Pliny's Epistles In Ten Books Part 8

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by From the Tatlers, Vol. III. Another Complaint of her Absence. YOU tell me, That you are very much afflicted at my Absence, and that you have no Satisfaction in any thing but my Writings, which you often lay by you upon my Pillow. You oblige me very much in wis.h.i.+ng to see me, and making me your comforter in my Absence. In return, I must let you know, I am no less pleas'd with the Letters which you write to me, and read them over a Thousand Times with new Pleasure. If your Letters are capable of giving me so much new Pleasure, what wou'd your Conversation do? Let me beg of you to write to me often; tho' at the same Time I must confess your Letters give me anguish while they give me Pleasure.

Epistle VIII. To Priscus.

by Mr. Henley. On his Friends.h.i.+p with Attilius Crescens. YOU both know and love Attilius Crescens; for is there any Person of Consideration, that does not? I have a Value for him, not of the ordinary kind, but of the nearest Bond imaginable. Our Towns are distant no more than a Days Riding from one another. Our Friends.h.i.+p commenc'd from early Youth, and such a Respect is the strongest; it has still subsisted, and was not chill'd by a riper Judgment, but improv'd. They are sensible of this, who are more closely acquainted with either of us. For he values himself in all Places upon my Regard for him, and I take all Occasions to shew my Concern for his Honour, Repose, and Safety: So far, that when he apprehended the Insolence of one, who was entering on the Post of Tribune of the People, and express'd it to me, I answer'd him in the Words of Homer, No Hand of Violence shall e'er annoy My Friend, while I this vital Air enjoy.

To what Purpose is all this, you'll say? To inform you, that Attilius, while I live, cannot to my Power be injur'd. You will repeat the Question, perhaps. What does this tend to? Valerius Varus was indebted to him in a Sum of Money; our Friend Maximus is his Heir, one, whom I much value, but you more intimately. Therefore I desire you, I conjure you by our Friends.h.i.+p, to contrive, that not only the, but the Interest of several Years, be secure to Attilius. He is a Man, far from envying the Good Fortune of another; he is careful of his own, is subsisted by no gainful Employ, and has no Income but his good Husbandry. For the Studies in which he greatly excels, he pursues only for his Pleasure and his Reputation. The slightest Loss will fall the more heavily upon him, because it will be more difficult for him to repair it. Release both of us from this Inconvenience. Do not hinder me from enjoying his good Humour and agreeable Conversation; for I cannot see him melancho'y, whose Gaiety will not suffer me to be chagrin. In short, you know the airy Temper of the Man; take Care, I implore you, that an Injury does not change it to Gall and Bitterness. By the Vigour of his Friends.h.i.+p, compute the Force of his Resentment, when offended. A great and free Spirit will not take an Injustice, attended with an Insult: But tho' he should put it up, I should resent it as my private Loss, and a Personal Affront to me; but I should be fir'd with me, not entirely, as if it were my own; that is, more highly. Tho' why do I treat with Menaces and denouncing a Quarrel? I rather beg of you, as at first, to use your Endeavour, that he may not think himself (which is my greatest Fear) neglected by me, or I look on my self as disregarded on your Side: and you will certainly effect this, if your Concern about the Letter be equal to mine, upon the former Article.


Epistle IX. To Tacitus.

by B. G. Esq; On the Recommendation of a Friend. YOU recommend Julius Naso to me as a Candidate. Naso to me! What, one to my self? But I excuse it, for had I been absent and you at Rome, he had had my Recommendation to you: Sollicitude never thinks any Care too much; however, I know you will use your Interest, I will take Part in, a.s.sist, and promote your Desire.

Epistle X. To Albinus.

by B. G. Esq; On the Memory of Virginius Rufus. MAking a Visit to my Wife's Mother at Alsium, the House formerly of Virginius Rufus; the Place gave me a melancholy Reflection on the Death of that great Man. He was us'd to retire hither, and call it the Retreat of his Age: Which way soever I mov'd, something represented him to me. I went to see his Monument, and beheld it with Surprize; for it is yet unfinish'd; and that, not thro the Difficulty of the Work, or the necessary Expences, but the very Indolence of him, to whose Care it was committed. It rais'd in me an Indignation as well as a Concern; that after ten Years, his Reliques, his neglected Dust, should lie undistinguish'd, whole Memory shall travel o'er the whole World with Honour. Himself had particularly directed his immortal Action to be inscrib'd in these Verses.

Here Rufus lies, who, Vindex overthrown, Settled Rome's Empire, did not seek his own.

So uncertain is the Care of Friends, so common a neglect of the Dead, that it will become necessary to build Tombs, and antic.i.p.ate the Duty of our Heirs, for who may not expect what they see happen to Virginius? The Injury done to whose Memory, is highly aggravated by the Distinction of the Person.

Epistle XI. To Maximus.

by Mr. Henley. He is pleas'd at an Action carry'd with Applause by two young Advocates, in Imitation of his way of Pleading. O Joyful Day! The Prfect of the City having taken me in for one of his a.s.sessors, I heard two young Men of extraordinary Hopes and Talents, pleading one against the other, Fuscus Salinator, and Numidius Quadratus; a s.h.i.+ning Pair, that will do Honour, not only to our Age, but to Learn ing it self. Both are of wonderful Probity, a judicious Firmness, a graceful Mien; their Language is pure, their Voice manly, their Memory tenacious, their Wit extensive, their Discernment equal to it: All this was a Pleasure to me; and this, chiefly among the rest, that they look'd upon me as their Director, as their Master; and appear'd to the Audience, as copying after me, and treading in my Steps. Oh happy Day! for I cannot help repeating it; which I shall ever mark with the fairest White; For what can be more agreeable in a publick Sense, than to find young Men of a distinguis.h.i.+ng Character, aspire to a Name and a brighter Reputation by their Studies? Or, what can be more grateful to me, than to be propos'd my self as a Pattern by such as take a right Pursuit! Heaven grant this Joy be lasting to me; and I appeal to you, that I invoke the same Powers, to give all, who shall value me so as to imitate me, the Preeminence above me.

Epistle XII. To Fabatus, His Wife's Grandfather.

by the Same. [Mr. Henley.] An Answer to his two former Letters. YOU ought not to be shy in recommending those to me, whom you think worthy of Protection. For it fits well upon you, to be useful to Numbers, and upon me, to acquit all your Obligations. I shall therefore do all the Service I am capable of, to Vectius Priscus, especially in my own Sphere, that it, at the Court of the Centumvirate. You command me to forge the Letters you wrote to me, as you express your self, with an open Heart; but I shall remember none with greater Satisfaction. They give me a strong Sense of your Respect for me, in using me like your Son: And I own, they were the more pleasing, since I had a good Cause to manage, that I exactly answer'd the Orders you laid upon me. I earnestly desire you to remind me with the same Freedom, whenever I shall appear to be tardy (for I shall never be really so: ) This I shall take as a Mark of the highest Esteem, and you will in your turn, be pleas'd to find your Admonitions unnecessary.

Epistle XIII. To Ursus.

by the Same. [Mr. Henley.] Another on the Cause of Varenus. HAVE you ever seen a Man so persecuted as my Friend Varenus? Who was forc'd to defend, and, in a manner, re-demand what he had carry'd before, with the utmost Struggle. The Bithynians had the boldness to complain of the Act of the Senate before the consuls, and speak disrespectfully of the absent Emperor; ney, when referr'd again to the Senate, they still persisted. Claudius Capito pleaded with more a.s.surance than true Steadiness, and accus'd the Decree to the very Face of the House. Fronto Catius reply'd with more Weight and Strength; the Senate it self concluded the Matter admirably well. For even they, who at first rejected the Pet.i.tion of Varenus, allow'd it ought to be granted to him, after it had, in Fact, been granted. For each had a Right to differ, while the Affair was undecided; but when it was adjusted, the wold Body were bound to defend a vote of the Majority. Only Acilius Rufus, and with him, Seven were they, or Eight others? I think, Seven adher'd to the former Opinion. There were some in this small Number, whose occasional, or rather counterfeit Gravity, was ridicul'd. Yet, do you reckon, what a Combat and Engagement we are to go thro', if the Skirmish has cost us so great a Struggle.


Epistle XIV.

by the Same. [Mr. Henley.] On his Invitation to Formianum. YOU press me to come to your House at Formium; I will wait upon you there, upon this Condition, that you put your self to no Inconvenience, on my Account; a Condition, which I lay down as reciprocal. For it is not your Seas and your, but your self, Ease, and Liberty that I court. Otherwise, it would be better to stay in Town. For a Man must do all by his own Humour, or another's; now my Stomach is of that Nature, as to digest what is entirely one or the other, without a Medium.

Epistle XV. To Roma.n.u.s.

by the Same. [Mr. Henley.] On the proper Audience of a Rehearsal. YOU are absent during a very surprizing Affair; so was I, but the Story is come fresh to me.

Pa.s.sienus Paulus, a Roman Knight, of great Distinction and Learning, writes Elegy: This he has from his Family. For he is a Countryman of Propertius, and reckons him among his Ancestors. When he began to read in Publick a Work that began thus, Priscus, do you Command?

To this, Jabolenus Priscus, who was there as an intimate Friend to Paulus readily answer'd, No, I command nothing. Imagine what a burst of Laughing, what Mirth follow'd upon it. Indeed, Priscus has a very questionable Understanding: Yet, he is in publick Offices, he is consulted, he is employ'd sometimes as a Judge. So that what he did then, was the more ridiculous and remarkable. In the mean Time, the Extravagance of another brought some Coldness upon Paulus. So careful ought a forward Rehearsal to be, of inviting an Auditor of good Sense, as well as of his own.


Epistle XVI. To Tacitus.

by the Same. [Mr. Henley.] On the Death of Pliny the Elder. YOU desire an Account of the Death of my Uncle; that you may transmit it down more truly to Posterity. I am oblig'd to you for the Favour: For I am sensible, that immortal Glory will be the Crown of his Death, if it be describ'd by your Pen. For tho' he dy'd a Fate a-kin to that of many a beautiful Country; by a memorable Fall, as whole Nations and Cities have been destroy'd, (a Presage of Eternity to his Memory) tho' he compos'd a Variety of Works, that will long survive him; yet the Perpetuity of your Writings will be a great Addition to his own. Indeed, I look upon those to be happy, that, by the Blessing of Heaven, either perform such Actions, as deserve to be recorded, or write such as merit a Reading; but those I esteem to be compleatly bless'd, that are favour'd with this double Advantage. My Uncle will stand in this List, both in your books and his own: This engages me the more readily to obey you, and demand of you in Return, what you enjoin me.

He was a Misenum, where he commanded a Squadron of the Fleet in Person on the Ninth of the Calends of September, (i. e. August the twenty 2d.) about one of the Clock in the Afternoon, my Mother inform'd him, that a Cloud appear'd of an unusual Size and Shape. After he had repos'd sometime, according to his Practice, in the Sun, and taken a Draught of cool Water, he lay on a Couch and read; then he puts on his Shoes, and mounts an Eminence, to take the best Observation of this Prodigy: A Cloud arose (it was uncertain, at a Distance, from what Mountain, tho' it appear'd after to be a Vesuvius) in Likeness and Form resembling a Pine-Tree; for it was elevated to a good Height, with a long Trunk, and distributed in several Branches. The Reason, I suppose, was, that it was rais'd aloft by a sudden Wind, and then relinquish'd by it, as it decay'd, or else overpower'd by its own Weight, it spread it self into a large Breadth; appearing sometimes white, sometimes Shadowy, and variously colour'd, as it was loaded with Ashes or with Earth. It struck him with Surprize, and seem'd to merit a nearer Examination. He orders a light Frigate to be fitted out, and gives me leave, if I thought proper, to go along with him. I answer'd him, that I was rather inclin'd to Study, and by a great Hazard, he had deliver'd something to me, in order to be transcrib'd. He parted from his House, and took his Table-Book with him. The Sea-Officers at Retina, alarm'd at the impending Danger (for that Village was exactly below Misenum, nor was there any way to escape but by Sea,) importun'd him to prevent so terrible a Disaster. He would not alter his Resolution, but pursu'd with the utmost Courage, what he had enter'd upon with an eager Curiosity. He draws out the Gallies, and goes on Board himself, with a Design to give Succour not only to Retina, but to many other Places; for the Coast was delightful, and throng'd with Villages. He proceeds with Expedition thither, from whence all the World were retiring, and makes a direct Course to the Point of Danger: So fearless, that he view'd, remark'd, and noted down all the Motions and Figures of the Prodigy. Now the Ashes fell among the Gallics warmer and thicker, the nearer they approach'd; then Pumice-Stones and others, burnt to a Coal, and broken with the Fire. Soon the Pa.s.sage appear'd to be too rapid, and the Sh.o.r.e inaccessible, by the Ruins of the Mountain; and after he had consider'd a-while, whether he should retreat, he immediately said to the Pilot, that advis'd him to it, aFortune a.s.sists the Daring; tack about towards Pomponia.n.u.s.a He was at Stabi, separated by a little Bay from him; (for the Sea insensibly steals upon the, that are winding there and crooked.) In this Quarter, tho' as yet the danger was at a distance, yet, as it was full in view, and when it rose to a height, very near him; he had put all his Baggage into the Vessels, and resolv'd to go off, if the Wind had once turn'd contrary. My Uncle, carry'd hither by a favourable Gale, embrac'd him, trembling as he was, buoy'd him up, and encourag'd him: And to ease his Fears by his own Confidence, he gives Orders to be convey'd to the Bath; after Bathing, he sits down to Supper chearfully, or, what is equal, with all the Appearance of his ordinary Gaiety. In the meantime, large and high Eruptions of Fire glar'd from Mount Vesuvius in several Places, the Brightness of which was heightened by the Gloom of the Night. My Uncle, to remedy their Fears, often told them, that what they saw in the Flames, was only the Villages abandon'd by the Peasants, and destroy'd for want of Hands to a.s.sist them, then he compos'd himself to Rest, and slept very soundly. For as he was large-siz'd, his Snoring was pretty audible, and heard as far as the Anti-Chamber. But the Court that led to his Apartment, was, now so choak'd up with Ashes and Pumice-Stones, that, had he stay'd longer in his Room, the Pa.s.sage out of it would have been entirely obstructed. As soon as he was awaken'd, he goes out and joins Pomponia.n.u.s, and the rest that sat up all Night: They debated all together, whether they should stay in the House, or walk in the open Field: For the Buildings were shock'd by violent and repeated Earthquakes, and seem'd to rock on one Side and the other, as if they had been mov'd from their Foundations. Abroad, the Fall of the Pumice Stones, tho' light and eaten thro', alarm'd them. A Comparison of the two Dangers, fix'd their Choice on the Field; as to the rest, one Fear surmounted the other; but with him, the stronger Reason took Place of the weaker: And to Guard against the fall of the Stones, they ty'd each of them a Pillow about their Heads with Handkerchiefs or Napkins. It was now Day in other Places, but there it was still Night, more black and dismal than ever was known; but it was something dissipated by a mult.i.tude of Lights and Flambeaux. They thought it proper to advance to the Sh.o.r.e, and examine more nearly, as far as the Sea allow'd them, which still ran high, and was ruffled with a contrary Wind. There my Uncle lying down upon a Sheet that was spread under him , ask'd once or twice for Water, and took a Draught of it; soon after, the Flames, and a stench of Sulphur, a fore runner of the Flames, dispers'd all the Company; and rous'd him. He got up supported by two Servants, and at that Moment, fell and expir'd. The Cause of it, as I guess, was, that his Breath was obstructed by the gross smoaky Air, and the Pa.s.sages of his Stomach, naturally weak and narrow, and often Feaverish, were shut up by Suffocation. On the Return of Light, which was three Days after, the Body was found entire, unhurt, and cover'd with the Dress in which he dy'd. The State of his Body had the Appearance of Sleep more than of Mortality. In the mean Time, I and my Mother were at Misenum. But this is nothing to the History, and you desir'd no Information, but upon his Death. Therefore I will conclude on that Head, only will add one Thing, that I have given a just detail of every Particular I saw or heard at that Time, when the Truth of a Relation is the most unexceptionable. Do you single out the most important: For it is one Thing to write a Letter to a Friend, and another to describe a History for all the World.


Epistle XVIII. To Rest.i.tutus.

by the Same. [Mr. Henley.] He resents the Behaviour of some Auditors, at a Public Reading. I Cannot help expressing to you by Letter, a little Resentment I took in the Auditory of a Friend; since I cannot at present enjoy your Conversation. An excellent Work was reading; two or three Persons, very witty, as themselves and a few others imagin'd, heard it in the Posture of Men that were deaf and Dumb. They did not open their Lips, nor move their Hands, nor rise up, tho' meerly by the Fatigue of Sitting. What an Air of Gravity and profound Wisdom was here? Or rather, What Supineness, Arrogance, Absurdity; or, more properly still, extravagant Folly, to spend a whole Day by way of Affront, and to leave him an Enemy, whom you came to compliment as a particular Friend? Are you Master of more Eloquence than he? You ought so much the less to envy him; for an envious Man is always an Inferior. In short, whether you perform better or worse, or equally, still applaud another, whether a Superior, and Inferior, or an Equal: Your Superior, because if he does not merit Applause, you will your self be disint.i.tled to it: Your Inferior, or Equal, because it very much concerns your own Reputation, to give a l.u.s.tre to one that you match or surpa.s.s. Truly I respect and admire all that perform any thing in Letters; for the Point is attended with Difficulty, and shocks of Discouragement, and the Contempt that falls on it, recoils to your self. Perhaps you may think differently; tho' I do not know a Man that does more Honour to the Works of another, or is a better natur'd Critick. For this Reason, I pitch'd upon you as the Confident of my Anger, because I know you will share it with me.


Epistle XVIII. To Sabinus.

by the Same. [Mr. Henley.] On his Desire to engage him in a Law-Suit, as a Pleader. YOU make a Request to me, to appear in the Publick Cause of the Firmians: This I'll endeavour, tho' I am taken up with a Crowd of Affairs. For I shall be glad to oblige so considerable a Body of Men by my Defence, and you, by discharging a Part I know is agreeable to you. Since you often repeat it with some Price, that you take my Acquaintance to be a Favour and an Honour to you, I ought to refuse you nothing, especially when you ask in Behalf of your country. For what can deserve more Regard, than that honest Wishes of a good Citizen, or be more prevailing, than the Application of a Friend. On this score, give my Word to your Neighbours of Firmium, or now, more strictly, mine, since it is not only their Figure that ent.i.tles them to my Attention, but the Birth and Education of so great a Man amongst them.


Epistle XIX. To Cornelius Nepos.

by Mr. Toland. Against Bribery. DO you know that the Price of Lands is risen, especially near this City? The Cause of this surprising Rise, which is the Subject of much Discourse, did, at the last Meeting of the Senate, occasion several most excellent Speeches, importing, That the Candidates at Elections should neither Treat, nor make Presents, nor lay out any Money. The two first of these Abuses were not less excessively than openly practis'd; and the third, nowithstanding the Care us'd to conceal it, was a Thing taken for granted. Now our Friend Homulus, having diligently improv'd this unanimous Agreement of the Senate, mov'd for a Resolution that the Consuls should be order'd to acquaint the Prince with the Desires of them all, and to pray him, that according to his usual Vigilance, he would correct this, as he had other Disorders. The Emperor a.s.sented; for he put a stop to those base and infamous Expences of the Candidates, by a Law against Canva.s.sing, and oblig'd them to qualify themselves by laying out on Land, a third Part of their Estates; esteeming it a very shameful Thing, (as indeed it was) that such as are desirous of this Honour, should live in Rome and Italy, not as in their Country, but as in a Lodging, or like Travellers in an Inn. The Candidates hereupon, out-bid one another every where, and buy up whatever they are inform'd is to be sold; insomuch, that many now part with their Lands who did not think of doing it before. If you are weary therefore of your Farms in Italy, this is certainly your Time of putting them off to Advantage, as well as of buying in the Provinces; while the Candidates are selling there to purchase here.


Epistle XX. To Tacitus.

by Mr. Henley. Accidents relating to Pliny at the Time of his Uncle's Decease. YOU tell me your Curiosity is rais'd by the Letter I sent to you, on your Desire, about the Fate of my Uncle, to know the Apprehensions and the Circ.u.mstances I was in while I was left at Misenum; for I had enter'd upon that Part of the Story, but broke off from it.

Tho' the Remembrance fills my Soul with Horror, Yet I'll begin.

After my Uncle had taken his leave, I employ'd the Remainder of my Time in Study; for I stay'd behind for that Purpose: Then I bath'd, supp'd, and repos'd, but unquietly and shortly. We had been for many Days before sensible of an Earthquake, but it was less terrible, since not only the Castles, but the Towns of Campania, were frequently subject to it. However, it redoubled that Night with so much violence, that every Thing was not only shock'd, but seem'd to be overturn'd by it. My Mother came hastily into my Chamber; I rose up, with a design to awaken her, had she slumber'd. We took a Seat in the Court, that separates the Buildings from the Sea, by a very narrow interval: I am in some Doubt, whether I ought to stile it Courage, or Imprudence, for I was then no more than Eighteen. I call'd for Livy, and read at my Ease, and took Notes out of it, as I had begun. A Friend of my Uncle's, who had lately arriv'd from Spain, on a Visit to him, came to us: When he perceiv'd us both sitting, and me reading, he reproach'd her Indolence, and my Confidence; yet I still kept my Eyes fix'd on my Book. It was now Seven in the Morning, and the Day as yet was breaking, and hardly more than Twilight: The Houses around us were shaken, so that the Dread of a Fall of them was great and certain; the Place being small, tho' open. Then we thought to quit the Village. The People follow'd in a Panic; the general Fear had something in it like Prudence; for every Man preferr'd another's Contrivance to his own, and press'd forward the Crowd that was retiring. When we had got clear of the Town, we made a Stop, and here met with new Prodigies, new Terrors. For the Carriages which we order'd out, were toss'd to and fro, even upon the level Ground, and would not stay in a Place, tho' supported with large Stones. Besides, the Sea appear'd in a kind of Eddy, and was driven back upon it self by the Earthquake. The Sh.o.r.e was enlarg'd, and a Number of Fishes were left upon the Beach. On the other Side, a gloomy and dreadful Cloud, rent by the unequal vibrating. Motions of a fiery Meteor, open'd in Flames of a various Length; they did not much differ from Lightening, but were larger. Then our Spanish Friend spoke to us with greater Force and Eagerness; aHad your Brother, and your Uncle been alive, he would have been sollicitous for your Safety; tho' Dead, he must have been desirous, that you should survive him: Therefore, why do not you try to escape?a We answer'd, That we would not give him Occasion to think, we would entirely consult our own Safety, while we were uncertain of my Uncles Welfare. He paus'd no longer upon it, but fled from the Danger with all the Precipitancy imaginable. Soon after, that Cloud descended to the Earth, cover'd the Sea, surrounded and hid Capre from our Eyes, and intercepted the Promontory of Misenum from us. Then my Mother conjur'd, press'd and commanded me, by any means whatever, to save my self: That it was easy at my Years; but enc.u.mber'd as she was, with Age, and heavy with Infirmities, she would be content to die, if she should not be the Cause of my Death. I reply'd, that I would not accept of Security but with her. Then I seiz'd her Hand, and forc'd her to go along with me; she complies unwillingly, and often blames herself for r.e.t.a.r.ding me. The Ashes began to fall upon us, but in a small Quant.i.ty: I look'd back, a gross Mist follow'd us, and spread it self on the Earth like a Deluge. On the Sight of it, I said to my Mother, Let us turn out of the Way while we are in View of it, least we fall in the Road, and be trodden to death by the Crowd in the Dark. We had scarcely quitted the Way, when a perfect Night hung over us, not like one that is overcast, without a Moon, but a Room, where all the Lights are extinguish'd. You might hear the Shrieks of Women, the Cries of Children, the Noise of Men: Some call'd aloud for their Parents, some for their Husbands, and knew them only by their Voices; some bewail'd their own Share in the Calamity; and others that of their Neighbours; some wish'd for Death from the Fear of Dying; many lifted up their Hands to Heaven; a Mult.i.tude disbeliev'd all the G.o.ds, and look'd upon the Time to be the last eternal Night, that has been prophecy'd. Some improv'd the real Dangers by feign'd and imaginary Fears; others gave it out, that this House at Misenum was fallen, that was burnt; both falsly, but they met with Believers. A Glimpse of Light appear'd, that did not show us the Return of Day, but the Approach of the Fire that threatned us: The Fire indeed, stood at a Distance; then the Darkness reviv'd, and after that, a plentiful Shower of Ashes and Cinders: We rose up now and then and shook them off, otherwise we shou'd have been cover'd and oppress'd with the Weight of them. I could boast, that neither a Sigh, nor a complaining Expression drop'd from me in the midst of these Alarms; but I was supported by this Consolation, not very Reasonable indeed, but natural enough, to think that all the World perish'd with me. At last, this pitchy Vapour was dissipated by Degrees, and was lost like Smoke, or a Cloud; presently the Day appear'd in Reality, and the Sun shone out, but with a lowering and a dull Complexion, as if it was Eclips'd. Our trembling Eyes meet with every thing chang'd, and hid beneath a Depth of Ashes like a Snow. On our Return to Misenum, after having taken a moderate Care of our selves, we pa.s.s'd the Night, divided between Hope and Fear; but the latter had the Advantage; for the Earthquake continu'd, and most of the People distracted with Terror, entertain'd their own Apprehensions, and those of others, with frightful Presages. Yet I could not even then resolve to depart, tho' I had experienc'd the Danger, and expected more, 'till I receiv'd some News of my Uncle. You may amuse your self with reading this short Narrative, tho' as unworthy of a Place in History, you will not commit to writing; and you must lay the Imputation on your self for asking it, if you do not think it deserves a Letter.


Epistle XXI. To Caninius.

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