Music and Some Highly Musical People Part 33

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_Mr. William Brady_, although numbered with those who have pa.s.sed away, should not be forgotten whenever the n.o.ble deeds of colored men are to be mentioned. He was an artist of the finest natural talent, and of varied musical acquirements of a high order of excellence. Mr.

Brady was very much esteemed as a composer, being the author of many fine pieces of music, such as quadrilles, polkas, waltzes, marches, and songs. He also essayed more elevated work with fine success, having been the composer of a musical service for the Episcopal Church, and a beautiful Christmas anthem. He died in March, 1854.

Among those of the gentler s.e.x in New York who have won much praise for their fine rendering of vocal music are _Miss Mary Williams_ and _Miss Blanche D. Was.h.i.+ngton_. They have occasionally sung in other cities at concerts, and have been favorably mentioned by the public journals.

_Mrs. V.A. Montgomery_ and _Miss Emma B. Magnon_ should have prominent mention here on account of their fine abilities displayed in piano-forte and organ performance. They both read music readily,--or "at sight," as we say,--and at present are engaged as organists in New-York churches.

_Miss J. Imogene Howard_, formerly of Boston, but now an esteemed teacher in one of the public schools of New-York City, deserves to be mentioned in this list. When in Boston this lady exhibited commendable zeal in the study of music, and at an early age was quite noticeable for good piano-forte performance. Miss Howard is a graduate of the Girls' High and Normal School of the city last mentioned.

A most encouraging indication of musical progress in the metropolis is the existence there of the _Philharmonic Society_, which was organized somewhat over two years ago. Two or three of its members are fine soloists, while others possess fair abilities. The music practised is instrumental, and all of a high order. The society is divided into two, called the one junior, and the other senior. The juniors are the newer and less skilful members: these are required to take lessons of a competent teacher, and are not allowed to play with the senior cla.s.s until they attain to a certain degree of proficiency. At public performances, of course, only the seniors represent the society. The conductor (who is also president) is _Mr. P.H. Loveridge_; first violin, _Walter F. Craig_; solo cornet, _Elmore Bartelle_; flute, _Ph.

Williams_; _William Lewis_, violoncello. At present the society numbers about twenty members, all young men of intelligence and moral character; and it has an excellent library of music, and a fund in bank.

It is entirely unnecessary for the writer to say a word in praise of this enterprise, for its present and prospective good results will be readily perceived by all; nor need he, it is hoped, for the same reason, urge upon the young men of other cities the great importance of organizing similar societies.

_Miss Celestine O. Browne_ of Jamestown, N.Y., possesses fine ability as a pianist. She is thus mentioned by "The Folio" of Boston, in the number for December, 1876: "She is a fine pianist, very brilliant and showy as soloist and accompanist." Again: the same journal, in the number for February, 1877, said of Miss Browne, "A pianist of great merit. Her natural abilities have been well trained. She has a clear touch, and plays with a great deal of expression." This lady has for more than a year been a valued member of the Hyers Sisters concert-troupe.

_Mr. Peter P. O'Fake_ is considered one of the most noticeable of the musicians of Newark, N.J.; which is no slight distinction, since in that city are to be found some of the first musicians of the country.

He was born there in 1820. His parents were also natives of Newark.

Mr. O'Fake is what is termed "self-taught," and has cultivated most industriously, against many disadvantages, the talents with which he was naturally endowed. He is a skilful, expressive performer on the violin (his specialty) and the flute. He has, of course, often performed in public. In 1847 he took a prominent part at a concert given by the notable Jullien Society of New York, playing on the violin _De Beriot's Sixth and Seventh Airs with Variations_. In 1848 he took position on one occasion as leader in the Newark-Theatre orchestra,--a rare distinction for one of his race, on account of the prevailing color-prejudice. In 1850 he performed in Connor's Band at Saratoga, playing at times the cornet and flute. These are some of the most notable of his public appearances. He is occasionally called upon to take part in concerts given by the various musical organizations of Newark, the accident of complexional difference but seldom serving to counteract the effects produced by his well-known musical abilities.

He often furnishes the music for receptions given at the homes of the _elite_ of Newark. Mr. O'Fake has composed, and his orchestra often performs to the great delight of all who hear it, a most bewitching piece of quadrille-music called "The Sleigh-Ride," in which he most ingeniously and naturally introduces the crack of the whip and the merry jingle of the sleigh-bells. At such times the dancers are excited to a high state of joyousness by the bewitching music, the latter being of a character so suggestive as to cause them to almost imagine themselves in the enjoyment of a veritable sleigh-ride. This composition has greatly added to the fame of the author.

Mr. O'Fake is also a fair vocalist,--singing baritone,--and has been director of the choir of one of the Episcopal churches in Newark since 1856. This choir frequently renders Dudley Buck's music, and that of others among the best composers, eliciting most favorable comments from the press.

_Misses Rosa and Malvina D. Sears_ are musical people of Newark, N.J., who deserve mention here.

_Philadelphia_ has, of course, many fine musicians. The most prominent vocalists are _Madam Brown_, _Mr. John Mills_, and _Mrs. Lucy Adger_; and the most prominent instrumentalists are _Miss M. Inez Ca.s.sey_, pianist, _F.J.R. Jones_, violinist, and _Edward Johnson_, violinist.

This city enjoys the honor of having been the home of _Mr. Frank Johnson_, and the place of organization of the celebrated bra.s.s band that bore his name. It has been the intention of the writer to give a somewhat extended sketch in this book of this famous impressario and his talented body of performers; but as yet he has not succeeded in obtaining the necessary materials. He will mention, however, briefly, that Mr. Johnson was a well-educated musician, very talented and enthusiastic, with fine powers for organization and leaders.h.i.+p. He was exceedingly skilful as a performer on the bugle. In his hand this instrument

"Became a trumpet, whence he blew Soul-animating strains: alas! too few."

Besides, he played well several other instruments. He was very much esteemed, and was foremost in promoting in many ways the musical spirit: he was, in fact, the P.S. Gilmore of his day. His band attracted much attention all over the country for fine martial music.

Some time between the years 1839 and 1841 Mr. Johnson organized a select orchestra, with which he visited several of the cities of the country, "astonis.h.i.+ng the natives" by a fine rendering of the best music in vogue at that time. Indeed, the novelty formed by such an organization,--all colored men,--its excellent playing, and the boldness of the enterprise, all combined to create a decided sensation wherever these sable troubadours appeared. It is said that sometimes, while the band was on this tour, many persons would doubt the ability of its members to read the music they were playing, believing that they performed "by ear," as it is called; nor could such persons be convinced of their error until a new piece of music--a piece not previously seen by them--was placed before the band, and by the same readily rendered from the printed page.

Mr. Johnson at one time visited England with his band, and gave concerts in all the cities, being received everywhere with the most demonstrative marks of favor. They were invited to play before Queen Victoria and her court. This n.o.ble-hearted sovereign was so highly pleased with the musical ability displayed by Mr. Johnson and the other members of the band, that she caused a handsome silver bugle to be presented to him in her name. Returning to this country with such a n.o.bly-won mark of honor, he became the centre of attraction, and thereafter, as a musician, easily maintained before the country a position of great popularity. At his funeral, which occurred in 1846, the bugle just alluded to was placed upon the coffin, and so borne to the grave, as a fitting emblem of one of the important victories he had won, as well as of the music-loving life he had led.

The memory of this gifted musician and indefatigable worker should long be kept green in the hearts of all the members of his race, and in those of his countrymen in general. For the former he of course performed a specially n.o.ble service in demonstrating so powerfully its capability for musical comprehension and for the scientific performance of music,--points which, strange to say, were much in dispute when he began his career; while in his well-nigh matchless ability as a musician, displayed in no selfish manner, but in a way that promoted in a high degree a general love for the elevating art of music, Frank Johnson proved himself an honor to the whole country, and one who should be long and gratefully remembered by all.

The band continued in existence, and was much in demand, for many years after the great leader died, retaining its old and honorable name, "Frank Johnson's Band." _Mr. Joseph G. Anderson_ next became director. This gentleman was a musician of most remarkable powers, both natural and acquired. He performed in a very skilful manner upon almost every instrument that was in use, reading music like one reads a book. In short, it has been said of him, that "what he did not know of music was not worth knowing." He, too, was a great organizer; and he showed himself, in many important respects, a fit successor of Johnson.

When, during the late war, the State of Pennsylvania was forming regiments, Mr. Anderson was kept busily employed for a long period organizing and instructing bra.s.s bands for many of these regiments.

With his great musical skill and experience, he proved to be indispensable at this time to the State, and won the brightest of laurels.

Under Mr. Anderson's leaders.h.i.+p, the band was occasionally engaged to go to distant parts of the country to play for gatherings of one kind and another. The writer well remembers when in 1852, on "St. John's Day," this fine corps of musicians came to Cincinnati. With ranks so deployed as to almost extend across Broadway Street, they moved in most soldierly manner up the same at the head of a Masonic order, playing indeed most "soul-animating strains," and winning the while the warm admiration of a vast throng of people that lined the sidewalks. Ah! we were very, very proud of them; so elated with their triumphal entry, and so inspirited by the n.o.ble music, that it seemed as though we could have followed them for days without yielding to fatigue.

Mr. Anderson died at Philadelphia in 1874.

The successor of "Frank Johnson's Band" is called "The Excelsior." I am informed that the latter consists of a number of superior musicians.

"Madam Brown" was long regarded as the finest vocalist of her race in this country, while only a few of the other race could equal her.

Although now no longer young, she still sings artistically and beautifully. Her _repertoire_ comprises the gems of the standard operas; and these she has sung, and does now sing, in a style that would reflect honor on those far more pretentious than herself.

The other day, while looking over the "sc.r.a.p-book" of a friend, I met with another of those pleasant surprises that have occasionally cheered me since I began this volume. In this "sc.r.a.p-book" I found a large number of cuttings from Philadelphia, New York, and other papers, that related to the concerts given in the year 1856, and later, by _Miss Sarah Sedgewick Bowers_. By these comments, I find that this lady possessed a voice of most charming power and sweetness, and that in her interpretations of operatic and music of a cla.s.sical character she was well-nigh, if not quite, equal to the finest cantatrices then before the public. These papers styled Miss Sedgewick--this was her professional name--the "Colored Nightingale."

It would perhaps be interesting to here append a number of these very complimentary comments. A single and representative one must, however, suffice. It is from "The Daily Pennsylvanian" of May 3, 1856.

"We have never been called upon to record a more brilliant and instantaneous success than has thus far attended this talented young aspirant to musical honors. From obscurity she has risen to popularity. She has not been through the regular routine of advancement; but, as it were in a moment, endowed by nature with the wonderful power of song, she delighted the circle in which she moved, and is now enchanting the public. Last evening the hall was thronged at an early hour. In every song she was unanimously encored."

Miss Bowers now lives quietly at her home in Philadelphia, singing in public only on special occasions. She is, of course, still a devoted lover of the art of which she has been so fine an exponent; while she yet possesses, through voice and method, the power to charm an audience.

The name of _Mr. John Moore_ should be mentioned here. He was a born musician, so to speak, and was ever "full of music." I remember him as the leader of the band of the Fifty-fifth Ma.s.sachusetts Regiment during the late war. Although in this position he generally played upon the [E-flat]-cornet, he could also play most of the other instruments used in the band; and was, besides, a good performer on the violin and flute. Very pleasant recollections of "our band," as we soldiers fondly termed it, remain, I am quite sure, with all the surviving members of the Fifty-fifth Regiment. In camp-life it often enlivened the dull hours, and gave, by sweetest music, a certain refinement to what would have been without it but a life of much coa.r.s.eness; while upon the wearisome march we often forgot our fatigue as we briskly marched, keeping step to the animating music. To Mr.

Moore, the leader, much praise is due for the great benefits afforded the members of the regiment by good music; nor do we forget the skill displayed by the other members of the band, which enjoyed the reputation of being the best in the Department of the South. Mr. Moore died at Philadelphia in 1871.

_Professor Lott_ of Pittsburgh, Penn., has attracted attention as one of the very first violoncellists of the country. He has travelled quite extensively in the United States with a concert-troupe.

_Mr. Z.A. Coleman_ is a good singer of ba.s.s.

_Mr. E. Minor Holland_ of Cleveland, O., is a good performer on the [B-flat]-cornet, violin, and double-ba.s.s. He is quite a young man, and, possessing much talent, may become a musician of great merit if he continues his studies.

_Miss Mary F. Morris_ performs upon the piano-forte with fine skill and taste, and is a vocalist of excellent powers. She has pursued her musical studies in the Cleveland Convent, the teachers of which enjoy a high reputation; and also under Professor Alfred Arthur, one of the finest instructors of Cleveland.

_I.A.D. Mitch.e.l.l_, playing the [E-flat]-cornet, is the very efficient leader of a band.

_Miss Annie Henderson_ is a very pleasing vocalist. She also studied at the convent previously mentioned, and under Professor Arthur.

_Miss Clara Monteith Holland_, a young daughter of Justin Holland, the celebrated guitar virtuoso, gives much promise of becoming a brilliant pianist.

Was.h.i.+ngton, O., enjoys the honor of being the home of _Mr. Samuel Lucas_, a fine baritone character-singer, the author of a book of songs. He, besides, has but few equals as an actor in comedy; has travelled throughout the country as a performer, receiving everywhere the warmest praises of the press.

While on a visit to his home last summer, Mr. Lucas was the recipient of a complimentary benefit tendered by the admiring citizens. The offer of this flattering testimonial was signed by over fifty of his most respectable townsmen, and the affair was in all respects a successful one. Mr. Lucas was a.s.sisted in the performances by the following young ladies: Misses S. Logan, Dora Chester, Laura Reed, Delia Lamon, S. Melvin, and Fannie Chester. Mr. Lucas is at present a valued member of the Hyers Sisters opera-troupe, who are performing in "Out of Bondage" throughout the West.

"The Milwaukee Sentinel" of a late date thus alludes to his performances with this troupe:--

"As an actor he takes high rank; but it was in his singing that he made an already-delighted audience more pleased than ever. His rendition of 'Grandfather's Clock,' with distant chorus and refrain, was the sweetest music we ever listened to. The audience was breathless; the lowest whisper could be heard distinctly all over the house; and, as the last tones died away in the seeming distance, a hush as of death came over the audience, followed by thunders of applause."

The writer would be very remiss did he fail to mention here the very remarkable music-loving spirit which has been exhibited by the colored people of Chillicothe, O. This very forcibly arrested his attention, when, several years ago, he visited that somewhat ancient city, once the capital of the State. It was then found that among the cla.s.s of persons just mentioned--who formed, by the way, only a small portion of the city's entire population--there existed two or three singing societies, two bra.s.s bands (the latter the only organizations of the kind then in existence there), and two church-choirs, one of the same being composed of very good vocalists indeed.

In 1857 _Rev. John R. Bowles_ organized in Chillicothe a choir for his church, under the leaders.h.i.+p of _Jas. D. Hackley_. This choir was considered one of the very best in Southern Ohio. Its leader possessed a tenor-voice of rare sweetness and power, and was quite proficient in rendering church-music, and in directing the singing of the same by his choir. But a few persons in the State equalled Mr. Hackley in the possession of these qualities. Of the two bands, the one called the "_Scioto-Valley Bra.s.s Band_" was organized in 1855 under the leaders.h.i.+p of _Richard Chancellor_ and _John Jones_. The other was called the "_Roberts Band_," and was organized in 1857, the directors being _Thomas Harris_ and _William Davis_. In 1859 these two organizations were united under the name of the "Union-Valley Bra.s.s Band," _Thomas Harris_ and _A.J. Vaughn_ leaders. This consolidation, composed of the best musicians of the two bands previously in existence, made a corps of performers that was unequalled in Ross and the adjacent counties, while it was one of the finest in the State.

They owned a handsome bandwagon, and furnished the music for all such gatherings--irrespective of the color of the attendants--as county fairs, picnics, celebrations, political meetings, &c., throughout Ross County. This band contained several performers of such excellent natural and acquired abilities as would render them prominent among the best musicians of any section of the country.

Besides those already mentioned as leaders, I would now refer to _Mr.

William H. Starr_, one of the finest musicians of Ohio. He has been for a long time the leading spirit in all matters musical among the people. A good reader of all kinds of music, Mr. Starr easily gives it beautiful expression on any one of the many instruments used in a bra.s.s band of ordinary size. On several of these he is a pleasing soloist. His favorite is the [E-flat]-alto, while he is also a skilful arranger of music for them all. Mr. Starr has also composed a number of pieces for his own and other bands; besides others, a quickstep, a march, and a polka. As a teacher Mr. Starr has been quite successful.

One of his former pupils is now the leader of a band.

_Mr. Thomas Harris_ should also have special mention here. He was a superior [E-flat]-cornet player, a good bugler, and a very good performer on the clarinet; a good reader of music for each of these important instruments.

_Mr. William H. Dupree_, at one time the very efficient manager of the Union-Valley Bra.s.s Band, in which he was also a performer on the [B-flat]-baritone, is a gentleman whose history is such as to warrant particular mention here, not only on account of his having always possessed an ardent music-loving spirit, but also from his general intelligence, and the fine progress he has made in attaining to several high stations of honor and usefulness. Mr. Dupree remained a member of the band in Chillicothe until 1863, when, on the first call for colored troops for the late war, he went to Ma.s.sachusetts, and enlisted in the Fifty-fifth Regiment. He became first sergeant of Company H; in which position he won golden opinions from those in command for his strict attention to duty, his steady and rapid acquirement of military knowledge (becoming one of the very best drill-masters and disciplinarians of his regiment), and for his generally fine, officer-like bearing. At one time Sergeant Dupree was manager of the regimental band, in which position he rendered important service. In 1864 he was promoted to the grade of a commissioned officer,--a rare distinction for one of his race, owing to causes so well understood that they need not be mentioned here. In this new place of honor he so discharged his duties as to prove the wisdom of those who tendered the appointment; for he was always distinguished for an increased display, if possible, of those excellent qualities, the possession of which caused his promotion.

Mr. Dupree is now the very capable and popular superintendent of Station A Post Office in Boston, Ma.s.s. This office is situated in a district that comprises nearly forty thousand inhabitants, composed, for the greater part, of those among Boston's most intelligent and wealthy citizens. He was formerly connected with a musical organization in Boston. Although prevented by his other occupations from devoting much attention to music, Mr. Dupree has lost none of his old-time love for it; nor has he forgotten the pleasant days of yore when he was connected with the bra.s.s band at Chillicothe, of whose members he now speaks in terms of the most friendly regard.

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