Silver Springs Cozy: Pawsitively Lethal Part 13

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Maggie sighs and finally leans back in her chair. "Exactly. My guess is that if you check his DNA, youll get a match for the blood left at the scene of the crime. And, I talked to Valerie Hunt," Maggie continues, everything finally making sense. "She claimed she never talked to Karl for Sundays article. Think about it: he wrote an article about Sat.u.r.days murder on night. He didnt have to talk to anyone because he knew exactly what happened."

Daniel nods slowly. "We had to rule out Stewart Cole," he says quietly, unable to meet Maggies eyes. She can tell he wishes hed been the one to put all the pieces together instead of Maggie. "He had an airtight alibi. He was on surveillance video at the time of the murder. Ill send someone out to pick up Karl. Thanks for coming in."

Daniel stands and offers his hand. Maggie awkwardly shakes it before rus.h.i.+ng back to her car. She wants to tell Ginger Rae the good news.


Maggie drives straight to Winonas house. To the best of her knowledge Ginger Rae has yet to go back home since nights murder. If Maggie guesses correctly, the women will be sitting outside with the dogs, talking about what to have for an early dinner and then head to the community center for their weekly night of Bingo. And shed be fine joining them. She even stops on her way to buy a celebratory bottle of wine.

Maggie whistles to herself as she gets out of her car in Winonas driveway, bottle of wine in hand, ready to indulge with Ginger Rae and Winona. If they arent ready to celebrate now, they certainly will be by the time they get to Bingo. She remembers her shock the first time she went with them and instead of water in their water bottles, each of the older women had enough wine to put them on the floor.

Its only when Maggie reaches the front door and is about to knock that she realizes something isnt quite right. Winonas car is in the driveway and Ginger Raes is behind it. But in Maggies calm excitement to share the news about Karl Jacobs, she didnt notice a third car parked on the street.

The car she overlooked belongs to Karl. Shes sure its his, having just followed him this afternoon from the middle school to the river.

Maggie doesnt make a sound and remains perfectly still. She presses her ear to the door, hoping to hear something from inside.

When she cant hear any voices, she bravely cracks the door open and peers inside. The kitchen is empty but she hears faint voices, maybe coming from upstairs.

Maggie doesnt take any chances. Shes been held at gunpoint before and knows just how scary that can be. She backs out of the doorway, leaving it cracked open, and calls Daniel.

She doesnt even wait for his greeting. As soon as she knows hes on the other end of the line she says hurriedly, "Karl is at Winonas house. Get here now."

"On our way," he responds, urgency in his voice.

Maggie returns to the front door and pokes her head inside again. The voices have not come any closer and she cautiously steps inside, Swiss army knife in a white knuckle grip in her right hand. She leaves the bottle of wine on the kitchen counter and tip toes to the bottom of the stairs where she can just barely make out the words coming from upstairs.

"Where is it," a mans voice demands and Maggie is sure that it belongs to Karl Jacobs. "I know you have one of the keys."

Maggie isnt sure if both Winona and Ginger Rae are upstairs with him, or what hes using to hold at least one of them hostage. She prays its not a gun.

"I dont know what youre talking about," Ginger Raes voice says confidently.

"The key. I know you have it. Josh and Mitch messed up on their missions but Im not going to let this one get away. Hand it over."

A finger taps Maggie on the shoulder and she has to stifle a scream with her hand immediately covering her mouth, the knife momentarily forgotten as a means of self defense.

"Its just me," Winona whispers when Maggie turns around, her eyes wide in surprise.

"Ginger Rae is alone upstairs?" Maggie asks, panic churning in her gut.

Winona nods. "Karl was in such a rush to corner her he didnt think about this being my house."

"He killed Clara," Maggie blurts out as sirens approach.

Now Winonas eyes grow wide with surprise. "And to think I willingly let him in my house just a couple days ago."

Maggie wishes the police would turn off their sirens so they dont alert Karl to their presence, but in the end it doesnt seem to matter. Daniel is the first one through the front door and Maggie silently points him upstairs. Hes followed by Officer Malin and two others she doesnt recognize.

Maggie leads Winona to the living room and they both sit silently, waiting for Ginger Rae to safely appear. There is a commotion upstairs and then Karl Jacobs is led outside by Officer Malin.

"I didnt mean to kill her," he yells. "It wasnt part of the plan. I just want what she has."

"Good thing he doesnt know when to keep his mouth shut," Winona says through a laugh. Maggie knows it wouldnt matter. There is enough evidence against him for a conviction even without a confession.

When Ginger Rae walks down the stairs, not a drop of blood on her anywhere, Maggie breathes a sigh of relief. For a moment, she worried that Karl was talking about killing Ginger Rae, not Clara. Shes followed by Daniel and the two other officers who quickly leave the house. Daniel stays behind.

"Thanks for coming so quickly," Ginger Rae says, sitting heavily on the couch.

"Just doing my job," Daniel says. "But it was really Maggie you have to thank." He quickly gives Ginger Rae and Winona an overview of how Maggie put all the pieces together. "But I do have one question: what was Karl looking for?"

Ginger Rae looks to Winona for approval and Winona nods her head once. "This," Ginger Rae says, pulling the skeleton key from beneath her s.h.i.+rt and extending the chain its on. Daniel comes closer for a better look.

"It must be more valuable than it looks if it was worth risking his freedom for." Daniel straightens back up and doesnt notice the glance exchanged between all three women. "Ill need all three of you to come with me to the station to give your statements." He glances at his watch. "Ill make sure dinner is brought in and you should be free to go by the time Bingo starts."

After finis.h.i.+ng at the police station, Maggie stops off at home before heading to Bingo. The excitement of the day has exhausted her and she takes an extra hot shower to wash away the adrenaline and nerves.

Once clean, Maggie grabs her makeup from on top of her dresser in the bedroom and her hand brushes on something she doesnt expect to find. She picks up Opals missing collar, now covered in dirt and gra.s.s, but not the worse for wear. The object everyone has been looking for is still safely attached.

Wearing jeans and a clean flannel s.h.i.+rt, Maggie tucks the collar into her pocket and heads out the door for Bingo. Shes excited to celebrate Karls capture, and share the good news that the final piece of this time traveling business has been found.

Maggie sits down heavily in a folding chair around a large table in the community center. Her stomach is full of pizza, provided by the police department, and shes more than ready to move on to wine. Shes learned well from her elderly friends who know how to have a good time.

Ginger Rae slides a water bottle in Maggies direction. "Erline made sure to bring one for you too," she whispers. Erline winks and Maggie smiles.

She takes a sip of the dark red liquid and lets it course down into her stomach.

"Before we get too far into these drinks," Maggie starts and pulls the collar from her pocket, "I wanted to let you all know this turned up this afternoon, too."

Three pairs of eyes stare at the collar and attached knick-knack. They start out with excitement but quickly cloud over in fear. "Put that away," Winona says quietly. "We dont know who is watching, and its become all too clear that no one can be trusted."

Maggie slips it back into her pocket, chastised, and takes another sip of wine, the conversation about time travel over before its even begun.

"I hope youre not driving tonight," Drews voice says into Maggies ear before he takes a seat next to her, his hand rubbing her back. "I heard the good news. Congratulations on catching Karl Jacobs. I didnt even know he was on your radar."

Maggie puts her water bottle back on the table. "I didnt know either until lunch time today. I was just so worked up about his article on Sunday that I had to talk to him. And then the truth came out."

"Well, Im glad thats all settled and you can get your life back in order again."

Their table of six is completed when Clem sits on Drews other side. She hasnt come to Bingo ever since Maggie started going so shes surprised to see her sister join them.

"What brings you out tonight?" Erline asks, her smile radiant.

"Oh, I just thought Id live a little while Im still a single woman."

The older women all laugh and Winona slides another water bottle toward Clem. "In that case, youre going to need one of these."

Everyone holds up their water bottle to offer cheers and a happy future to Clem and Denis just before the first number is called and the evening of Bingo begins.


Ginny Gold lives in the high Rockies and wouldnt trade it for the world. She loves anything outdoors-especially skiing, cycling, and gardening, though living at over 9,000 feet does make for a short growing season. You can also find her volunteering with local nonprofits and schools when shes not cooking up her next cozy mystery for her loyal readers.


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Silver Springs Cozy Mystery Series.

Authors Note: This series is best enjoyed when read in order.

Pawsitively Deadly.

Maggie Boothe has found herself in a bind. Her parents are dead-suspected suicide-but her twin sister doesnt believe it. And Maggie is the one with the skills to find out the truth. But she wants nothing to do with her hometown that harbors nothing but bad memories.

Maggie agrees to spend two weeks in the small Colorado resort town of Silver Springs, investigating what really happened to her parents. After only a few hours back home, strange things start happening. And they keep piling up.

Maggie finds herself listening to the advice of a tea leaf reader, going on a date almost every night, and following leads that bring her nowhere. She isnt sure she wants to know the truth if it means turning her own world upside down.

Pawsitively Murder.

Maggie Boothe is stunned when a second murder in Silver Springs brings her back to her small hometown. Immediately upon her arrival, her parents friend, Erline, confesses she might be in trouble and Maggie knows she made the right decision to come and help.

With the a.s.sistance of Maggies new friend-and possible heartthrob-Drew Kent, shes able to come up with a list of possible suspects. But when Erlines house is broken into, Maggie wonders if the theft is connected to the murder and how that will change her investigation. What goes missing makes Erlines heart stop.

A shocking discovery at the end of her investigation changes Maggies life forever, and shes not sure shes ready to take on the next chapter alone.

The Early Bird Cafe Cozy Mystery Series.

This series can be read and enjoyed in any order.

Rise and Die.

Kori Cooke loves living in her hometown of Hermit Cove and running her dream business-The Early Bid Cafe. For two years, shes been the sole breakfast spot in town so when culinary rival, Tessa Doyle, moves to the small town, Kori cant help but think shes just there to compete.

Suddenly, Tessas Sunrise and s.h.i.+ne cafe is under attack, with a rock through the window on Monday morning. Kori knows shes innocent, but still doesnt feel much empathy for her breakfast nemesis. But when Kori gets arrested and grilled by Detective Gunn and childhood friend Lieutenant Zach Gulch, she cant help but wonder if shes the new target.

And when things escalate to Tessas murder, Kori comes under more scrutiny. Will she and best friend Nora Farmer be able to crack the case before shes on the receiving end of a deadly dish? Or is she in more danger than she realizes and should skip town to avoid the heated investigation?

INCLUDED: In The Kitchen with Ginny Gold-Goat Cheese Omelets and The Early Bird Cafes menu!

Deadly Surprise Kori is over the moon excited to be going on a date with none other than Lieutenant Zach Gulch, childhood crush and stunner to look at. But that thrill is quickly stifled the next day when Zach reveals that family DNA showed up at a crime scene in nearby Scoter Circle.

They both know the DNA isnt Koris but it belongs to a close male relative. With her father long dead and her cousin Tyler living across the country, that only leaves Jay as a suspect. And it turns out his gun was also in the right place at the wrong time to pin everything on him.

Now, Kori and Jay have a list of online dating profiles that become the top suspects, starting with the deceaseds violent ex-husband. Will they be able to find the real killer before Jay is behind bars with a guilty conviction for a murder he barely knows anything about? And why did the murderer try to frame him-he hadnt been in touch with Heidi for years.

As the questions pile up, they hope the body count stays at one.

INCLUDED: In The Kitchen with Ginny Gold-Breakfast (or lunch) Smoothies straight off The Early Bird Cafes menu!.

Dead and Berried.

Summer is in full swing and Hermit Cove is hosting the countys annual Summer Strawberry Festival. Koris Early Bird Cafe has a front and center booth where shes selling sweet breakfasts and desserts all day. Best friend Nora Farmer is supposed to occupy the booth directly across from hers near the entrance where business will be best, but when she fails to show up on the opening day, Kori knows something is wrong.

And it couldnt be more wrong. A body is found on Noras property and next to it is a pint of poisoned strawberries. All fingers are pointing at Nora. And when a b.l.o.o.d.y shovel turns up in her barn, things look like theyre taking a turn for the worse.

With such a busy weekend will Kori have time to help clear her best friends name? Or will Nora have to take the fall for a murder she didnt commit? They worry that Nora could be the next target if they cant solve the case fast enough.

INCLUDED: In The Kitchen with Ginny Gold-Her Secret Recipe for An All Natural Cleaner!.

Croaked Wheat.

Kori Cookes life is heating up in the kitchen, and in the bedroom. Things seem to be falling into place-finally-with long time eye candy, Lieutenant Zach Gulch. But that doesnt mean everything else in Hermit Cove is just peachy.

When best friend, Nora Farmer, finds a body in a delivery of grain for her farm, Kori is immediately by her side and ready to find whoever is responsible. But the suspect list is growing without finding any real answers: a jilted mistress, a greedy wife, and ex-coworkers who might have been up to no good.

But Koris mission of finding justice gets put on the fast track when Nora goes missing and Kori worries that the killer has kidnapped her for getting to close to the trail. Will Kori be able to save Nora in time or will she be the next body to be found? Kori finds help in unlikely places, but has to question everyones information and whether she can trust it.

INCLUDED: In The Kitchen with Ginny Gold-Baking with Gluten Free Flours!.

Smashed Potatoes and Gravy.

Kori Cooke is excited for Thanksgiving. Not only is she hosting Thanksgiving at The Early Bird Cafe, but shes also throwing a baby shower that same week for her good friend Jenna Rhodes. But when Jenna is late to her own shower, Kori knows something is wrong.

A dead body is found on Jennas property and she suddenly finds herself in jail, and nearly ready to pop shes so pregnant. Kori knows Jenna cant be guilty, but then who is?

Kori gets dragged into the investigation and is hot on the trail to the real killer, only to find out its a dead end. As she looks for more and more clues, she starts questioning if she might know the murderer, and even be their friend. Kori isnt sure who could be guilty, but she knows for sure she has to find out before the killer notices her tracks.

Will one of Koris friends go to jail for a crime they didnt commit? Or could she be blind to the truth because she doesnt want to see who the real killer is?

INCLUDED: In The Kitchen with Ginny Gold-Thanksgiving Day Menu!.

Silver Springs Cozy: Pawsitively Lethal Part 13

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