A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Muller Volume IV Part 14

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Feb. S. From a brother at Hereford 5l.--Feb. 5. From "Friends to Orphans" 2l., and from D.D. 12s 2 d.--Feb. 5. By sale of articles 2l. 6s. 4d. Evening. Since this day week, when I had only one farthing left, the Lord has been pleased to send in for the Orphans 23l. 16s. 8 d; but as I have had to pay away more than 10l., besides making up the remainder of what was needed for house-keeping expenses for the past week, there was only 6l. 10s. 10 d. for the expenses of the coming week, whilst nearly three times as much was required by the four matrons. I divided this little, however, among them, in the full a.s.surance, that, by the time it was consumed, the Lord would send more.

Feb. 9. Today only 2s. 4d. has come in. We are supplied for the present moment, and shall have enough till tomorrow evening for house-keeping expenses; but there is about 25l. needed for boys' clothes, and I greatly desire to give some money to the sisters who labour in the Orphan-Houses.

Feb. 10. This morning was given to me the sum of One Hundred Pounds, which being left entirely to my disposal, I took of it 50l. for the Orphans, and 50l. for the School?, Bible?, Tract?and Missionary Fund.--The Lord be praised for this most seasonable help! I am thus helped for the present for all the various parts of the work, and have especially two precious answers to my prayers concerning the Orphan work, in that I am able to get a new suit of clothes for all the boys, and to give some money to the sisters, who labour in the Orphan-Houses, for their own personal necessities.

From Feb. 10th to 22nd came in 21l. 0s. 1 d. more.

Feb. 25. All money was now again expended. This afternoon I had paid away the last. About an hour after, I received from a brother the contents of his Orphan-box, being 2s. 6d. and a gold watch-key. In the evening was given to me 10l., being the half-yearly profits arising from shares in a certain company. How kind of the Lord thus to help again so soon! As soon as the last money was disbursed, He sent more.

Feb. 29. 4l. 18s. 0d. more has come in since the 25th. This evening I paid away for house-keeping all the money I had, being 12l. 10s. 7d., and returned home with an empty purse, trusting in the Lord to give me again fresh supplies. I shall shortly need again many pounds.

March 1. This morning I received anonymously by post from P. L. A. ten s.h.i.+llings. Evening. This afternoon a check for 25l. was left at my house for the benefit of the Orphans.--Thus we are again supplied for a week for what we need for house-keeping, &c. Oh, how good it is to depend on the faithful love of our heavenly Father, who never forsakes His children who put their trust in Him!

March 17. Since the first of this month there has come in, besides the 25l. given on the 1st, altogether 36l. 0s. 3 d. Now today all means were again gone, when a brother in the Lord from Gloucesters.h.i.+re called at the Orphan-Houses and bought some tracts and an "Improved Rendering"

for 2s. 6d., and gave 17s. 6d. for the Orphans. This afternoon came in further, by sale of articles, 2l. 12s. 9d.

March 18. This morning I received from Chelsea 4l., from Tewkesbury 10d., and this evening from D. D. 5s. 2d., and by sale of articles 5s.

There was also 1l. left anonymously at my house.--Thus we are again supplied for 2 or 3 days.

March 21. Tuesday. As during the last three days only 1l. 15s. had come in, I had only 2l. this evening towards the house-keeping expenses of the coming week; but finding that one of the teachers had 5l. in hand for knitting and needlework, done by the children, I added this to the 2l., and we are thus supplied for 2 or 3 days with provisions.

March 23. Evening. When there was now again no money at all in hand, and when I had the prospect of needing fresh supplies tomorrow or the day after, a brother from Switzerland arrived at my house, who brought me 4l., which some brethren at Vevey, in Switzerland, had contributed towards the support of the Orphans. He also was the bearer of 15s. from London. What a variety of ways the Lord uses to supply our need! How remarkable that these Swiss brethren, who are just now in so much trial, should be led to send help towards this work! A few minutes, after I had received this 4l. 15s, there came also to hand a letter from Stafford, containing 4l., of which the donor wished me to take one-half for the Orphans, and the other half for my own personal expenses.

March 24. This morning I received still further from the Swiss brother, who had arrived yesterday afternoon, 18 francs, being a donation from the pupils of a boarding school in Switzerland, and 10 francs from a German brother.--Also from Norwich 13s. 8d. and 2s. 4d.

March 25. This morning I received from O. W. a letter with 20l., which the donor wished me to apply to the help of those labouring in the Gospel, and to the Orphans, if in present need. I took half of this for time Orphans, and half for Home and Foreign labourers. We are thus supplied for the Orphans for about three days.

March 28. On the 26th came in anonymously 3s., ditto 10s., ditto 2s.

6d., ditto 1s. 10d.; and 2l. 7s. besides. This evening I had again to give to the matrons fresh supplies for the coming week, towards which I had only a few pounds, when I received this morning 20l. from a distance of about 200 miles.

Between March 28th and April 12th I received, besides the 20l. referred to, 24l. 0s. 7d.

April 13. Thursday. On Tuesday evening I had given out for house-keeping all the money in hand, being 11l. This was enough for three or four days. This morning I was now looking out for more, having requested the Lord to look upon our necessities; for tomorrow, or at the latest the day after tomorrow, fresh supplies will be needed. Now think, my dear reader, of the Lord's goodness, when I tell you that this very morning I received 90l. for the Lord's work in my hands, the disposal of which sum was entirely left with me. I took of this sum 40l. for the Orphans, and 50l. for the School-, Bible-, Missionary-and Tract Fund.

April 26. Only 18l. 19s. 8 d. had come in since the 13th. As the income during these thirteen days had been so small, our means were again reduced to 16s., after I had supplied the day before yesterday the means for the house-keeping expenses for this week. Today I received information, that to a sister in Switzerland had been given Fifty Francs for the Orphans. Thus the Lord is in every way showing that He is mindful of us.

April 29. Sat.u.r.day. The expenses of today, in addition to those for house-keeping, which had been met last Tuesday evening for a whole week in advance, reduced our little stock of means to only a few s.h.i.+llings.

In addition to this, Tuesday is approaching, when again about 20l. will be needed. And now see, dear reader, how seasonably the Lord helped us again, and that from most unexpected quarters. This morning I received One Hundred Pounds from a brother, who is himself depending upon G.o.d for daily supplies whilst labouring in word and doctrine, but who has lately come into the possession of this sum, and who does not think it right to lay up treasure upon earth. Of this 100l. he wishes me to take 10l. for my own personal necessities, to give to brother Craik 10l., and to take 80l. for the Orphans. Of this 80l. the sum of 50l. has been put to the Building Fund, and 30l. has been taken for present use for the Orphans.

? But this was not all. There was paid to me today the legacy of 19l.

19s. left to me for the benefit of the Orphans by the late Mrs. B., an individual whom I do not remember ever to have seen in my life, and whom I only know by name. Observe this particular providence! At a time of need, of great need of means, this legacy comes in. The will may have been made years ago, and the testator has been dead several months; but just at this time, when not only the 20l. are needed next Tuesday for house-keeping, but other expenses of about 30l. more are to be met in a few days, this legacy comes in.--Today also I have received besides, 10l. from Wilts.h.i.+re, 1l. 4s. from c.u.mberland, 10s. from Birmingham, and 1l. from a donor in Bristol. Thus in one day, in a time of great need, 62l. 13s. has come in, besides 50l. for the Building Fund.

May 11. 10l. 2s. has come in since April 29th. This morning I received from a lady at a considerable distance 16l., and from Wandsworth 5l.

These two donations came in especially in answer to prayer, not so much for immediate need as it regards house-keeping, but on account of other heavy expenses which are shortly to be met. I have also repeatedly asked the Lord of late, if it may please Him to send in considerable means, before the accounts are closed on the 26th, so that there might not be even the appearance, as if I wrote another Report, because I could get on no longer without it.

May 26, 1848. On this day the accounts were closed. The total sum which has come in from the 12th to this day, is 40l, 3s. 7d. Thus the Lord closes this period under His manifest help! I have been able to meet all the expenses connected with the support of the four Orphan-Houses during the last two years, amounting to 3,228l. 5s. 11d., owe no one anything, and have on this 26th of May, 1848, 1l. 10s. 3 d. left in hand.

Further Account of the New Orphan-House, on Ashley Down, Bristol, from May 26, 1846, to May 26, 1848.

Those, who have read the former chapter on this subject, will remember, how I was obliged to think of building an Orphan-House, and how, when once led to this, I felt myself also led to build it large enough for Three Hundred Orphans; and how the Lord, in His great kindness, most manifestly in answer to prayer, gave me a field of about seven acres for the purpose; and how, by various donations, 2,710l. 3s. 5 d. had been already received on May 26, 1848. I shall now give a further account of the Lord's dealings with me, concerning the New Orphan-House, yet so, that, for the sake of brevity, only a few of the donations will be referred to, and chiefly those which seem more particularly to mark the finger of G.o.d.

July 4, 1846. For about three months my faith and patience have been exceedingly tried about the field, which I have purchased for the building of the Orphan-House, as the greatest difficulties arose about my possessing the land after all; but, by G.o.d's grace, my heart was kept in peace, being fully a.s.sured, that, if the Lord were to take this piece of land from me, it would be only for the purpose of giving me a still better one; for our Heavenly Father never takes any earthly thing from His children except He means to give them something better instead.

But in the midst of all this great trial of faith, I could not but think, judging from the way in which G.o.d so manifestly had given me this piece of land, that the difficulties were only allowed for the trial of my faith and patience. And thus it was. Last evening I received a letter by which all the difficulties were removed, and now, with the blessing of G.o.d, in a few days the conveyance will be made out.

July 6. The reason why, for several months, there had come in so little for the Building Fund, appeared to me this, that we did not need the money at present; and that, when it was needed, and when my faith and patience had been sufficiently tried, the Lord would send more means.

And thus it has proved; for today was given to me the sum of Two Thousand and Fifty Pounds, of which Two Thousand Pounds is for the Building Fund, and Fifty Pounds for present necessities, of which latter sum I took one half for present use for the Orphans, and the other half for the School?, Bible?,Tract? and Missionary Fund. This is the largest donation I have yet had at one time for the work; but I expect still larger ones, in order that more and more it may be manifest to the children of G.o.d, that there is no happier, no easier, and no better way for the obtaining of pecuniary means or anything else in connexion with the work of G.o.d, than to deal directly with the Lord Himself.

It is impossible to describe my joy in G.o.d when I received this donation. I was neither excited nor surprised; for I look out for answers to my prayers. I believe that G.o.d hears me. Yet my heart was so full of joy, that I could only sit before G.o.d, and admire him, like David in 2 Samuel vii. At last I cast myself flat down upon my face, and burst forth in thanksgiving to G.o.d, and in surrendering my heart afresh to Him for His blessed service.

There came in still further today 2s. 6d.

July 10. Received 120l., of which 100l. is intended by the donor for the Building Fund, and 20l. for present use in the work, as most needed. I took of this 20l. one half for the Orphans, and the other half for the other objects of the Inst.i.tution.

July 11. By sale of articles, given for the Building Fund, came in 5s.


July 15. From a sister in the Lord 1l., from a Christian gentleman 5l., from a sister 3s., and from another sister an old silver pencil case and 2s.

July 17. From the neighbourhood of Oxford 1l.

July 21. This morning a gentleman from Devons.h.i.+re, on his way to London, called on me. When he came I was in prayer, having, among other matters, brought also before the Lord the following points: 1, I had been asking Him for some supplies for my own temporal necessities, being in need. 2, 1 had asked Him for more means for the Building Fund, and besought Him to hasten the matter, on account of the inhabitants in Wilson Street, on account of the welfare of the children and those who have the oversight of them in the Orphan-Houses, and lastly, that I might be able to admit more Orphans, the number of applications being so great. 3, I had also asked the Lord for means for present use for the Orphans, as the outgoings are so great. 4, I had asked for means for the other objects.

? When I saw this gentleman from Devons.h.i.+re, he gave me 20l., of which 10l. is to be used for the Building Fund, 5l. for present use for the Orphans, 2l. for brother Craik and myself, and the remaining 3l. were left to my disposal, which I applied to the other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Inst.i.tution. Thus I received, at the very moment that I had been asking G.o.d, FOUR answers to my prayers.

Sept. 7 From a friend, who has many times helped the Orphans almost from the commencement, I received 50l.

Sept. 9. "Let patience have her perfect work, &c.," must be still my motto concerning this service. Our position in Wilson Street, where the Orphan-Houses are now, remains as it was; I also see more and more the desirableness of commencing the building soon, both on account of the Orphans, and their teachers and overseers; particularly also, because so very many applications are made for the admission of very dest.i.tute Orphans, and I am unable at present, to receive all who are applied for; and yet the Lord is delaying to send the full amount of means required.

I am also asked, when the Building is likely to commence, and can only answer, I do not know. Now this morning I had again, after family prayer, my usual season for prayer about this work, when I brought all these matters in simplicity before the Lord. Immediately, after I had risen from my knees, the following letter was handed to me, containing 60l.

* * * *, Sept. 8, 1846.

"My dear Brother,

I send Sixty Pounds out of the abundance which the Lord has given to me, and of which it seems to me that He has need in the work you are engaged. If you think proper, would you kindly take 25l. for the Building Fund of the Orphan Asylum, 25l. for missionary labourers, 5l.

for the present use of the Orphans, and 5l. for your own purse; and may our good Lord bless your labours of love, and give the increase a hundred fold.

Your unworthy brother,

Thus the Lord encourages me, day by day, to continue to wait on Him. His time is not yet come; but, when it is, all that is needed will be given.

By G.o.d's grace my faith is unshaken. I am as certain that I shall have every s.h.i.+lling needed for the work, as if I had the money already in actual possession; and I am as certain that this house of mercy will be built, as if it were already standing before me.

Oct. 18. Today the Lord has much refreshed my heart by sending from B.

B. 5s., from a young sister 2s. 6d., and through an order on a Bristol Bank 120l.

Oct. 19. While I was this morning in the very act of praising the Lord for His goodness, in giving me yesterday the above mentioned donations, and whilst I was again bringing my arguments before Him, why He would be pleased soon to give me the whole sum which is requisite, I received an order for 200l., which was doubly precious, because it was accompanied by an affectionate and encouraging letter.

Oct. 29. This morning I had been again bringing the ease of the Building before the Lord in prayer, entreating Him to hasten the matter, if it might be, when, the very instant I rose from my knees, there was handed to me a letter with an order for 300l.--About an hour after, I received from a sister in the neighbourhood of Wotton-under-Edge 10s.

6d.--"From Saints in the neighbourhood of Kingsbridge" 1l. 5s.-- From a sister an old silver thimble.

A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Muller Volume IV Part 14

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