A History of Giggleswick School Part 15

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[_Leach. Early Yorks.h.i.+re Schools_, p. 240, Rec. Off. Chantry Certificate, 103.]

Westriddinge of the Countye of Yorke.

72. Giggleswike.

The Chaunterie of the roode there.

Richard Carre, Inc.u.mbent there.

Freholde, 5 6_s._ 8_d._

Memorandum: that thinc.u.mbent of the seide Roode Chaunterie, being well lerned and licensed to preache, kepith a Grammer Scole there, which is necessarie to contynne with the seide revenue, or other stipend, for the good educacion of the abbondaunt yought in those rewde parties.

Scoole continuatur quousque.

Scoole maynteyned with a somme of money.

Memorandum: that in the seide parishe one John Malholme, prest, and Thomas Husteler diseased, did give and bequethe by their last will and testament, as apperith by the certificat of Giggleswike, the some of 24 13_s._ 4_d._ towardes the mayntenaunce of a Scoole master there for certyn yeres, whereupon one Thomas Iveson, priest, was procurid to be Scolemaster, which hathe kept a Scole there these three yeres paste, and hathe receyved every yere for his stipende after the rate of 4 the yere, the hole 12, and so remayneth 12 13_s._ 4_d._

Continuatur Scole per quant.i.tatem pecunie.

Examinatur per Henric.u.m Savill, supervisorem.



[_Leach._ _Early Yorks.h.i.+re Schools_, p. 241.]

[Rec. Off. Particulars for grants. 3 Edward VI.]

Memorandum[B] that we, Sir Edwarde Warner, knight, Silvestre Leigh and Leonarde Bate, gentelmen, do require to purchase of the King's maiestie, by virtue of his graces Comyssion of sale of landes, the landes, tenements and heredytaments conteyned and specified in the particulers and rates hereunto annexed, being of such clere yerely value as in the same particulers and rates is expressed.

In witness whereof to this Bill, subscribed with our handes, we have put our Seales the 28th day of Marche, in the thirde yere of the reigne of our souereigne lorde, Edwarde the sixt, by the grace of G.o.d king of England, Fraunce and Ireland, defender of the fayth, and of the Churche of England and also of Ireland on Earth the supreme hedd.

By me, Sylvester Leigh. per me, Leonardum Bate.

[The place left for signature and seal of Sir E. Warner has never been filled. Traces of the seal of S. Leigh and a portion of that of L. Bate still remain.]

West riding com. Ebor.

Possessiones nuper Canterie vocate Roode chaunterye in ecclesia parochiali de Gygleswik.


Terre et tenementa dicte nuper } Cantarie Liberis tenentibus per } valent in cartam pertinencia . . . }

Firma unius tenementi c.u.m pertinenciis in Settill in parochie de Gygleswike predicta ac 2 acrarum et unius rode terre arrabilis ibidem, et unius prati vocati Howbecke ynge continentis rodam, c.u.m communa, pasture in Trakemore, sic dimissi Willelmo Hulle per indenturam Cantariste ibidem, datam 12mo die Augusti anno regni Regis Henrici VIImi 14to Habendum sibi et heredibus suis imperpetuum Reddendo inde annuatim ad festa Purificationis Beate Marie et Sancti Laurencii equaliter 11_s._

Firma unius cotagii in Settill predicta dimissi Johanni Smythe per indenturam dicti Cantariste datam 28vo die Marcii anno regni Regis Henrici VIIIvi quinto Habendum pro termino vite ejusdem Johannis et Reddendo inde annuatim ad festa predicta equaliter 2_s._

Firma unius mesuagii scituati in Otterburne, ac trium bovatarum terre arrabilis, prati et pasture jacencium in villa et campis ibidem, modo in tenura Cuthberti Carre ad voluntatem de anno in annum Reddendo inde annuatim ad festa predicta equaliter 24_s._

Firma unius cotagii ibidem modo in tenura Christoferi Thomeson, ut prius, per annum eisdem terminis equaliter 2_s._

Firma unius mesuagii ibidem ac duarum bovatarum terre arrabilis prati et pasture jacencium in campis predictis, modo in tenura Henrici Atkynson, ut prius, per annum eisdem terminis equaliter 18_s._

Firma unius mesuagii et unius bovate [etc., as in last item to pasture] ibidem modo in tenura relicte Henrici Atkynson [etc., as in last] 15_s._

Firma 1 mesuagii et duarum bovatarum [etc., as in last]

Thome Atkynson [etc.] 15_s._

Firma [etc., as in last] Henrici Swyer [etc.] 15_s._

Firma [etc., as in last] Ricardi Paytsin 15_s._ } } Firma unius cotagii ibidem modo in } tenura Christoferi Thomson [etc.] 5_s._ } } Firma [as in last] Ricardi Thomson [etc.] 5_s._ }

Summa totalis 6. 0_s._ 12_d._


Reprise, viz. in

Redditu annuatim Johanni Smythe pro quodam feodo sibi concesso pro termino vite sue in consideracione collectionis reddituum supradictorum, prout patet per cartam sub sigillo fundatoris Cantarie predicte, gerentem datam 28mo die Marcii anno nuper Domini Regis H. VIIIvi quinto [_sic._] _unde 3s. concesse prefato Johanni et heredibus suis ut patet per cartam predictam_.

_at 20 yeres rate_, 60_s._ 3_s._

146 16_s._ 60_s._ __________ 143 16_s._

Et remanet clare per annum [_sic._] 118_s._

There are no woods growinge in or uppon the premisses.

Examinatur per Henric.u.m Savill, supervisorem.

[At foot of roll.]

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