The Cup of Comus Part 1

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The Cup of Comus.

by Madison J. Cawein.



Friend, for the sake of loves we hold in common, The love of books, of paintings, rhyme and fiction; And for the sake of that divine affliction, The love of art, pa.s.sing the love of woman;-- By which all life's made n.o.bler, superhuman, Lifting the soul above, and, without friction Of Time, that puts failure in his prediction,-- Works to some end through hearts that dreams illumine: To you I pour this Cup of Dreams--a striver, And dreamer too in this sad world,--unwitting Of that you do, the help that still a.s.sureth,-- Lifts up the heart, struck down by that dark driver, Despair, who, on Life's pack-horse--effort--sitting, Rides down Ambition through whom Art endureth.


(In memory of Madison Cawein.)

Again the earth, miraculous with May, Unfolds its vernal arras. Yesteryear We strolled together 'neath the greening trees, And heard the robin tune its flute note clear, And watched above the white cloud squadrons veer.

And saw their s.h.i.+fting shadows drift away Adown the Hudson, as s.h.i.+ps seek the seas.

The scene is still the same. The violet Unlids its virgin eye; its amber ore The dandelion shows, and yet, and yet, He comes no more, no more!

He of the open and the generous heart, The soul that sensed all flowerful loveliness, The nature as the nature of a child; Who found some rapture in the wind's caress.

Beauty in humble weed and mint and cress.

And sang, with his incomparable art, The magic wonder of the wood and wild.

The little people of the reeds and gra.s.s Murmur their blithe, companionable lore, The rills renew their minstrelsy. Alas, He comes no more, no more!

And yet it seems as though he needs must come, Albeit he has cast off mortality, Such was his pa.s.sion for the bourgeoning time, Such to his spirit was the ecstasy The hills and valleys chorus when set free, No music mute, no lyric instinct dumb, But keyed to utterance of immortal rhyme.

Ah, haply in some other fairer spring He sees bright tides sweep over slope and sh.o.r.e, But here how vain is ell my visioning!

He comes no more, no more!

Poet and friend, wherever you may fare Enwrapt in dreams, I love to think of you Wandering amid the meads of asphodel, Holding high converse with the exalted few Who sought and found below the elusive clue To beauty, and in that diviner air Bowing in wors.h.i.+p still to its sweet spell.

Why sorrow, then, though fate unkindly lays Upon our questioning hearts this burden sore, And though through all our length of hastening days He comes no more, no more!



It is with a sense of sadness and regret that this book, written by one who universally has endeared himself to lovers of nature through his revelation of her mysteries, must be prefaced as containing the last songs of this exquisite singer of the South.

When the final word is spoken it is fitting that it be by one of authority. William Dean Howells, in the pages of _The North American Review_, offers this tribute:

"I had read his poetry and loved it from the beginning, and in each successive expression of it, I had delighted in its expanding and maturing beauty. Between the earliest and the latest thing there may have been a hundred different things in the swan-like life of a singer ... but we take the latest as if it summed him up in motive and range and tendency.... Not one of his lovely landscapes but thrilled with a human presence penetrating to it from his most sensitive and subtle spirit until it was all but painfully alive with memories, with regrets, with longings, with hopes, with all that from time to time mutably const.i.tutes us men and women, and yet keeps us children. He has the gift, in a measure, that I do not think surpa.s.sed in any poet, of touching some commonest thing in nature, and making it live, from the manifold a.s.sociations in which we have our being, and glow thereafter with an indistinguishable beauty.... No other poet can outword this poet when it comes to choosing some epithet fresh from the earth and air, and with the morning sun and light upon it, for an emotion or an experience in which the race renews its youth from generation to generation.... His touch leaves everything that was dull to the sense before glowing in the light of joyful recognition."

With a tone of conviction Edwin Markham says:

"No other poet of the later American choir offers so large a collection of verse as Mr. Cawein does, and no other American minstrel has so unvarying a devotion to nature. And none other, perhaps, has so keen an eye, so sure a word for nature's magic of mood, her trick of color, her change of form. He is not so wild and far-flying as Bliss Carmen, nor so large and elemental as Joaquin Miller; but he is often as delicate and eerie as Aldrich, and sometimes as warm and rich as Keats in the April affluence of 'Endymion.'"

"Mr. Cawein's landscape is not the sea, nor the desert, nor the mountain, but the lovely inland levels of his Kentucky. His work is almost wholly objective. A dash more of human import mixed into the beauty and melody of his poetry would rank him with Lowell and the other great lyrists of our elder choir."

Some of the new poems portray a high moral pa.s.sion, potent with the belief of life beyond, where his delicacy of vision penetrates the shadow and seems to have sighted the sh.o.r.e that has given his soul greeting "somewhere yonder in a world uncharted."

Clear, sure, and strong is the vocal loveliness and inevitable word with which this poet endears the little forms of life in the field of Faery.

The "Song of Songs" (1913) could be characterized as prophecy, by one in whom seemed inherent the fatal instinct of the predestined. He sought for "Song to lead her way above the crags of wrong," and he gave

"Such music as a bird Gives of its soul when dying Unconscious if it's heard!"

And so he went, singing, to his "Islands of Infinity."


This edition is called the Friends.h.i.+p Edition, as it carries in its significance a testimonial of love and admiration for the author, extended by those who wish his last collected poems preserved for futurity.

Acknowledgment is due W. D. Howells, _The North American Review_, The Macmillan Co., Clinton Scollard and Edwin Markham for their courtesy.



_There it lies broken, as a shard,-- What breathed sweet music yesterday; The source, all mute, has pa.s.sed away With its masked meanings still unmarred._

_But melody will never cease!

Above the vast cerulean sea Of heaven, created harmony Rings and re-echoes its release!_

_So, thin dumb instrument that lies All powerless,--[with spirit flown, Beyond the veil of the Unknown To chant its love-hymned litanies,--]_

_Though it may thrill us here no more With cadenced strain,--in other spheres Will rise above the vanquished years And breathe its music as before!_

[_Louisville Times_]

_Written December 7th, 1914._

_Rose de Vaux-Royer._

_The spirit of Madison Cawein pa.s.sed at midnight from this world of intimate beauty "To stand a handsbreadth nearer Heaven and what is G.o.d!_"


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