Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 103

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=gallina=, _f._, hen; =---- ciega=, _f._, blindman's buff.

=gana=, _f._, appet.i.te; inclination; =de buena ----=, with pleasure, willingly.

=ganaderia=, _f._, cattle-raising, breeding of cattle and sheep.

=ganadero, -a=, stock-raiser, stock-breeder.

=ganado=, _m._, live-stock, cattle; herd.

=ganar= (_Sp. A._), to reach, to arrive; to win, to earn; _refl._ (_S. A._), to take refuge.

=ganga=, _f._, bargain; anything valuable acquired with little labor.

=garbo=, _m._, grace, elegance of manner and deportment.

=garboso, -a=, graceful, elegant; generous.

=garduna=, _f._, marten.

=garibaldina=, _f._, a red s.h.i.+rt worn by Garibaldi's volunteers from South America.

=garra=, _f._, claw, talon.

=garrotazo=, _m._, blow with a cudgel or blackjack.

=garza=, _f._, heron.

=gasa=, _f._, gauze.

=gato, -a=, cat; =---- montes=, wildcat.

=gauche= (_French_), awkward, unskillful.

=gaucho=, _m._, the half-breed native of Argentina or Uruguay, who in character is akin to our Western cowboy.

=gaveta=, _f._, drawer (_Carp._).

=gavilla=, _f._, sheaf of wheat, corn, etc.

=genero=, _m._, manner, kind; =---- chico=, playlet, short comedy.

=genio=, _m._, genius, spirit.

=gente=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), the personnel of a farm; people.

=gerente=, _m._, manager.

=gesto=, _m._, att.i.tude, gesture; a commendable act.

=ginebra=, _f._, gin.

=gira=, _f._, _or_ =jira=, outing, trip.

=glaciar=, _m._, _Gallicism for_ =helero, ventisquero=; glacier.

=glorieta=, _f._, summer-house, bower, arbor.

=goleta=, _f._, schooner.

=golosina=, _f._, dainty, tid-bit.

=goma=, _f._, rubber.

=gorgorito=, _m._, effervescent bubble.

=grabado=, _m._, engraving, etching.

=grada=, _f._, seat in an amphitheater.

=grama=, _f._, gra.s.s.

=granizo=, _m._, hail.

=granja=, _f._, farm, country house; grange (_in the old-fas.h.i.+oned sense_).

=granjear=, to gain the favor or goodwill of another; to get, to obtain.

=grato, -a=, pleasant, agreeable.

=gravamen=, _m._, charge, obligation, burden.

=gravoso, -a=, grievous, offensive, onerous, burdensome.

=graznido=, _m._, croaking noise.

=gresca=, _f._, quarrel, wrangle.

=gringo=, _m._, _nickname applied to foreigners, especially English and Americans._

=gritado, -a=, shouted, shrieked.

=gritar=, to shout, to cry out, to shriek.

=grosezuelo, -a=, _affectionate diminutive of_ =grueso=.

=grueso, -a=, fat, stout.

=grumete=, _m._, cabin-boy.

Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 103

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