Taken By Storm Part 45

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She s.h.i.+vered, and he took her in his arms.

"This has been the only home I've known. I had never thought to leave it. It will not be easy."

"There is nothing left for you here. We will build a new life together in America and you will have friends there to share it with. I would bet that most all of your men and people would go with you to America. In a way, you will be taking part of Scotland with you. I have no doubt Tanin would go."

"I agree," Storm said, snuggling against him. "I know he and Ellie yearn for a real home, land to work, children to raise, and of course Janelle would go with them. They are her only family."

"All of your group is family, and I doubt if any want to be left behind."

Storm poked his chest. "I never intended to fall in love with you."

"You couldn't help yourself. I'm just too wonderful."

She laughed. "I will not lack laughter being married to you."

He took hold of her hand and kissed it. "You will never lack love, for I will love you always."

"You are generous with people and you are generous with your love. I truly am a lucky woman."

"I keep telling you that."

She giggled and poked him with her free hand. "Modest you are not." "No, I am not," he said and took hold of her other hand, holding them both together. "You can always count on me speaking the truth, always count on me admiring you, respecting you, and loving you. And always, always being there for you, no matter the circ.u.mstances." He gave her shoulder a gentle shove with his. "We can always discuss your faults in private."

She laughed again. "What of your faults?"

"It's rare that I'm wrong."

She continued laughing as she pulled her hands free of his and slipped them around his neck.

Burke wrapped his arms around her, kissing her with an intense pa.s.sion that let her know just how very

much he loved her, wanted her, ached for her.

"I wish we were in my cabin on my s.h.i.+p sailing home," he whispered in her ear.

"We will be soon enough."

He brushed his lips faintly across hers. "You don't know how relieved I am to hear you say that. I didn't

know how I was going to convince you. I only knew that I couldn't-wouldn't-leave Scotland withoutyou.""I seemed to have made it easy for you."He nodded. "You certainly have. You've finally admitted you love me. That was all I needed to hear.""And if I hadn't?"He laughed solid and strong. "I knew you loved me. I was just waiting for you to realize it.""You are incorrigible.""But I'm right."

"That's right, you're rarely wrong," she said teasingly.

He patted her hand. "You know your future husband already."

"Do you know your future wife?" she challenged.

"I know her very well," he murmured and nuzzled her neck.

She giggled softly and scrunched her neck. "Tell me what you know."

"She is an extraordinarily brave warrior." He nibbled at her ear. "A skilled swordsman." He tickled her

neck with his lips. "A woman of deep conviction." He brushed his lips along her warm cheek. "A woman of honor." He kissed her lips lightly. "A beautiful, loving woman whom I shall cherish forever."

A tear lingered in the corner of her eye and Burke caught it on his finger.

"I had hoped for a smile, not tears."

She smiled while another tear slipped out. "I have never heard love spoken of so eloquently."

"I promise you will hear it often from me. Not a day will go by that I won't express how I feel about you or show you. Who knows, you may even grow tired of hearing it."

"Never," she said. "Never will I grow tired of hearing it."

He rested his forehead on hers. "How lucky I am to have found you. I never would have suspected from

our first meeting that a pint-sized woman dressed as a lad and wielding a sword would work her way into my heart. I do believe fate had a heavy hand in it."

"It had to have been fate for I would never have thought that I could fall in love with a brash, stubborn

American, let alone marry him. And go to America?" She shook her head. "That was simply impossible and it was the furthest thought from my mind."

"I warned you about fate," Burke reminded with a smile.

"I stubbornly refused to listen, but what difference does it make," she said with a shrug. "Fate won out as you warned me it would. Let us hope fate once again is on our side when we enter Weighton prison."

"It has to be," Burke said, drawing her close in his arms. "Fate couldn't possibly bring us together only to

tear us apart."Storm cuddled closer in Burke's arms, and he knew her thoughts, for he was certain they mirrored his.Fate couldn't be that cruel.

This time Burke did not intend to leave anything to fate. This time he would be the one in charge. He would determine the outcome. He would make certain the escape plan was foolproof, that nothing would go wrong, and most importantly, that no harm would come to Storm.

He would do anything to keep her safe.

"You've traveled all the way from America to fulfill your father's dream. Don't let anything stand in the way of freeing your brother," Storm said, her head resting against his chest.

Burke remained silent. He knew what she meant and he refused to acknowledge it. He would not trade

her life for Cullen's. He would make certain both she and his brother were freed, if he had to die doing it.

Chapter 34.

C amp was a bustle of activity once the news of the rescue plan had spread and the fact that each and every one of them was free to make a choice of going to America to start a new life or remaining behind with funds to help them survive for a while.

Time was of the essence, so it was necessary that everyone make a choice quickly, for soon their home would exist no more. Those going to America would be escorted to Burke's s.h.i.+p to await departure, while those choosing to remain in Scotland would be provided with funds and be on their way.

Storm stared up at the homes they had fas.h.i.+oned in the treetops and the various shelters on the ground that had served them well. She thought of the months of hard work constructing the homes and the camaraderie that had gone into it all. They truly were a family.

By late afternoon, she wasn't surprised to learn that the young ones wished to adventure to America while several of the older people preferred to remain in their homeland. Out of the twenty-five people who comprised the camp, only four had chosen to remain in Scotland.

All her men had chosen to join her in America.

There was joyfulness in the camp that she had never seen or felt, but then there was finally hope, and hope brought joy.

Janelle walked over to her. "Do I interrupt a moment of solitude?"

"A moment of memories," Storm said with a smile, and hooked arms with the older woman to walk.

"I wanted to tell you that I am glad you have finally allowed yourself to love again. It is long past time for

you to release your hurt and pain and begin to live, and to allow the others to live," Janelle said.

Storm stopped and looked at her strangely. "Allow the others to live?"

"No one here would have ever deserted you even if they grew tired of such a confining life. They are all

loyal to you and would have it no other way.""Do you tell me some wished to leave?"Janelle patted her arm. "Weren't there times you wished to leave?"Ellie's anxious call for help had Janelle running off but not before saying, "Ellie is so excited about a chance for a new life for her and Tanin. Thank you for being unselfish and allowing my son, his wife, me,

and all the others to take this chance."

Storm stood staring after her. She had never considered how the others had felt. She a.s.sumed this life had been their lot, but had it? Had she pursued it with a vengeance without thought of others? Had she carried her revenge beyond the necessary?

"What's wrong?"

Storm went easily into Burke's arms as he spun her gently around and embraced her as if she had been gone too long from his arms.

"I have been wrong," she said softly.

"Wait," he said and paused. "I want to savor this moment, for I doubt I will hear those words from your

lips again."

Storm gave a short laugh and shook her head. "Incorrigible."

"No, I'm honest," he whispered and kissed her cheek. "Now tell me what you were wrong about."

She realized at that moment just how much she loved her future husband. He had caused her to laugh and

feel at ease before addressing her problem. Her feelings were of the utmost importance to him, and what

a wonderful thought that was.

"I was wrong to think that my life consisted only of rescuing people. There comes a time to live life as these people have proven, embracing the opportunity with joy and eagerness and not a bit of regret."

Taken By Storm Part 45

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