Renaissance in Italy Volume VI Part 25

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MAIN events in modern history, the, ii. 383 _sqq._

MALATESTA, Roberto, leader of bandits in the Papal States, i. 152.

MALIPIERO, Alessandro, a friend of Sarpi, ii. 210.

MALVASIA, Count C.C., writings of, on the Bolognese painters, ii. 350 _n._

MANRESA, Ignatius Loyola at, i. 234.

MANRIQUE, Thomas, Master of the Sacred Palace, an expurgated edition of the _Decamerone_ issued by, i. 224.

MANSO, Marquis: his _Life of Ta.s.so_, ii. 54, 56, 58, 64, 70, 115; friend of Marino in his youth, 261.

MANTUA, raised to the rank of a duchy, i. 27.

MANUZIO, Aldo (the younger), ill-treatment of, in Rome, i. 217 _sq._

---Paolo: works produced at his press in Rome, i. 220; a friend of Chiabrera, ii. 287.

MARCELLUS II., Pope (Marcello Cervini), i. 97, 101.

MARGARET of Austria, one of the arrangers of the Paix des Dames, i. 16.

MARIANAZZO, a robber chief, refusal of pardon by, i. 309.

MARIGNANO, Marquis of (Gian Giacomo Medici), i. 109, 115.

MARINISM, i. 66; ii. 299, 302.

MARINO, Giovanni Battista: his birth and parentage, ii. 260; escapades of his youth in Naples, 261; at the Court of Carlo Emanuele, 262; his life in Turin, _ib._; at the Court of Maria de'Medici, 263; successful publication of the _Adone_, 264; return to Naples, 265; critique of the _Adone_, 266 _sq._; the Epic of Voluptuousness, 268; its effeminate sensuality, 268 _sq._; cynical hypocrisy, 270; the character of Adonis, 272; ugliness and discord, 273; Marino's poetic gifts, 274; great variety of episodes, 276; unity of theme, 277; purity of poetic style rarely attained, 279; false rhetoric, 280; Marinism, 281; verbal fireworks, 282; Marino's real inadequacy, 285; the _Pianto d'Italia_, 286; comparison of Marino with Chiabrera, 296.

MARTELLI, Giovan Battista, a _bravo_ attendant on Lorenzino de'Medici, i. 396.

MARTUCCIA, a notorious Roman courtesan, i. 375.

MASANIELLO, cause of the rising of, in Naples, i. 49.

Ma.s.sACRE of S. Bartholomew, i. 55, 149.

Ma.s.sIMI, Eufrosina (second wife of Lelio Ma.s.simi), the murder of, i. 354 _sq._

---Lelio: violent deaths of the five sons whom he cursed, i. 355 _sq._

'MATERIE Beneficiarie, Delle,' Sarpi's, ii. 219.

MAXIMILIAN, Emperor, allied against Venice with Louis XII., i. 12.

MAZZOLA, Francesco (Il Parmigianino), i. 42.

MEDA, Caterina da (waiting-woman of Virginia de Leyva), murder of, i. 322.

MEDIAEVAL habits, survival of, in Italy in the sixteenth century, i. 306.

MEDICI, de', family of: their advances towards Despotism, i. 10; violent deaths of members, 382 _sqq._; eleven murdered in a half-century, 387.

---Alessandro, Duke of Florence, i. 19, 46, 388.

---Cosimo, i. 46; made Grand Duke of Tuscany, 47.

---Giovanni, i. 11.

---Ippolito, i. 19.

---Lorenzino, of his cousin Alessandro (Duke of Florence) by, i. 388; details of his own murder, 389 _sqq._

---Lorenzo, i. 10.

---Maria, the Court of, as Regent of France, ii. 263.

---Piero, i. 10.

MEDICI, Gian Giacomo (brother of Pius IV.), i. 50, 109.

---Giovanni Angelo, _see_ PIUS IV.

---Margherita (sister of Pius IV.), mother of Carlo Borromeo, i. 115 _n._

MENDOZA, Don Hurtado de, i. 47.

MERSENNE, evidence of, as to the burning of Giordano Bruno, ii. 164 _n._

METAPHYSICAL speculators in Italy, i. 73.

METAURUS, the,'s ode to, ii. 63.

METEMPSYCHOSIS, Bruno's doctrine of, ii. 160.

MEXICO, the early Jesuits in, i. 260.

MIANI, Girolamo, founder of the congregation of the Somascans, i. 79; his relations with Loyola, 242.

MICANZI, Fulgenzio, _see_ FULGENZIO, FRA.

MILAN, Duchy of: its state in 1494, i. 8.

MOCENIGO, Giovanni: his character, ii. 152; invites Giordano Bruno to Venice, 153; the object of the invitation, 154; their intercourse, 155; Bruno denounced to the Inquisition by Mocenigo, 157.

---Luigi, on the relations between Pius IV. and Cardinal Morone, i. 110 _n._

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