The Theory and Practice of Model Aeroplaning Part 22

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=Designing Ironwork.= By HENRY ADAMS. Second series. 8vo, sewed.

Part I. A Steel Box Girder. (_1894_)

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" II. Built-up Steel Stanchions. (_1901_)

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" III. Cisterns and Tanks. (_1902_)

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" IV. A Fireproof Floor. (_1903_)

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=A Practical Treatise on Segmental and Elliptical Oblique or Skew Arches.= By G.J. BELL. Second edition, 17 plates, 125 pp. royal 8vo.


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=Economics of Construction in relation to Framed Structures.= By R.H.

Bow. Third thousand, 16 plates, 88 pp. 8vo. (1873)

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=Theory of Voussoir Arches.= By Prof. W. CAIN. Third edition, 201 pp.

18mo, boards. (_New York, 1905_)

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=New Formulae for the Loads and Deflections= of Solid Beams and Girders. By W. DONALDSON. Second edition, 8vo. (_1872_)

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=Plate Girder Railway Bridges.= By M. FITZMAURICE. 4 plates, 104 pp.

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=Pocket Book of Calculations in Stresses.= By E.M. GEORGE. 66 illus.

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=Strains on Braced Iron Arches= and Arched Iron Bridges. By A.S.

HEAFORD. 39 pp. 8vo. (_1883_)

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=Tables for Roof Framing.= By G.D. INSKIP. Second edition, 451 pp.

8vo, leather. (_New York, 1905_)

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=Stresses in Girder and Roof Frames,= for both dead and live loads, by simple Multiplication, etc. By F.R. JOHNSON. 28 plates, 215 pp.

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=A Graphical Method for Swing Bridges.= By B.F. LA RUE. 4 plates, 104 pp. 18mo, boards. (_New York, 1892_)

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=Notes on Cylinder Bridge Piers= and the Well System of Foundations.

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=A New Method of Graphic Statics= applied in the Construction of Wrought Iron Girders. By E. OLANDER. 16 plates, small folio. (_1887_)

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=Reference Book for Statical Calculations.= By F. RUFF. With diagrams, 140 pp. crown 8vo. (_1906_)

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=The Strength and Proportion of Riveted Joints.= By B.B. STONEY. 87 pp. 8vo. (_1885_)

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=The Anatomy of Bridgework.= By W.H. THORPE. 103 illus. 190 pp. crown 8vo. (_1906_)

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=Portland Cement:= its Manufacture, Testing and Use. By D.B. BUTLER.

Second edition, 97 illus. 396 pp. demy 8vo. (_1905_)

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=Theory of Steel-Concrete Arches= and of Vaulted Structures. By W.

CAIN. Fourth edition, 27 illus. 212 pp. 18mo, boards. (_New York, 1906_)

The Theory and Practice of Model Aeroplaning Part 22

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