Killer Honeymoon Part 32

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"Where are Granny and Marietta?" he asked as they headed down her hallway.

"Marietta went home today," Waycross told him.

"And Granny's at my house in my guest room," Tammy said. "Probably sound asleep by now."

Savannah stopped outside the door of her second bedroom. "Waycross, I think you are the one most responsible for this, so why don't you fill him in."

His big freckled face s.h.i.+ning with happiness, Waycross reached for the doork.n.o.b. "Well," he began, "my big sister here knew that it was gonna be hard for you-a real man's man that you are-to live here in a woman's house. Her being kinda a girlie-girl decorator, and all that. So she told me how she wanted this done, and I did my best. Me and Tammy, who was like my a.s.sistant."

Waycross reached over, put his arm around Tammy's shoulders, and pulled her next to him. "Now the three of us would like to present you with"-he threw the door open with a flourish-"your man cave!"

Savannah was as surprised as Dirk when she looked inside and saw that her feminine, ruffles-satin-and-lace guest room had disappeared. In its place was an almost exact replica of Dirk's trailer's living room.

There was the bus seat sofa-though Savannah was thankful to see that Waycross hadn't transported the rusted TV trays, which served as end tables. On new shelves, which lined one wall, were Dirk's Harley mementos. All two hundredplus of them, including Harley mugs and shot, figurines, ashtrays, bobble dolls, and Christmas ornaments.

On the opposite wall hung his framed Harley tee-s.h.i.+rts, collector plates, and old tin signs.

The third wall also had shelves, and they were lined with Dirk's VHS tapes-an entire library of Bonanza episodes, as well as Sean Connery and Clint Eastwood movies.

Instead of the walls being a rosy pink, they were now pale blue. The lacy curtains had been replaced with simple white shades. And on the floor lay a blue rug with the Los Angeles Dodgers logo in the center.

"Holy cow!" Dirk said as he stepped into pure Coulter paradise. "How did you . . . ? When did you . . . ?" He turned to Waycross and Tammy. "You guys did this for me? Really?"

"Savannah paid for it," Waycross said. "She told us what to do."

"But they painted the room and moved everything over here," Savannah added.

"And Waycross built all those shelves," Tammy said. "He's really good with power tools! You should see him! He's amazing!"

Tammy gazed up at him with so much adoration that Savannah felt like bursting into tears. Especially when she saw Waycross look down at Tammy with the same affection in his eyes.

Apparently, Dirk's little telephone pep talk had done some good, after all.

"I don't know what to say," Dirk told them, suddenly plagued by some fuzz or something in his eyes. "n.o.body's ever done anything like this for me before. I mean, it's just . . . geez, guys . . . it's too much!"

Waycross reached over and wrapped his other arm around Dirk's shoulders and gave him a hearty, sideways hug. "Well, heck, man. You're my brother now."

Suddenly, without any warning, it was a group hug-just one great big knot of sniffling, laughing happiness.

Savannah half-expected Dirk to try to wriggle out of it. Group hugs weren't really his favorite things. Especially a Reid family hug.

Everyone knew people had been seriously injured during those.

However, he submitted with more grace than she had ever thought him capable of.

"This is cool," he said with typical Dirk articulation. "So cool. It's like I really do have a family now."

Tammy was the first to pull out of the bunch. She reached over and took his hand. "That's true. Since we're feeling all this family love stuff, I have something to give you, too. It's a belated wedding gift, but we have to go downstairs to get it."

Dirk looked around at his new room. "I hate to leave my man cave, but okay. Let's go."

They tromped back down the stairs.

Once in the living room, Tammy led them over to her computer. She sat down in the desk chair and pulled up another chair next to her.

"Have a seat," she told Dirk. "There's something I want to show you."

Savannah stood with Waycross behind them. She was rabidly curious what this present might be. Tammy hadn't mentioned any additional surprises to her. But then, the suns.h.i.+ne girl was always coming up with unique gifts for the ones she loved.

Savannah was so grateful to be counted among that number.

Tammy turned in her chair to face Dirk. To Savannah's shock, she took both of his hands in hers and looked into his eyes. "I want to thank you, Dirk," she began, "for what you said to Waycross. The things you shared with him the other day-it's made a big difference in our relations.h.i.+p."

She beamed over her shoulder at Waycross for a moment. His face flushed almost as red as his hair.

Tammy turned back to Dirk, who was nearly as fl.u.s.tered as Waycross. He mumbled, "You're welcome."

Then she continued. "I hope that you don't mind, but he shared a little of what you told him about you being adopted."

Oh, wow, Savannah thought. There must have been a lot more to that conversation than she had heard.

"He also told me what that awful man who adopted you said about your mother."

Dirk didn't reply. He just nodded and looked down.

Tammy squeezed his hands. "I couldn't bear to think of you living your whole life and not knowing, so . . . I hope you'll forgive me if this is something you wouldn't have wanted me to do, but . . ."

She reached over and flipped on the computer. ". . . but I did some research about your mother. If you don't want to know, I won't tell you, because-"

Dirk sat bolt upright in his chair. "Yes!" he said. "Yes! I want to know. Whatever you found! Everything!"

Tammy did some typing and a Web site came up. "First of all, your mother wasn't a . . . well . . . what that guy said. She was a really sweet girl named Dora. She was just sixteen when she got pregnant by her high-school boyfriend. She was being raised by her elderly aunt and uncle, and they insisted she give her baby-you-up for adoption."

"Are you sure? How do you know all that?" Dirk asked.

"I kinda hacked into some files I wasn't supposed to. Once I had her name, I found some blogs where she'd posted messages. Dirk, she's been searching for you for years."

"Really? She has?" This time, Dirk didn't pretend it was fuzz in his eyes. Tears spilled down his cheeks, and he didn't bother to wipe them away.

Savannah stepped up behind him, put her hands on his shoulders, and kissed the top of his head.

"Yes, she has," Tammy said. "So has your father."

"My father?"

"Yes, her high-school boyfriend. As soon as they graduated, they ran off together and got married. They live in Seattle and have three other grown kids. Two sons and a daughter," Tammy told him.

"Oh, honey," Savannah said, starting to cry herself. "That means you have brothers and a sister of your own!"

"They're quality people, Dirk. They really are," Tammy told him. "And they want you. They've always wanted you. Would you like to see their pictures?"

He couldn't even speak. He just gave a quick nod.

With a few more clicks, Tammy had filled the screen with photos of his family: a father, who looked remarkably like him, a pretty lady, with kind eyes, and three siblings-all with a striking family resemblance to him and to each other.

"Your parents just recently retired," Tammy said. "Your mom was a registered nurse for twenty-five years. And you're not going to believe what your dad did."

A few more clicks and the picture on the screen was of a young man, who could have been Dirk, in a policeman's uniform.

It was too much. Dirk was simply overwhelmed.

He turned in his chair toward Savannah and buried his face in her chest. She held him tightly as he wept against her.

"It's all right, darlin'," she said, stroking his hair. "This is such good news. Everything's gonna be all right."

Finally he regained some of his composure and turned back to Tammy. "Have you . . . have you contacted them yet?"

"No, of course not. It had to be your decision. But I have everything here for you, if you choose to-their addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses. I printed out the blogs where your mother posted messages looking for information about you. You can read them first, if you want to."

Dirk leaned over, grabbed Tammy, and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Honey, you don't know what this means to me. You'll never know. But thank you. Thank you so much!"

Tammy smiled at him sweetly. "You're welcome. I tease you a lot, but you know I love you."

"Yeah. I'm kinda fond of you, too."

He ruffled her hair and stood, though he seemed to have wobbly knees. "Gee whiz," he said. "I go from being a grumpy old bachelor, living in a house trailer with n.o.body, to having a wife, two cats, a man cave, and two families. What am I gonna do with all of ya?"

Savannah wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed away the tears from his cheeks. "That's easy, babycakes. You're gonna love us, and fight with us, and tolerate us, and annoy us, and occasionally enjoy us. You know . . . the way other families do."

He smiled, and it was one of the few times Savannah had ever seen Dirk truly, deeply happy.

"It sounds good to me," he said, holding her so close it took her breath away. "In fact, baby, it sounds very, very good to me."

ISBN: 978-0-7582-7651-3.

Books by G.A. MCKevett.

Just Desserts.

Bitter Sweets.

Killer Calories

Cooked Goose.

Sugar and Spite

Sour Grapes

Peaches and Screams

Death By Chocolate.

Cereal Killer

Murder a' la Mode.

Corpse Suzette

Fat Free and Fatal

Killer Honeymoon Part 32

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