Mr. Faust Part 19

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Early? Yes, or late.

This is the end of last night's party, which Began at twelve, and likely'll last till noon.

I know, for I'm the janitor.


Well! Well!

[_Two men enter, look around and take seats in the chairs set for the audience. One carries a small black surgical case; the other has a green bag under his arm._


We seem to be a little early--or Have we made some mistake?


No, ten's the hour.

But I was anxious that we should be prompt, And so have rather overdone our haste.


It doesn't matter; we can wait a bit.

How curiously impatient, though, you are To hear this talk! I personally have doubts Whether it's worth our trouble.


Well, I know The man, however slightly; you do not, And so can hardly share my expectation.

But he has been, throughout these many years, So secretive, so self-contained, so deep In matters that I could not guess, that now, When he at last promises to proclaim Some strange discovery, I half believe It will be worth our coming.

[_Two women enter together. The younger one is leading a child by the hand. The older, a gaunt, spinsterly-looking figure, peers about with a near-sighted glance._


Take that seat.

And now be quiet.


Mother, will he have The Devil with him?


I don't know. The child Has been completely crazy since I told her That I would bring her with me.


I am just A little curious myself. I learned When I was young all that they thought was known About the Devil; and if this Mr. Faust Has really made some new discovery About him, it seems well that even the young Should be informed of it.

[_A number of detached men and women enter and take seats silently. They are followed by two plumbers in overalls, carrying the tools of their trade still with them._


Whew, but the boss will skin us for this trick!


Go, if you like. But I intend to stay.

I have not been, through seventeen long years, Philosopher myself, now to let slip A chance of hearing such a talk as this.


Oh, I won't go.


You'd better not. They say That all the rumors wholly underrate The real importance of his talk to-day.

I've been informed, on good authority, That he will have the Devil on the platform And publicly enchain him to a cart For all of us to see.

[_The two plumbers have taken their seats. A man behind them leans forward now and interrupts them._


What's that? A cart?

He means to drive the Devil as a horse?


Quite probably, quite probably.


Well, that Will be outrageous, in these troubled times Of strikes and lock-outs. Without any doubt, If he goes trying to harness up the Devil, It will precipitate a teamsters' strike.

Using non-union horses always does.


Do you think that? Why, that would be a shame, When times are bad already.


Mother, Mother!

Will there be moving pictures?


I don't know.

Don't talk so loud.

[_Two prosperous-looking men enter. One is elderly, the other young._

Mr. Faust Part 19

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