A History of Giggleswick School Part 19

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6. The persons in office at the date of this Scheme as Cooptative Governors of the Foundation shall be ent.i.tled to remain in office as Cooptative Governors under this Scheme, each for the remainder of the term for which he was appointed.

_Additional Governors._

7. If an increase in the number of Representative Governors is required to comply with any conditions of a grant made by a Local Authority or by the Board of Education, or is considered desirable for any other reasons, additional Representative Governors may, with the consent of the Governors and the approval of the Board of Education (signified by writing under their seal), be appointed by a Local Authority.

_Religious Opinions of Governing Body._

8. Religious opinions or attendance or non-attendance at any particular form of religious wors.h.i.+p shall not in any way affect the qualification of any person for being one of the Governing Body under this Scheme.

_Declaration by Governors._

9. No person shall be ent.i.tled to act as a Governor, whether on a first or any subsequent entry into office, until he has signed in the minute book of the Governors a declaration of acceptance and of willingness to act in the trusts of this Scheme.

_Governors not to be personally interested in Foundation._

10. Except in special circ.u.mstances with the approval in writing of the Board of Education, no Governor shall take or hold any interest in any property belonging to the Foundation otherwise than as a trustee for the purposes thereof, or receive any remuneration, or be interested in the supply of work or goods, at the cost of the Foundation.

_Quorum and Voting._

11. There shall be a quorum when five Governors are present at a meeting. Every matter, except as in this Scheme provided, shall be determined by the majority of the Governors present and voting on the question. In case of equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

_Determination of Governors.h.i.+p._

12. Any Governor who is absent from all meetings of the Governors during a period of one year, or who is adjudicated a bankrupt, or who is incapacitated from acting, or who communicates in writing to the Governors a wish to resign, shall thereupon cease to be a Governor.


13. Every vacancy in the office of Governor shall as soon as possible be notified to the proper appointing body, or be filled by the Governors, as the case requires. Any competent Governor may be re-appointed.

_Casual Vacancies._

14. A Governor appointed to fill a casual vacancy shall hold office only for the unexpired term of office of the Governor in whose place he is appointed.

_Management Rules._

15. The Management Rules appended to this Scheme (being the rules in accordance with which the Governors shall conduct their business and manage the property of the Foundation) shall have effect as part of this Scheme.

_Vesting Property._

16. The Governors and all other persons capable of being bound by this Scheme shall, unless the Board of Education otherwise in writing direct, do all such acts as may be necessary in order to vest in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands and to transfer to the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds respectively, all freehold and leasehold lands and hereditaments and all stocks, shares, funds, and securities respectively, which may hereafter become the property of the Foundation.


_Day and Boarding School for Boys._

17. The School of the Foundation shall be a day and boarding School, for boys, and shall be maintained in or near the Ancient Parish of Giggleswick in the present school buildings or in other suitable buildings provided for the purpose by the Governors as a Public Secondary School.

_Income of Foundation._

18. All moneys received as income exclusively in respect of the School, whether from the fees of pupils or otherwise, shall be applicable wholly for the purposes of the School. After payment of the expenses of administration, the Governors shall apply the income arising from the property specified in the Schedule to this Scheme as follows:--

(1) They shall pay thereout the yearly sum of 100_l._ to the Governing Body of the Girls' Middle School at Skipton, to be applied by that Governing Body for the general purposes of that School, in accordance with the provisions of the above-mentioned Scheme of 3 April 1886, as since amended and altered;

(2) They shall provide thereout the yearly sum of 90_l._ to be applied as herein-after directed;

(3) They shall apply the income of the property representing the endowment of the Foundation of Josias Shute, in the maintenance of Shute Scholars.h.i.+ps as hereinafter provided;

(4) They shall apply the income of the various prize funds in providing prizes for boys in the School of the Foundation as heretofore; and

(5) They shall apply the residue for the general purposes of the School of the Foundation.

_Rates, &c. on School._

19. All payments for rates, taxes, repairs, and insurance of or in respect of any property occupied for the purposes of the School shall, so far as not otherwise provided for, be made out of the income of the Foundation applicable to the purposes of the School.


_Head Master and a.s.sistants._

20. There shall be a Head Master of the School, and such number of a.s.sistant Masters as the Governors think fit.

_Employment of Staff._

21. Every Master in the School shall be employed under a contract of service with the Governors which shall, in the case of appointments made after the date of this Scheme, be reduced to writing, and shall in any case be determinate only (except in the case of dismissal for misconduct or other good and urgent cause) upon a written notice given by or on behalf of the Governors or by the Master, as the case may be, and taking effect in the case of the Head Master after the expiration of six months from the date of notice, and in other cases at the end of a school term and after the expiration of two months from the date of notice; but nothing in this clause shall--

(_a_) in the case of any person employed at the date of this Scheme, affect any special provisions as to notice contained in the Scheme under which he was appointed or any special agreement as to notice in force at the date of this Scheme; or

(_b_) affect the special provisions of this Scheme as to the procedure to be followed by the Governors in the case of the dismissal of the Head Master.

_Masters need not be in Holy Orders._

22. No person shall be disqualified for being a Master in the School by reason only of his not being, or not intending to be, in Holy Orders.

_Masters not to be Governors._

23. No Master in the School shall be a Governor.

_Head Master--Appointment._

24. The Head Master shall be a graduate of a University in the United Kingdom or have such other equivalent qualification as may be approved by the Board of Education. He shall be appointed by the Governors after due public advertis.e.m.e.nt in newspapers and otherwise so as to secure the best candidates.

_Dismissal of Head Master._

25. The Governors may, at pleasure, dismiss the Head Master without a.s.signing cause, upon notice given in accordance with the provisions of this Scheme; or they may, for misconduct or other good and urgent cause, dismiss him without notice.

Any resolution to dismiss the Head Master shall not take effect until it has been pa.s.sed at a special meeting, and confirmed at a second special meeting held after an interval of not less than 14 days, and is so pa.s.sed and confirmed by not less than two-thirds of the Governors present and voting on the question.

Provided that where the dismissal is a dismissal without notice--

A History of Giggleswick School Part 19

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