A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital Part 113

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Proclamation for a day of public wors.h.i.+p.--Gov. Allen, of Louisiana.-- Letter from Gen. Beauregard.--Departure for Europe.--Congress a.s.sembles.--Quarrel between Gens. Kemper and Preston.--Gen. Forrest doing wonders.--Tennessee.--Gen. Johnston on his Georgia campaign.-- John Mitchel and Senator Foote.--Progress of Sherman.--From Gov.

Brown, of Georgia.--Capture of Gen. Pryor.

NOVEMBER 1ST.--Bright and frosty morning.

All quiet. No confirmation of Early's defeat; and the night-feat of Mahone puts the people in better hope.

One-third of all our lead comes from the mines near Wytheville, Virginia.

I got 128 pounds of flour from the investment in supplies in North Carolina, and one-fourth of that amount is still behind. We got 26 pounds of bacon, worth $260; the flour received, and to be received, 160 pounds, $320; and we expect to get 6 gallons mola.s.ses, $30 per gallon, $180: total, $760; and only $200 invested. This shows the profits of the speculators!

Gov. Yates, of Illinois, has declared Richmond will be in the hands of the Federals before the 8th of November. This is the 1st. It may be so; but I doubt it. It cannot be so without the effusion of an ocean of blood!

I learned to-day that every tree on Gov. Wise's farm of any size has been felled by the enemy. What harm have the poor trees done the enemy?

I love trees, anywhere.

The President attends to many little matters, such as solicitations for pa.s.sports to leave the country, details or exemptions of husbands and sons; and generally the ladies who address him, knowing his religious bias, frame their phraseology accordingly, and often with effect.

The following is his last proclamation:

_Proclamation appointing a Day for Public Wors.h.i.+p._

"It is meet that the people of the Confederate States should, from time to time, a.s.semble to acknowledge their dependence on Almighty G.o.d, to render devout thanks for his manifold blessings, to wors.h.i.+p his holy name, to bend in prayer at his footstool, and to accept, with reverent submission, the chastening of his all-wise and all-merciful Providence.

"Let us, then, in temples and in fields, unite our voices in recognizing, with adoring grat.i.tude, the manifestations of his protecting care in the many signal victories with which our arms have been crowned; in the fruitfulness with which our land has been blessed, and in the unimpaired energy and fort.i.tude with which he has inspired our hearts and strengthened our arms in resistance to the iniquitous designs of our enemies.

"And let us not forget that, while graciously vouchsafing to us his protection, our sins have merited and received grievous chastis.e.m.e.nt; that many of our best and bravest have fallen in battle; that many others are still held in foreign prisons; that large districts of our country have been devastated with savage ferocity, the peaceful homes destroyed, and helpless women and children driven away in dest.i.tution; and that with fiendish malignity the pa.s.sions of a servile race have been excited by our foes into the commission of atrocities from which death is a welcome escape.

"Now, therefore, I, Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America, do issue this my proclamation, setting apart Wednesday, the sixteenth day of November next, as a day to be specially devoted to the wors.h.i.+p of Almighty G.o.d; and I do invite and invoke all the people of these Confederate States to a.s.semble on the day aforesaid, in their respective places of public wors.h.i.+p, there to unite in prayer to our heavenly Father, that he bestow his favor upon us; that he extend over us the protection of his Almighty arm; that he sanctify his chastis.e.m.e.nt to our improvement, so that we may turn away from evil paths and walk righteously in his sight; that he restore peace to our beloved country, healing its bleeding wounds, and securing to us the continued enjoyment of our right of self-government and independence; and that he graciously hearken to us, while we ascribe to him the power and glory of our deliverance.

"Given under my hand and the seal of the Confederate States, at Richmond, this 26th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four.


"By the President:

"J. P. BENJAMIN, _Secretary of State_."

The President gets but few letters from members of Congress.

NOVEMBER 2D.--Dark and dismal.

The Governor continues his exemptions, now amounting to thousands. S.

Ba.s.set French (State agent to buy and sell supplies to the people), with one or more clerks, and such laborers, etc. as may be necessary, I find among his last exemptions. A smart and corrupt agent could make a fortune out of these exemptions. Of course, the _Governor's_ A. D. C.

will do no such thing.

No news from below.

Rev. John Clark writes from Stafford County that the conscripts there have hid themselves in White Oak Swamp, because the Secretary of War has exempted an able-bodied man to work for Mrs. ----, his ---- widow.

Gen. Winder, with the prisoners in the South, is in hot water again. He wants to make Cashmyer suttler (like ancient Pistol), and Major ----, the Secretary's agent, opposes it, on the ground that he is a "Plug Ugly rogue and cut-throat."

Mr. George Davis, Attorney-General Confederate States, has given it as his opinion that although certain civil officers of the government were exempted from military service by the Const.i.tution, yet a recent act of Congress, decreeing that all residents between the ages of 17 and 50 are in the military service, must be executed. In other words, the cabinet ministers must "see that the laws be faithfully executed," even should they be clearly and expressly unconst.i.tutional. Is not the Const.i.tution the law? Have they not sworn to support it, etc.? It seems to me that this is a weak opinion.

It makes the President ABSOLUTE. I fear this government in future times will be denounced as a Cabal of bandits and outlaws, making and executing the most despotic decrees. This decision will look bad in history, and will do no good at present. How _could_ the President "approve" such a law?

The desertions from the Tredegar Battalion and other workshops--local defense--amount to between one and two hundred since the 1st of September.

NOVEMBER 3D.--Cold rain; rained all night.

Gen. Lee, urging that his regiments from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, etc. etc. be recruited from their respective States, concludes a recent letter thus: "I hope immediate action will be taken upon this subject, as I think our success depends much upon a speedy increase of our armies in every possible way."

This dismal weather casts a deeper gloom upon the spirits of the croakers. They fear Richmond cannot be long defended.

Plymouth, N. C., has been retaken by the enemy.

During this damp weather the deep and sullen sounds of cannon can be heard at all hours, day and night. The firing is mostly from our iron-clads.

The market was well supplied this morning with abundance of good meat, vegetables, fruit, etc.; and I was glad to see but few making purchases.

The reason may have been that the extortionate prices repelled the people; or it may have been the rain. I pa.s.sed on.

NOVEMBER 4TH.--Rained all night; glimpses of the sun between the running clouds this morning. Windy, and likely to be cold.

Our iron-clad "Albemarle" was blown up by a handful of the enemy at Plymouth--surprising the water pickets (all asleep). The _manner_ of the loss of the town, and of the counties east of it, is not known yet; but everything was foretold by Mr. Burgyson to the cabinet then devoting their attention to the problem how to violate the Const.i.tution, and put into the trenches some fifty delicate clerks, that their places might be filled by some of their own special favorites. Mr. George Davis, Attorney-General, the instrument selected to rend the Const.i.tution, or rather to remove the obstacles out of the way, is from North Carolina; and this blow has fallen upon his own State!

We learn that gold is rising rapidly in the North, which may be significant of President Lincoln's re-election next week.

We get no news from our armies except through the Northern papers--not reliable just now.

Gov. Allen, of Louisiana, writes a furious letter to the Secretary of War, who ordered the disbandment of the State Battalion. He says the order is a personal offense to him and an insult to his State (he is a native Virginian), and he will resent it and resist it to the last extremity. He gives notice that the 3d battalion has been ordered back from the east side of the Mississippi River. The battalion disbanded numbered but 150 men! A little business--like losing one-fourth of North Carolina, to put out of office fifty clerks, whose tenure, by the Const.i.tution, is for life!

NOVEMBER 5TH.--Clear and cold.

Grant has attempted nothing this week, and it is probably too late for any demonstration to affect the election. I infer that the government is convinced President Lincoln will be re-elected, else some desperate effort would have been made in his behalf by his generals. Will he float on a sea of blood another four years? I doubt it. One side or the other must, I think, give up the contest. _He_ can afford to break with the Abolitionists now. We _cannot_ submit without the loss of everything.

It is thought Grant will continue to "swing to the left," making a winter campaign on the coasts of North and South Carolina--mean time leaving Butler's army here, always menacing Richmond.

Gen. Beauregard writes from Gadsden, Ala., October 24th, that his headquarters will be at Tusc.u.mbia, Ala.; will get supplies from Corinth to Tusc.u.mbia. Forrest has been ordered to report to Gen. Hood, in Middle Tennessee. The railroad iron between Corinth and Memphis will be taken to supply wants elsewhere. Gen. d.i.c.k Taylor is to guard communications, etc., has directed Gen. Cheatham to issue an address to the people of Tennessee, saying his and Gen. Forrest's command have entered the State for its redemption, etc., and calling upon the people to aid in destroying the _enemy's communications_, while the main army is between Atlanta and Chattanooga, when the purpose is to precipitate the _whole army_ upon it, etc. Gen. B. doubts not he will soon be able to announce good tidings, etc. etc. This letter to Gen. Cooper is "submitted to the Secretary of War," by whom it is "submitted for the information of the President," and sent back by him--"Read and returned, 4th Nov. '64.--J.


Gen. B. was to leave that day to join Gen. Hood, in vicinity of Guntersville, on Tennessee River. Sherman's army was between Dalton and Gadsden, 15 miles from Gadsden.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH.--Bright and frosty.

All quiet below. Another day, and if it remains quiet, we may know that Lincoln will be re-elected.

A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital Part 113

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