so I settled for running my fingers over his skin, circling his nipples, scratching over them lightly with my nails. Keir moaned, and grabbed my hips, pulling me close enough to feel his length. His mouth took mine for a moment, but I broke the kiss, and slipped from his arms. "Not fair! I've yet to see my prize."

Keir growled, but stood still, letting his arms hang by his sides.

I smiled, and reached up to ease the garment off his shoulders. His muscles flexed under my gentle touch,

as the cloth fell to the floor. But I wasn't pleased to see deep bruises on his shoulder. He'd taken at least

two rough blows there. It was a deep purple and black, but the skin wasn't broken.

The lover within me stepped back, the healer came forward. "Seems Essa and Wild Winds aren't the only ones to conceal their hurts." I stepped around Keir to get a full look. "Can you lift the arm?"

Keir sighed, then slowly raised the arm. He seemed to have full movement but with enough pain to make

him wince.

I turned and reached for my satchel. "Strip, and I'll tend to this." I heard clothes rustling as I dug through the mess in my satchel. "Are you hurt anywhere else?"

"No. Those were the only blows that got through my guard," Keir grumbled. "Only because there were

three of them."

I pulled out the thick paste I was looking for, and clean bandages besides. The water was still warm in the buckets, so I soaked one of the bandages, and wrung it out.

Keir was on the edge of the bed, naked. He had such a look of patient suffering on his face that I almost

laughed out loud.

I stepped in close. "This will only take a moment, and it will aid the healing. You'll feel better in the morning." I smeared the paste over the bruising.

Keir placed his hands on my hips. "I know something that will make me feel better well before morning."

He leaned forward, and kissed me between my b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

I placed the warm wet cloth over the paste, and pressed lightly with my fingertips. The familiar smell of bittergra.s.s rose from the warming paste.

Keir wrinkled his nose.

"Just a bit longer." I stepped back to clean my hands. "The heat helps it go into the skin."

Keir heaved a false sigh of frustration, which turned into a yawn. He blinked as he gave his shoulder a

glance. "Why does it smell so bad?'

I rolled my eyes, and reached to tug him up off the bed. "I'll remind you of those words when you can move with ease in the morning." I nodded toward the bed. "Pull back the bedding."

"I can move with ease now," Keir growled as he pulled back the blankets.

I put my supplies back in my satchel. Keir stood waiting as I peeled back the bandages. The paste had been absorbed into the skin, leaving a green tinge, and a faint odor. "I'll treat it again in the morning."

Keir's arm snaked behind me and pulled me close. He kissed me hard. I let the bandage flutter to the floor, and held on to him for dear life. His mouth was warm and he explored mine eagerly. I responded with enthusiasm.

We were on the bed then, a tangle of arms and legs. But I could feel a tremble in Keir's arms even as he moved us under the covers. I knew what I needed to do.

I wiggled around until he was flat on his back beside me, his mouth on my breast. I pressed in close, enjoying his touch, moaning as his hands explored my body. Finally, I kissed him, moving my hands to his chest, tweaking his nipples.

He murmured his pleasure as I slowly let my fingers trail down his chest, to circle his birth-hollow, and then continue on until my hand covered him. He was hot and hard beneath my palm. His hips flexed slightly, trying to increase the pressure.

I leaned in, and put my lips to his ear. "So do I claim my Warlord."

His eyes widened in surprise for an instant, just as I closed my fingers around him. But then he closed his eyes, lost in the pleasure of my touch. I taunted and teased, using my hand to take him to the brink, and then backed off, and watched as he writhed, powerless against me.

His eyes snapped open, clouded with his heat. "Lara," he croaked, gasping for breath. "Lara, I-"

"Surrender to me, my Warlord," was my command.

That was enough. Keir's eyes closed, his body convulsed, and his pleasure was mine. He melted down into the bed, a pool of boneless muscle.

I kissed his face as he relaxed into sleep, cleaned us both, then pulled the bedding up around us. I carefully put my head on his shoulder and nestled in close to his warmth, and breathed a prayer of grat.i.tude to the G.o.ddess.

I fell asleep, well pleased with my choice of Warlord.

Much, much later, I awoke to the feel of a hand stroking my hair.

I sighed in delight and opened my eyes to see Keir's face close to mine. He kissed me softly, his hands moving to cover my b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

I whispered encouragement as his hands explored my skin. Keir's touch trailed fire over my body, until his hand played wide over my lower belly. There he paused for a moment, and looked at me with a question on his face. "You've quickened?"

I smiled. "I'm not sure yet, but my courses are late.''

He smiled, his eyes crinkling in the corners, proud and pleased. He kissed me again, a gentle brus.h.i.+ng of lips over mine.

"Keir," I sighed into his mouth, and s.h.i.+fted to open myself to him. He needed no further encouragement,

sliding into my depths slowly, filling me. We groaned together as our bodies merged. We paused for only

long enough to kiss, then started a slow dance beneath the bedding.

Keir's hands continued to move over my body, and I explored his as well. Warm skin, soft from the heat of the bed, glided under my fingers.

Keir twisted then, moving so that I was on top. The move drove him deeper within me, and I arched my back at the feeling.

Chronicles Of The Warlands - Warlord Part 38

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Chronicles Of The Warlands - Warlord Part 38 summary

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