A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Muller Volume IV Part 31
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You see, dear Reader, by these instances, that we are richly recompensed for our waiting upon G.o.d. You perceive the readiness of His heart to listen to the supplications of His children who put their trust in Him.
If you have never made trial of it, do so now. But in order to have your prayers answered, you need to make your requests unto G.o.d on the ground of the merits and worthiness of the Lord Jesus. You must not depend upon your own worthiness and merits, but solely on the Lord Jesus, as the ground of acceptance before G.o.d, for your person, for your prayers, for your labours, and for every thing else. Do you really believe in Jesus?
Do you verily depend upon Him alone for the salvation of your soul? See to it well, that not the least degree of your own righteousness is presented unto G.o.d as a ground of acceptance. But then, if you believe in the Lord Jesus, it is further necessary, in order that your prayers may be answered, that the things which you ask of G.o.d should be of such a kind, that G.o.d can give them to you, because they are for His honour and your real good. If the obtaining of your requests were not for your real good, or were not tending to the honour of G.o.d, you might pray for a long time, without obtaining what you desire. The glory of G.o.d should be always before the children of G.o.d, in what they desire at His hands; and their own spiritual profit, being so intimately connected with the honour of G.o.d, should never be lost sight of, in their pet.i.tions. But now, suppose we are believers in the Lord Jesus, and make our requests unto G.o.d, depending alone on the Lord Jesus as the ground of having them granted; suppose also, that, so far as we are able honestly and uprightly to judge, the obtaining of our requests would be for our real spiritual good and for the honour of G.o.d; we yet need, lastly, to continue in prayer, until the blessing is granted unto us. It is not enough to begin to pray, nor to pray aright; nor is it enough to continue for a time to pray; but we must patiently, believingly continue in prayer, until we obtain an answer; and further, we have not only to continue in prayer unto the end, but we have also to believe that G.o.d does hear us, and will answer our prayers. Most frequently we fail in not continuing in prayer until the blessing is obtained and in not expecting the blessing. As a.s.suredly as in any individual these various points are found united, so a.s.suredly answers will be granted to his requests.
From what I have stated, the Reader will have seen that my prayer had been especially, that the Lord would be pleased to furnish me with means for the circulation of Bibles and Tracts, and for missionary operations; and it has been shown how He granted this my request through the large sums which He sent me (entirely unasked for, so far as man is concerned), on November 11, 13 and 19; but even this was but little in comparison with what He did for me afterwards, when He was pleased to place far greater sums at my disposal for these objects, to which reference has been already made, when speaking about the donations which came in for the Building Fund on November 27, 1852, and on January 3 and 4, 1853.
Thus I was carried through all the expenses for these various objects, and was enabled to enter into every open door which the Lord set before me for circulating the Holy Scriptures and Tracts, and for aiding missionary operations; and not only so, but was enabled to do for these various objects more then during any one period within the nineteen previous years.
Means for the support of the 300 Orphans already under our care, sent in answer to Prayer, from May 26, 1852, to May 26, 1853.
When we began this period, we were not only not in debt, but had in hand the balance of 134l. 8s. 10 d. To those who are in very poor circ.u.mstances, this amount would appear a considerable sum, and they might think, this sum would last a long tine. Such need, however, to know, that it would only furnish the current expenses of two weeks, and that often in one week much more than that sum has been disbursed for the Orphans. To those, on the other hand, who would say, "This is very little, and what will you do, with so small a sum in hand, when day by day 330 persons need to be provided for?" our reply is, G.o.d is able to send us more, before this sum is gone. We seek for grace, to live by the day. We seek to be enabled to attend to the commandment and affectionate counsel of the Lord, to be anxious about nothing. It was in this way that no care came over our mind with regard to the future, when we looked at this large Orphan Establishment, with all its large daily wants; for we were a.s.sured, that the Lord would surely give us something before all was expended. And thus it was.
I will now furnish the Reader with a few instances from my journal of the particular providence of G.o.d, manifested in caring for us, and granting us help in answer to our prayers; for I do especially desire it to be understood, that, though the work is now so very much larger than it was in former years, and therefore far larger sums are needed than before; yet the principles of trusting in G.o.d, and depending upon Him alone, are now acted upon as formerly, only with this difference, that year by year, by the grace of G.o.d, my soul becomes more and more rooted and established in them. It would therefore be entirely a mistake, to suppose that it is no longer a work of faith. If it was formerly a work of faith on a small scale, it is now a work of faith on a large scale.
If we had trials of faith formerly, about comparatively little things; we have now trials of faith about comparatively great things. If we formerly hind no certain income, so now have we none. We have to look to G.o.d for every thing in connexion with the world, of which often, however, the pecuniary necessities are the smallest matter; but to Him we are enabled to look, and therefore it is, that we are not disappointed.
During the very first month, from May 27th to June 27th, 1852, there came in, by ninety-two different donations or sums, 354l. 1s. 5d.: so that we had, after a month, more in hand than before. Unbelief, which said, what will you do with so little as 134l.? was therefore confounded. The Lord increased thus little, before it was expended.
June 29, 1852. Today I received one of the most remarkable donations which I ever had. I give the whole account, without the name of the donor.
"Lyons, June 24, 1852.
"Dear Brother in Christ,
"It is now several years, that I read with great interest, and I hope with some benefit to my soul, the account of your labours and experiences. Ever since then your work was the object of many thoughts and prayers, and I gave many copies of your book to Christian friends.
One of them has read it in Syria, on Mount Lebanon, where he is for commercial business; and, whilst praying for you and your clear Orphans, the Lord put it in his heart to send you 2l., to which my husband added two others: and we beg you to accept that small offering in the name of the Lord. If you have published anything of the Lord's dealings with you since the year 1844, we shall be very happy to receive it. You could forward it to Messrs. * * * *, London, for * * * * of Lyons. And now, dear Brother, may the grace and peace of the Lord rest on you and your dear home's inhabitants.
" Affectionately yours in the Lord,
I have had donations from Australia, the East Indies, the West Indies, the United States, Canada, from the Cape of Good Hope, from France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, &c.; and now comes also this donation from Mount Lebanon, with the prayer of a Christian brother, whose name I never heard, nor know even now. See, dear Reader, this is the way in which the Lord has helped me in this precious service for twenty-two year's [1856]. With my fellow-labourers, or without them, and they without me, our prayers are offered up unto the Lord for help, and He is pleased, for Jesus' sake, to listen to our supplications, and to influence the hearts of some of His children known to us or not, to send us help. The donors may be rich or poor; they may live near or at a distance of more than ten thousand miles; they may give much or little; they may have often given before or never; they may be well known to us or not at all; in these and many other things there may be constant variations; but G.o.d continually helps us; we are never confounded. And why not? Simply because we are enabled, by time grace of G.o.d, to put our trust in Him for what we need.
On the very next day, June 30th, I received another donation from a believing farmer in Jersey of 3l. 1s., which, with 15s. sent by him on June. 8th, were the proceeds of a small field of potatoes, which he had cultivated for the benefit of the Orphans. See in what various ways the Lord helps me! This dear man sent me once more in April 1853, with an affectionate letter in French, 2l. for the Orphans, and shortly afterwards fell asleep in Jesus. While writing this account, I met with many names of worthy disciples of the Lord Jesus, who have entered upon their rest, since I received their donations; may this speak to my heart, and to the heart of the reader, and may we learn the lesson which G.o.d intends to teach us thereby!
July 10. 50l. from Liverpool.
Aug. 4. Today I received 200l., of which I took one half for the Orphans, and the other half for the other objects, the disposal of this sum being left with me. This is a precious answer to prayer. There will be about 400l. required during this month for the current expenses for the Orphans, but there was only about 170l. in hand, when this donation came in.
As the 127 donations, which had come in since Aug. 4th, were of a smaller kind, we had on Sept. 8th scarcely anything left, when I received the 280l. 10s. 6d., spoken of (Sept. 8th, 1852) under the Building Fund, of which 86l. 13s. 4d. was taken for the current expenses for the Orphans.
Oct. 7. This evening there was only 8l. left in hand for the current expenses for the Orphans. Hitherto we had generally abounded. But though much had come in, since the commencement of this new period, yet our expenses had been greater than our income, as every donation almost of which the disposal was left with me, had been put to the Building Fund.
Thus the balance in hand on May 26, 1852, notwithstanding the large income since then, was reduced to about 8l. I therefore gave myself particularly to prayer for means, that this small sum might be increased. When I came home this evening from the New Orphan House, I found a letter from London, containing 2l., being two donations from Kelso, of 1l. each, and another letter from Peterborough, containing 1l.
Oct 8. This morning I received 5l. 5s. more from Willenhall. Thus the Lord has already been pleased to add 8l. in to the little stock in hand, which is now increased to 16l. 5s.--Another 6d. was added, by sale of a Report.--This evening the matron told me that tomorrow she would need to have more money. I generally advance 30l. at a time for housekeeping expenses, but I had now only 8l. 14s. left, as I had to pay out this afternoon 7l. 11s. 6d. This I purposed to give to her, should it not please the Lord to give more in the meantime, being a.s.sured that, before this amount was gone, He would give more. My prayer to the Lord, however, was that He would be pleased to send help, and I looked out for means. When I came home this evening I found a letter from Gosport, containing 1s., which a little boy has sent for the Orphans, having received it as a reward for picking up a ring, and giving it to the owner. Also a letter from Kingstown, Ireland, containing a Post-office Order for 1l. 7s., of which 1l. 2s. 6d. are for the Building Fund, and 4s. 6d. for Reports. I likewise received 6d. for missions and 6d. for the Orphans, from two boys in the neighbourhood of Stroud. Thus I have 9l, to advance tomorrow for house-keeping.
Oct. 9. This morning Luke vii. came in the course of my reading before breakfast. While reading the account about the Centurion and the raising from death of the widow's son at Nain, I lifted up my heart to the Lord Jesus thus: "Lord Jesus, Thou hast the same power now. Thou canst provide me with means for Thy work in my hands. Be pleased to do so."
? About half an hour afterwards I received 230l. 15s. Also 1s. This 230l. 15s. was left at my disposal. I took one half for the current expenses for the Orphans, and the other half for the other objects, and am now amply provided for meeting the demands of this day.
The joy which such answers to prayer afford, cannot be described. I was determined to wait upon G.o.d only, and not to work an unscriptural deliverance for myself. I have thousands of pounds for the Building Fund; but I would not take of this sum because it was once set apart for that object. There is also a legacy of 100l. for the Orphans two months overdue, in the prospect of the payment of which the heart might be naturally inclined to use some money of the Building Fund, to be replaced by the legacy money, when it comes in; but I would not thus step out of G.o.d's way of obtaining help. At the very time when this donation arrived, I had packed up 100l. which I happened to have in hand, received for the Building Fund, in order to take it to the Bank, as I was determined not to touch it, but to wait upon G.o.d. My soul does magnify the Lord for His goodness.
This last paragraph is copied out of my journal, written down at the time, I add a few words more to the last sentences.
The natural mind is ever p.r.o.ne to reason, when we ought to believe; to be at work, when we ought to be quiet; to go our own way, when we ought steadily to walk on in G.o.d's ways, however trying to nature. When first converted, I should have said, What harm can there be to take some of the money, which has been put by for the Building Fund? G.o.d will help me again after some time with means for the Orphans, and then I can replace it. Or, there is this money due for the legacy of 100l. This money is quite sure; may I not, therefore, on the strength of it, take some from the Building Fund, and when the legacy is paid, replace the money which I have taken? I know that many would act thus. But how does it work, when we thus antic.i.p.ate G.o.d, by going our own way? We bring, in many instances, guilt on our conscience; but if not, we certainly weaken faith, instead of increasing it; and each time we work thus a deliverance of our own, we find it more and more difficult to trust in G.o.d, till at last we give way entirely to our natural fallen reason, and unbelief prevails. How different, if one is enabled to wait G.o.d's own time, and to look alone to Him for help and deliverance! When at last help comes, after many seasons of prayer it may be, and after much exercise of faith and patience it may be, how sweet it is, and what a present recompense does the soul at once receive for trusting in G.o.d, and waiting patiently for His deliverance! Dear Christian reader, if you have never walked in this path of obedience before, do so now, and you will then know experimentally the sweetness of the joy which results from it. I now return to Oct. 9, 1852.
Received still further today, from Cirencester, 2l., and also 10l.
Oct. 10. From two little girls at Clifton, 5s.--By sale of a silver watch given for the purpose, 1l. 10s,--From a donor in Maryport Street, 3s. 4d.--Through Bethesda boxes 1s. Ditto 2s. 6d. Ditto a sovereign.--From a believer in Bristol 5s.--By sale of empty oatmeal barrels, 15s.
Oct. 11. From Sutton Points, 13s. 7d. ?Through the boxes in the New Orphan House, 3s.--From an Orphans formerly under our care, and now in service, 10s., with 10s. for the Building Fund.--From a Christian lady, recently come from Edinburgh, 1l.--Through a Christian lady, staying at Clifton, 5s.
Oct. 12. By sale of rags and bones 12s. 6d. [I copy literally from the receipt book. We seek to make the best of every thing. As a steward of public money, I feel it right that even these articles should be turned into money; nor could we expect answers to our prayers if knowingly there were any waste allowed in connexion with this work. For just because the money is received from G.o.d, simply in answer to prayer only, therefore it becomes us the more, to be careful in the use of it].-- By sale of Reports 5s.--From an Orphan box at Plymouth 3s., together with 8s. as a donation added, and 9s. for Reports. Still further help: This afternoon a lady of Clifton called at my house, and brought a check for 200l., which a gentlemen, whose name even I had never heard of, had sent her for the benefit of tine Orphans. We are not now in actual need, yet as 62l. lies already been paid out of what I have received since the 9th, and as other heavy payments are before me, in a few days, it is particularly kind of the Lord, to send this donation from a perfect stranger.
Nov. 13. Today was paid to me the legacy for the Orphans, to which reference has been made. I had no doubt it would come in in good time.
Thus it is. The expenses are heavy, week after week. The day after tomorrow, I shall have again to pay out above 100l. for the Orphans.
On Dec. 20th, in the evening, I had only 16l. 9s. left. Think of this, dear Reader. So little, for so large an Establishment! From Dec. 20th to the evening of Dec. 26th, there came in only about 18l.; and as I had paid out above 13l., I could only advance 15l. for house-keeping on Dec.
27th, instead of the usual 30l., and had then about 5l. left for petty expenses. I knew that on the 31st I should have to advance again at least 20l. for house-keeping. Now see how the Lord was pleased to send in the means from the morning of Dec. 27th to Dec. 31st. Dec. 27. From Alcombe, near Minehead, 10s.--From a poor widow in Bristol, 5s.-- Anonymously 1l. Ditto a sovereign, with these words: "An Orphan's mite for the Orphan House."--From Clifton, 1s., and 1s. besides.--Dec.
28. From Newport, in Monmouths.h.i.+re, 10s. and 10s.--From Birmingham, 2l. 10s. with the same for my own personal expenses.--From Boscrea 7d. from three children.--From Lenwade, 10s.--Dec. 29. From B. B.
at Leamington 5l.--Anonymously, from London, 2s. 5d.--From three sisters 10s., 5s., 1l., also 10s. 8 d.--By sale of Reports, 3s.
--Through the boxes in the New Orphan House 1l. 6s. 9 d.--Dec.
30. By sale of Reports 2s. 6d.--From Clifton 5l.--From two Christian ladies in Buckinghams.h.i.+re 20l.? From some pupils on Kingsdown 5s. Thus I had on Dec. 31st money enough to advance 25l. for house-keeping expenses, besides having had the means to pay away 20l.
5s. 9d. After I had given out the money in advance for house-keeping expenses, I had, at the close of the year, not 2l. left. But my mind was in full peace. Now see how, before the 25l. which had been advanced was expended, and before other expenses came upon me, the Lord was pleased to send in the means from the 1st to the 4th of January, 1853.--Jan.
1. Anonymously 1s.--From Sherborne, 1l.--From Colchester 10s.-- From Manchester 10s.--From a distance 1l. 2s. 6d.--From Glouchsters.h.i.+re 14s. 6d.--From a brother in the Lord in Bristol 3l.
12s., together with 5s. 7d. from his Orphan box. This brother had it on his heart, more than a twelvemonth ago, to dispose of an article for the benefit of the Orphans, but could not meet with an opportunity till today. Thus, in this time of need, the Lord sends in this money.-- Jan. 2. By sale of Reports 12s.--From two Christian sisters 5s., as a thank offering to the Lord for the mercies of the past year.--From a lady at Clifton 10s.--From a Brother in Bristol 1l.?-From Torquay 3s., with 3s. for Reports.--From Worcester 2s. 2d.--From a brother in Bristol 3l.--Jan. 3. From Waterford 1l.--From Liverpool 5l.-- Also the 75l. being part of the 252l. 17s. 1d. spoken of under the Building Fund.--From Clifton 10s.--Through Salem boxes 2s. 6d.-- From "P." 1s. Jan. 4. From Ryde 2l.--From Tottenham 10s. Thus G.o.d helped me in a time of great, great need. But before this 4th of January was over, He did far more than ever in the way of supplying me with means, for the largest of all the donations I had ever had, and of which mention has been made before, was given to me, of which 600l. was portioned out for the current expenses for the Orphans.
I have been thus particular in this last paragraph, on purpose, to give a practical ill.u.s.tration that those are entirely mistaken who suppose that the work is now no longer a work of faith, as it used to be in former years. It is true, we have now a larger income, then we used to have in the years 1838, 1839, and 1840; but it is also true that our expenses are three times as great. We have no regular income now; even as we had not then. We ask no human being now for help; even as we did not then. We depend alone upon G.o.d, by His grace even as we did then.
Who is there in the whole world who will state that I ever asked him for help in this Orphan work, from its commencement, on Dec. 9, 1835, up till now? Now, as we have no funds to live upon; as we have no regular subscribers or donors upon whom we could depend; as we never ask help from man but G.o.d alone; and as, finally, we never did go into debt for this work, nor do we now: why is it not now a work of faith as formerly?
Will those, who say it is not, place themselves in my position, when, at the close of the year 1852, I had not two pounds left, and about 330 persons were day by day to be provided for, with all they need, and prove whether it is now anything else than a work of faith? Every one, except those who are determined not to see, will have no difficulty in perceiving that now, as formerly, one could only be kept from being overwhelmed in such a position by looking day by day to the Lord, and that not merely for pecuniary supplies, but for help under the numberless difficulties, which continually are met with in such a work.
On account of the abundance which came in at the beginning of the year, together with what was received afterwards, there was not the least difficulty felt, in the way of means, for many weeks afterwards. Of the donations that came in from Jan. 5 to April 20, and which amounted altogether to 648l. 8s. 8 d., in 314 different sums, large and small, I will only mention the following: Jan. 25. From an aged Christian merchant at Clifton 50l.--From a Christian merchant in London 20l., on Feb. 11.
April 20. In the prospect of having to pay away yet about 500l, before the accounts are closed on May 26th, and having only 236l. in hand, I asked the Lord especially this evening, that He would be pleased to help me with means for the current expenses for the Orphans, for which I might have far more in hand had I not with all my might given myself to the Building Fund, in order to be soon able to commence the building of this second Orphan House. Now, this evening, I found that a donation of 100l. had come in at my house during my absence, the disposal of which was entirely left to me. I took not the whole of this donation for the current expenses for the Orphans, but only one half, and the other half for the Building Fund. The funds for the various Schools, for the circulation of the Holy Scriptures and Tracts, and for missionary objects, need nothing for at least six weeks to come. This donation has greatly refreshed my spirit, especially as it came from a most unexpected quarter.
Before the accounts were closed, I received, between April 20th and May 26th, 1853, in just One Hundred different sums, 422l. 3s. 11 d. more, so that I was able amply to supply all demands, and had the balance of 117l. 10s. 9d. left in hand. It was chiefly through a donation of 260l., given to be employed as most needed, spoken of under the Building Fund Income on May 14th, 1853, of which I took 160l. for the Orphans, that we had so large an amount in hand. This donation was indescribably precious, as it not only, in conjunction with the other money which came in, carried me easily through all the expenses which absolutely needed to be met, and which were heavier than they ever had been during any month since the Orphan work had been in existence; but also enabled me to do things which were most desirable, though not absolutely needful.
How can I sufficiently praise, and adore, and magnify the Lord, for His love and faithfulness, in carrying me thus from year to year through this His service, supplying me with all I need in the way of means, fellow labourers, mental strength, and, above all, spiritual support!
But for His help and support, I should be completely overpowered in a very short time; yet, by His help, I go on, and am very happy spiritually, in my service; nor am I now generally worse in health than I was twenty years ago, but rather better.
Miscellaneous Points respecting the Scriptural Knowledge Inst.i.tution for Home and Abroad, with reference to the period from May 26, 1852, to May 26, 1853.
1. During this period there were four Day Schools, with 235 children in them, entirely supported by the funds of the Inst.i.tution. Further, one Sunday School in Bristol, with 150 children, was entirely supported, and three others in Devons.h.i.+re, Somersets.h.i.+re, and Gloucesters.h.i.+re, with 280 children, were a.s.sisted. Lastly, one Adult School, with 103 Adult Scholars, was entirely supported by the funds of the Inst.i.tution. There were under our care, from March 5, 1884, to May 26, 1853, in the various Day Schools, 5686 children, in the Sunday School 2673 children, and in the Adult School 2132 persons. There was expended of the funds of the Inst.i.tution, during this year, for the various Schools, 349l. 12s. 11d.
2. During thus year there was laid out of the funds of the Inst.i.tution, on the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, 431l. 5s. 1 d., and there were circulated 1,666 Bibles and 1,210 New Testaments.--There were circulated from March 5, 1834, up to May 26, 1853, 10,476 Bibles, and 6.061 New Testaments.
For several years past this part of the work has appeared more and more important to me, on account of the fearful attempts which have been made by the powers of darkness to rob the church of Christ of the Holy Scriptures. I have on this account sought to embrace every opportunity to circulate the Holy Scriptures in England, Ireland, Canada, British Guiana, the East Indies, China, Australia, &c. Every open door which the Lord was pleased to set before me in these or other parts of the world, I have joyfully entered; yea, I have counted it a privilege, indeed, to be permitted of G.o.d to send forth His Holy Word. Many servants of Christ, in various parts of the world, have a.s.sisted me in this service, through whose instrumentality copies of the Holy Scriptures have been circulated. Our endeavour has been, to place the word of G.o.d in the hands of the very poorest persons, and also, in particular, to supply very aged persons with copies of the Scriptures, printed in large type, as such copies still remain expensive, considering the means of the poor. Nor have our efforts been in vain. For we had several cases of direct conversion, simply through circulating the Holy Scriptures, brought before us during this year. But we are fully a.s.sured, that the fruit which we have seen, as resulting from this part of the world, is but little in comparison with what we shall see in the day of Christ's appearing. The disciples of the Lord Jesus should labour with all their might in the work of G.o.d, as if everything depended upon their own exertions; and yet, having done so, they should not in the least trust in their labour and efforts, and in the means which they use for the spread of the truth, but in G.o.d; and they should with all earnestness seek the blessing of G.o.d, in persevering, patient, and believing prayer.
Here is the great secret of success, my Christian Reader. Work with all your might; but trust not in the least in your work. Pray with all your might for the blessing of G.o.d; but work, at the same time, with all diligence, with all patience, with all perseverance. Pray then, and work. Work and pray. And still again pray, and then work. And so on all the days of your life. The result will surely be, abundant blessing.
Whether you see much fruit or little fruit; such kind of service will be blessed. We should labour then, for instance, with all earnestness in seeking to circulate Thousands of copies of the Holy Scriptures, and Hundreds of Thousands of Tracts, as if everything depended upon the amount of copies of the Holy Scriptures and Tracts which we circulate; and yet, in reality, we should not in the least degree put our dependence upon the number of copies of the Holy Scriptures, and upon the number of Tracts, but entirely upon G.o.d for His blessing, without which all these efforts are entirely useless. This blessing, however, should be sought by us habitually and perseveringly in prayer. It should also be fully expected.
3. During this year there was spent of the funds of the Inst.i.tution for missionary objects 2,234l. 2s. 6d. By this sum fifty-four labourers in the word and doctrine, in various pants of time world, were to a greater or less degree a.s.sisted.
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