A General History of the Pyrates Part 26
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Peter Kneeves 32 Exeter in Devon.
James Brinkly 28 Suffolk in England.
Joseph Sound 28 City of Westminster.
William Shutfield 40 Lancafter in England.
Edward Eaton 38 Wrexham in Wales.
John Brown 29 County of Durham.
Edward Lawson 20 Isle of Man.
Owen Rice 27 South-Wales.
John Tomkins 23 Gloucesters.h.i.+re.
John Fitzgerrald 21 Limerick in Ireland.
Abraham Lacy 21 Devons.h.i.+re.
Thomas Linister 21 Lancas.h.i.+re.
Francis Leyton 39 New-York.
John Waters, Quart.-Mr. 35 County of Devon.
William Jones 28 London.
Charles Church 21 St. Margaret's, Westm.
Thomas Hazel 50 -- -- -- John Bright 25 -- -- -- --
These 25 were found guilty, and executed the 19th of _July_, 1723, near _Newport_ in _Rhode-Island._
John Brown 17 Liverpoole.
Patrick Cunningham 25 -- -- --
These two were found guilty, but respited for one Year, and recommended to the King's Favour.
John Wilson 23 New-London County Henry Barnes 22 Barbadoes.
Thomas Jones 17 Flur in Wales.
Joseph Switzer 24 Boston in New-England.
Thomas Mumper Indian. Mather's Vineyard N. E.
John Hincher, Doctor 22 Near Edinburgh, Scot.
John Fletcher 17 -- -- -- Thomas Child 15 -- -- --
These eight were found Not Guilty.
The destroying this Pyrate was look'd upon by the Province, to be of such a signal Service to the Publick, and particular Advantage to the Colony of _New-York_, that it was thought necessary to make some handsome Acknowledgement to Captain _Peter Solgard_ for it; and therefore it was resolved, in an a.s.sembly of the Common-Council, to compliment him with the Freedom of their Corporation. The Resolution, together with the Preamble of the Captain's Freedom, being curious in their Kind, I subjoin them for the Satisfaction of the Reader.
Resolution of the Mayor and Common-Council of the City of _New-York_, at a Common-Council held at the City Hall of the said City, on _Thursday_ the 25th of _July, Anno. Dom._ 1723.
Present _Robert Walter_, Esq; Mayor.
_City of_ New-York, _ss._
T_HIS Court having taken into their Consideration the great Service lately done to this Province in particular, as well as to all other his Majesty's good Subjects in general, by Captain_ Peter Solgard, _Commander of his Majesty's s.h.i.+p the_ Greyhound, _the Station s.h.i.+p of the Province, who lately in a Cruize upon this Coast, in due Execution and Discharge of his Duty, upon Intelligence given him, sought for, pursued and engaged two Pyrate Sloops, commanded by one_ Low, _(a notorious and inhumane Pyrate,) one of which Sloops he took, after a resolute Resistance, and very much shattered the other, who by the Favour of the Night escaped. Twenty six of which Pyrates so taken, being lately executed at_ Rhode Island, _not only eased this City and Province of a very great Trouble, but of a very considerable Expence_, &c. _It is therefore resolved (_Nemine Contradicente_) that this Corporation do present the said Captain_ Solgard _with the Freedom of this Corporation, as a Mark of the great Esteem they have for his Person, as well as for the aforesaid great and good Services; and that the Seal of the said Freedom be enclosed in a Gold Box; that Mr._ Recorder _and Mr._ Bickley _do draw the Draught of the said Freedom, signifying therein, the grateful Sense of this Corporation, for so signal a Service to the Publick, and Benefit and Advantage of Mankind. That Alderman_ Kip, _and Alderman_ Cruger, _do prepare the said Box; that the Arms of the Corporation be engraved on one Side thereof, and a Representation of the Engagement on the other, with this Motto_, (viz.) [Quesitos Humani Generos Hostes Debellare superb.u.m, 10 Junii, 1723.] _That the Town-Clerk cause the same Freedom to be handsomly engrossed on Parchment, and that the whole Corporation do wait upon him, to present the same._
_By Order of the Common-Council._ William Sharpas, _Clerk._
The Preamble of Captain _Peter Solgard_'s Copy of his Freedom.
_Robert Walter_, Esq; Mayor, and the Aldermen of the City of _New-York._
City of _New-York, ss._
T_O all whom these Persents shall come, send Greeting. WHEREAS, Captain_ Peter Solgard, _Commander of his Majesty's s.h.i.+p the_ Greyhound, (_the present Station s.h.i.+p of this Province_,) _in his Cruize, having Intelligence of two Pyrate Sloops of considerable Force in Consorts.h.i.+p, under the Command of one_ Low, _a notorious Pyrate, that had for upward of two Years, committed many Depredations, Murders and Barbarities, upon many of his Majesty's Subjects and Allies, lately come upon this Coast, hath, with great Diligence, and utmost Application, pursued, overtaken, and after a stubborn Resistance, vanquished and overcome both of them, taking one, and driving the other from our Coast; which Action, as it is glorious in it self, so it is glorious in the publick Benefits and Advantages that flow from it_, (_to wit_) _The Safety and Freedom of our own Trade and Commerce, and of all the neighbouring Provinces on this Continent, such signal Service done against the Enemies of Mankind, merits the Applause of all good Men, but more immediately from those of this Province, who are appointed his particular Care and Charge. WE therefore, the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of_ New-York, _a.s.sembled in Common Council, to express our grateful Sense and Acknowledgment, to the said Captain_ Peter Solgard, _for so n.o.ble and faithful a Discharge of his Duty, and as a particular Mark of the great Esteem and just Regard we bear to his kind Acceptance of the Freedom of the Corporation of this City of_ New-York, _and that he will please to become a Fellow Citizen with us._ These are therefore _to certify and declare, that the said Captain_ Peter Solgard _is hereby admitted, received and allowed a Freeman and Citizen of the said City of_ New-York, _to have, hold, enjoy and partake of all and singular Advantages, Benefits, Liberties, Privileges, Franchises, Freedoms and Immunities whatsoever, granted or belonging to the same City_: In Testimony _thereof, the said Mayor hath hereunto subscribed his Name, and caused the Seal of the said City to be affix'd the_ 25_th Day of_ July, _in the ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord_ George, _by the Grace of G.o.d, King of_ Great Britain, France _and_ Ireland, _Defender of the Faith_, &c. Anno.
Dom. 1723.
William Sharpas, _Clerk._
R. Walter _Mayor._
This narrow Escape of _Low_ and his Companions, one would have thought might have brought them to a little Consideration of their black and horrid Crimes, and to look upon this Interval as an Opportunity put into their Hands by Providence, to reconcile themselves to G.o.d, by a hearty and sincere Repentance. But ala.s.s they were dead to all Goodness, and had not so much as one Spark of Virtue to stir them up to be thankful for such an eminent Deliverance: But instead thereof, vented a Million of Oaths and Curses upon the Captain of the _Greyhound_, vowing to execute Vengeance upon all they should meet with afterwards, for the Indignity he put upon them.
The first Prey that they met with, after their Flight, was a small Sloop belonging to _Nantucket_, a Whale-Fis.h.i.+ng, about 80 Miles from Land; the Master of which, one _Nathan Skiff_, a brisk young Fellow, the Pyrates cruelly whipp'd naked about the Deck, making his Torture their Sport; after which they cut of his Ears, and last of all shot him through the Head, and then sunk his Vessel; putting the rest of the Hands into their Whale-Boat, with a Compa.s.s, a little Water, and a few Biskets; and it being good Weather, they providentially got safe to _Nantucket_, beyond all Expectation.
There was another Whale-Boat belonging to this Sloop last mentioned, which happened to be at some Distance from her, and perceiving what was doing, rowed with all speed to another Sloop not far off, to acquaint her with the Misfortune, that the Men might take Care of themselves; and she happily got away in Time. Some Days after, _Low_ took a Fis.h.i.+ng-Boat off of _Block Island_, but did not perpetrate so much Cruelty to her, contenting himself with only cutting off the Master's Head: But after taking two Whale-Boats near _Rhode Island_, he caused one of the Master's Bodies to be ripp'd up, and his Intrails to be taken out; and cut off the Ears of the other, and made him eat them himself with Pepper and Salt; which hard Injunction he comply'd with, without making a Word. Several other Persons he would have murthered, but Humanity prevailing in the tender Hearts of his Companions, they refused to put his savage Orders in Execution. From the Coast of _New-England, Low_ sailed directly for _Newfoundland_, and, near Cape _Briton_, took two or three and twenty _French_ Vessels; and one of them of 22 Guns he mann'd with Pyrates, making a sort of a Man of War of her; with which he scower'd the Harbours and Banks of _Newfoundland_, and took sixteen or eighteen other s.h.i.+ps and Vessels, all which they plundered, and some destroyed.
Thus these inhumane Wretches went on, who could not be contented to satisfy their Avarice only, and travel in the common Road of Wickedness; but, like their Patron, the Devil, must make Mischief their Sport, Cruelty their Delight, and d.a.m.ning of Souls their constant Employment. Of all the pyratical Crews that were ever heard of, none of the _English_ Name came up to this, in Barbarity; their Mirth and their Anger had much the same Effect, for both were usually gratified with the Cries and Groans of their Prisoners; so that they almost as often murthered a Man from the Excess of good Humour, as out of Pa.s.sion and Resentment; and the Unfortunate could never be a.s.sured of Safety from them, for Danger lurked in their very Smiles. An Instance of this had liked to have happened to one Captain _Graves_, Master of a _Virginia_ s.h.i.+p last taken; for as soon as he came aboard of the Pyrate, _Low_ takes a Bowl of Punch in his Hand, and drinks to him, saying, _Captain_ Graves, _here's half this to you._ But the poor Gentleman being too sensibly touched at the Misfortune of falling into his Hands, modestly desired to be excused, for that he could not drink; whereupon _Low_ draws out a Pistol, c.o.c.ks it, and with the Bowl in 'tother Hand, told him, he should either take one or the other: So _Graves_, without Hesitation, made Choice of the Vehicle that contained the Punch, and guttled down about a Quart, when he had the least Inclination that ever he had in his Life to be merry.
The latter End of _July_, (1723,) _Low_ took a large s.h.i.+p, called the _Merry Christmas_, and fitted her for a Pyrate, cut several Ports in her, and mounted her with 34 Guns. _Low_ goes aboard of this s.h.i.+p, a.s.sumes the t.i.tle of Admiral, and hoists a black Flag, with the Figure of Death in red, at the Main-topmast Head, and takes another Voyage to the _Western Islands_, where he arrived the Beginning of _September._ The first Vessel he met with there, was a Brigantine, formerly an _English_ Sloop, commanded by _Elias Wild_, but lately bought by a _Portuguese_ n.o.bleman, and altered: She was manned partly with _English_, and partly _Portuguese_; the latter _Low_ caused to be hang'd, by Way of Reprisal, for some of his own Men sent thither in a Sloop from the _Cape de Verd_ Islands, as has been mentioned: The _English_ Men he thrust into their own Boat, to s.h.i.+ft for themselves, and set Fire to the Vessel.
At St. _Michaels_, they sent in their Boats and cut out of the Road, a new _London_ built s.h.i.+p of 14 Guns, commanded by Captain _Thompson_, who was taken there the Year before, by _Low_, in the _Rose_ Pink. The Boats had fewer Men than the s.h.i.+p, and Captain _Thompson_ would have defended himself, but his Men through Cowardize, or too great an Inclination of becoming Pyrates themselves, refused to stand by him, and he was obliged to surrender; and when he came aboard the Pyrate, had his Ears cut off close to his Head, for only proposing to resist Admiral _Low_'s black Flag; they gave him one of his own Boats, and burnt his s.h.i.+p.
The next was a _Portuguese_ Bark that fell into their Hands, whose Men came off somewhat better than usual, for they only cut them with their Cutlashes, out of Wantonness, turned them all into their Boat, and set their Vessel on Fire. When the Boat was going from the Side of the s.h.i.+p, one of _Low_'s Men, who, we may suppose, was forced into his Gang, was drinking with a Silver Tankard at one of the Ports, and took his Opportunity to drop into the Boat among the _Portuguese_, and lye down in the Bottom, in order to escape along with them: After he had stowed himself in the Boat, so as not to be seen, it came into his Head, that the Tankard might prove of some Use to him, where he was going; so he got up again, laid hold of the Utensil, and went off, without being discover'd: In which Attempt had he failed, no doubt his Life, if not the Lives of all the People in the Boat, would have paid for it: The Name of this Man is _Richard Hains._
_Low_ took his old Tour to the _Canaries, Cape de Verd_ Islands, and so to the Coast of _Guiney_; but nothing extraordinary happened till they arrived near _Sierraleon_ in _Africa_, where they met with a s.h.i.+p call'd the _Delight_, Captain _Hunt_ Commander; this s.h.i.+p they thought fit for their own Purpose, for she had been a small Man of War, and carried 12 Guns; however, they mounted 16 on Board her, mann'd her with 60 Men, and appointed one _Spriggs_, who was then their Quarter-Master, to be Captain of her, who, two Days after, separated from the Admiral, and went to the _West-Indies_ a-pyrating, upon his own, and particular Company's, Account, where for the present we shall leave him.
In _January_ last, _Low_ took a s.h.i.+p, called the _Squirrel_, Captain _Stephenson_; but what became of him afterwards, I can't tell; we have had no News concerning him come to _England_, since this I have now mentioned; but I have heard that he talk'd of going to _Brazil_; and if so, it is likely we may too soon hear of some Exploit or other; tho' the best Information we could receive, would be, that he and all his Crew were at the Bottom of the Sea.
J_OHN Evans_ was a _Welch_ Man, had been formerly Master of a Sloop belonging to _Nevis_, but losing his Employ there, he sailed for some Time out of _Jamaica_ as Mate, till happening in Company of three or four of his Comrades, and Wages not being so good as formerly, and Births scarce, because of the great Number of Seamen; they agreed to go abroad in search of Adventures. They sailed, or rather rowed out of _Port Royal_ in _Jamaica_, the latter End of _September_ 1722, in a Canoa; and coming on the North-Side of the Island, went ash.o.r.e in the Night, broke open a House or two, and robb'd them of some Money, and every Thing else they could find that was portable, and brought the Booty on Board the Canoa.
This was very well for the first Time, but this kind of Robbery did not please so well, they wanted to get out to Sea, but having no Vessel but their Canoa, they were prevented in their laudable Design; however, they kept a good look out, and traversed the Island, in Expectation that Providence would send some unfortunate Vessel as a Sacrifice, and in a few Days their Wishes were accomplished; for at _Duns Hole_, they found a small Sloop at an Anchor, belonging to _Bermudas_: They made bold and went aboard, and _Evans_ informed the Folks that belonged to her, that he was Captain of the Vessel, which was a Piece of News they knew not before.
After they had put their Affairs in a proper Disposition aboard, they went ash.o.r.e to a little Village for Refreshments, and lived jovially the remaining Part of the Day, at a Tavern, spending three Pistols, and then departed. The People of the House admired at the merry Guests they had got, were mightily pleased, and wished for their Company at another Time, which happened too soon for their Profit; for, in the middle of the Night, they came ash.o.r.e all Hands, rifled the House, and carried what they could aboard their Sloop.
The next Day they weighed in the Sloop, aboard of which they mounted four Guns, called her the _Scowerer_, and sailed to _Hispaniola_; on the North Part of which Island they took a _Spanish_ Sloop, which proved an extraordinary rich Prize, as it fell among so few Persons as this Company consisted of, for they shared upwards of 150 _l._ a Man.
In Pursuance of the Game, and beating up for the Windward Islands, the _Scowerer_ met with a s.h.i.+p from _New-England_, bound to _Jamaica_, 120 Tons, called the _Dove_, Captain _Diamond_ Master, off _Porto Rico_: They plundered her, and strengthened their own Company, by taking out the Mate, and two or three other Men; they discharged the Prize, and run into one of the Islands for fresh Water and Necessaries, and staid there some Time.
The next Prize they made, was the _Lucretia and Catherine_, Captain _Mills_, of 200 Ton Burthen; they came up with her near the Island _Disseada, January_ 11th. Upon seizing of this s.h.i.+p, the Pyrates began to take upon themselves the Distribution of Justice, examining the Men concerning their Master's Usage of them, according to the Custom of other Pyrates; but the Captain over-hearing the Matter, put an End to the judicial Proceedings, and fell to rumaging the s.h.i.+p, saying to them, _What have we to do to turn Reformers, 'tis Money we want?_ And speaking to the Prisoners, he asked them, _Does your Captain give you Victuals enough?_ And they answering in the Affirmative: _Why then_, said he, _he ought to give you Work enough._
After the taking of this Prize, they went to the little Island of _Avis_, with a Design to clean, and carried the _Lucretia_ along with them, in order to heave down the _Scowerer_ by her; but meeting there with a Sloop, the Pyrate gave Chace till the Evening, when she was within Gun-Shot of her; but fearing to lose Company with the _Lucretia_, who was a heavy Sailor, they left off, and saw her no more. This Chace brought them to Leeward of their Port, so that they were obliged to look out for another Place of Retreat, and the Island of _Ruby_ not being far distant, they steered for that, and anch.o.r.ed there accordingly; but the next Day a _Dutch_ Sloop coming as it were, into their Mouths, they could not forbear dealing, and so making her their Prize, they plundered her of what came, when shared, to fifty Pounds a Man.
They found this Sloop more for their Purpose than the _Lucretia_, to clean their own Sloop by, as being much lower in the Wast, and therefore capable of heaving her Bottom farther out of the Water, so she was discharged, and the _Dutch_ Man kept in her Room; but not thinking it convenient to lay up here, for fear a discovery should be made, they turned their Thoughts another Way, and steered to the Coast of _Jamaica_, where they took a Sugar Drover, and then run to the _Grand Caimanes_, about 30 Leagues to Leeward of _Jamaica_, with Intention to clean there; but an unhappy Accident put an End to their Pyracies, which hitherto had proved very successful to them.
The Boatswain of the Pyrate being a noisy surly Fellow, the Captain had at several Times Words with him, relating to his Behaviour, who thinking himself ill treated, not only returned ill Language, but also challenged the Captain to fight him on the next Sh.o.r.e they came to, with Pistols and Sword, as is the Custom among these Outlaws. When the Sloop arrived, as abovementioned, the Captain proposed the Duel; but the cowardly Boatswain refused to fight, or go ash.o.r.e, tho' it was his own Challenge. When Captain _Evans_ saw there was nothing to be done with him, he took his Cane, and gave him a hearty drubbing; but the Boatswain not being able to bear such an Indignity, drew out a Pistol and shot _Evans_ thro' the Head, so that he fell down dead; and the Boatswain immediately jumped over-board, and swam towards the Sh.o.r.e; but the Boat was quickly mann'd and sent after him, which took him up and brought him aboard.
The Death of the Captain in that Manner, provoked all the Crew, and they resolved the Criminal should die by the most exquisite Tortures; but while they were considering of the Punishment, the Gunner, transported with Pa.s.sion, discharged a Pistol, and shot him thro' the Body; but not killing him outright, the Delinquent in very moving Words, desired a Week for Repentance only; but another stepping up to him, told him, _that he should repent and be d.a.m.ned to him_, and without more ado shot him dead.
I should have observed, that when the _Lucretia_ and _Katharine_ was suffered to go away, the Pyrates detained their Mate, who was now the only Man aboard, who understood Navigation, and him they desired to take upon him the Command of the Sloop, in the Room of Captain _Evans_ deceased; but he desired to be excused that Honour, and at length positively refused it; so they agreed to break up the Company, and leave the Mate in Possession of the Vessel: Accordingly they went ash.o.r.e at the _Caimanes_, carrying with them about nine thousand Pounds among thirty Persons; and it being fair Weather, the Mate and a Boy brought the Vessel into _Port Royal_, in _Jamaica._
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