Manual of Gardening Part 26

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Gypsophila muralis.

Iberis or candytufts.


Lobelia Erinus.



Portulaca or rose moss (Fig. 243).

Saponaria Calabrica.




_Annuals that continue to bloom after frost._

This list is compiled from Bulletin 161, Cornell Experiment Station.

Several hundred kinds of annuals were grown at this station (Ithaca, N.Y.) in 1897 and 1898. The notes are given in the original trade names under which the seedsmen supplied the stock.

Abronia umbellata.

Adonis aestivalis; autumnale.

Argemone grandiflora.



Carduus benedictus.

Centaurea Cya.n.u.s.


Centranthus macro- Cerinthe retorta. {siphon.

Cheiranthus Cheiri.


Convolvulus minor; tricolor.

Dianthus of various kinds.

Elsholtzia cristata.

Erysimum Perofskianum; Arkansanum.

Eschscholtzias, in several varieties (Fig. 249).

Gaillardia picta.

Gilia achilleaefolia; capitata; laciniata; tricolor.

Iberis affinis.

Lavatera alba.

Matthiolas or stocks.

oenothera rosea; Lamarckiana; Phlox Drummondii. {Drummondii.

Podolepis affinis; chrysantha.

Salvia coccinea; farinacea; Horminum.


Vicia Gerardi.

Virginian stocks.

Viscaria elegans; oculata; Coeli-rosa.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 243. Portulaca, or rose moss.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 244 Pansies]

_List of annuals suitable for bedding (that is, for "ma.s.s effects" of color)._

A list of this kind is necessarily both incomplete and imperfect, because good new varieties are frequently appearing, and the taste of the gardener must be consulted. Any plants may be used, broadly speaking, for bedding; but the following list (given in terms of trade names) suggests some of the best subjects to use when beds of solid, strong color are desired.

Adonis aestivalis; autumnalis.

Ageratum Mexicanum; Mexicanum, Dwarf.

Bartonia aurea.


Calendula officinalis, in several forms; pluvialis; Pongei; sulphurea, fl. pl.; suffruticosa.

Calliopsis bicolor marmorata; cardaminefolia; elegans picta.

Callirrhoe involucrata; pedata; pedata nana.

Centaurea Americana; Cya.n.u.s, Victoria Dwarf Compact; Cya.n.u.s minor; suaveolens.

China asters.

Chrysanthemum Burridgeanum; carinatum; coronarium; tricolor.

Convolvulus minor; tricolor.

Cosmidium Burridgeanum.

Delphinium, single; double.

Dianthus, Double White Half Dwarf Margaret; Dwarf Perpetual; Caryophyllus semperflorens; Chinensis, double; dentosus hybridus; Heddewigii; imperialis; laciniatus, Salmon Queen; plumarius; superbus, dwarf fl. pl.; picotee.

Elsholtzia cristata.

Eschscholtzia Californica; crocea; Mandarin; tenuifolia (Fig. 249).

Gaillardia picta; picta Lorenziana.

Gilia achilleaefolia; capitata; laciniata; linifolia; nivalis; tricolor.

G.o.detia Whitneyi; grandiflora maculata; rubicunda splendens.

Hibiscus Africa.n.u.s; Golden Bowl.

Iberis affinis; amara; coronaria; umbellata.

Impatiens or balsam.

Lavatera alba; trimestris.

Linum grandiflorum.

Madia elegans.

Malope grandiflora.

Matricaria eximia plena.

Matthiola or stock, in many forms; Wallflower-leaved; bicornis.

Nigella, or Love-in-a-mist.

oenothera Drummondii; Lamarckiana; rosea tetraptera.

Papaver or poppy, of many kinds; cardinale; glauc.u.m; umbrosum.

Petunia, bedding kinds.

Phlox Drummondii, in many varieties.

Portulaca (Fig. 243).

Salvia farinacea; Horminum; splendens.

Schizanthus papilionaceus; pinnatus.

Silene Armeria; pendula.

Tagetes, or marigold, in many forms; erecta; patula; signata.

Tropaeolum, Dwarf.

Verbena auriculaeflora; Italica striata; hybrida; caerulea; Golden-leaved.

Viscaria Coeli-rosa; elegans picta; oculata.

Zinnia, Dwarf; elegans alba; Tom Thumb; Haageana; coccinea plena (Fig. 247).

[Ill.u.s.tration: XI. The back yard, with summer house, and gardens beyond.]

_List of annuals by height._

Manual of Gardening Part 26

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