The Confessions of a Collector Part 9
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I scarcely recollect how it happened; but I had heard of the Count as a prominent Venetian numismatist, and I threaded some of the less agreeable thoroughfares of the city, including the clothes-market, in search of his palatial residence on the Grand Ca.n.a.l. Both the Cavaliere his secretary and himself were absent; but I left my address, and ever since he has honoured me with his interesting and valuable publications on the theme, which he so well loves.
A jeweller in Bologna, of whom I took two or three pieces, offered me a double gold crown (_doppio di oro_) of Giovanni Bentivoglio II., the type without the portrait, for 150 _lire_. It seemed to me too dear. I was right. A year or two after, I got it in Piccadilly for less than half.
Some one referred me to Schweitzer's exhaustive work on the Coins of Venice, and, Count Papadopoli sending me periodically his numismatic labours, I was encouraged to draw up the sketch of the 'Coins of Venice,'
which appeared in the _Antiquary_ in 1884, as part of a scheme for reproducing my History on an improved basis.
The advance of the subject by stealthy degrees to the foreground and to a conspicuous place in my studies and employments, had its agreeable and its serious aspect. It was a pursuit, which consumed time, and while it entailed endless outlay, yielded no return. Still I had such a genuine relish for it, that I did not allow myself to be disheartened. It may give some idea of my disinterested, perhaps enviable, ardour, if I mention that I revisited Milan, at the expense of a long detour, to get a silver coin of one of the Medici, which I considered on second thoughts worth having at nine _lire_. It served me a good turn, for when a London dealer seemed disposed to shed tears on discovering that an a.s.sistant had sold me a similar piece for the same money (7s. 6d.), I exhibited my prior purchase, and he was consoled. It exemplifies the singular nicety of appreciation among the experts, that a third and fourth came to me at a subsequent date at 8s. each. With others I have not been quite so happily placed. A party bought a _scudo_ of Ferdinando I. de Medici, 1587, in his cardinal's dress, in a lot at a sale, and gave it up to me as a favour for 15s., which made him a present of the residue; I was the obliged, and said not a word. He a.s.sured me that the other items were worthless, yet he did not throw them in. I bowed and withdrew. I have ever found it so.
All my successive departures in this as in other doings have depended on chance. Both at home and abroad I have often stumbled unexpectedly on the means of filling a gap, and have quite as often congratulated myself on the command of just knowledge enough to avoid mistakes and snares. Not always. For I once found myself at St Peter's, Guernsey, with nothing to do, and visited so often the only place in the town, where there was any semblance of coins, that I felt bound to pay my footing, and gave 10s. for a silver London penny of Ethelred II.--a very fine specimen, but a very common piece. I subsequently bought another of a different mint in London for 4s. I added the Guernsey acquisition to my travelling expenses, with a private determination to avoid for the future these pitfalls.
I never committed myself very seriously. At Brighton, strolling about I fell in with a Jew, who had a very fine early rupee, which on reference to his scales he estimated at eighteenpence. I bought elsewhere a greater rarity--a double rupee of the last century--for four s.h.i.+llings. One of the finest Anne farthings of the common Britannia type, 1714, which I have seen, was the fruit of a visit to a depot in Hastings, and the demand for it was not unreasonable--twelve s.h.i.+llings. At a corner shop in Bournemouth, the Hebrew proprietor was from home; but his consort waited on me. 'Any old coins, madam?' 'Well, no,' she thought not--yet, stay, she would _shew_ me a shekel or two--family relics, and not for sale. She retired, and presently produced them. I told her that they must be of great and peculiar interest to her and her husband, and I disappointed her, I think, by not seeming eager to possess them. She muttered something _sotto voce_ about seven guineas; whether that was a figure at which she would risk Mr ----'s displeasure by parting with each or all of the heirlooms, I do not know. They were all false.
The shekel, which belongs to my collection, once had a rather startling adventure. An acquaintance, a clergyman of the Establishment and an University man, asked leave to see it. I handed it to him, and as if he had cabman's blood in his veins, he instantaneously placed it between his teeth. A significant gesture from me arrested his action. On taking his farewell he mentioned that he should shortly send one of his sons to look through my coins. I bowed, and I subsequently declined the proposed honour in writing. How could I tell that the teeth of the offspring might not be sharper than those of his intelligent papa?
The ignorance of the average man in everything, which does not concern his immediate calling, is well-nigh inconceivable. I held in my pocket an unusually well-preserved example of a bell-metal piece of the First French Revolution, when I was calling on a friend, who by training and descent should have acquired a tincture of conversance with such matters. He paid me the compliment of begging to be permitted to see the coin, eyed it for a moment, and then threw it across the table to me.
A relative, who was distinguished by his fulness and variety of information, and who, if he sinned, did so in the direction of not under-estimating the few relics which he personally owned, used to be fond of telling me, that he possessed a complete numismatic history of the Revolution in France, and when I appeared in the first instance curious on the subject, he displayed a handful of defaced copper or bell-metal pieces which, had they been better, represented only an instalment of a very large series.
The same gentleman had similarly acquired in the vicinity of Leicester Square at prices, which struck him as favourable to the buyer, some very rare and desirable examples of Greek numismatic art, including a Syracusan medallion or dekadrachm. On being informed with suitable delicacy that his purchases were forgeries, he was almost equally balanced between a sentiment of wrath against the vulgar broker, who had swindled him and a stealthy suspicion that his informant desired to wheedle him out of really valuable possessions.
He cherished some old halfpence of the early Georges, which he found in his boyhood in a hollow tree in Kensington Gardens. So far, so good. They were not coins; it was a strictly personal a.s.sociation. The interest died with him.
But two of the drollest accidents, which ever happened to me, succeeded each other on the same morning. I entered a money-changer's in Coventry Street, and inquired for old coins. The bureaucrat was as short in his address as he was in his stature. 'What did I want?' 'I did not know till I saw them.' 'He had no time to waste on such matters.' I apologised for my intrusion; he looked at me, and then he pushed a bowl of money toward me. In a minute or so he joined me in a search, and we somehow entered into conversation. He found that I was literary. 'Had I ever heard of Hazlitt's _Life of Napoleon_? It was his favourite book.' I handed him ninepence, shook hands with him on the strength of his revelation, and departed, labouring to look grave.
I had no sooner emerged from that singular experience, than I encountered another. A party in Wardour Street had a similar inquiry put to him, and he laid before me an a.s.sortment of metallic monuments, which I investigated for some time without meeting with a solitary item worth pricing. On intimating so much in a polite manner, the owner impressed me with a persuasion that he intended to spring over the counter, and seize me by the throat; but I met the crisis by demonstrating the impossibility of purchasing duplicates and of always finding _desiderata_ even in the choicest stocks; and his phrensy began to abate. He seemed a decent fellow--a watchmaker by his calling; and I pulled out my watch, and invited him to examine it. It required cleaning and regulating. 'Clean it, and regulate it, then,' said I, 'and I will call for it in ten days.' We parted on the best terms.
I have certainly obtained in the by-ways here and there, at home and abroad, occasional plums. I owed to a silversmith in London my 5 piece of Victoria, 1839, with a plain edge, without the Garter, and with the original reading. It cost me 8. 5s. But I have slowly arrived at the conclusion that the orthodox merchant is the most satisfactory on the whole--the safest and the cheapest.
When I was a boy, the Kenneys introduced me to Captain Hudson, a retired East India commander, who resided in one of the best houses at Notting Hill, while that locality was sufficiently agreeable and select. Hudson stands out in my retrospective view as the donor of some very special Guava jelly, and as the proprietor of a 5 piece of Victoria--of course of 1839. He shewed it to me as a great compliment one day, and it made me look upon him as a personage of unbounded wealth. Yes; it was very good on his part to let a little lad like me take it in his hand. I often think of Captain Hudson, and wonder, whether my specimen and his are the same.
The auction-thief is only too familiar a feature in the sale-rooms, where portable objects of value are exhibited. At one establishment there is a standing notice, inviting information as to more or less recent larcenies of property, which it becomes the privilege of the auctioneer to make good at a fair a.s.sessment. Books are perhaps the commonest and safest game, as the room is more frequently, prior to the commencement of the sale, left to take care of itself. But coins have been occasionally appropriated by enthusiasts, whose impatience precluded them from waiting, till the time came. One person used, during quite a lengthened period, to select with unerring judgment from every sale in Wellington Street the best lot, and when he was at last detected, his genuine ardour was shown by the fact, that the whole of his selections were found at his residence intact. It was really hard on the offender to place before him treasures, for which he might on demand have been prepared to sacrifice his little finger, and expect him to incur the risk of some one else carrying them off, unless he secured them beforehand. The firm dealt tenderly with him--no doubt, on this ground, and merely offered him a piece of advice, which was that he should not throw himself again in the way of temptation. The delicacy of the circ.u.mstances was appreciated by Messrs Sotheby and Co.
At one of the coin-sales in Wellington Street four successive lots were purchased by Lincoln, Rollin, and _Money_, the last a term applied, where cash is paid down at the time. Lincoln bought the second as well as the first, and in the catalogue the entry was _Do._ Some one reconstructed the sequence, and made it run:
_Lincoln Do Roll In Money._
I crave pardon for this undoubted inept.i.tude.
My Furnishers--Influence of Early Training on My Taste--Rejection of Inferior Examples an Invaluable Safeguard--I outgrow my First Instructors--Necessity for Emanc.i.p.ation from a Single Source of Supply--Mr Schulman of Amersfoort--His Influential Share in Amplifying my Numismatic Stores--My Visit to Him--The Rare _Daalder_ of Louis Napoleon, King of Holland--My Adventures at Utrecht and Brussels--Flattering Confidence--In the Open Market--Schulman's Catalogues--MM. Rollin & Feuardent--Their English Representative--Courtesy and Kindness to the Writer--Occasional Purchases--The Late Mr Montagu--Discussion about an Athenian Gold _Stater_--An Atmospheric Experiment--My Manifold Obligations to Mr Whelan--Mr c.o.c.kburn of Richmond allows Me to select from His English Collection--I forestall Mr Montagu--Messrs Spink & Son--Their Prominent Rank and Cordial Espousal of My Interests and Wants--Development of My Cabinet under Their Auspices--My Agreeable Relations with Them--Their Business-like Policy, Liberality and Independence--The Prince of Naples--We give and take a Little--The Monthly _Numismatic Circular_--The Clerical Client.
My numismatic haunts and providers have not, especially of late, been numerous. I once took a small lot of a house in Rathbone Place--a silver medaglia of Marguerite de Foix, Marchioness of Saluzzo, 1516, which came from Lyons, and a bronze piece of Ragusa in Sicily, found in the island of Sardinia, with others. But Messrs Lincoln & Son were my earliest furnishers, and they, with MM. Rollin & Feuardent of Paris, Messrs Spink & Son of London, and Mr Schulman, of Amersfoort, have mainly contributed to build up my unpretending cabinet.
The influence of Messrs Lincoln & Son in forming my taste was more or less considerable. Their stock was miscellaneous, and I perhaps incautiously suffered it to reflect itself in my collection. The firm indeed, after a while, thought that my lines were too general, for whatever series they put on view from time to time gave up its choicer elements to me; and eventually my good friends perceived that, although I was certainly not a specialist in one sense, I was in another. I took only the best; and this proved an invaluable safeguard.
For, by making a hard and fast rule, that no coin whatever shall be admissible in the presence of a defect or of imperfect condition, one shuts out the bulk of the objects submitted to notice. A thousand average lots in a dealer's hands are not apt to yield above five per cent. of eligible purchases, which are not duplicates. In a continental stock the proportion would be much lower. The gold coins do not so signally fail; it is in the inferior metals, especially the billon and copper, that the difficulty lies.
I emerged, it is fair to own, from my researches and selections at the Lincoln establishment without serious damage or trouble, considering that I entered into relations with the house as a perfect stranger, and was in my numismatic infancy. They began, as time went on, to see that I was in earnest, and would at length scarcely allow me to buy any article likely to appear on farther examination unsatisfactory; and by a few exchanges of early acquisitions, on which they were generous enough to let me lose nothing, I stood in the end better than I perhaps deserved. Mr Lincoln has told me that he started on his numismatic career by advertising on the back page of the catalogues of his father, who was a book seller, a short list of coins on sale by him at the same address.
The strength and spirit, which the father infuses into his child, the latter is now and then to use against the giver; and I am afraid that I have appeared ungrateful to my original source of supply--in fact, my dry-nurses--inasmuch as I outgrew by insensible degrees their power of satisfying my wants, and directed my attention elsewhere.
Messrs Lincoln & Son filled in the groundwork of my scheme, and continue to fill up gaps at intervals; but it was impossible for me to shut my eyes to the fact, that the rate of progress, which my numismatic studies were attaining, rendered a restriction to a single firm out of the question. I could never have committed to writing my Notes, imperfect as they may be, on the Coins of all countries and periods with certain exceptions, had I not left the original groove, and entered the market, prepared to avail myself of every particular, which was to be gleaned both at home and abroad, alike in the shape of information, correction, and addition.
It was through the Lincolns I became acquainted with Mr Atkins, author of the two works on Tokens and Colonial Coins, and he introduced to me the name of Schulman of Amersfoort. This was about ten years since; and the result was that Schulman thenceforward sent me periodical consignments for selection and his well-compiled catalogues. From this quarter I derived, rather contrary to the expectation which I had been led to form, a highly valuable a.s.sortment of coins at fair prices. I surmise that a considerable proportion of my correspondent's picked acquisitions has found its way to me. His parcels from season to season embraced an alarming and chronic percentage of hopeless specimens, notwithstanding my exhortations to him to be more select; and I am persuaded that this circ.u.mstance proceeded from the sender's inability, in common with all the continental dealers, to distinguish and appreciate condition, as he has often offered a proof at a slight advance on the figure asked for an ordinary and mediocre example.
Schulman has been during his career in the constant habit of falling in with a variety of continental coins, which are scarcely ever seen in England; and as a rule his tariff is moderate enough--not quite so moderate, perhaps, as it used to be, especially the fine early copper, since he discovered my partiality for it.
But I feel nevertheless that my collection owes a great deal to my Amersfoort correspondent. Our business has been necessarily conducted by letter. In 1889 I was at Utrecht, and went over to his place. I had previously called, when I was at Amsterdam, at Bom's, and there I was shown the priced catalogue of a quite recent local auction. Against a silver daalder of Louis Napoleon, King of Holland, of an excessively rare type, I observed my friend's name as the purchaser for 105 gulden, and the first object which met my eyes in Schulman's room was this very piece. I took it in my hand. 'Ah!' cried he, 'that won't suit you; I want 150 gulden for it.' I laid it down again, implying in my manner a sort of apology. I made a few purchases, and left him.
He subsequently inserted the _daalder_ in a catalogue at 135 gulden. He had tried the higher sum without success. I did not take any notice, and forgot all about it, till in a parcel sent on approval this was one of the items, the price 100 gulden. Allowing the usual discount, the piece remained with me at 90. I always cherished a suspicion that it was put into the sale in the Spuistraat by Master Schulman himself, and bought in.
My good friend acquired for me at Amsterdam a 1/4 _stuiver_ of Batavia, 1644 which he reported to me as _beau_. When it reached my hands, I was not altogether satisfied, nor did he rea.s.sure me, when he stated that my specimen was far finer than those in the museums at the Hague and at Batavia. The 1/4 is considerably rarer than the 1/2. Schulman once advertised an example of the former at 10 gulden or 16s. 8d., describing it as '_de toute beaute_'; but I missed it.
I have had repeated arguments both with Schulman and Bom on the subject of a rather numerous and important cla.s.s of Dutch coins, which almost habitually present themselves _fleur de coin_. I used to contend that these are re-strikes; but I have been a.s.sured over and over again that the Netherlands Government will not suffer any of the ancient dies to be employed for this purpose, and that they are jealously guarded at Utrecht.
Schulman added, that he had endeavoured in vain to prevail on the authorities to allow him to take a few impressions of certain patterns of Louis Napoleon, which were never issued, and are almost unknown.
Like many of his foreign _confreres_, Schulman undertakes the compilation and conduct of sales by auction, and favours his clients with the catalogues. I have taken the line, under these somewhat delicate circ.u.mstances, of simply mentioning that if such or such a lot answers the printed description, and fetches so much or thereabout, I shall not object to it. I put no questions as to owners.h.i.+p; they do not concern me at all.
I listen to a variety of tales about artificial sales and fict.i.tious names; but the grand point is, that a coin is a coin, and if it is sold under unpropitious surroundings, it is likely to prove cheaper, and where it is misdescribed, it returns whence it came.
It was while I was at Utrecht, that I hunted through a huge ma.s.s of rubbish in the shape of obsolete currencies, and found at the conclusion that my bill only came to three-halfpence for a most beautiful _double liard_ of Maria Theresa, struck for the Austrian Netherlands in 1749.
I had an interview at Brussels with a very pleasant fellow, who keeps, or at least kept, a curiosity-shop near Ste. Gudule. He had a few patterns and other pieces belonging to the first French revolutionary era, which I was glad to secure, and some bracteates, for which he asked 5, and as to which my courage failed me a little. I feared that they were too dear. He wrapped them up carefully, and said, 'Take them with you, and if you do not care for them, let me have them back again.' I had to return them with my acknowledgments, which were sincere. My misgivings were correct.
Once for all, it is well to explain that any ostensibly egotistical details, which are here given, have for their motive the guidance and enlightenment of new enterers on the scene, with which the writer has during nearly twenty years been agreeably and profitably familiar. If I had not exercised discretion in my relations.h.i.+p with foreign houses, I might have been overwhelmed by an avalanche of worthless rubbish, the refuse of the auctions. But by keeping a watchful eye and a tight hand over myself, as it were, I have retained only a limited _residuum_, which answers my purpose best on every account. The plan affords me ill.u.s.trations in the best state of all the European schools of numismatic art, ancient, mediaeval, and modern, no less than medallic portraits of the most celebrated men and women of all ages; and I ask the question advisedly: What advantage accrues to a private collector from possessing every minute variety of type, every mint-mark, and every date? The idea is surely a fallacy. The Mint and other public inst.i.tutions may fitly preserve them for reference and record; but for individuals they appear to be surplusage.
Schulman obliged me with a set of his catalogues, about thirty in number, issued between 1880 and the present time, and I found them fruitful in suggestions. They are not bare lists, but, where it is needful, carefully annotated; and in the unavoidable absence of some originals I have experienced from them and other similar compilations the greatest a.s.sistance. The method, which the continental houses pursue in drawing up their accounts of the property on sale by auction or otherwise, const.i.tutes the result a work of permanent reference and authority. Such is especially the case with those specified in the Bibliography to the _Coin Collector_, 1896. They are of course secondary evidences; but where one cannot describe a coin from the coin they are admirable, and in general trustworthy, subst.i.tutes. Our English numismatic catalogues are improving, but still lack the profuse and laborious detail, which is extended on the continent even to lots of minor significance.
I was brought into contact with the English representative of the Paris firm of Rollin & Feuardent in a perfectly accidental way. I had detected in a forthcoming sale at Sotheby's, among a heap of miscellanies in a bag, a well-preserved _double_ in piedfort of Henry III. of France. I pointed it out to Lincoln; but he missed it, and Mr Whelan was the acquirer. It was destined for a client, and I did not secure it; but the matter made Mr Whelan and myself acquainted, and we have been very pleasantly so ever since. His father was in the same line of business before him, and knew Edward Wigan and other men of that generation. I have already observed that the Agency in Bloomsbury is the resort of well-nigh all the most eminent hunters, not only for coins and medals, but for antiquities of every description.
It is not that I am able to speak of myself as a conspicuous figure in the circle, which frequents this spot, or as an appreciable element in the large mercantile transactions, which are conducted here and at headquarters. But I am indulgently tolerated, and now and then I find a trifle or two to my liking. Mr Whelan stands in due awe of my excruciating and almost outrageous pa.s.sion for _state_, and looks upon me (with much good-nature) as a most difficult party to please and to fit. He is fully aware, how narrow my means are, and seldom tenders me, except as a compliment or for numismatic purposes, his grander _bijoux_. Yet in all my series there are some few, which I highly prize, and which came to me thence; and I may particularise a very rare British copper coin of Cun.o.beline, which brought 7, 17s. 6d. at the Montagu sale, but cost its former possessor 40, 10s. This fact did not appear in the catalogue.
The last time I met Mr Montagu was at Mr Whelan's. I shewed him two pieces which I happened to have just had from Schulman; one was the Campen imitation of the gold sovereign of Mary I. of England, and far scarcer than the original; and Montagu admired them both. A few weeks, and he was no more. We had met at the Numismatic Society's Rooms, where I attended a meeting as a guest; and I recollect Montagu pulling out of his pocket for my inspection a coin he had exhibited that evening to the members and others present. It was the unique _half George n.o.ble_ of Henry VIII.
discovered by Curt the dealer at Paris, sold by him to the Rev. Mr Shepherd for 90, and at the Shepherd sale in 1885 acquired by its late owner for 255.
The Montagu cabinet was naturally rich in pedigree coins, and had, I believe, all the English, although not all the Greek, rarities. It even possessed the five-broad piece of Charles I. by Rawlins, which fetched the extraordinary sum of 770. Spink & Son secured it at that price, and sold it to the British Museum for 10 per cent. profit. I was tempted by the Edward VI. half-crown and threepence, and by the James I. silver crown of the _Quae Deus_ type, which had been Bergne's and Bryce's, and which I preferred to the _Exurgat_ one as superior in tone, while it was nearly equal in preservation.
The five-broad piece is said to have been given by the King on the scaffold to Archbishop Juxon; it is a pattern, and apparently unique. The type resembles that of the ordinary broad, of which there are impressions in silver. I have one of unusually medallic fabric.
I heard an odd story of a F.N.S. to whom some ignorant correspondent offered the _n.o.ble_ itself--a piece of great value--and who p.r.o.nounced it worth 6s. 8d.--the current rate at the time of issue, about 1528. The Forster example in 1868 fetched 17, 17s.
A rather distressing incident occurred to 'Pedigree' Wells of Piccadilly during his absence one day from business. He had in his window a coin advertised as 'a three-pound piece of Charles I.' to which the astute owner attached no price, leaving that detail to be regulated by the circ.u.mstances. A person entered the shop, and saw Mrs Wells, who was unversed in numismatic subtleties, and laying down 3, said, 'I will take that coin in the window,' which accordingly he did, greatly to Wells's satisfaction, no doubt, and to the promotion of domestic harmony.
The hero of this small anecdote owed his _sobriquet_ to his fertility of resource in providing his fine-art acquisitions with a genealogical tree.
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