A General History of the Pyrates Part 20

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IT appeared from the Evidence of several Prisoners acquitted, that this _Skyrm_ commanded the _Ranger_, in that Defence she made against the King's s.h.i.+p; that he ordered the Men to their Quarters, and the Guns to be loaded and fired, having a Sword in his Hand, to enforce those Commands; and beat such to their Duty whom he espied any way negligent or backward.

That altho' he had lost a Leg in the Action, his Temper was so warm, as to refuse going off the Deck, till he found all was lost.

In his Defence, he says, he was forced from a Mate's Employ on Board a Sloop call'd the _Greyhound_, of St. _Christophers, Oct._ 1720. The Pyrate having drubbed him, and broke his Head, only for offering to go away when that Sloop was dismissed. Custom and Success had since indeed blunted, and, in some Measure, worn out the Sense of Shame; but that he had really for several Months past been sick, and disqualified for any Duty, and though _Roberts_ had forced him on this Expedition much against his Will, yet the Evidence must be sensible, the t.i.tle of Captain gave him no Pre-eminence, for he could not be obeyed, though he had often called to them, to leave off their Fire, when he perceived it to be the King's s.h.i.+p.

The Sickness he alledged, but more especially the Circ.u.mstance of losing his Leg, were Aggravations of his Fault, shewing him more alert on such Occasions, than he was now willing to be thought: As to the Name of Captain, if it were allowed to give him no Precedence out of Battle, yet here it was proved a t.i.tle of Authority; such an Authority as could direct an Engagement against the King's Colours, and therefore he was in the highest Degree, _Guilty._

_John Walden._

CAptain _John Trahern_, and _George Fenn_, deposed, the Prisoner to be one of the Number, who, in an open Boat, pyratically a.s.sailed, and took their s.h.i.+p, and was remarkably busy at Mischief, having a Pole-Ax in his Hand, which served him instead of a Key, to all the lock'd Doors and Boxes he come nigh: Also in particular, he cut the Cable of our s.h.i.+p, when the other Pyrates were willing, and busied at heaving up the Anchor, saying, Captain, what signifies this Trouble of _Yo Hope_ and straining in hot Weather; there are more Anchors at _London_, and besides, your s.h.i.+p is to be burnt.

_William Smith_, (a Prisoner acquitted,) says _Walden_ was known among the Pyrates mostly, by the Nick-Name of _Miss Nanney_ (ironically its presumed from the Hardness of his Temper) that he was one of the twenty who voluntarily came on Board the _Ranger_, in the Chace she made out after the _Swallow_, and by a Shot from that s.h.i.+p, lost his Leg; his Behaviour in the Fight, till then, being bold and daring.

The _President_, called for _Harry Glasby_, and bid him relate a Character of the Prisoner, and what Custom was among them, in Relation to these voluntary Expeditions, out of their proper s.h.i.+p; and this of going on Board the _Ranger_, in particular.

And he gave in for Evidence, that the Prisoner was looked on as a brisk Hand, (_i. e._ as he farther explained it, a stanch Pyrate, a great Rogue) that when the _Swallow_ first appeared in Sight, every one was willing to believe her a _Portuguese_, because Sugar was very much in Demand, and had made some Jarring and Dissention between the two Companies, (the _Fortune_'s People drinking Punch, when the _Ranger_'s could not) that _Roberts_, on Sight of the _Swallow_, hailed the new _Ranger_, and bid them right s.h.i.+p, and get under Sail; there is, says he, Sugar in the Offing, bring it in, that we may have no more Mumbling; ordering at the same Time the Word to be pa.s.s'd among the Crew, who would go to their a.s.sistance, and immediately the Boat was full of Men, to transport themselves.

_President._ Then every one that goes on Board of any Prize, does it voluntarily? Or were there here any other Reasons for it?

_H. Glasby._ Every Man is commonly called by List, and insists, in his Turn, to go on Board of a Prize, because they then are allowed a s.h.i.+ft of Cloaths, (the best they can find) over and above the Dividend from the Robbery, and this they are so far from being compelled to, that it often becomes the Occasion of Contest and Quarrel amongst them: But in the present, or such like Cases, where there appears a Prospect of Trouble, the Lazy and Timerous are often willing to decline this Turn, and yield to their Betters, who thereby establish a greater Credit.

The Prisoner, and the rest of those Men who went from the _Fortune_ on Board the _Ranger_, to a.s.sist in this Expedition, were Voluntiers, and the trustiest Men among us.

_President._ Were there no Jealousies of the _Ranger_'s leaving you in this Chace, or at any other Time, in order to surrender?

_H. Glasby._ Most of the _Ranger_'s Crew were fresh Men, Men who had been enter'd only since their being on the Coast of _Guiney_, and therefore had not so liberal a Share in fresh Provisions, or Wine, as the _Fortune_'s People, who thought they had born the Burthen and Heat of the Day, which had given Occasion indeed to some Grumblings and Whispers, as tho' they would take an Opportunity to leave us, but we never supposed (if they did) it would be with any other Design then setting up for themselves, they having (many of them) behaved with greater Severity than the old Standers.

The Prisoner appeared undaunted, and rather solicitous, about resting his Stump, than giving any Answer to the Court, or making any Defence for himself, till called upon; then he related in a careless, or rather hopeless Manner, the Circ.u.mstances of his first Entrance, being forced, he said, out of the _Blessing_ of _Lemmington_, at _Newfoundland_, about 12 Months past; this, he is sure, most of the old Pyrates knew, and that he was for some Time as sick of the Change as any Man; but Custom and ill Company had altered him, owning very frankly, that he was at the Attack, and taking of the _King Solomon_, that he did cut her Cable, and that none were forced on those Occasions.

As to the last Expedition in the _Ranger_, he confesses he went on Board of her, but that it was by _Robert_'s Order; and in the Chace loaded one Gun, to bring her to, but when he saw it was a Bite, he declared to his Comrades, that it was not worth while to resist, forbore firing, and a.s.sisted to reeve the Braces, in order, if they could, to get away, in which sort of Service he was busied, when a Shot from the Man of War took off his Leg: And being asked, that supposing the Chace had proved a _Portuguese_? Why then, says he, I dont know what I might have done, intimating withal, that every Body then would have been ready enough at plundering. _Guilty._

_Peter Scudamore._

H_Arry Glasby, Jo. Wingfield_, and _Nicholas Brattle_, depose thus much, as to his being a Voluntier with the Pyrates, from Capt. _Rolls_, at _Calabar._ First, That he quarrelled with _Moody_, (one of the Heads of the Gang) and fought with him, because he opposed his going, asking _Rolls_, in a leering manner, whether he would not be so kind, as to put him into the _Gazette_, when he came Home. And, at another Time, when he was going from the Pyrate s.h.i.+p, in his Boat, a Turnado arose, _I wish_, says he, _the Rascal may be drowned, for he is a great Rogue, and has endeavoured to do me all the ill Offices he could among these Gentlemen_, (_i. e._Pyrates.)

And secondly, That he had signed the Pyrate's Articles with a great deal of Alacrity, and gloried in having been the first Surgeon that had done so, (for before this, it was their Custom to change their Surgeons, when they desired it, after having served a Time, and never obliged them to sign, but he was resolved to break thro' this, for the good of those who were to follow,) swearing immediately upon it, he was now, he hoped, as great a Rogue as any of them.

Captain _Jo. Trahern_, and _George Fenn_, his Mate, deposed, the Prisoner to have taken out of the _King Solomon_, their Surgeon's capital Instruments, some Medicines, and a Back-Gammon Table; which latter became the Means of a Quarrel between one _Wincon_, and he, whose Property they should be, and were yielded to the Prisoner.

_Jo. Sharp_, Master of the _Elizabeth_, heard the Prisoner ask _Roberts_ leave to force _Comry_, his Surgeon, from him, which was accordingly done, and with him, carried also some of the s.h.i.+p's Medicines: But what gave a fuller Proof of the dishonesty of his Principles, was, the treacherous Design he had formed of running away with the Prize, in her Pa.s.sage to Cape _Corso_, though he had been treated with all Humanity, and very unlike a Prisoner, on Account of his Employ and better Education, which had rendred him less to be suspected.

_Mr. Child_, (acquitted) depos'd, that in their Pa.s.sage from the Island of St. _Thomas_, in the _Fortune_ Prize, this Prisoner was several Times tempting him, into Measures of rising with the Negroes, and killing the _Swallow_'s People, shewing him, how easily the white Men might be demolished, and a new Company raised at _Angola_, and that Part of the Coast, _for_, says he, _I understand how to navigate a s.h.i.+p, and can soon teach you to steer; and is it not better to do this, than to go back to_ Cape-Corso, _and be hanged and Sun-dryed?_ To which the Deponent replying, he was not afraid of being hanged, _Scudamore_ bid him be still, and no Harm should come to him; but before the next Day-Evening, which was the designed Time of executing this Project, the Deponent discovered it to the Officer, and a.s.sured him, _Scudamore_ had been talking all the preceeding Night to the Negroes, in _Angolan_ Language.

_Isaac Burnet_ heard the Prisoner ask _James Harris_, a Pyrate, (left with the wounded in the Prize,) whether he was willing to come into the Project of running away with the s.h.i.+p, and endeavour the raising of a new Company, but turned the Discourse to Horse-Racing, as the Deponent crept nigher; he acquainted the Officer with what he had heard, who kept the People under Arms all Night, their Apprehensions of the Negroes not being groundless; for many of them having lived a long Time in this pyratical Way, were, by the thin Commons they were now reduced to, as ripe for Mischief as any.

The Prisoner in his Defence said, he was a forced Man from Captain _Rolls_, in _October_ last, and if he had not shewn such a Concern as became him, at the Alteration, he must remark the Occasion to be, the Disagreement and Enmity between them; but that both _Roberts_, and _Val. Ashplant_, threat'ned him into signing their Articles, and that he did it in Terror.

The _King Solomon_, and _Elizabeth_ Medicine-Chest, he owns he plundered, by Order of _Hunter_, the then chief Surgeon, who, by the Pyrates Laws, always directs in this Province, and Mr. _Child_, (tho' acquitted) had by the same Orders taken out a whole _French_ Medicine-Chest, which he must be sensible for me, as well as for himself, we neither of us dared to have denied; it was their being the proper Judges, made so ungrateful an Office imposed. If after this he was elected chief Surgeon himself, both _Comry_ and _Wilson_ were set up also, and it might have been their Chance to have carried it, and as much out of their Power to have refused.

As to the Attempt of rising and running away with the Prize, he denies it altogether as untrue; a few foolish Words, but only by Way of Supposition, that if the Negroes should take it in their Heads (considering the Weakness, and ill look-out that was kept;) it would have been an easy Matter, in his Opinion for them to have done it; but that he encouraged such a Thing, was false, his talking to them in the _Angolan_ Language, was only a Way of spending his Time, and trying his Skill to tell twenty, he being incapable of further Talk. As to his understanding Navigation, he had frequently acknowledg'd it to the Deponent _Child_, and wonders he should now so circ.u.mstantiate this Skill against him. _Guilty._

_Robert Johnson._

IT appeared to the Court, that the Prisoner was one of the twenty Men, in that Boat of the Pyrates, which afterwards robb'd the _King Solomon_, at an Anchor near Cape _Appollonia_: That all Pyrates on this, and the like Service, were Voluntiers, and he, in particular, had contested his going on Board a second Time, tho' out of his Turn.

The Prisoner in his Defence, called for _Harry Glasby_, who witnessed to his being so very drunk, when he first came among their Crew, that they were forced to hoist him out of one s.h.i.+p into the other, with a Tackle, and therefore without his Consent; but had since been a trusty Man, and was placed to the Helm, in that running Battle they made with the _Swallow._

He insisted for himself likewise, on Captain _Turner_'s Affidavit of his being forced, on which others (his s.h.i.+p-mates) had been cleared.

The Court considering the Partiality that might be objected in acquitting one, and condemning another of the same standing, thought sit to remark it as a clear Testimony of their Integrity, that their Care and Indulgence to each Man, in allowing his particular Defence, was to exempt from the Rigour of the Law, such, who it must be allowed, would have stood too promiscuously condemned, if they had not been heard upon any other Fact than that of the _Swallow_; and herein what could better direct them, than a Character and Behaviour from their own a.s.sociates; for tho' a voluntary Entry with the Pyrates may be doubtful, yet his consequent Actions are not, and it is not so material how a Man comes among Pyrates, as how he acts when he is there. _Guilty._

_George Wilson._

J_OHN Sharp_, Master of the _Elizabeth_, in which s.h.i.+p the Prisoner was Pa.s.senger, and fell a second Time into the Pyrates Hands, deposes, that he took the said _Wilson_ off from _Sestos_, on this Coast, paying to the Negroes for his Ransom, the Value of three Pound five s.h.i.+llings in Goods, for which he had taken a Note, that he thought he had done a charitable Act in this, till meeting with one Captain _Canning_, he was ask'd, why he would release such a Rogue as _Wilson_ was? For that he had been a Voluntier with the Pyrates, out of _John Tarlton._ And when the Deponent came to be a Prisoner himself, he found _Thomas_, the Brother of this _John Tarlton_, a Prisoner with the Pyrates also, who was immediately on _Wilson_'s Instigation, in a most sad manner misused and beat, and had been shot, through the Fury and Rage of some of those Fellows, if the Town-side, (_i. e. Liverpool_) Men, had not hid him in a Stay-Sail, under the Bowsprit; for _Moody_ and _Harper_, with their Pistols c.o.c.k'd, searched every Corner of the s.h.i.+p to find him, and came to this Deponent's Hammock, whom they had like fatally to have mistaken for _Tarlton_, but on his calling out, they found their Error, and left him with this comfortable Anodyne, That he was the honest Fellow who brought the Doctor. At coming away, the Prisoner asked about his Note, whether the Pyrates had it or no?

Who not being able readily to tell, he reply'd, it's no Matter Mr. _Sharp_, I believe I shall hardly ever come to _England_ to pay it.

_Adam Comry_, Surgeon of the _Elizabeth_, says, that altho' the Prisoner had, on Account of his Indisposition and Want, received many Civilities from him, before meeting with the Pyrates, he yet understood it was thro'

his and _Scudamore_'s Means, that he had been compelled among them: The Prisoner was very alert and chearful, he says, at meeting with _Roberts_, hailed him, told him he was glad to see him, and would come on Board presently, borrowing of the Deponent a clean s.h.i.+rt and Drawers, for his better Appearence and Reception; he signed their Articles willingly, and used Arguments with him to do the same, saying, they should make their Voyage in eight Months, to _Brasil_, Share 6 or 700 _l._ a Man, and then break up. Again, when the Crew came to an Election of a chief Surgeon, and this Deponent was set up with the others, _Wilson_ told him, he hoped he should carry it from _Scudamore_, for that a quarter Share (which they had more than others) would be worth looking after; but the Deponent missed the Preferment, by the good Will of the _Ranger_'s People, who, in general, voted for _Scudamore_, to get rid of him, (the chief Surgeon being always to remain with the Commadore.)

It appeared likewise by the Evidence of Captain _Jo. Trahern, Tho. Castel_, and others, who had been taken by the Pyrates, and thence had Opportunities of observing the Prisoners Conduct, that he seem'd thoroughly satisfy'd with that Way of Life, and was particularly intimate with _Roberts_; they often scoffing at the Mention of a Man of War, and saying, if they should meet with any of the Turnip-Man's s.h.i.+ps, they would blow up, and go to H--ll together. Yet setting aside these silly Freaks, to recommend himself, his Laziness had got him many Enemies, even _Roberts_ told him, (on the Complaint of a wounded Man, whom he had refused to dress) that he was a double Rogue, to be there a second Time, and threat'ned to cut his Ears off.

The Evidence further a.s.sured the Court, from Captain _Thomas Tarlton_, that the Prisoner was taken out of his Brother's s.h.i.+p, some Months before, a first Time, and being forward to oblige his new Company, had presently ask'd for the Pyrates Boat, to fetch the Medicine Chest away; when the Wind and Current proving too hard to contend with, they were drove on Sh.o.r.e at Cape _Montzerado._

The Prisoner called for _William Darling_, and _Samuel Morwel_, (acquitted) and _Nicholas Butler._

_William Darling_ deposed, the first Time the Prisoner fell into their Hands, _Roberts_ mistook him for _Jo. Tarlton_ the Master, and being informed it was the Surgeon who came to represent him, (then indisposed,) he presently swore he should be his Mess-Mate, to which _Wilson_ reply'd, he hop'd not, he had a Wife and Child, which the other laughed at; and that he had been two Days on Board, before he went in that Boat, which was drove on Sh.o.r.e at Cape _Montzerado._ And at his second coming, in the _Elizabeth_, he heard _Roberts_ order he should be brought on Board in the first Boat.

_Samuel Morwel_ says, that he has heard him bewail his Condition, while on Board the Pyrate, and desired one _Thomas_, to use his Interest with _Roberts_, for a Discharge, saying, his Employ, and the little Fortune he had left at Home, would, he hop'd, exempt him the further Trouble of seeking his Bread at Sea.

_Nicholas Butler_, who had remained with the Pyrates about 48 Hours, when they took the _French_ s.h.i.+ps at _Whydah_, deposes, that in this s.p.a.ce the Prisoner addressed him in the _French_ Language, several Times, deploring the Wretchedness and ill Fortune of being confined in such Company.

The Prisoner desiring Liberty of two or three Questions, ask'd, whether or no he had not expostulated with _Roberts_, for a Reason of his obliging Surgeons to sign their Articles, when heretofore they did not; Whether he had not expressed himself glad of having formerly escaped from them?

Whether he had not said, at taking the s.h.i.+ps in _Whydah_ Road, that he could like the Sport, were it lawful? And whether if he had not told him, should the Company discharge any Surgeon, that he would insist on it as his Turn? The Deponent answered, Yes, to every Question separately; and farther, that he believes _Scudamore_ had not seen _Wilson_ when he first came and found him out of the _Elizabeth._

He added, in his own Defence, that being Surgeon with one _John Tarlton_, of _Leverpool_, he was met a first Time on this Coast of _Guiney_, by _Roberts_ the Pyrate; who, after a Day or two, told him, to his Sorrow, that he was to stay there, and ordered him to fetch his Chest, (not Medicines, as a.s.serted,) which Opportunity he took to make his Escape; for the Boat's Crew happening to consist of five _French_ and one _English_ Man, all as willing as himself, they agreed to push the Boat on Sh.o.r.e, and trust themselves with the Negroes of Cape _Montzerado_: Hazardous, not only in Respect of the dangerous Seas that run there, but the Inhumanity of the Natives, who sometimes take a liking to humane Carca.s.ses. Here he remained five Months, till _Thomas Tarlton_, Brother to his Captain chanced to put in the Road for Trade, to whom he represented his Hards.h.i.+ps and starving Condition; but was, in an unchristian Manner, both refused a Release of this Captivity, or so much as a small Supply of Biscuit and salt Meat, because, as he said, he had been among the Pyrates. A little Time after this, the Master of a _French_ s.h.i.+p paid a Ransom for him, and took him off; but, by Reason of a nasty leperous Indisposition he had contracted by hard and bad living, was, to his great Misfortune set ash.o.r.e at _Sestos_ again, when Captain _Sharp_ met him, and generously procured his Release in the Manner himself has related, and for which he stands infinitely obliged.--That ill Luck threw him a second Time into the Pyrate's Hands, in this s.h.i.+p _Elizabeth_, where he met _Thomas Tarlton_, and thoughtlesly used some Reproaches of him, for his severe Treatment at _Montzerado_; but protests without Design his Words should have had so bad a Consequence; for _Roberts_ took upon him, as a Dispenser of Justice, the Correction of Mr.

_Tarlton_, beating him unmercifully; and he hopes it will be belived, contrary to any Intention of his it should so happen, because as a Stranger he might be supposed to have no Influence, and believes there were some other Motives for it.--He cannot remember he expressed himself glad to see _Roberts_ this second Time, or that he dropped those Expressions about _Comry_, as are sworn; but if immaturity of Judgment had occasioned him to slip rash and inadvertent Words, or that he had paid any undue Compliments to _Roberts_, it was to ingratiate himself, as every Prisoner did, for a more civil Treatment, and in particular to procure his Discharge, which he had been promised, and was afraid would have been revoked, if such a Person as _Comry_ did not remain there to supply his Room; and of this, he said, all the Gentlemen (meaning the Pyrates) could witness for him.

He urged also his Youth in Excuse for his Rashness.--The first time he had been with them (only a Month in all,) and that in no military Employ; but in particular, the Service he had done in discovering the Design the Pyrates had to rise in their Pa.s.sage on Board the _Swallow. Guilty._

But Execution respited till the King's Pleasure be known, because the Commander of the _Swallow_ had declared, the first Notice he received of this Design of the Pyrates to rise, was from him.

_Benjamin Jefferys_

BY the Depositions of _Glasby_ and _Lillburn_ (acquitted) against this Prisoner, it appeared, that his Drunkenness was what at first detained him from going away in his proper s.h.i.+p, the _Norman_ Galley; and next Morning, for having been abusive in his Drink, saying to the Pyrates, there was not a Man amongst them, he received for a Welcome, six Lashes from every Person in the s.h.i.+p, which disordered him for some Weeks, but on Recovery was made Boatswain's Mate; the serving of which, or any Office on Board a Pyrate, is at their own Option, (tho' elected,) because others are glad to accept what brings an additional Share in Prize.

The Deponents further say, that at _Sierraleon_ every Man had more especially the Means of escaping; and that this Prisoner, in particular, neglected it, and came off from that Place after their s.h.i.+p was under Sail, and going out of the River.

A General History of the Pyrates Part 20

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