Tulipomania_ The Story of the World's Most Coveted Flower and the Extraordinary Passions It Aroused Part 10

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Chapter 16. Late Flowering.

The later history of the bulb trade is reliably covered in modern histories. The hyacinth trade is described in detail by E. H. Krelage in Bloemenspeculatie in Nederland: De Tulpomanie van 163637 en de Hyacintenhandel 172036 Bloemenspeculatie in Nederland: De Tulpomanie van 163637 en de Hyacintenhandel 172036 (Amsterdam, 1942), and the later history of the tulip by both Krelage, in (Amsterdam, 1942), and the later history of the tulip by both Krelage, in Drie Eeuwen Bloembollenexport Drie Eeuwen Bloembollenexport (The Hague: Rijksuitgeverijj, 1946), and Daniel Hall, in (The Hague: Rijksuitgeverijj, 1946), and Daniel Hall, in The Book of the Tulip The Book of the Tulip (London: Martin Hopkinson, 1929). (London: Martin Hopkinson, 1929).

Continuing trade in tulips Krelage, Krelage, Bloemenspeculatie in Nederland Bloemenspeculatie in Nederland, pp. 97110; Krelage, Drie Eeuwen Bloembollenexport Drie Eeuwen Bloembollenexport, pp. 1518; Segal, Tulips Portrayed Tulips Portrayed, p. 17; Mundy, Travels of Peter Mundy Travels of Peter Mundy, vol. 4, p. 75; Garber, "Tulipmania," pp. 55053.

Aert Huybertsz. Posthumus, "Die Speculatie in Tulpen" (1927), pp. 8283.

Haarlem as the center of the later bulb trade Krelage, Krelage, Bloemenspeculatie in Nederland Bloemenspeculatie in Nederland, pp. 10204; Krelage, Drie Eeuwen Bloembollenexport Drie Eeuwen Bloembollenexport, pp. 911.

Desiderata of van Oosting and van Kampen Cited in Segal, Cited in Segal, Tulips Portrayed Tulips Portrayed, p. 11, and Hall, Book of the Tulip Book of the Tulip, pp. 4849.

The hyacinth trade Krelage, Krelage, Bloemenspeculatie in Nederland Bloemenspeculatie in Nederland, pp. 14296, and Krelage, Drie Eeuwen Bloembollenexport Drie Eeuwen Bloembollenexport, pp. 13, 64555; Garber, "Tulip-mania," pp. 55354; Bulgatz, Ponzi Schemes Ponzi Schemes, pp. 10914.

A $4,000 bottle of Coca-Cola Pendergrast, Pendergrast, For G.o.d, Country For G.o.d, Country, p. 211.

The history of the tulip to the present day Krelage, Krelage, Drie Eeuwen Bloembollen-export Drie Eeuwen Bloembollen-export, pp. 1518.

Craze for dahlias Bulgatz, Bulgatz, Ponzi Schemes Ponzi Schemes, pp. 10809. During this episode there was even talk of the propagation of blue dahlias-as much a botanical impossibility as the black tulip.

Craze for gladioli Posthumus, "Tulip Mania in Holland," p. 148. Posthumus, "Tulip Mania in Holland," p. 148.

Chinese spider lily mania Malkiel, Malkiel, Random Walk down Wall Street Random Walk down Wall Street, pp. 8283.

Florida land boom Bulgatz, Bulgatz, Ponzi Schemes Ponzi Schemes, pp. 4675.


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Tulipomania_ The Story of the World's Most Coveted Flower and the Extraordinary Passions It Aroused Part 10

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