The Gun Part 8

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A chapter in this book describes problems surrounding the introduction in Vietnam of the M-16 as a standard rifle for the United States armed forces. It is not an ambition here to trace the full evolution of the M-16 series in the decades since. Nonetheless, a few words are in order to distinguish the M-16 of the 1960s from its descendants.

The M-16 series, which was hurried into production as the Pentagon's response to the Kalashnikov, is more than fifty years old. Since the public controversy of 1967, this rifle and its offspring, including the M-4 carbine, have undergone many modifications, as has the ammunition they fire. The changes in design and in manufacturing standards have resulted in performance different from what troops experienced in Southeast Asia. The current generation of M-16s and M-4s are generally regarded by Marines and soldiers who carry them as reliable-not as reliable as the Kalashnikov, but arms that work.

The series' reputation does remain checkered. Part of this is a lingering hangover. The stories of failures in Vietnam have never been fully shaken. Misgivings are also related to accounts of rifles overheating in intensive combat or malfunctioning in sandy environments, and to complaints about the lethality of the rifles and their ammunition against lightly clad men. (This last complaint would seem related more to bullet composition than to the rifles.) Investigating each of these complaints is essential for public trust. But discussions about the current rifles should not confuse accounts of the M-16's failures in Vietnam with questions about performance of M-16 variants in current wars. Recent complaints are of an entirely different order.

Further to understanding the events depicted in this book, the current manufacturers of the American military's M-4 and M-16 rifles are Colt Defense LLC and FN Herstal USA. The Colt firm, located in West Hartford, Connecticut, is a successor company of Colt's Firearms Division of Colt Industries, which manufactured the original M-16 line for the Pentagon. Colt Industries, and its firearms division, no longer exist.


This book's epigraph-"Inventors seldom benefit themselves. They benefit the people."-is from "Made the Gatling Gun: Inventor Sought to Decrease the Horrors of War. An Interview with Dr. Gatling," published in the Was.h.i.+ngton Post Was.h.i.+ngton Post on October 29, 1899. on October 29, 1899.

Prologue: Stalin's Tools of War 1. Drawn from the author's visit in 2004 to the test site and crater where RDS-1 was detonated, and interviews with the director of the National Nuclear Center of Kazakhstan, which is located on the grounds of the former Soviet inst.i.tute, and the center's museum director and staff. Also from David Holloway, Drawn from the author's visit in 2004 to the test site and crater where RDS-1 was detonated, and interviews with the director of the National Nuclear Center of Kazakhstan, which is located on the grounds of the former Soviet inst.i.tute, and the center's museum director and staff. Also from David Holloway, Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy,19391956 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996), pp. 21320. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996), pp. 21320.2. Holloway, Holloway, Stalin and the Bomb, Stalin and the Bomb, pp. 21320. pp. 21320.3. Interview with author, 2004. Interview with author, 2004.4. Gene Roberts, "Enemy's Soviet-Designed Rifle Slows Marines' Drive in Hue. AK-47 Makes Sniper a 'Machine Gunner' Who 'Can Tie Up an Entire Company'-Cannons Used to Root Out Foe," Gene Roberts, "Enemy's Soviet-Designed Rifle Slows Marines' Drive in Hue. AK-47 Makes Sniper a 'Machine Gunner' Who 'Can Tie Up an Entire Company'-Cannons Used to Root Out Foe," New York Times, New York Times, February 9, 1968. February 9, 1968.5. Interview in 2002 of Ashrat Khan by author. Interview in 2002 of Ashrat Khan by author.6. Interview in 2010 of retired general William M. Keys, president and chief executive officer of Colt Defense LLC, the manufacturer of the M-16 line. Colt had manufactured roughly 7 million M-16s and seven hundred thousand M-4 carbines. The weapon and its knock-offs have also been made in smaller quant.i.ties in several other factories in Singapore, Canada, and South Korea, by a division of General Motors and elsewhere in the United States. Interview in 2010 of retired general William M. Keys, president and chief executive officer of Colt Defense LLC, the manufacturer of the M-16 line. Colt had manufactured roughly 7 million M-16s and seven hundred thousand M-4 carbines. The weapon and its knock-offs have also been made in smaller quant.i.ties in several other factories in Singapore, Canada, and South Korea, by a division of General Motors and elsewhere in the United States.7. Marius Broekmeyer, Marius Broekmeyer, Stalin, the Russians, and Their War Stalin, the Russians, and Their War (Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press, 2000), pp. xivxv. (Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press, 2000), pp. xivxv.8. A useful and accurate English-language guide is Joseph Poyer, A useful and accurate English-language guide is Joseph Poyer, Kalashnikov Rifles and Their Variations Kalashnikov Rifles and Their Variations (Tustin, Cal.: North Cape Publications, 2004), which expands upon the aggregation done by Edward Ezell's (Tustin, Cal.: North Cape Publications, 2004), which expands upon the aggregation done by Edward Ezell's Kalashnikov: The Arms and the Man Kalashnikov: The Arms and the Man (Cobourg, Ontario: Collector Grade Publications, 2001). (Cobourg, Ontario: Collector Grade Publications, 2001).

1. The Birth of Machine Guns 1. E. Frank Stephenson, Jr., E. Frank Stephenson, Jr., Gatling: A Photographic Remembrance Gatling: A Photographic Remembrance (Murfreesboro, North Carolina: Meherrin River Press, 1993), p. 4. (Murfreesboro, North Carolina: Meherrin River Press, 1993), p. 4.2. "Death of Dr. Gatling, Former Indianapolitan Who Achieved World-Wide Fame, Inventor of the Gatling Gun, Grain Drill and Other Devices Which Have Benefited Many," in Gatling's obituary on February 27, 1903, in the "Death of Dr. Gatling, Former Indianapolitan Who Achieved World-Wide Fame, Inventor of the Gatling Gun, Grain Drill and Other Devices Which Have Benefited Many," in Gatling's obituary on February 27, 1903, in the Indianapolis Journal, Indianapolis Journal, his impression from the caskets was quoted from an earlier interview. "The losses of life by disease rather than wounds caused me as a physician the idea that to shorten war would be to ameliorate it. This idea I got from looking at the boxes of dead bodies in the Indianapolis depot. I conceived a gun which should do the greatest execution in a brief s.p.a.ce, by a revolving series of barrels loaded with a particular ammunition and shooting a double range." his impression from the caskets was quoted from an earlier interview. "The losses of life by disease rather than wounds caused me as a physician the idea that to shorten war would be to ameliorate it. This idea I got from looking at the boxes of dead bodies in the Indianapolis depot. I conceived a gun which should do the greatest execution in a brief s.p.a.ce, by a revolving series of barrels loaded with a particular ammunition and shooting a double range."3. This letter from Gatling to Miss Lizzie Jarvis on June 15, 1877, is cited in many books, including on page 27 of Julia Keller's This letter from Gatling to Miss Lizzie Jarvis on June 15, 1877, is cited in many books, including on page 27 of Julia Keller's Mr. Gatling's Terrible Marvel: The Gun that Changed Everything and the Misunderstood Genius Who Invented It Mr. Gatling's Terrible Marvel: The Gun that Changed Everything and the Misunderstood Genius Who Invented It (New York: Penguin, 2008). (New York: Penguin, 2008).4. Stephenson, Stephenson, Gatling, Gatling, p. 10. p. 10.5. From a letter by Hugh O. Pentecost, Gatling's son-in-law, to the editors of the From a letter by Hugh O. Pentecost, Gatling's son-in-law, to the editors of the Hartford Courant, Hartford Courant, March 2, 1903. In Stephenson, March 2, 1903. In Stephenson, Gatling, Gatling, p. 81. p. 81.6. "Made The Gatling Gun. Inventor Sought to Decrease the Horrors of War. An Interview with Dr. Gatling," "Made The Gatling Gun. Inventor Sought to Decrease the Horrors of War. An Interview with Dr. Gatling," Was.h.i.+ngton Post, Was.h.i.+ngton Post, October 29, 1899. October 29, 1899.7. Frink's role has not been widely doc.u.mented. He is mentioned by Dr. Charles A. Bonsett in "Medical Museum Notes," a column in the December 1988 issue of Frink's role has not been widely doc.u.mented. He is mentioned by Dr. Charles A. Bonsett in "Medical Museum Notes," a column in the December 1988 issue of Indiana Medicine. Indiana Medicine. Dr. Bonsett cited a 1914 article about Gatling that described Frink as a "mechanical genius of this city [Indianapolis]." Personal communication to author from Charles Bonsett. Charles A. Bonsett, "Medical Museum Notes," from Dr. Bonsett cited a 1914 article about Gatling that described Frink as a "mechanical genius of this city [Indianapolis]." Personal communication to author from Charles Bonsett. Charles A. Bonsett, "Medical Museum Notes," from Indiana Medicine, Indiana Medicine, December 1988, Vol. 81, No. 12. See also Fred D. Cavinder, December 1988, Vol. 81, No. 12. See also Fred D. Cavinder, Amazing Tales from Indiana Amazing Tales from Indiana (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1990), p. 36. (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1990), p. 36.8. From United States Patent No. 36,836, "Improvement in Revolving Battery Guns," awarded to Richard J. Gatling, November 4, 1862, by the United States Patent Office, p. 1. From United States Patent No. 36,836, "Improvement in Revolving Battery Guns," awarded to Richard J. Gatling, November 4, 1862, by the United States Patent Office, p. 1.9. A. Bouvieron, A. Bouvieron, An Historical and Biographical Sketch of Fieschi, with Anecdotes Relating to His Life An Historical and Biographical Sketch of Fieschi, with Anecdotes Relating to His Life (London, 1835), p. 68. The dimensions were taken from the report of M. LePage, gunsmith to the king, who examined the device. (London, 1835), p. 68. The dimensions were taken from the report of M. LePage, gunsmith to the king, who examined the device.10. A copy of the patent submission is reproduced in George M. Chinn, A copy of the patent submission is reproduced in George M. Chinn, The Machine Gun: History, Evolution, and Development of Manual, Automatic, and Airborne Repeating Weapons, The Machine Gun: History, Evolution, and Development of Manual, Automatic, and Airborne Repeating Weapons, Volume I (Was.h.i.+ngton: Bureau of Ordnance, 1951), p. 18. Volume I (Was.h.i.+ngton: Bureau of Ordnance, 1951), p. 18.11. "A New System of Artillery for Projecting a Group or Cl.u.s.ter of Shot," lecture presented to the Royal United Services Inst.i.tute on May 9, 1862, and published in the inst.i.tute's journal the following year, p. 377. "A New System of Artillery for Projecting a Group or Cl.u.s.ter of Shot," lecture presented to the Royal United Services Inst.i.tute on May 9, 1862, and published in the inst.i.tute's journal the following year, p. 377.12. Chinn, Chinn, The Machine Gun, The Machine Gun, p. 36. p. 36.13. The term was used in 1914 by Dr. Charles Dennis, a medical beat writer for the The term was used in 1914 by Dr. Charles Dennis, a medical beat writer for the Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis Star, writing under the pen name Dr. Oldfish. writing under the pen name Dr. Oldfish.14. Indianapolis Daily Journal, Indianapolis Daily Journal, May 30, 1862. May 30, 1862.15. From "On Mitrailleurs, And Their Place In The Wars Of The Future," by Major G. V. Fosbery, Her Majesty's Bengal Staff Corps, From "On Mitrailleurs, And Their Place In The Wars Of The Future," by Major G. V. Fosbery, Her Majesty's Bengal Staff Corps, Journal of the Royal United Service Inst.i.tution, Journal of the Royal United Service Inst.i.tution, 1870, p. 543. 1870, p. 543.16. Charles B. Norton, Charles B. Norton, American Breech-Loading Small Arms: A Description of Late Inventions Including the Gatling Gun and a Chapter on Cartridges American Breech-Loading Small Arms: A Description of Late Inventions Including the Gatling Gun and a Chapter on Cartridges (New York: F. W. Christern, 1872), p. 240. (New York: F. W. Christern, 1872), p. 240.17. Lieutenant Skerrett's letter to Rear Admiral John A. Dahlgren, chief of the Navy's ordnance bureau, is printed in full in Norton, Lieutenant Skerrett's letter to Rear Admiral John A. Dahlgren, chief of the Navy's ordnance bureau, is printed in full in Norton, American Breech-Loading Small Arms, American Breech-Loading Small Arms, p. 241. p. 241.18. From Joseph Allen Minturn, From Joseph Allen Minturn, The Inventor's Friend; or, Success With Patents: A Practical Book Telling How to Discriminate Between Valuable and Worthless Inventions; How to Avoid Mistakes and Disappointment; How to Patent and Protect Inventions, and How to Dispose of the Monopoly The Inventor's Friend; or, Success With Patents: A Practical Book Telling How to Discriminate Between Valuable and Worthless Inventions; How to Avoid Mistakes and Disappointment; How to Patent and Protect Inventions, and How to Dispose of the Monopoly (Indianapolis: Meridian Co., 1893), p. 83. (Indianapolis: Meridian Co., 1893), p. 83.19. Butler, who was nicknamed the Beast by the Confederacy, would become even more hated during Reconstruction. But long before that he was loathed. His military skills were virtually nonexistent. Volume II of Butler, who was nicknamed the Beast by the Confederacy, would become even more hated during Reconstruction. But long before that he was loathed. His military skills were virtually nonexistent. Volume II of History of North Carolina from the Earliest Discoveries to the Present Time, History of North Carolina from the Earliest Discoveries to the Present Time, by John W. Moore, 1880, summarized his reputation on p. 261: "Such had been his conduct that the Confederate government had, by proclamation, set a price upon his head and instructed its armies to show him no quarter, but slay him like a wild beast wherever captured." by John W. Moore, 1880, summarized his reputation on p. 261: "Such had been his conduct that the Confederate government had, by proclamation, set a price upon his head and instructed its armies to show him no quarter, but slay him like a wild beast wherever captured."20. Lieutenant W. W. Kimball, "Machine Guns," published in Lieutenant W. W. Kimball, "Machine Guns," published in Proceedings of the United States Naval Inst.i.tute, Proceedings of the United States Naval Inst.i.tute, November 16, 1881, p. 407. Lt. Kimball did not cite his source for this information, and historians of the Civil War have largely concluded that the Gatling gun was not widely used in the war. November 16, 1881, p. 407. Lt. Kimball did not cite his source for this information, and historians of the Civil War have largely concluded that the Gatling gun was not widely used in the war.21. Paul Wahl and Don Toppel, Paul Wahl and Don Toppel, The Gatling Gun The Gatling Gun (New York: Arco Publis.h.i.+ng Co., 1965). (New York: Arco Publis.h.i.+ng Co., 1965).22. Louis M. Starr, Louis M. Starr, Bohemian Brigade: Civil War Newsmen in Action Bohemian Brigade: Civil War Newsmen in Action (New York: Knopf, 1954), pp. 22224. (New York: Knopf, 1954), pp. 22224.23. General Ripley presents historians with a curious case. The nemesis of would-be arms dealers to the Union, he has been derided by many of Gatling's chroniclers as a small-minded officer who missed an opportunity to field a decisive weapon against the Confederacy. Interestingly, he also resisted the introduction of repeating rifles, missing another chance to equip his army with more lethal arms. He is, in this portrait, petty, unimaginative, inclined toward bureaucracy, and unresponsive. Ripley had a singularly difficult job. He needed to sort through the issues of arming a force that swelled severalfold within months, all the while puzzling through ways to keep the weapons flowing into service compatible with one another, and managing the weapons' disparate ammunition needs and soldiers' training. John Ellis, in his acidic treatise, General Ripley presents historians with a curious case. The nemesis of would-be arms dealers to the Union, he has been derided by many of Gatling's chroniclers as a small-minded officer who missed an opportunity to field a decisive weapon against the Confederacy. Interestingly, he also resisted the introduction of repeating rifles, missing another chance to equip his army with more lethal arms. He is, in this portrait, petty, unimaginative, inclined toward bureaucracy, and unresponsive. Ripley had a singularly difficult job. He needed to sort through the issues of arming a force that swelled severalfold within months, all the while puzzling through ways to keep the weapons flowing into service compatible with one another, and managing the weapons' disparate ammunition needs and soldiers' training. John Ellis, in his acidic treatise, The Social History of the Machine Gun The Social History of the Machine Gun (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975), called him "an inveterate standardiser." Given the circ.u.mstances, this seems a reasonable approach, although standardization also thwarted the fielding of valuable weapons at a time when arms development was proceeding at a rapid clip. Ripley was hardly the first armorer who fought for standardization of infantry arms; the philosophy he embraced has become a foundation of modern military training and logistics. Standardization is part of the core of the Kalashnikov system, and one of the reasons for its martial success and its emergence, in the eyes of those who would more fully regulate the international small-arms trade, as a global scurge. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975), called him "an inveterate standardiser." Given the circ.u.mstances, this seems a reasonable approach, although standardization also thwarted the fielding of valuable weapons at a time when arms development was proceeding at a rapid clip. Ripley was hardly the first armorer who fought for standardization of infantry arms; the philosophy he embraced has become a foundation of modern military training and logistics. Standardization is part of the core of the Kalashnikov system, and one of the reasons for its martial success and its emergence, in the eyes of those who would more fully regulate the international small-arms trade, as a global scurge.24. David Lloyd George, David Lloyd George, War Memoirs of David Lloyd George, 19151916 War Memoirs of David Lloyd George, 19151916 (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1933), p. 81. (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1933), p. 81.25. David A. Armstrong, David A. Armstrong, Bullets and Bureaucrats: The Machine Gun and the United States Army, 18611916 Bullets and Bureaucrats: The Machine Gun and the United States Army, 18611916 (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1982), p. 10. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1982), p. 10.26. W. Reid McKee and M. E. Mason, Jr., W. Reid McKee and M. E. Mason, Jr., Civil War Projectiles II: Small Arms & Field Artllery, With Supplement Civil War Projectiles II: Small Arms & Field Artllery, With Supplement (Orange, Va.: Moss Publications, 1980), p. 8. (Orange, Va.: Moss Publications, 1980), p. 8.27. The rumor was not substantiated and is offset by evidence otherwise. The Confederacy was no more disposed toward rapid-fire arms than the North. Whether the rumor was a product of war hysteria or a malicious plant by a compet.i.tor is unknown. But history would show that Gatling lived in the North, worked from the North, and saw himself as a man of Northern industry. No scholar of the Civil War has yet turned up evidence that he worked surrept.i.tiously for the South, or offered his weapons for sale to the Confederacy. The rumor was not substantiated and is offset by evidence otherwise. The Confederacy was no more disposed toward rapid-fire arms than the North. Whether the rumor was a product of war hysteria or a malicious plant by a compet.i.tor is unknown. But history would show that Gatling lived in the North, worked from the North, and saw himself as a man of Northern industry. No scholar of the Civil War has yet turned up evidence that he worked surrept.i.tiously for the South, or offered his weapons for sale to the Confederacy.28. This letter has been reproduced in several books about machine guns, gunnery, and Gatling. Chinn's work, This letter has been reproduced in several books about machine guns, gunnery, and Gatling. Chinn's work, The Machine Gun, The Machine Gun, is most useful, as it reproduced the original handwritten note, which shows Gatling's own underlining for emphasis. is most useful, as it reproduced the original handwritten note, which shows Gatling's own underlining for emphasis.29. William H. McNeill, William H. McNeill, The Pursuit of Power The Pursuit of Power (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982), p. 232. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982), p. 232.30. McKee and Mason, McKee and Mason, Civil War Projectiles Civil War Projectiles, p. 10. The data on the velocities and penetrating powers of the era's musket b.a.l.l.s all come from this source, including the charts and text on p. 10.31. Frank R. Freemon, Frank R. Freemon, Gangrene and Glory: Medical Care During the American Civil War Gangrene and Glory: Medical Care During the American Civil War (Cranbury, N.J.: a.s.sociated University Press, 1998), p. 48. (Cranbury, N.J.: a.s.sociated University Press, 1998), p. 48.32. Ibid. Ibid.33. From Hannah Ropes, From Hannah Ropes, Civil War Nurse. The Diary and Letters of Hannah Ropes, Civil War Nurse. The Diary and Letters of Hannah Ropes, John R. Brumgardt, ed., (Knoxville, Tenn.: University of Tennessee Press, 1980), p. 68. John R. Brumgardt, ed., (Knoxville, Tenn.: University of Tennessee Press, 1980), p. 68.34. Ibid., p. 88. Ibid., p. 88.35. Nugent and Palmer litigated over the American patent from 1861. Ager received British patents for the gun in 1866. If the possibility of riches from future sales motivated the disputes, it was a battle over not much. There were no riches to be had. By the end of the war, in 1865, the Repeating Gun had been discredited due to its frequent jamming. Nugent and Palmer litigated over the American patent from 1861. Ager received British patents for the gun in 1866. If the possibility of riches from future sales motivated the disputes, it was a battle over not much. There were no riches to be had. By the end of the war, in 1865, the Repeating Gun had been discredited due to its frequent jamming.36. For many of the weapons described in these pages, a more thorough description of their design and operation can be found in Chinn, For many of the weapons described in these pages, a more thorough description of their design and operation can be found in Chinn, The Machine Gun, The Machine Gun, in this case, Vol. 1, pp. 3740. in this case, Vol. 1, pp. 3740.37. Robert V. Bruce, Robert V. Bruce, Lincoln and the Tools of War Lincoln and the Tools of War (Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1989), p. 119. (Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1989), p. 119.38. The prices were published by Lt. Col. Calvin G.o.ddard, chief of the Historical Section of the U.S. Army's Chief of Ordnance, in The prices were published by Lt. Col. Calvin G.o.ddard, chief of the Historical Section of the U.S. Army's Chief of Ordnance, in Army Ordnance: The Journal of the Army Ordnance a.s.sociation, Army Ordnance: The Journal of the Army Ordnance a.s.sociation, and were reprinted in and were reprinted in The Machine Gun: The Period of Recognition, The Machine Gun: The Period of Recognition, Ordnance Department, Was.h.i.+ngton, 1943. Ordnance Department, Was.h.i.+ngton, 1943.39. In fact, neither the Ager nor the Gatling were true machine guns, but Mills was the first to succeed in closing a sale of a rapid-fire weapon, and his sale presaged the widespread distribution of weapons of this sort in Europe and beyond. In fact, neither the Ager nor the Gatling were true machine guns, but Mills was the first to succeed in closing a sale of a rapid-fire weapon, and his sale presaged the widespread distribution of weapons of this sort in Europe and beyond.40. Kimball, "Machine Guns," p. 406. Kimball, "Machine Guns," p. 406.41. Armstrong, Armstrong, Bullets and Bureaucrats, Bullets and Bureaucrats, pp. 1819. pp. 1819.42. Test report of January 20, 1865, on file at Connecticut State Library, Record Group 103, Subgroup 12. Hereinafter referred to as "on file at Connecticut State Library." Test report of January 20, 1865, on file at Connecticut State Library, Record Group 103, Subgroup 12. Hereinafter referred to as "on file at Connecticut State Library."

2. Machine Guns in Action 1. From a letter to the Royal United Service Inst.i.tute in 1875 by Captain Ebenezer Rogers. From a letter to the Royal United Service Inst.i.tute in 1875 by Captain Ebenezer Rogers.2. Copy of contract on file at Indiana Historical Society Collection. Copy of contract on file at Indiana Historical Society Collection.3. Quoted from a letter of July 14, 1866, from T. G. Baylor, captain of ordnance, to Major-General A. B. Dyer, the army's chief of ordnance. In Norton, Quoted from a letter of July 14, 1866, from T. G. Baylor, captain of ordnance, to Major-General A. B. Dyer, the army's chief of ordnance. In Norton, American Breech-Loading Small Arms, American Breech-Loading Small Arms, p. 243. p. 243.4. Quoted from the report of three officers to Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, May 30, 1868, in Norton, Quoted from the report of three officers to Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, May 30, 1868, in Norton, Breech-Loading Small Arms, Breech-Loading Small Arms, p. 244. p. 244.5. Minturn, Minturn, The Inventor's Friend, The Inventor's Friend, p. 83. p. 83.6. On file at Connecticut State Library. On file at Connecticut State Library.7. Tatiana Nikolayevna Ilyina, Tatiana Nikolayevna Ilyina, Voyenniye Agenty i Russkie Oruzhiye Voyenniye Agenty i Russkie Oruzhiye ( (Military Agents and Russian Weapons), (Saint Petersburg: Atlant, 2008), pp. 7583.8. Peter Cozzens, Peter Cozzens, Eyewitness to the Indian Wars, 18651890: Conquering the Southern Plains Eyewitness to the Indian Wars, 18651890: Conquering the Southern Plains (Mechanicsburgh, Pa: Stackpole Books, 2003), p. 69. (Mechanicsburgh, Pa: Stackpole Books, 2003), p. 69.9. Gatling's System of Fire-Arms with Official Reports of Recent Trials and Great Success. Gatling's System of Fire-Arms with Official Reports of Recent Trials and Great Success. This undated brochure, printed by C. W. Ames in New York, is on file at Indiana State Library. This undated brochure, printed by C. W. Ames in New York, is on file at Indiana State Library.10. The test results are published in Norton, The test results are published in Norton, American Breech-Loading Small Arms, American Breech-Loading Small Arms, pp. 26874. pp. 26874.11. Copies of correspondence are on file at Connecticut State Library. Copies of correspondence are on file at Connecticut State Library.12. Fosbery, "On Mitrailleurs," p. 547. Fosbery, "On Mitrailleurs," p. 547.13. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, February 3, 1868. Gatling told Love that he expected the French to buy his guns. "The best of the officers are of the opinion that the 1-inch Gatling gun will supercede the ordinary field guns now in use," he wrote. "If such should be the case, then making guns must soon grow [into] a large business." Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, February 3, 1868. Gatling told Love that he expected the French to buy his guns. "The best of the officers are of the opinion that the 1-inch Gatling gun will supercede the ordinary field guns now in use," he wrote. "If such should be the case, then making guns must soon grow [into] a large business."14. Cited in Norton, Cited in Norton, American Breech-Loading Small Arms, American Breech-Loading Small Arms, p. 238. p. 238.15. Brevet-Colonel Edward B. Williston, "Machine Guns in War," Brevet-Colonel Edward B. Williston, "Machine Guns in War," Army and Navy Journal, Army and Navy Journal, May 20, 1886. May 20, 1886.16. Major General Beauchamp, from the transcript of remarks at the Royal United Service Inst.i.tution after a presentation, "Machine-Guns and How To Use Them," by W. Gardner. In Ordnance Notes No. 198, 1882, p. 7. That mitrailleuses were carted off no one disputes. It seems unlikely, however, that the quant.i.ty was 600; another officer noted that the year before the war, the French had 190 mitrailleuses. Major General Beauchamp, from the transcript of remarks at the Royal United Service Inst.i.tution after a presentation, "Machine-Guns and How To Use Them," by W. Gardner. In Ordnance Notes No. 198, 1882, p. 7. That mitrailleuses were carted off no one disputes. It seems unlikely, however, that the quant.i.ty was 600; another officer noted that the year before the war, the French had 190 mitrailleuses.17. Kimball, "Machine Guns," p. 413. Kimball, "Machine Guns," p. 413.18. A series of letters in late 1869 between the secretary of state for war in Great Britain and officers of the Gatling Gun Company provide details. On file at Connecticut State Library. A series of letters in late 1869 between the secretary of state for war in Great Britain and officers of the Gatling Gun Company provide details. On file at Connecticut State Library.19. Abridged Treatise on The Construction and Manufacture of Ordnance in the British Service, Abridged Treatise on The Construction and Manufacture of Ordnance in the British Service, July 1877, p. 262. July 1877, p. 262.20. Gatling's System of Fire-Arms with Official Report of Recent Trial and Great Successes Gatling's System of Fire-Arms with Official Report of Recent Trial and Great Successes (C. W. Ames, printer, circa 1874), pp. 67. On file at Indiana State Library. (C. W. Ames, printer, circa 1874), pp. 67. On file at Indiana State Library.21. Letter from W. H. Talbott, August 31, 1871. On file at Connecticut State Library. Letter from W. H. Talbott, August 31, 1871. On file at Connecticut State Library.22. G. A. Henty, G. A. Henty, By Sheer Pluck: A Tale of the Ashanti War By Sheer Pluck: A Tale of the Ashanti War (Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1884), p. 197. (Glasgow: Blackie & Son, 1884), p. 197.23. H. A. Brackenbury, captain, Royal Artillery, H. A. Brackenbury, captain, Royal Artillery, The Ashanti War: A Narrative Prepared From The Official Doc.u.ments By Permission of Major-General Sir Garnet Wolseley, The Ashanti War: A Narrative Prepared From The Official Doc.u.ments By Permission of Major-General Sir Garnet Wolseley, Vol. II (Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1874), p. 4445. Vol. II (Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1874), p. 4445.24. John H. Parker, John H. Parker, Tactical Organization and Uses of Machine Guns in the Field Tactical Organization and Uses of Machine Guns in the Field (Kansas City, Mo: Hudson-Kimberly Publis.h.i.+ng Co. 1899), p. 3536. (Kansas City, Mo: Hudson-Kimberly Publis.h.i.+ng Co. 1899), p. 3536.25. A full copy of the handwritten test report is on file at Connecticut State Library. A full copy of the handwritten test report is on file at Connecticut State Library.26. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, October 26, 1873. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, October 26, 1873. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection.27. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love. August 1, 1873. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love. August 1, 1873. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection.28. Letter from Edgar T. Welles to General John Love, August 2, 1873. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection. Letter from Edgar T. Welles to General John Love, August 2, 1873. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection.29. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, November 30, 1873. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, November 30, 1873. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection.30. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General Love, November 8, 1873. On file at Indiana Historical Society. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General Love, November 8, 1873. On file at Indiana Historical Society.31. Ibid. Ibid.32. "Letter from the Secretary of War Recommending Appropriation for Gatling Guns," Government Printing Office, 1874. On file at Connecticut State Library. "Letter from the Secretary of War Recommending Appropriation for Gatling Guns," Government Printing Office, 1874. On file at Connecticut State Library.33. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, May 10, 1874. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, May 10, 1874. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection.34. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, March 26, 1874. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, March 26, 1874. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection.35. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, May 30, 1874. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, May 30, 1874. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection.36. "List of Guns Sold and Paid For," on file at Connecticut State Library. "List of Guns Sold and Paid For," on file at Connecticut State Library.37. "The Place of the Mitrailleurs in War," reprinted from "The Place of the Mitrailleurs in War," reprinted from Review Review in in Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science and Art Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science and Art, Vol. XII, July to December 1870 (New York: E. R. Pelton, 1870), pp. 72528.38. Nature Nature, September 1, 1870, p. 361.39. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, August 28, 1873. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, August 28, 1873. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection.40. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, November 9, 1873. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, November 9, 1873. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection.41. Letter from William Folger to General John Love, July 11, 1874. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection. Letter from William Folger to General John Love, July 11, 1874. On file at Indiana Historical Society Collection.42. Fosbery, "On Mitrailleurs," p. 557. Fosbery, "On Mitrailleurs," p. 557.43. Ibid., p. 572. Ibid., p. 572.44. Captain Rogers made a presentation, "The Gatling Gun: Its Place in Tactics," at the evening meeting of the Royal United Services Inst.i.tution on April 19, 1875. The full text of his speech was published in the inst.i.tution's journal, No. 19, 1876, London. The excerpt here is from p. 423. Captain Rogers made a presentation, "The Gatling Gun: Its Place in Tactics," at the evening meeting of the Royal United Services Inst.i.tution on April 19, 1875. The full text of his speech was published in the inst.i.tution's journal, No. 19, 1876, London. The excerpt here is from p. 423.45. Ibid., p. 427. Ibid., p. 427.46. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, April 27, 1874. Letter on file at Indiana Historical Society. Letter from R. J. Gatling to General John Love, April 27, 1874. Letter on file at Indiana Historical Society.47. Letter from R. J. Gatling to Love, May 30, 1874. The letter has a telling cross-out. After writing "five pounds" Gatling had originally added "or 10 pounds." The second amount was crossed out with four lines, suggesting that while Gatling sought Rogers's a.s.sistance, he wanted to secure it at minimal expense. Letter from R. J. Gatling to Love, May 30, 1874. The letter has a telling cross-out. After writing "five pounds" Gatling had originally added "or 10 pounds." The second amount was crossed out with four lines, suggesting that while Gatling sought Rogers's a.s.sistance, he wanted to secure it at minimal expense.48. Rogers, "The Gatling Gun," p. 438. Rogers, "The Gatling Gun," p. 438.49. Ibid., p. 440. Ibid., p. 440.50. Red Horse was interviewed in 1881 by an army surgeon. His account was published by the Government Printing Office in 1893 and reproduced in Red Horse was interviewed in 1881 by an army surgeon. His account was published by the Government Printing Office in 1893 and reproduced in Lakota and Cheyenne, Indian Views of the Great Sioux War, 18761877 Lakota and Cheyenne, Indian Views of the Great Sioux War, 18761877, ed. Jerome A. Greene, p. 37.51. "On Little Big Horn with General Custer," "On Little Big Horn with General Custer," Army Magazine Army Magazine, June and July 1894; republished in Peter Cozzens, ed., Eyewitness to the Indian Wars, 18651890: The Long War for the Northern Plains, Eyewitness to the Indian Wars, 18651890: The Long War for the Northern Plains, p. 318. p. 318.52. Williston, "Machine Guns in War." Williston, "Machine Guns in War."53. Peter Cozzens, ed., Peter Cozzens, ed., Eyewitness to the Indian Wars, 18651890, Volume Two: The Wars for the Pacific Northwest Eyewitness to the Indian Wars, 18651890, Volume Two: The Wars for the Pacific Northwest (Mechanicsburg, Pa.: Stackpole Press, 2002), p. 377. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.: Stackpole Press, 2002), p. 377.54. Donald R. Morris, Donald R. Morris, The Was.h.i.+ng of the Spears: The Rise and Fall of the Zulu Nation The Was.h.i.+ng of the Spears: The Rise and Fall of the Zulu Nation (Cambridge, Ma.s.s.: De Capo Press, 1998), p. 567. (Cambridge, Ma.s.s.: De Capo Press, 1998), p. 567.55. Ibid., p. 569. Ibid., p. 569.56. "The Zulus Badly Whipped," "The Zulus Badly Whipped," New York Times, New York Times, July 24, 1879. July 24, 1879.57. Morris, Morris, Was.h.i.+ng of the Spears Was.h.i.+ng of the Spears, p 572.58. Kimball, "Machine Guns," p. 410. Kimball, "Machine Guns," p. 410.59. W. Gardner, "Machine Guns and How to Use Them," in Ordnance Notes. No. 198, Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., June 1, 1882, p. 2. W. Gardner, "Machine Guns and How to Use Them," in Ordnance Notes. No. 198, Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., June 1, 1882, p. 2.60. Ibid., p. 6. Ibid., p. 6.61. Ibid., p. 8. Ibid., p. 8.62. Lakeside Press, Lakeside Press, Cleveland, N.Y., April 2, 1881. Cleveland, N.Y., April 2, 1881.63. Paul Wahl and Donald R. Toppel, Paul Wahl and Donald R. Toppel, The Gatling Gun The Gatling Gun (New York: Arco Publis.h.i.+ng, 1965), p. 100. The authors cited the August 27 issue of the (New York: Arco Publis.h.i.+ng, 1965), p. 100. The authors cited the August 27 issue of the Army & Navy Journal. Army & Navy Journal.64. Chinn, Chinn, The Machine Gun The Machine Gun, p. 58.

3. Hiram Maxim Changes War 1. "Evening News" of Baltimore, date illegible. From the Sir Hiram S. Maxim Collection, 18901916. Archives Division, National Air and s.p.a.ce Museum, Smithsonian Inst.i.tution, Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C. "Evening News" of Baltimore, date illegible. From the Sir Hiram S. Maxim Collection, 18901916. Archives Division, National Air and s.p.a.ce Museum, Smithsonian Inst.i.tution, Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.2. This number is from Maxim's memoirs, This number is from Maxim's memoirs, My Life My Life (London: Methuen and Co., 1915). In another account, to the Royal United Services Inst.i.tution, Maxim said he had fired seven rounds. (London: Methuen and Co., 1915). In another account, to the Royal United Services Inst.i.tution, Maxim said he had fired seven rounds.3. "Sir Hiram Maxim, Inventor, Dies," "Sir Hiram Maxim, Inventor, Dies," Rochester Herald Rochester Herald, November 25, 1916.4. Hiram Maxim, Hiram Maxim, My Life, My Life, p. 38. p. 38.5. Personal communication from Dr. Joseph Slade, of the University of Ohio, who has researched Maxim's life and holds copies of some of Maxim's personal papers. Personal communication from Dr. Joseph Slade, of the University of Ohio, who has researched Maxim's life and holds copies of some of Maxim's personal papers.6. Maxim, Maxim, My Life, My Life, p. 40. p. 40.7. Ibid., p. 48. Ibid., p. 48.8. Ibid., p. 86. Ibid., p. 86.9. Brooklyn Eagle Brooklyn Eagle, November 24, 1916.10. Maxim, Maxim, My Life, My Life, p. 132. p. 132.11. Hiram Percy Maxim, Hiram Percy Maxim, A Genius in the Family: Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim Through a Small Son's Eyes A Genius in the Family: Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim Through a Small Son's Eyes (New York & London: Harper & Brothers 1936), pp. 2125. (New York & London: Harper & Brothers 1936), pp. 2125.12. Maxim, Maxim, A Genius in the Family A Genius in the Family, pp. 1720.13. Census data from personal communication from d.i.c.k Eastman, genealogist. Dr. Slade, who had researched Maxim's life, said, of Maxim's move to Canada during the war, "His wanderings are certainly suspicious" (personal communication with author). Census data from personal communication from d.i.c.k Eastman, genealogist. Dr. Slade, who had researched Maxim's life, said, of Maxim's move to Canada during the war, "His wanderings are certainly suspicious" (personal communication with author).14. "How I Invented Maxim Gun-Hiram Maxim. Outbreak of World-War Moves Veteran American to Describe for The Times His Epoch-Making Invention," "How I Invented Maxim Gun-Hiram Maxim. Outbreak of World-War Moves Veteran American to Describe for The Times His Epoch-Making Invention," New York Times, New York Times, November 1, 1914. This was how Maxim himself quoted the advice in 1914. A briefer version is commonly cited: "Hang your chemistry and electricity! If you want to make a pile of money, invent something that will enable these Europeans to cut each other's throats with great facility." The second quotation has been used by many sources, including by Chinn in November 1, 1914. This was how Maxim himself quoted the advice in 1914. A briefer version is commonly cited: "Hang your chemistry and electricity! If you want to make a pile of money, invent something that will enable these Europeans to cut each other's throats with great facility." The second quotation has been used by many sources, including by Chinn in The Machine Gun The Machine Gun (p. 128), and the many gun writers who borrowed from him. The reference to a "Jew" appears in Dolf Goldsmith, (p. 128), and the many gun writers who borrowed from him. The reference to a "Jew" appears in Dolf Goldsmith, The Devil's Paintbrush, Sir Hiram Maxim's Gun, The Devil's Paintbrush, Sir Hiram Maxim's Gun, 2nd ed. (Toronto: Collector Grade Publication, 1993) p. 7, citing the 2nd ed. (Toronto: Collector Grade Publication, 1993) p. 7, citing the London Times. London Times.15. Chinn, Chinn, The Machine Gun, The Machine Gun, p. 128. It was 1883. The idea was ahead of its time-machine guns were still struggling for military acceptance, and Maxim had conceived of an a.s.sault rifle, which would not be carried into combat for decades. p. 128. It was 1883. The idea was ahead of its time-machine guns were still struggling for military acceptance, and Maxim had conceived of an a.s.sault rifle, which would not be carried into combat for decades.16. Maxim, Maxim, My Life, My Life, p. 157. p. 157.17. P. Fleury Mottelay, P. Fleury Mottelay, The Life and Work of Sir Hiram Maxim The Life and Work of Sir Hiram Maxim (London: John Lane, 1920), p. 10. (London: John Lane, 1920), p. 10.18. A transcript of Maxim's presentation to the Royal United Services Inst.i.tution on December 11, 1896, ent.i.tled "The Automatic System of Fire-Arms: Its History and Development," is on file at the Smithsonian. The account is taken from the opening page. Archives Division, National Air and s.p.a.ce Museum. A transcript of Maxim's presentation to the Royal United Services Inst.i.tution on December 11, 1896, ent.i.tled "The Automatic System of Fire-Arms: Its History and Development," is on file at the Smithsonian. The account is taken from the opening page. Archives Division, National Air and s.p.a.ce Museum.19. Ian V. Hogg, Ian V. Hogg, Machine Guns: A Detailed History of the Rapid-Fire Gun, 14th Century to Present Machine Guns: A Detailed History of the Rapid-Fire Gun, 14th Century to Present (Iola, Wisc.: Krause Publications, 2002), pp. 3435. (Iola, Wisc.: Krause Publications, 2002), pp. 3435.20. Goldsmith, Goldsmith, The Devil's Paintbrush. The Devil's Paintbrush.21. Maxim, Maxim, My Life, My Life, p. 163. p. 163.22. Ibid., p. 170. Ibid., p. 170.23. Chinn, Chinn, The Machine Gun, The Machine Gun, pp. 13435. pp. 13435.24. Julian Symons, Julian Symons, England's Pride: The Story of the Gordon Relief Expedition England's Pride: The Story of the Gordon Relief Expedition (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1965), p. 196. (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1965), p. 196.25. Lord Charles Beresford, Lord Charles Beresford, The Memoirs of Admiral Lord Charles Beresford The Memoirs of Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, Volume I. (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1914), p. 263.26. Symons, p. 198. Symons, p. 198.27. Ibid., p. 203. Ibid., p. 203.28. Alex MacDonald, Alex MacDonald, Too Late for Gordon and Khartoum: The Testimony of an Independent Eye-Witness of the Heroic Efforts for Their Relief and Rescue Too Late for Gordon and Khartoum: The Testimony of an Independent Eye-Witness of the Heroic Efforts for Their Relief and Rescue (John Murray, publisher, 1887), p. 241. (John Murray, publisher, 1887), p. 241.29. Beresford, Beresford, Memoirs, Memoirs, p. 267. p. 267.30. The Nineteenth Century and After, The Nineteenth Century and After, vol. 13, James Knowles, ed. (London: Sampson, Low Marston & Co., 1903), p. 91. vol. 13, James Knowles, ed. (London: Sampson, Low Marston & Co., 1903), p. 91.31. Chinn, Chinn, The Machine Gun, The Machine Gun, p. 131. p. 131.32. Maxim, Maxim, My Life, My Life, p. 203. p. 203.33. Ibid., p. 238. Ibid., p. 238.34. Armstrong, Armstrong, Bullets and Bureaucrats Bullets and Bureaucrats, p. 17535. Williston. "Machine Guns in War." Williston. "Machine Guns in War."36. "Robari (The Story of A Very Little War.)" "Robari (The Story of A Very Little War.)" MacMillan's MacMillan's Volume Lx.x.xI, Nov 1899April 1900, pp. 99105. Volume Lx.x.xI, Nov 1899April 1900, pp. 99105.37. Details of Rattray's travels and life were provided to the author by his grandson, Alan Swindale. Details of Rattray's travels and life were provided to the author by his grandson, Alan Swindale.38. Rattray's letter is posted on Rattray's letter is posted on, a British genealogy website.39. "I am glad to learn the Fletcher note has been paid," Gatling wrote in a letter to General John Love, January 30, 1874. On file at Indiana Historical Society. The "Fletcher note" refers to the debt. "I am glad to learn the Fletcher note has been paid," Gatling wrote in a letter to General John Love, January 30, 1874. On file at Indiana Historical Society. The "Fletcher note" refers to the debt.40. "Statement of the Condition of the Company," handwritten by Gatling for the shareholders, October 4, 1876. On file at Connecticut State Library. "Statement of the Condition of the Company," handwritten by Gatling for the shareholders, October 4, 1876. On file at Connecticut State Library.41. "Cash Receipts and Disburs.e.m.e.nts during the year ending Sept. 30, 1889." On file at Connecticut State Library. "Cash Receipts and Disburs.e.m.e.nts during the year ending Sept. 30, 1889." On file at Connecticut State Library.42. Armstrong, Armstrong, Bullets and Bureaucrats, Bullets and Bureaucrats, p. 77. p. 77.43. Wahl and Toppel, Wahl and Toppel, Gatling Gun, Gatling Gun, p. 135. p. 135.44. Letter from Frederick W. Prince, secretary of the Gatling Gun Company, to the U.S. Navy Bureau of Ordnance, September 22, 1894. On file at Connecticut State Library. Letter from Frederick W. Prince, secretary of the Gatling Gun Company, to the U.S. Navy Bureau of Ordnance, September 22, 1894. On file at Connecticut State Library.45. Norton, Norton, American Breech-Loading Small Arms, American Breech-Loading Small Arms, p. 242. p. 242.46. Army and Navy Gazette of London, Army and Navy Gazette of London, May 7, 1892. May 7, 1892.47. G. S. Hutchison, G. S. Hutchison, Machine Guns: Their History and Tactical Employment Machine Guns: Their History and Tactical Employment (London: Macmillan and Co., 1938), p. 67. (London: Macmillan and Co., 1938), p. 67.48. The notes on Maxim's workplace personality are from a section of The notes on Maxim's workplace personality are from a section of Maxim Nordentfelt Days and Ways, Maxim Nordentfelt Days and Ways, quoted at length in Goldsmith, quoted at length in Goldsmith, The Devil's Paintbrush, The Devil's Paintbrush, p. 58. The details on overcapitalization are from a directors' report, quoted at length in the same book, p. 59. p. 58. The details on overcapitalization are from a directors' report, quoted at length in the same book, p. 59.49. "An Abridgement of Mr. Hiram S. Maxim's Lecture delivered at Dartford, March 16th, 1897," p. 5. On file at the Smithsonian. "An Abridgement of Mr. Hiram S. Maxim's Lecture delivered at Dartford, March 16th, 1897," p. 5. On file at the Smithsonian.50. John H. Parker, John H. Parker, History of the Gatling Gun Detachment, Fifth Army Corps, At Santiago, With a Few Unvarnished Truths Concerning that Expedition History of the Gatling Gun Detachment, Fifth Army Corps, At Santiago, With a Few Unvarnished Truths Concerning that Expedition (Kansas City, Mo.: Hudson-Kimberly Publis.h.i.+ng Co., 1898) (Kansas City, Mo.: Hudson-Kimberly Publis.h.i.+ng Co., 1898), p. 11. p. 11.51. Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., Since Its Establishment in 1802, Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., Since Its Establishment in 1802, supplement vol. VI-A, 191020 (Saginaw, Mich.: Seemann & Peters Printers, 1920), pp. 64244. supplement vol. VI-A, 191020 (Saginaw, Mich.: Seemann & Peters Printers, 1920), pp. 64244.52. Parker, Parker, History of the Gatling Gun Detachment, History of the Gatling Gun Detachment, p. 20. Parker's book, like his actions outside Santiago, was prescient. His suggestions for machine-gun employment presaged World War I. The book also serves as social criticism of the American army circa 1900. Parker championed the enlisted man, and his writing was spiced with his observations-and derision-of the machinations of army generals for status and power, and, chillingly, of what he saw as the abandonment by the army of soldiers in Cuba who had contracted tropical diseases. These men, he said, were not provided for as the army sailed home for victory parades. He was a tactical visionary. He was not popular. p. 20. Parker's book, like his actions outside Santiago, was prescient. His suggestions for machine-gun employment presaged World War I. The book also serves as social criticism of the American army circa 1900. Parker championed the enlisted man, and his writing was spiced with his observations-and derision-of the machinations of army generals for status and power, and, chillingly, of what he saw as the abandonment by the army of soldiers in Cuba who had contracted tropical diseases. These men, he said, were not provided for as the army sailed home for victory parades. He was a tactical visionary. He was not popular.53. Armstrong, Armstrong, Bullets and Bureaucrats. Bullets and Bureaucrats. p. 83. p. 83.54. G.o.ddard, G.o.ddard, Army Ordnance, Army Ordnance, pp. 89. pp. 89.55. "The Yuma Penitentiary. One of the Most Remarkable Prisons in the United States. Filled With Desperate Characters. In Many Years but One Has Escaped," "The Yuma Penitentiary. One of the Most Remarkable Prisons in the United States. Filled With Desperate Characters. In Many Years but One Has Escaped," New York Times, New York Times, March 1, 1896. March 1, 1896.56. Times of London, Times of London, February 22, 1879. On file at Connecticut State Library. February 22, 1879. On file at Connecticut State Library.57. All three newspaper clippings are on file, undated, at Connecticut State Library. All three newspaper clippings are on file, undated, at Connecticut State Library.58. Peter Cozzens, Peter Cozzens, Eyewitness to the Indian Wars, Volume Five: The Army and the Indian Eyewitness to the Indian Wars, Volume Five: The Army and the Indian (Mechanicsburg, Pa: Stackpole Books, 2001). A soldier's diary on p. 319 describes the encounter. "With one Gatling on board, we started up the river Yellowstone. Had a lively target practice this (Mechanicsburg, Pa: Stackpole Books, 2001). A soldier's diary on p. 319 describes the encounter. "With one Gatling on board, we started up the river Yellowstone. Had a lively target practice this P.M. P.M. at a large brown bear which was seen ahead on a sandbar. He made a lively retreat for the sh.o.r.e and into the thicket as we drew near. The men forward gave him a volley, but he still kept on." The entry thus is not fully clear, and can be read in two ways. The Gatling was certainly present, and the order of the writing strongly suggests it was fired. The phrase "gave a volley" indicates that the soldiers might have fired their rifles simultaneously. Armstrong, in at a large brown bear which was seen ahead on a sandbar. He made a lively retreat for the sh.o.r.e and into the thicket as we drew near. The men forward gave him a volley, but he still kept on." The entry thus is not fully clear, and can be read in two ways. The Gatling was certainly present, and the order of the writing strongly suggests it was fired. The phrase "gave a volley" indicates that the soldiers might have fired their rifles simultaneously. Armstrong, in Bullets and Bureaucrats Bullets and Bureaucrats, doc.u.mented six uses of a Gatling gun against Native Americans from 1874 to 1878; p. 80.59. Parker, Parker, History of the Gatling Gun Detachment, History of the Gatling Gun Detachment, p. 14. p. 14.60. Ibid., p. 10. Ibid., p. 10.61. "The Story of San Juan. How Parker and His Gatlings Turned The Tide Of Battle," undated newspaper clip, circa 1898, on file at Connecticut State Library. The report was written by Parker, who was given a tag line. "The Story of San Juan. How Parker and His Gatlings Turned The Tide Of Battle," undated newspaper clip, circa 1898, on file at Connecticut State Library. The report was written by Parker, who was given a tag line.62. John H. Parker, John H. Parker, History of the Gatling Gun Detachment History of the Gatling Gun Detachment. From the preface, written by Theodore Roosevelt.63. Ibid. Ibid.64. Hutchison, Hutchison, Machine Guns, Machine Guns, p. 67. p. 67.65. Ismat Ha.s.san Zulfo, Ismat Ha.s.san Zulfo, Karari: The Sudanese Account of the Battle of Omdurman, Karari: The Sudanese Account of the Battle of Omdurman, translated by Peter Clark (Bath, U.K.: Pittman Press, 1980), pp. 96100. translated by Peter Clark (Bath, U.K.: Pittman Press, 1980), pp. 96100.66. Ibid., pp. 17273. Ibid., pp. 17273.67. Winston S. Churchill, Winston S. Churchill, The River War The River War (originally published in 1900; reprinted by Kessinger Publis.h.i.+ng, 2004), p. 150. (originally published in 1900; reprinted by Kessinger Publis.h.i.+ng, 2004), p. 150.68. Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Machine Guns, Machine Guns, p. 69. p. 69.69. Rudyard Kipling, "Pharaoh and the Sergeant," 1897. First published in the Rudyard Kipling, "Pharaoh and the Sergeant," 1897. First published in the New York Tribune New York Tribune.70. Maxim, Maxim, My Life, My Life, p. 182 p. 18271. Hiram S. Maxim, Hiram S. Maxim, Li Hung Chang's Sc.r.a.p-Book Li Hung Chang's Sc.r.a.p-Book (London: Watts & Co., 1913). The first two quotations are excerpted from p. 19; the last quotation from p. 368. (London: Watts & Co., 1913). The first two quotations are excerpted from p. 19; the last quotation from p. 368.72. Not long before his death, Maxim wrote of the inferiority of the freed slaves, describing his frustration at trying to keep the Kimball House lit and heated through a night with the help of only a black man. The company engineer had the same problem, he said, and finally told him he had concluded that "no amount of beating would keep a n.i.g.g.e.r awake at night." Not long before his death, Maxim wrote of the inferiority of the freed slaves, describing his frustration at trying to keep the Kimball House lit and heated through a night with the help of only a black man. The company engineer had the same problem, he said, and finally told him he had concluded that "no amount of beating would keep a n.i.g.g.e.r awake at night."73. New Zealand Free Lance, New Zealand Free Lance, September 15, 1900. September 15, 1900.

4. Slaughter Made Industrial: The Great War 1. Sergeant A. J. Rixon papers, letter of March 17, 1915. On file at Imperial War Museum, London. Rixon added: "Not the St. Patrick's Day I'm used to." Sergeant A. J. Rixon papers, letter of March 17, 1915. On file at Imperial War Museum, London. Rixon added: "Not the St. Patrick's Day I'm used to."2. Chinn, Chinn, The Machine Gun, The Machine Gun, describes Browning's discovery and the series of experiments on pp. 16063. describes Browning's discovery and the series of experiments on pp. 16063.3. Ibid., pp. 15070; also Major B. R. Lewis, Ibid., pp. 15070; also Major B. R. Lewis, Machine Guns of the U.S., 18951944, Machine Guns of the U.S., 18951944, a series in a series in Army Ordnance Army Ordnance.4. Chinn, Chinn, The Machine Gun, The Machine Gun, pp. 20910. pp. 20910.5. Julia Keller, Julia Keller, Mr. Gatling's Terrible Marvel Mr. Gatling's Terrible Marvel (New York: Viking, 2008), p. 203. The text of Dr. Gatling's letter thanking his son for the five hundred dollars appears on p. 203. (New York: Viking, 2008), p. 203. The text of Dr. Gatling's letter thanking his son for the five hundred dollars appears on p. 203.6. Historians have excoriated Western officer corps for what would later seem monumental ignorance; it has become a bromide. Ellis's Historians have excoriated Western officer corps for what would later seem monumental ignorance; it has become a bromide. Ellis's Social History of the Machine Gun Social History of the Machine Gun portrayed the British generals thoughtlessly sending a generation to its doom. portrayed the British generals thoughtlessly sending a generation to its doom.7. Richard Meinertzhagen, Richard Meinertzhagen, Army Diary: 18991926 Army Diary: 18991926 (Edingburgh and London: Oliver and Boyd, 1960), p. 8. (Edingburgh and London: Oliver and Boyd, 1960), p. 8.8. Ellis, Ellis, Social History of the Machine Gun, Social History of the Machine Gun, pp. 5455. pp. 5455.9. "The United Service," "The United Service," New York Times, New York Times, July 15, 1903. July 15, 1903.10. Kimball, "Machine Guns," p. 417. Kimball, "Machine Guns," p. 417.11. Armstrong, Armstrong, Bullets and Bureaucrats, Bullets and Bureaucrats, p. 133. p. 133.12. Ibid., pp. 12629. Ibid., pp. 12629.13. Ibid., pp. 13637. Ibid., pp. 13637.14. Ellis, Ellis, Social History of the Machine Gun, Social History of the Machine Gun, p. 55. p. 55.15. Hutchison, Hutchison, Machine Guns, Machine Guns, pp. 8283. pp. 8283.16. Charles a Court Repington, Charles a Court Repington, The War in the Far East: 19041905 The War in the Far East: 19041905 (New York: Dutton, 1908), p. 315. (New York: Dutton, 1908), p. 315.17. Tadayos.h.i.+ Sakurai, Tadayos.h.i.+ Sakurai, Human Bullets: A Soldier's Story of Port Arthur Human Bullets: A Soldier's Story of Port Arthur (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1907), pp. 15253. (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1907), pp. 15253.18. Hutichison, Hutichison, Machine Guns, Machine Guns, p. 89. p. 89.19. B. W. Norregaard, B. W. Norregaard, The Great Siege: The Investment and Fall of Port Arthur The Great Siege: The Investment and Fall of Port Arthur (London: Methuen & Co., 1906), p. 71. (London: Methuen & Co., 1906), p. 71.20. Louis A. La Garde, Louis A. La Garde, Gunshot Injuries: How They are Inflicted, Their Complications and Treatment, Gunshot Injuries: How They are Inflicted, Their Complications and Treatment, 2nd Revised Ed. (New York: William Wood and Company, 1916). The precise losses remain a matter of dispute. La Garde, who apparently was working off medical data, put the number of j.a.panese killed in action at more than forty-seven thousand. With disease factored in, the number likely rises significantly. 2nd Revised Ed. (New York: William Wood and Company, 1916). The precise losses remain a matter of dispute. La Garde, who apparently was working off medical data, put the number of j.a.panese killed in action at more than forty-seven thousand. With disease factored in, the number likely rises significantly.21. Sakurai, Sakurai, Human Bullets. Human Bullets.22. Ibid., pp. 23238. Ibid., pp. 23238.23. Hutchison, Hutchison, Machine Guns, Machine Guns, p. 84 p. 8424. Armstrong, Armstrong, Bullet and Bureaucrats, Bullet and Bureaucrats, p. 139. p. 139.25. La Garde, La Garde, Gunshot Injuries Gunshot Injuries, p. 411.26. Repington, Repington, War in the Far East, War in the Far East, p. 490. p. 490.27. Armstrong, Armstrong, Bullets and Bureaucrats, Bullets and Bureaucrats, p. 140. p. 140.28. From the handwritten letters of Alfred Dougan "Mickey" Chater, a captain in a Territorial unit who served on the Western Front from fall 1914 through March 1915, when he was struck in the face by a piece of sh.e.l.l. Captain Chater survived, but the injury and disfigurement were horrible. Letters on file at the Imperial War Museum, London. From the handwritten letters of Alfred Dougan "Mickey" Chater, a captain in a Territorial unit who served on the Western Front from fall 1914 through March 1915, when he was struck in the face by a piece of sh.e.l.l. Captain Chater survived, but the injury and disfigurement were horrible. Letters on file at the Imperial War Museum, London.29. David Lloyd George, David Lloyd George, War Memoirs of David Lloyd George, 191516 War Memoirs of David Lloyd George, 191516 (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1933), pp. 6174. (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1933), pp. 6174.30. Goldsmith, Goldsmith, The Devil's Paintbrush, The Devil's Paintbrush, pp. 13160. The question of how many machine guns the Germans had at the war's outset has been clouded by unattributed guesses and estimates. Goldsmith provides the text of a report by "The German Government Agent at the Anglo-German Mixed Arbitral Tribunal," dated October 5, 1928. The report provided depot-by-depot totals from the former chief of the German Machine Gun Department. pp. 13160. The question of how many machine guns the Germans had at the war's outset has been clouded by unattributed guesses and estimates. Goldsmith provides the text of a report by "The German Government Agent at the Anglo-German Mixed Arbitral Tribunal," dated October 5, 1928. The report provided depot-by-depot totals from the former chief of the German Machine Gun Department.31. Meinertzhagen, Meinertzhagen, Army Diary. Army Diary. pp. 9094. Meinertzhagen, a British intelligence officer, globe-roaming ornithologist, and self-aggrandizing figure, kept exhaustive diaries. His journals are both interesting and suspect, and his writings have been found to contain frauds. In this case, his account of the battle of Tanga is consistent with other sources, and one of his conclusions, that troops felt disgraced by being defeated by black soldiers, was consistent with many of the misapprehensions of the ways that machine guns were changing warfare. pp. 9094. Meinertzhagen, a British intelligence officer, globe-roaming ornithologist, and self-aggrandizing figure, kept exhaustive diaries. His journals are both interesting and suspect, and his writings have been found to contain frauds. In this case, his account of the battle of Tanga is consistent with other sources, and one of his conclusions, that troops felt disgraced by being defeated by black soldiers, was consistent with many of the misapprehensions of the ways that machine guns were changing warfare.32. Chater, letter of December 13, 1914. On file at Imperial War Museum. Chater, letter of December 13, 1914. On file at Imperial War Museum.33. Martin Middlebrook, Martin Middlebrook, The First Day on the Somme The First Day on the Somme (New York: Norton, 1972). Soldiers were surrounded by signs that, though the age of industrial warfare had arrived, many officers leading the army did not understand what this meant. (New York: Norton, 1972). Soldiers were surrounded by signs that, though the age of industrial warfare had arrived, many officers leading the army did not understand what this meant.34. Ibid., p. 11. Ibid., p. 11.35. Arthur Anderson, from a ninety-five-page hand-written ma.n.u.script. On file at Imperial War Museum. Arthur Anderson, from a ninety-five-page hand-written ma.n.u.script. On file at Imperial War Museum.36. Paddy Griffith, Paddy Griffith, Battle Tactics of the Western Front Battle Tactics of the Western Front (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994), p. 49. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994), p. 49.37. La Garde, La

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