A History of Giggleswick School Part 17

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Statutes and Ordinaunces to be observed by the Governours, Master, Usher and Schollers of the Free Grammer Schole of Gygleswicke from tyme to tyme agreed on by the Governours of the sayd Schole together with the consent and approbacion of the moste Reverend Father in G.o.d, John, by Devyne permission, Archbyshoppe of Yorke, prymate of Englande and metropolitane, as followeth:--

For the Governours.

First the Governours to be chosen from tyme to tyme shall be men of true and sounde religion, fearinge G.o.d, and of honest Conversacion.

Secondly att their ordinacion to the said Schole they shall protest and sweare before the Vycar of Gygleswicke and the rest of the Governours of the said Schoole, to be true and faithefull towardes the said Schoole and the emolumentes and profytes belonginge to the same; and that they shall not att any time purloyne or take away any of the commodities of the same, whereby it mighte be impoverished or empayred in any respecte.

Thirdly if it fortune any of the said Governours att this tyme or att any tyme hereafter, to dwell or remove with there families out of the parishe aforesaid, or if any of them be convicte of any notorious cryme, that then and from thencefurth it shall and may be lawful for the rest of the said Governours, with the privitie and a.s.sent of the Archbysshoppe of Yorke for the tyme beinge, upon due proofe and examinacion of the matter or matters aforesaid, to electe into the office and roome of every one so removeinge, offendinge and convicted, a G.o.dly, discrete and sober person of the parishe aforesaid.

Fourthly the said Governours, or the more parte of them, shall every halfe yere once att the least, visitte the said Schoole, and there examyne the labours of the Master and Usher, and also the proceadinges of the said Schollers in good litterature, together with the observations of the Statutes of the Schole in that case provyded, to thende if any defaulte be proved in master, usher or scholler, they, with the privitie and a.s.sent of the Archbysshoppe of Yorke for the tyme beinge, may furthwith take order to redresse the same.

Fyftely if upon due admonicion twise gyven by the said Governours to the said Master, usher or scholler concernynge the violatinge and wilfull breakeinge of the Statutes of the said Schoole, they and every of them do not amend, that then and from thencefurth it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Governours, with the privitie and a.s.sente of the Archbysshoppe of Yorke, for the tyme beinge, to deprive and depose the said master, usher or scholler so offendinge, and others to electe into there place, accordinge to the true meaninge of the letters Pattentes of the said Schoole in that case provided.

Sixtely the said Governours shall provyde from tyme to tyme that the ordinarie stipendes for the master and usher at there accustomed tymes be payd, and also shall take care that the Schoole house within and without be sufficiently repayred upon the emolumentes and profittes accrewinge and growinge to the said Schoole, neyther shall they make any wilfull waste of the said profittes, but be contente with a moderate allowaunce when they are occupyed about the busines of the said Schoole.

For the Master.

First the Scholemaster to be chosen from tyme to tyme, shall be a man fearinge G.o.d, of true religion and G.o.dlye conversacion, not gyven to diceinge, cardinge, or other unlawfull games, but beinge admitted to the chardge of the said schole, shall faithfully followe the same.

Secondly he shall instructe his schollers in G.o.dly authours for Christian religion and other meet and honest authours for more knowledge of the liberall sciences; and also shall once each weeke cathechise his said schollers in the knowledge of Christian religion and other G.o.dly dueties, to thende their obedience in lyfe may answere to there proceadinges in G.o.dly litterature.

Thirdly he shall not teache his schollers any unsavory and popishe aucthours which may eyther infecte the yonge wittes of his schollers with heriesies, or corrupte there lyfes with uncleanenes.

Fourthly he shall not use in schoole any language to his schollers which be of ryper yeares and proceadinges but onely the lattyne, Greeke and Hebrewe, nor shall willingly permitt the use of the Englishe tonge in the schoole to them which are or shalbe able to speake lattyne.

Fyftely he shall indifferently in schoole endevour himselfe to teache the poore as well as the riche, and the paris.h.i.+oner as well as the stranger, and as his said schollers shall profitt in learninge, so he shall preferre them accordingly, without respecte of persons.

Sixtely he shall not be absent above six dayes in any one quarter of the yeare, without speciall licence of the Governours for the tyme beinge, or the more parte of them, nor shall use any vacations througheout the yeare unlesse it be two weekes att Easter, three weekes att Christenmes, and three weekes by the said master to be appointed when he thinketh it most convenient for his schollers to be exercysed in wrytinge under a scriviner for there better exercyse in that facultye; provyded alwayes that he may upon any convenient occasion grante an intermission or vacation to his schollers from studye, in any afternoone whensoever he seeth the same expedient or requisite.

Seaventhly that the said Scholemaster in recompence of his paynes and labour in the due exequution of his office, shall have and receyve yearely of the said Governours the yearely stipend of twentie markes of lawfull Englishe money, for and duringe so longe tyme as he shall continue scholemaster att the schoole of Gygleswicke aforesaid, to be payd att two tymes in the yeare, vidz.:--att the feast of saynt Peter advincula, six poundes thirtene s.h.i.+llinges fourepence, and at the feast of the Purificacion of our Ladye, six poundes thirtene s.h.i.+llinges fourepence, by even portions.

Lastly the said master shall not bygynne to teache or dismisse the said Schoole without convenient prayers and thankesgyveinge, in that behalfe publiquely to be used, most requisite att bothe mornynge and evenynge.

For the Usher.

First the Usher of the schoole shalbe a man of sounde religion and sober lyfe, and such one as can traine upp the Yowthe of the Schoole in G.o.dlynes and vertue.

Secondly he shalbe obedient to the scholemaster in all thinges concernynge his office, by whome he shalbe directed for his manner in teacheing, cathechiesinge, correctinge, &c.

Thirdly he shall not absent himselfe from the schoole foure dayes in any quarter of the yeare, without speciall lycence first obteyned of the master and Governours.

Fourthly he shall preferr every yeare one whole forme or seedge to the masters erudition, wherein if he make defaulte then he shall stande to the censure of the said master and Governours.

Fyftly he shall take upon him the Regiment and teacheinge of the said Schoole in thabsence of the master, and so shall supplye the office of the master in his said absence.

Sixtly that the said Usher in Recompence of his paynes and labour in the due exequution of his office, shall have and receyve yearely of the said Governours the yerely stypende of sixe poundes thirtene s.h.i.+llinges fourepence of lawful Englishe money, for and duringe so longe tyme as he shall contynue Usher of the said school att Gygleswicke aforesaid, to be payd att two tymes in the yeare, vidz.:--att the feast of saynt Peter Advincula, thre poundes six s.h.i.+llings eightpence, and att the feast of the purificacion of our Lady, three poundes sixe s.h.i.+llinges eightepence, by even portions.

For the Master and Usher.

First that the Scholemaster and Usher of the said Schoole shall every worke day (usuall vacations aforesaid excepted) begynne to teache the Schollers of the said Schoole halfe an houre before seaven of the clocke, if he shall see it expedient, and so contynue till eleaven of the clocke before Noone, and so shall begynne againe att one of the clocke in thafternoone and so continue till fyve of the clocke (the usuall vacacions aforesaid and other necessarie and honest causes and reasonable recreations excepted), Excepte also the winter season whan the tymes of begyninge of the schoole and dismissinge of the same, and of the schollers dwellinge neare to the schoole or farr of, shalbe lefte to the discretion of the master.

Secondly if the Scholemaster or Usher of the said schoole shall committ any notorious cryme, or shalbe remisse or negligent in teaching the Schollers of the said schoole, and do not upon the second admonition by the said Governours or any of them given, amend and reforme such his or their faulte and offence, that then from thencefurth it shalbe lawfull for the said Governours or the more parte of them, with the privitie and a.s.sent of the Archebysshoppe of Yorke for the tyme beinge, to expell the said schoolemaster and usher so offendinge from his said office, and to electe and chuse an other in his place, in manner aforesaid.

Thirdly if the scholemaster or usher shalbe founde eyther to be remisse or vehement in corrections, upon due proofe first made to the Governours, it shalbe lawfull for them or the more parte of them, upon admonicion once or twice gyven, to fyne or censure the said master or usher accordinge to the quallitie of thee offence, the a.s.sent and consent of the Archebysshoppe of Yorke for the tyme beinge first had and obteyned in that behalfe.

For the Schollers.

First what Scholler or Schollers soever shalbe admitted into the said Schoole and ther be registred in the number of Schollers, and afterwardes shall rebelliously and obstinatly withstand his master or masters, eyther in doctrine, correction, or other G.o.dly Government, and convinced of the same, if upon admonicion and warninge first given he do not repent and amend, it shall and may be lawfull to the said Governours with the consent of the said master, to expulse him the schoole.

Secondly no scholler or schollers of what degree soever, shall absent himselfe from schoole any day, and especially the dayes eyther nowe or hereafter for exercyses to be appointed, without necessarye cause or speciall leave first obteyned of the master or usher under whome he shall then remayne for his absence that day.

Thirdly if any Scholler, upon due proofe first had, shalbe founde eyther altogether negligent or uncapable of lernynge, att the discrecion of the said master, he shalbe returned to his frendes to be broughte upp in some other honest trade and exercyse of lyfe.

Fourthly what scholler or schollers soever in the absence of the said master and usher shall not obey the two prepositors, by the master to be appointed for order and quyetnes of the said Schole, shall for every offence proved, be subjecte to the severe censure of the said master or usher.

Lastly what Scholler or schollers soever shall committ any misdeameaner, or behave themselfes unreverently att home or abroade, eyther towardes there parentes, frendes, strangers, or others whosoever, or shall complaine of correction moderately given him by the master or usher, shalbe severely corrected for the same, upon due knowledge first gyven of the same to the said master or usher.



[_Early Yorks.h.i.+re Schools_, p. 267.]

[From the original in possession of the Governors.]

This Indenture made the ffourtenth daie of December in the yeares of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord James, by the grace of G.o.d of England, Scotland, ffrance and Ireland, king, defender of the fayth. That is to saie of England, ffrance and Ireland the eight and of Scotland the foure and fort.i.th.

Betwene Sir Gervysse Helwysse of worletbie in the countie of Lincoln, knight, and Sir Richard Williamson of Gainesburgh in the same countie, knight, on thone partie, and Christofer Shutt, batcheler in Divinitie and vickar of the parish church of Giglesweke in the countie of Yorke, Robert Bankes of Giglesweke afforesaid, one of the attorneyes of his maiesties court of comon pleas, and John Robinson of Hollinghall in the parish of Giglesweke afforesaid, yoman, on thother partie.

Wittnesseth that the said Sir Gervysse h.e.l.lwysse and Sir Richard Williamson, being owners in ffee farme of the Rectorie and parsonage of Giglesweke, in consideracion of a certeyne somme of money to them in hand paid, but especially at the request and mediacion of the said Christofer Shutt, and to and for the use and benifitt of the free Grammer schoole of Giglesweeke afforesaid, have enfeoffed, graunted, bargayned and solde, and by these presentes doe enfeoffe, graunt, bargayne and sell unto the said Christofer Shutt, Robert Bankes, and John Robinson, ther heires and a.s.signes for ever, as feoffees in trust for and to the uses afforesaid.

All that house comonly called the Schoolehouse in Giglesweke afforesaid, and that close adioyneing thereto called the Schoolehouse garth, parcell of the said Rectorye.

To have and to holde the said Schoolehouse and schoolehouse garth unto the said Christofer Shutt, Robert Bankes and John Robinson, ther heires and a.s.signes for ever, for and to the uses afforesaid. Yelding and paying therfore yearly to the kinges maiestie, his heires and successors, the rent of twelve pence of lawfull English money, at the feastes of thanunciacion of the blessed virgine Marie and of St.

Michaell tharchangell, by even porcions for and towardes thet fee farme rent of fortie and foure poundes, payable yearly for the said Rectorie and parsonage to the kinges maiestie, his heirs and successors, at the feastes afforesaid.

And the said Sir Gervisse Helwysse and Sir Richard Williamson doe by these presentes const.i.tute and appoint John Bankes and William Lawson of Giglesweke afforesaid, yomen, ther true and lawfull Attorneyes, for them, and in ther names and places, to enter into the said Schoole and Scholehouse garth, to geve quyet and peaceable possession and seisine thereof unto the said Christofer Shutt, Robert Bankes and John Robinson, ther heirs and a.s.signes, rattifyeing and alloweing whatsoever the said Attorneys shall doe therin.

In wittnes wherof the parties afforesaid to these presente Indentures interchangeably have sett ther handes and seales the daie and yeares first above written.

A History of Giggleswick School Part 17

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