Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas Part 71

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"O thou seeker of the True One!..."

O thou seeker of the True One!

In the day of Christ all nations were expecting that His Holiness Christ should come from heaven, and He came from heaven, though outwardly He came from the womb of Mary. Hence, He hath said in the Gospels: "No one shall ascend to heaven except the one who hath come from heaven." Now all the people expect Him to come from heaven.

If thou wishest to find the truth, compare the days of the Manifestation of the Beauty of Abha with the days of Christ; consider this is identically like that and the same doubts and oppositions are put forth (by the people).

as to the proofs and arguments of the Beauty of Abha, these are manifest like the sun. If thou wishest a discerning eye and seekest for a hearing ear, set thou aside that which thou hast heard from fathers and ancestors, for such things are imitation-and then seek for the truth with the utmost attention until the divine confirmation may reach thee and the matter may be properly disclosed unto thee.

"O thou cup overflowing with the Wine of the Love of..."

O thou cup overflowing with the Wine of the Love of G.o.d!

Know, verily, that the doors of the Kingdom are being opened to the East and West. Verily the people neglected the Name of their Lord after expectancy of centuries and ages! However, those whose consciences were pure, whose hearts were sanctified, urge forward thereto and enter therein through every door with faces s.h.i.+ning, hearts and spirits rejoiced. thank G.o.d for this great guidance and mighty gift!

"O thou whose tongue is uttering the Name of G.o.d!..."

O thou whose tongue is uttering the Name of G.o.d!

Turn wholly unto the Lord of Hosts, "Glorious Station," the Manifest; be severed from all things, and hold to the robe of the Clement Lord, and enter into the extended shade, until thy Lord confirmeth thee by the fragrances of holiness in this promised day, wherein the name of the Kingdom is celebrated and spread in all regions.

"O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of G.o.d!..."

O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of G.o.d!

Verily, I read thy words of thanksgiving to G.o.d, for He hath guided the beloved of G.o.d and His maid-servants to the light of guidance and given them to drink the cup filled with the wine of the most mighty gift.

Verily, I beseech the Divine Might to strengthen them by the Holy Spirit in all times and circ.u.mstances so that they may be firm in the Cause of G.o.d and steadfast in love for Baha', a firmness and steadfastness resembling that of immovable mountains and lofty hills.

O maid-servant of G.o.d! Deliver my greetings, praise and longings to the beloved of G.o.d and His maid-servants in that remote region, and say unto them:

"Hasten, hasten to the fountain of the mercy of G.o.d! Hasten, hasten to enter into the Kingdom of G.o.d! Hasten, hasten to the effulgence which is s.h.i.+ning like unto the sun from the Supreme Horizons throughout ages and cycles!

"O beloved of G.o.d and His maid-servants! Verily the Beauty of El-Abha hath endured every hards.h.i.+p, calamity and great affliction in love for you, so that ye may be directed by the lights of the Kingdom unto the King of the Realm of Might, and be s.h.i.+ning as a brilliant light in the gla.s.s of the contingent world. Hasten to avail yourselves of the opportunity to enter [the protection of] the inaccessible Cause and lofty Shelter!

"Truly I say unto you, this is a gift which neither the dominion of the world, nor the riches of treasuries, nor the glory of the distinguished men of the world, can equal in this glorious century and new age; inasmuch as crowns are transient, while this is eternal and never ending."

O my Lord! O my Lord! Strengthen them in whatsoever Thou willest, with that Thou willest, upon what Thou willest!

"O maid-servant of G.o.d!..."

O maid-servant of G.o.d!

Verily thy letter indicated thy faith in the Oneness of G.o.d. I ask G.o.d to make thee firm in His Religion, to confirm thee through the breath of the Holy Spirit, so that thou mayest speak the teachings of G.o.d and guide the people unto the Kingdom.

O maid-servant of G.o.d! Verily the bounty of G.o.d upon thee is great, great!

If thou remainest firm in the path of the love of thy Lord, thou shalt behold the doors of success and progress open before thy face from all sides. Verily this is not far from the mercy of thy Lord!

"O maid-servant of G.o.d!..."

O maid-servant of G.o.d!

I ask G.o.d to open before thy face the doors of wisdom, to give thee a drink of the chalice overflowing with the wine of certainty, and to inspire thee with the mysteries of the Holy Book, so that thou mayest know the significances of vision and the reality of revelation, and all the hidden symbols of prophetic Scripture, such as those of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.

"O thou who art advancing unto G.o.d!..."

O thou who art advancing unto G.o.d!

Thank G.o.d for that He taught thee the word of guidance, illuminated thy heart by the light of the Kingdom in this world, destined to thee eternal life, everlasting salvation, progress and prosperity in the world of spirit.

Hold to the garment of glory, grasp the firm rope and loosen thy tongue in praise of the Beloved El-Abha. Neglect not praying and communing in the gloomy midnights and morn and eve, and offer glory unto thy Lord, the Supreme.

"O thou who art set aglow with the Fire of the Love of..."

O thou who art set aglow with the Fire of the Love of G.o.d!

Verily, I am in receipt of thy letter, and my breast is dilated by its contents which proved thy great attraction (to G.o.d), thy joy of heart and the rejoicing of thy spirit by the Kingdom of G.o.d.

Trust in G.o.d in all matters and lead the people unto the solid faith, the way of the Kingdom; so that they may be ushered into the canopy of peace and abide in the strong castle of the mercy of thy Lord, the Clement; that they may hoist the standards of the love of G.o.d in the highest mountain summits, promulgate the revelation of strength on the Ark of Safety and immerse [thyself] in the seas of the mercy of thy Lord, the Clement.

Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas Part 71

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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas Part 71 summary

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