Early Plays - Catiline, the Warrior's Barrow, Olaf Liljekrans Part 32

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RODERIK. Mercy, I cry! Forgive, forgive me!

BLANKA. O G.o.d!

GANDALF. What means he?

RODERIK. All will I confess: My whole life here with you has been deceit!

BLANKA. Ah, terror has unhinged his mind!

RODERIK. No, no!

RODERIK. [To GANDALF, after he has risen.]

You are released forever from your vow; Your father's shadow needs no blood revenge!

GANDALF. Ah, then explain!

BLANKA. Oh, speak!

RODERIK. Here stands King Rorek!

SOME. The fallen king?

BLANKA. O heavens!

GANDALF. [In doubt.] You,--my father?

RODERIK. See, Asgaut! Do you still recall the scratch You gave me on our earliest viking trip, The time we fought about the booty?

[He uncovers his arm and shows it to ASGAUT.]

ASGAUT. Yes, By Thor, it is King Rorek!

GANDALF. [Throws himself in his arms.] Father! Father!

A second time now have you given me life.

My humble thanks!

RODERIK. [Downcast; to BLANKA.] And you now--what will you Grant the old robber?

BLANKA. Love as. .h.i.therto!

I am your daughter! Has not three years' care Wiped off each spot of blood upon your s.h.i.+eld?

ASGAUT. Yet now explain,--how comes it that you live!

GANDALF. She saved his life.

RODERIK. Yes, like a friendly elf She healed my wounds and cared for me, And all the while she told me of the faith These quiet people in the South believe, Until my rugged heart itself was moved.

And day by day I kept the truth from her; I did not dare to tell her--

GANDALF. But the mound there?

RODERIK. I laid therein my armor and my sword, It seemed to me the grim old savage viking Was buried then and there. Each day my child Sent up a prayer for him beside the mound.

ASGAUT. Farewell!

GANDALF. Where do you go?

ASGAUT. Northward again!

I now see clearly that my time is past-- So likewise is the viking life. I go To Iceland; there the plague has not yet come.

ASGAUT. [To BLANKA.] You, woman, take my place beside the king!

For Thor is gone--and Mjolnir out of gear; Through you now Balder rules.--Farewell!

[He goes.]

GANDALF. Yes, Balder ruleth now, through you, my Blanka!

I see the meaning of my viking life!

'Twas not alone desire for fame and wealth That drove me hence from my forefathers' home; No, that which called me was a secret longing, A quiet yearning after Balder. See, Now is the longing stilled, now go we home; There will I live in peace among my people.

GANDALF. [To the VIKINGS.] And will you follow?

ALL. We will follow you!

GANDALF. And you, my Blanka?

BLANKA. I? I too am born A Northern child; for on your mountain sides The choicest flowers of my heart took root.

To you it was I journeyed in my dreams, From you it was that I received my love.

RODERIK. And now away!

GANDALF. But you?

BLANKA. He comes with us!

RODERIK. I shall remain.

[He points to the mound.]

RODERIK. My barrow waits for me.

BLANKA. And should I leave you here alone?

HEMMING. No, no!

Be not afraid! For I shall close his eyes And sing to him a saga from the mound; My last song it will be.

HEMMING. [Moved as he seizes GANDALF's hand.]

Farewell, my king!

Now have you found a better scald than I.

Early Plays - Catiline, the Warrior's Barrow, Olaf Liljekrans Part 32

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Early Plays - Catiline, the Warrior's Barrow, Olaf Liljekrans Part 32 summary

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