A General History of the Pyrates Part 9
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Sometime after this, standing to the Northward, in the Track the _Old-England_ s.h.i.+ps take, in their Voyage to the _American_ Colonies, they took several s.h.i.+ps and Vessels, which they plundered of what they thought fit, and let them pa.s.s.
The latter End of _August, Vane_, with his Consort _Yeats_, came off _South-Carolina_, and took a s.h.i.+p belonging to _Ipswich_, one _Coggershall_ Commander, laden with Logwood, which was thought convenient enough for their own Business, and therefore ordered their Prisoners to work, and throw all the Lading over-board; but when they had more than half cleared the s.h.i.+p, the Whim changed, and then they would not have her; so _Coggershall_ had his s.h.i.+p again, and he was suffered to pursue his Voyage home. In this Cruize the Rover took several other s.h.i.+ps and Vessels, particularly a Sloop from _Barbadoes, Dill_ Master; a small s.h.i.+p from _Antegoa, c.o.c.k_ Master; a Sloop belonging to _Curacco, Richards_ Master; and a large Brigantine, Captain _Thompson_, from _Guiney_, with ninety odd Negroes aboard. The Pyrates plundered them all and let them go, putting the Negroes out of the Brigantine aboard of _Yeat_'s Vessel, by which Means they came back again to the right Owners.
For Captain _Vane_, having always treated his Consort with very little Respect, a.s.suming a Superiority over _Yeats_ and his small Crew, and regarding the Vessel but as a Tender to his own; gave them a Disgust, who thought themselves as good Pyrates, and as great Rogues as the best of them; so they caball'd together, and resolved to take the first Opportunity to leave the Company; and accept of his Majesty's Pardon, or set up for themselves, either of which they thought more honourable than to be Servants to the former; and the putting aboard so many Negroes, where they found so few Hands to take Care of them, still aggravated the Matter, though they thought fit to conceal or stifle their Resentments at that Time.
A Day or two afterwards, the Pyrates lying off at Anchor, _Yeats_ in the Evening slipp'd his Cable, and put his Vessel under Sail, standing into the Sh.o.r.e; which, when _Vane_ saw, he was highly provoked, and got his Sloop under Sail to chase his Consort, who, he plainly perceived, had a Mind to have no further Affairs with him: _Vane_'s Brigantine sailing best, he gained Ground of _Yeats_, and would certainly have come up with him, had he had a little longer Run for it; but just as he got over the Bar, when _Vane_ came within Gun-shot of him, he fired a Broadside at his old Friend, (which did him no Damage,) and so took his Leave.
_Yeats_ came into _North Edisto_ River, about ten Leagues Southward of _Charles-Town_, and sent an Express to the Governor, to know if he and his Comrades might have the Benefit of his Majesty's Pardon, and they would surrender themselves to his Mercy, with the Sloops and Negroes; which being granted, they all came up and received Certificates; and Captain _Thompson_, from whom the Negroes were taken, had them restored to him, for the Use of his Owners.
_Vane_ cruised some Time off the Bar, in hopes to catch _Yeats_ at his coming out again, but therein he was disappointed; however, he unfortunately for them, took two s.h.i.+ps from _Charles-Town_, bound home to _England_. It happen'd that just at this Time two Sloops well mann'd and arm'd, were equipp'd to go after a Pyrate, which the Governor of _South-Carolina_ was informed, lay then in Cape _Fear_ River, a cleaning: But Colonel _Rhet_, who commanded the Sloops, meeting with one of the s.h.i.+ps that _Vane_ had plundered, going back over the Bar, for such Necessaries as had been taken from her, and she giving the Colonel an Account of her being taken by the Pyrate _Vane_, and also, that some of her Men, while they were Prisoners on Board of him, had heard the Pyrates say, they should clean in one of the Rivers to the Southward; he altered his first Design, and instead of standing to the Northward, in pursuit of the Pyrate in Cape _Fear_ River, he turns to the Southward after _Vane_; who had ordered such Reports to be given out, on purpose to send any Force that should come after him, upon a wrong Scent; for in Reality he stood away to the Northward, so that the Pursuit proved to be the contrary Way.
Colonel _Rhet_'s speaking with this s.h.i.+p, was the most unlucky Thing that could have happened, because it turned him out of the Road, which in all Probability, would have brought him into the Company of _Vane_, as well as of the Pyrate he went after; and so they might have been both destroy'd; whereas, by the Colonel's going a different Way, he not only lost the Opportunity of meeting with one, but if the other had not been infatuated, to lye six Weeks together at Cape _Fear_, he would have missed of him likewise: However, the Colonel having searched the Rivers and Inlets, as directed, for several Days, without Success, at length sailed in Prosecution of his first Design, and met with the Pyrate accordingly, whom he fought and took, as has been before spoken of, in the History of Major _Bonnet_.
Captain _Vane_ went into an Inlet to the Northward, where he met with Captain _Thatch_, or _Teach_, otherwise call'd _Black-beard_, whom he saluted (when he found who he was) with his great Guns, loaded with Shot, (as is the Custom among Pyrates when they meet) which are fired wide, or up into the Air: _Black-beard_ answered the Salute in the same Manner, and mutual Civilities pa.s.sed for some Days; when about the Beginning of _October, Vane_ took Leave, and sailed further to the Northward.
On the 23d of _October_, off of _Long Island_, he took a small Brigantine, bound from _Jamaica_ to _Salem_ in _New-England, John Shattock_ Master, and a little Sloop; they rifled the Brigantine, and sent her away. From hence they resolved on a Cruize between Cape _Meise_ and Cape _Nicholas_, where they spent some Time, without seeing or speaking with any Vessel, till the latter End of _November_; then they fell upon a s.h.i.+p, which 'twas expected would have struck as soon as their black Colours were hoisted; but instead of that, she discharged a Broadside upon the Pyrate, and hoisted Colours, which shewed her to be a _French_ Man of War. _Vane_ desired to have nothing further to say to her, but trimm'd his Sails, and stood away from the _French_ Man; but _Monsieur_ having a Mind to be better informed who he was, set all his Sails, and crowded after him. During this Chace, the Pyrates were divided in their Resolutions what to do: _Vane_, the Captain, was for making off as fast as he could, alledging the Man of War was too strong to cope with; but one _John Rackam_, who was an Officer, that had a kind of a Check upon the Captain, rose up in Defence of a contrary Opinion, saying, _That tho' she had more Guns, and a greater Weight of Mettal, they might board her, and then the best Boys would carry the Day. Rackam_ was well seconded, and the Majority was for boarding; but _Vane_ urged, _That it was too rash and desperate an Enterprize, the Man of War appearing to be twice their Force; and that their Brigantine might be sunk by her before they could reach on board_. The Mate, one _Robert Deal_, was of _Vane_'s Opinion, as were about fifteen more, and all the rest joined with _Rackam_, the Quarter-Master. At length the Captain made use of his Power to determine this Dispute, which, in these Cases, is absolute and uncontroulable, by their own Laws, _viz_. in _fighting, chasing_, or _being chased_; in all other Matters whatsoever, he is governed by a Majority; so the Brigantine having the Heels, as they term it, of the _French_ Man, she came clear off.
But the next Day, the Captain's Behaviour was obliged to stand the Test of a Vote, and a Resolution pa.s.sed against his Honour and Dignity, branding him with the Name of Coward, deposing him from the Command, and turning him out of the Company, with Marks of Infamy; and, with him, went all those who did not Vote for boarding the _French_ Man of War. They had with them a small Sloop that had been taken by them some Time before, which they gave to _Vane_, and the discarded Members; and, that they might be in a Condition to provide for themselves, by their own honest Endeavours, they let them have a sufficient Quant.i.ty of Provisions and Ammunition along with them.
_John Rackam_ was voted Captain of the Brigantine, in _Vane_'s Room, and proceeded towards the _Caribbee Islands_, where we must leave him, till we have finished our Story of _Charles Vane_.
The Sloop sailed for the Bay of _Honduras_, and _Vane_ and his Crew put her into as good a Condition as they could by the Way, to follow the old Trade.
They cruised two or three Days off the North-West Part of _Jamaica_, and took a Sloop and two Pettiagas, and all the Men entered with them; the Sloop they kept, and _Robert Deal_ went Captain of her.
On the 16th of _December_ the two Sloops came into the Bay, where they found only one at an Anchor, call'd the _Pearl_, of _Jamaica_, Captain _Charles Rowling_ Master, who got under Sail at the Sight of them; but the Pyrate Sloops coming near _Rowling_, and shewing no Colours, he gave them a Gun or two; whereupon they hoisted the black Flag, and fired three Guns each, at the _Pearl_; she struck, and the Pyrates took Possession, and carried her away to a small Island called _Barnacko_, and there they cleaned, meeting in the Way with a Sloop from _Jamaica_, Captain _Wallden_ Commander, going down to the Bay, which they also made Prize of.
In _February, Vane_ sailed from _Barnacko_, in order for a Cruize; but some Days after he was out, a violent Turnado overtook him, which separated him from his Consort, and after two Days Distress, threw his Sloop upon a small uninhabited Island, near the Bay of _Honduras_, where she was staved to Pieces, and most of her Men drowned: _Vane_ himself was saved, but reduced to great Streights, for want of Necessaries, having no Opportunity to get any Thing from the Wreck. He lived here some Weeks, and was subsisted chiefly by Fishermen, who frequented the Island with small Craft, from the Main, to catch Turtles, _&c_.
While _Vane_ was upon this Island, a s.h.i.+p put in from _Jamaica_ for Water, the Captain of which, one _Holford_, an old Buccaneer, happened to be _Vane_'s Acquaintance; he thought this a good Opportunity to get off, and accordingly applied to his old Friend; but he absolutely refused him, saying to him, Charles, _I shan't trust you aboard my s.h.i.+p, unless I carry you a Prisoner; for I shall have you caballing with my Men, knock me on the Head, and run away with my s.h.i.+p a pyrating. Vane_ made all the Protestations of Honour in the World to him; but, it seems, Captain _Holford_ was too intimately acquainted with him, to repose any Confidence at all in his Words or Oaths. He told him, _He might easily find a Way to get off, if he had a Mind to it: I am now going down the Bay_, says he, _and shall return hither, in about a Month; and if I find you upon the Island when I come back, I'll carry you to_ Jamaica, _and hang you. Which Way can I get away_? Answers _Vane. Are there not Fishermen's Dories upon the Beach? Can't you take one of them_? Replies _Holford. What_, says _Vane, would you have me steal a Dory then? Do you make it a Matter of Conscience_? Said _Holford, to steal a Dory, when you have been a common Robber and Pyrate, stealing s.h.i.+ps and Cargoes, and plundering all Mankind that fell in your Way? Stay there, and be d--n'd, if you are so Squeamish_: And so left him.
After Captain _Holford_'s Departure, another s.h.i.+p put in to the same Island in her Way home for Water; none of whose Company knowing _Vane_, he easily pa.s.sed upon them for another Man, and so was s.h.i.+pp'd for the Voyage. One would be apt to think that _Vane_ was now pretty safe, and likely to escape the Fate which his Crimes had merited; but here a cross Accident happen'd that ruin'd all: _Holford_, returning from the Bay, was met with by this s.h.i.+p; the Captains being very well acquainted together, _Holford_ was invited to dine aboard of him, which he did; and as he pa.s.sed along to the Cabin, he chanced to cast his Eye down the Hold, and there saw _Charles Vane_ at work; he immediately spoke to the Captain, saying, _Do you know who you have got aboard here? Why_, says he, _I have s.h.i.+pp'd a Man at such an Island, who was cast away in a trading Sloop, he seems to be a brisk Hand. I tell you_, says Captain _Holford, it is_ Vane _the notorious Pyrate. If it be him_, replies the other, _I won't keep him: Why then_, says _Holford, I'll send and take him aboard, and surrender him at_ Jamaica. Which being agreed to, Captain _Holford_, as soon as he returned to his s.h.i.+p, sent his Boat with his Mate armed, who coming to _Vane_, shewed him a Pistol, and told him, _He was his Prisoner_; which none opposing, he was brought aboard, and put in Irons; and when Captain _Holford_ arrived at _Jamaica_, he delivered his old Acquaintance into the Hands of Justice; at which Place he was try'd, convicted, and executed, as was, some Time before, _Vane_'s Consort, _Robert Deal_, brought thither by one of the Men of War.
CHAP. VII. OF Captain _John Rackam_, And his CREW.
THIS _John Rackam_, as has been mentioned in the last Chapter, was Quarter-Master to _Vane_'s Company, till they were divided, and _Vane_ turned out for refusing to board and fight the _French_ Man of War; then _Rackam_ was voted Captain of that Division that remained in the Brigantine. The 24th of _November_ 1718, was the first Day of his Command, and his first Cruize was among the _Caribbee Islands_, where he took and plunder'd several Vessels.
We have already taken Notice, that when Captain _Woodes Rogers_ went to the Island of _Providence_, with the King's Pardon to such as should surrender, this Brigantine, which _Rackam_ now commanded, made its Escape, thro'
another Pa.s.sage, bidding Defiance to Mercy.
To Windward of _Jamaica_, a _Madera_ Man fell into the Pyrates Way, which they detained two or three Days, till they had made their Market out of her, and then gave her back to the Master, and permitted one _Hosea Tisdell_, a Tavern-Keeper at _Jamaica_, who had been pick'd up in one of their Prizes, to depart in her, she being then bound for that Island.
After this Cruize, they went into a small Island and cleaned, and spent their _Christmas_ ash.o.r.e, drinking and carousing as long as they had any Liquor left, and then went to Sea again for more, where they succeeded but too well, though they took no extraordinary Prize, for above two Months, except a s.h.i.+p laden with Thieves from _Newgate_, bound for the Plantations, which, in a few Days, was retaken with all her Cargo, by an _English_ Man of War.
_Rackam_ stood off towards the Island of _Burmudas_, and took a s.h.i.+p bound to _England_ from _Carolina_, and a small Pink from _New-England_, and brought them to the _Bahama_ Islands, where with the Pitch, Tar, and Stores, they clean'd again, and refitted their own Vessel; but staying too long in that Neighbourhood, Captain _Rogers_, who was Governor of _Providence_, hearing of these s.h.i.+ps being taken, sent out a Sloop well mann'd and arm'd, which retook both the Prizes, and in the mean while the Pyrate had the good Fortune to escape.
From hence they sailed to the Back of _Cuba_, where _Rackam_ kept a little kind of a Family, at which Place, they staid a considerable Time, living ash.o.r.e with their Dalilahs, till their Money and Provision were expended, and then they concluded it Time to look out: They repaired to their Vessel, and was making ready to put Sea, when a _Guarda del Costa_ came in with a small _English_ Sloop, which she had taken as an Interloper on the Coast.
The _Spanish_ Guards.h.i.+p attack'd the Pyrate, but _Rackam_ being close in behind a little Island, she could do but little Execution where she lay, therefore the _Spaniard_ warps into the Channel that Evening, in order to make sure of her the next Morning. _Rackam_ finding his Case desperate, and hardly any Possibility of escaping, resolved to attempt the following Enterprize: The _Spanish_ Prize lying for better Security close into the Land, between the little Island and the Main; _Rackam_ takes his Crew into the Boat, with their Pistols and Cutlashes, rounds the little Island, and falls aboard their Prize silently in the dead of the Night, without being discovered, telling the _Spaniards_ that were aboard of her, that if they spoke a Word, or made the least Noise, they were dead Men, and so became Master of her; when this was done, he slipt her Cable, and drove out to Sea: The _Spanish_ Man of War, was so intent upon their expected Prize, that they minded nothing else, and a.s.soon as Day broke, made a furious Fire upon the empty Sloop, but it was not long before they were rightly apprized of the Matter, and cursed themselves for Fools, to be bit out of a good rich Prize, as she prov'd to be, and to have nothing but an old crazy Hull in the room of her.
_Rackam_ and his Crew had no Occasion to be displeased at the Exchange, that enabled them to continue some Time longer in a Way of Life that suited their depraved Tempers: In _August_ 1720, we find him at Sea again, scouring the Harbours and Inlets of the North and West Parts of _Jamaica_, where he took several small Craft, which proved no great Booty to the Rovers, but they had but few Men, and therefore they were obliged to run at low Game, till they could encrease their Company.
In the Beginning of _September_, they took seven or eight Fis.h.i.+ng-Boats in _Harbour Island_, stole their Nets and other Tackle, and then went off the _French_ Part of _Hispaniola_, and landed, and took Cattle away, with two or three _French_ Men they found near the Water-Side, hunting of wild Hogs in the Evening: The _French_ Men came on Board, whether by Consent or Compulsion, I can't say. They afterwards plundered two Sloops, and returned to _Jamaica_, on the North Coast of which Island, near _Porto Maria_ Bay, they took a Sc.o.o.ner, _Thomas Spenlow_ Master; it was then the 19th of _October_. The next Day, _Rackam_ seeing a Sloop in _Dry Harbour_ Bay, he stood in and fired a Gun; the Men all run ash.o.r.e, and he took the Sloop and Lading, but when those ash.o.r.e found them to be Pyrates, they hailed the Sloop, and let them know they were all willing to come aboard of them.
_Rackam_'s coasting the Island in this Manner, proved fatal to him, for Intelligence came to the Governor, of his Expedition, by a Canoa which he had surprized ash.o.r.e, in _Ocho_ Bay; upon which a Sloop was immediately fitted out, and sent round the Island in quest of him, commanded by Captain _Barnet_, with a good Number of Hands. _Rackam_ rounding the Island, and drawing near the Westermost Point, called Point _Negril_, saw a small Pettiauger, which at sight of the Sloop, run ash.o.r.e and landed her Men; when one of them hailed her, Answer was made, _They were_ English _Men_, and desired the Pettiauger's Men to come on Board, and drink a Bowl of Punch, which they were prevailed upon to do; accordingly the Company came all aboard of the Pyrate, consisting of nine Persons, in an ill Hour; they were armed with Muskets and Cutlashes, but, what was their real Design by so doing, I shall not take upon me to say; but they had no sooner laid down their Arms, and taken up their Pipes, but _Barnet_'s Sloop, which was in Pursuit of _Rackam_'s, came in Sight.
The Pyrates finding she stood directly towards her, fear'd the Event, and weighed their Anchor, which they but lately let go, and stood off: Captain _Barnet_ gave them Chace, and having the Advantage of little Breezes of Wind, which blew off the Land, came up with her, and, after a very small Dispute, took her, and brought her into _Port Royal_, in _Jamaica_.
In about a Fortnight after the Prisoners were brought ash.o.r.e, _viz.
November_ 16, 1720, a Court of Admiralty was held at St. _Jago de la Vega_, before which the following Persons were convicted, and Sentence of Death pa.s.sed upon them, by the President, Sir _Nicholas Laws, viz. John Rackam_ Captain, _George Fetherston_ Master, _Richard Corner_ Quarter-Master, _John Davis, John Howell, Patrick Carty, Thomas Earl, James Dobbin_ and _Noah Harwood_. The five first were executed the next Day at _Gallows Point_, at the Town of _Port Royal_, and the rest, the Day after, at _Kingston_; _Rackam, Feverston_ and _Corner_, were afterwards taken down and hang'd up in Chains, one at _Plumb Point_, one at _Bush Key_, and the other at _Gun Key_.
But what was very surprizing, was, the Conviction of the nine Men that came aboard the Sloop the same Day she was taken. They were try'd at an Adjournment of the Court, on the 24th of _January_, waiting all that Time, it is supposed, for Evidence, to prove the pyratical Intention of going aboard the said Sloop; for it seems there was no Act of Pyracy committed by them, after their coming on Board, as appeared by the Witnesses against them, who were two _French_ Men taken by _Rackam_, off from the Island of _Hispaniola_, and deposed in the following Manner.
`That the Prisoners at the Bar, _viz. John Eaton, Edward Warner, Thomas Baker, Thomas Quick, John Cole, Benjamin Palmer, Walter Rouse, John Hanson_, and _John Howard_, came aboard the Pyrate's Sloop at _Negril Point, Rackam_ sending his Canoe ash.o.r.e for that Purpose: That they brought Guns and Cutlashes on Board with them: That when Captain _Barnet_ chased them, some were drinking, and others walking the Deck: That there was a great Gun and a small Arm fired by the Pyrate Sloop, at Captain _Barnet_'s Sloop, when he chased her; and that when Captain _Barnet_'s Sloop fired at _Rackam_'s Sloop, the Prisoners at the Bar went down under Deck. That during the Time Captain _Barnet_ chased them, some of the Prisoners at the Bar (but which of them he could not tell) helped to row the Sloop, in order to escape from _Barnet_: That they all seemed to be consorted together.
This was the Substance of all that was evidenced against them, the Prisoners answered in their Defence,
`That they had no Witnesses: That they had bought a Pettiauger in order to go a Turtleing; and being at _Negril Point_, and just got ash.o.r.e, they saw a Sloop with a white Pendant coming towards them, upon which they took their Arms, and hid themselves in the Bushes: That one of them hail'd the Sloop, who answer'd, _They were_ English _Men_, and desired them to come aboard and drink a Bowl of Punch; which they at first refused, but afterwards with much perswasion, they went on Board, in the Sloop's Canoe, and left their own Pettiauger at Anchor: That they had been but a short Time on Board, when Captain _Barnet_'s Sloop heaved in Sight: That _Rackam_ ordered them to help to weigh the Sloop's Anchor immediately, which they all refused: That _Rackam_ used violent Means to oblige them; and that when Captain _Barnet_ came up with them, they all readily and willingly submitted.
When the Prisoners were taken from the Bar, and the Persons present being withdrawn, the Court considered the Prisoners Cases, and the Majority of the Commissioners being of Opinion, that they were all Guilty of the Pyracy and Felony they were charged with, which was, _the going over with a pyratical and felonious Intent to_ John Rackam, &c. _then notorious Pyrates, and by them known to be so_, they all received Sentence of Death; which every Body must allow proved somewhat unlucky to the poor Fellows.
On the 17th of _February, John Eaton, Thomas Quick_ and _Thomas Baker_, were executed at _Gallows Point_, at _Port Royal_, and the next Day _John Cole, John Howard_ and _Benjamin Palmer_, were executed at _Kingston_; whether the other three were executed afterwards, or not, I never heard.
Two other Pyrates were try'd that belonged to _Rackam_'s Crew, and being convicted, were brought up, and asked if either of them had any Thing to say why Sentence of Death should not pa.s.s upon them, in like Manner as had been done to all the rest; and both of them pleaded their Bellies, being quick with Child, and pray'd that Execution might be stay'd, whereupon the Court pa.s.sed Sentence, as in Cases of Pyracy, but ordered them back, till a proper Jury should be appointed to enquire into the Matter.
_The_ LIFE _of_ MARY READ,
NOW we are to begin a History full of surprizing Turns and Adventures; I mean, that of _Mary Read_ and _Anne Bonny_, alias _Bonn_, which were the true Names of these two Pyrates; the odd Incidents of their rambling Lives are such, that some may be tempted to think the whole Story no better than a Novel or Romance; but since it is supported by many thousand Witnesses, I mean the People of _Jamaica_, who were present at their Tryals, and heard the Story of their Lives, upon the first discovery of their s.e.x; the Truth of it can be no more contested, than that there were such Men in the World, as _Roberts_ and _Black-beard_, who were Pyrates.
_Mary Read_ was born in _England_, her Mother was married young, to a Man who used the Sea, who going a Voyage soon after their Marriage, left her with Child, which Child proved to be a Boy. As to the Husband, whether he was cast away, or died in the Voyage, _Mary Read_ could not tell; but however, he never returned more; nevertheless, the Mother, who was young and airy, met with an Accident, which has often happened to Women who are young, and do not take a great deal of Care; which was, she soon proved with Child again, without a Husband to Father it, but how, or by whom, none but her self could tell, for she carried a pretty good Reputation among her Neighbours. Finding her Burthen grow, in order to conceal her Shame, she takes a formal Leave of her Husband's Relations, giving out, that she went to live with some Friends of her own, in the Country: Accordingly she went away, and carried with her her young Son, at this Time, not a Year old: Soon after her Departure her Son died, but Providence in Return, was pleased to give her a Girl in his Room, of which she was safely delivered, in her Retreat, and this was our _Mary Read_.
Here the Mother liv'd three or four Years, till what Money she had was almost gone; then she thought of returning to _London_, and considering that her Husband's Mother was in some Circ.u.mstances, she did not doubt but to prevail upon her, to provide for the Child, if she could but pa.s.s it upon her for the same, but the changing a Girl into a Boy, seem'd a difficult Piece of Work, and how to deceive an experienced old Woman, in such a Point, was altogether as impossible; however, she ventured to dress it up as a Boy, brought it to Town, and presented it to her Mother in Law, as her Husband's Son; the old Woman would have taken it, to have bred it up, but the Mother pretended it would break her Heart, to part with it; so it was agreed betwixt them, that the Child should live with the Mother, and the supposed Grandmother should allow a Crown a Week for it's Maintainance.
Thus the Mother gained her Point, she bred up her Daughter as a Boy, and when she grew up to some Sense, she thought proper to let her into the Secret of her Birth, to induce her to conceal her s.e.x. It happen'd that the Grandmother died, by which Means the Subsistance that came from that Quarter, ceased, and they were more and more reduced in their Circ.u.mstances; wherefore she was obliged to put her Daughter out, to wait on a _French_ Lady, as a Foot-boy, being now thirteen Years of Age: Here she did not live long, for growing bold and strong, and having also a roving Mind, she entered her self on Board a Man of War, where she served some Time, then quitted it, went over into _Flanders_, and carried Arms in a Regiment of Foot, as a _Cadet_; and tho' upon all Actions, she behaved herself with a great deal of Bravery, yet she could not get a Commission, they being generally bought and sold; therefore she quitted the Service, and took on in a Regiment of Horse; she behaved so well in several Engagements, that she got the Esteem of all her Officers; but her Comrade who was a _Fleming_, happening to be a handsome young Fellow, she falls in Love with him, and from that Time, grew a little more negligent in her Duty, so that, it seems, _Mars_ and _Venus_ could not be served at the same Time; her Arms and Accoutrements which were always kept in the best Order, were quite neglected: 'tis true, when her Comrade was ordered out upon a Party, she used to go without being commanded, and frequently run herself into Danger, where she had no Business, only to be near him; the rest of the Troopers little suspecting the secret Cause which moved her to this Behaviour, fancied her to be mad, and her Comrade himself could not account for this strange Alteration in her, but Love is ingenious, and as they lay in the same Tent, and were constantly together, she found a Way of letting him discover her s.e.x, without appearing that it was done with Design.
He was much surprized at what he found out, and not a little pleased, taking it for granted, that he should have a Mistress solely to himself, which is an unusual Thing in a Camp, since there is scarce one of those Campaign Ladies, that is ever true to a Troop or Company; so that he thought of nothing but gratifying his Pa.s.sions with very little Ceremony; but he found himself strangely mistaken, for she proved very reserved and modest, and resisted all his Temptations, and at the same Time was so obliging and insinuating in her Carriage, that she quite changed his Purpose, so far from thinking of making her his Mistress, he now courted her for a Wife.
This was the utmost Wish of her Heart, in short, they exchanged Promises, and when the Campaign was over, and the Regiment marched into Winter Quarters, they bought Woman's Apparel for her, with such Money as they could make up betwixt them, and were publickly married.
The Story of two Troopers marrying each other, made a great Noise, so that several Officers were drawn by Curiosity to a.s.sist at the Ceremony, and they agreed among themselves that every one of them should make a small Present to the Bride, towards House-keeping, in Consideration of her having been their fellow Soldier. Thus being set up, they seemed to have a Desire of quitting the Service, and settling in the World; the Adventure of their Love and Marriage had gained them so much Favour, that they easily obtained their Discharge, and they immediately set up an Eating House or Ordinary, which was the Sign of the _Three Horse-Shoes_, near the Castle of _Breda_, where they soon run into a good Trade, a great many Officers eating with them constantly.
But this Happiness lasted not long, for the Husband soon died, and the Peace of _Reswick_ being concluded, there was no Resort of Officers to _Breda_, as usual; so that the Widow having little or no Trade, was forced to give up House-keeping, and her Substance being by Degrees quite spent, she again a.s.sumes her Man's Apparel, and going into _Holland_, there takes on in a Regiment of Foot, quarter'd in one of the Frontier Towns: Here she did not remain long, there was no likelihood of Preferment in Time of Peace, therefore she took a Resolution of seeking her Fortune another Way; and withdrawing from the Regiment, s.h.i.+ps herself on Board of a Vessel bound for the _West-Indies_.
It happen'd this s.h.i.+p was taken by _English_ Pyrates, and _Mary Read_ was the only _English_ Person on Board, they kept her amongst them, and having plundered the s.h.i.+p, let it go again; after following this Trade for some Time, the King's Proclamation came out, and was publish'd in all Parts of the _West-Indies_, for pardoning such Pyrates, who should voluntarily surrender themselves by a certain Day therein mentioned. The Crew of _Mary Read_ took the Benefit of this Proclamation, and having surrender'd, liv'd quietly on Sh.o.r.e; but Money beginning to grow short, and hearing that Captain _Woods Rogers_, Governor of the Island of _Providence_, was fitting out some Privateers to cruise against the _Spaniards_, she with several others embark'd for that Island, in order to go upon the privateering Account, being resolved to make her Fortune one way or other.
These Privateers were no sooner sail'd out, but the Crews of some of them, who had been pardoned, rose against their Commanders, and turned themselves to their old Trade: In this Number was _Mary Read_. It is true, she often declared, that the Life of a Pyrate was what she always abhor'd, and went into it only upon Compulsion, both this Time, and before, intending to quit it, whenever a fair Opportunity should offer it self; yet some of the Evidence against her, upon her Tryal, who were forced Men, and had sailed with her, deposed upon Oath, that in Times of Action, no Person amongst them were more resolute, or ready to Board or undertake any Thing that was hazardous, as she and _Anne Bonny_; and particularly at the Time they were attack'd and taken, when they came to close Quarters, none kept the Deck except _Mary Read_ and _Anne Bonny_, and one more; upon which, she, _Mary Read_, called to those under Deck, to come up and fight like Men, and finding they did not stir, fired her Arms down the Hold amongst them, killing one, and wounding others.
This was part of the Evidence against her, which she denied; which, whether true or no, thus much is certain, that she did not want Bravery, nor indeed was she less remarkable for her Modesty, according to her Notions of Virtue: Her s.e.x was not so much as suspected by any Person on Board, till _Anne Bonny_, who was not altogether so reserved in point of Chast.i.ty, took a particular liking to her; in short, _Anne Bonny_ took her for a handsome young Fellow, and for some Reasons best known to herself, first discovered her s.e.x to _Mary Read; Mary Read_ knowing what she would be at, and being very sensible of her own Incapacity that Way, was forced to come to a right Understanding with her, and so to the great Disappointment of _Anne Bonny_, she let her know she was a Woman also; but this Intimacy so disturb'd Captain _Rackam_, who was the Lover and Gallant of _Anne Bonny_, that he grew furiously jealous, so that he told _Anne Bonny_, he would cut her new Lover's Throat, therefore, to quiet him, she let him into the Secret also.
Captain _Rackam_, (as he was enjoined,) kept the Thing a Secret from all the s.h.i.+p's Company, yet, notwithstanding all her Cunning and Reserve, Love found her out in this Disguise, and hinder'd her from forgetting her s.e.x.
In their Cruize they took a great Number of s.h.i.+ps belonging to _Jamaica_, and other Parts of the _West-Indies_, bound to and from _England_; and when ever they meet any good Artist, or other Person that might be of any great Use to their Company, if he was not willing to enter, it was their Custom to keep him by Force. Among these was a young Fellow of a most engageing Behaviour, or, at least, he was so in the Eyes of _Mary Read_, who became so smitten with his Person and Address, that she could neither rest, Night or Day; but as there is nothing more ingenious than Love, it was no hard Matter for her, who had before been practiced in these Wiles, to find a Way to let him discover her s.e.x: She first insinuated her self into his liking, by talking against the Life of a Pyrate, which he was altogether averse to, so they became Mess-Mates and strict Companions: When she found he had a Friends.h.i.+p for her, as a Man, she suffered the Discovery to be made, by carelesly shewing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, which were very White.
A General History of the Pyrates Part 9
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