An Account of the Campaign in the West Indies, in the Year 1794 Part 3
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[16] According to the best account I could collect, ten killed and forty-four wounded.--I must here beg the reader will pardon the inaccuracy of my account of the killed and wounded in this and the other actions that took place. Though I have made every possible inquiry, I have not been able to meet with the regular returns, which must have been given in to the adjutant general's office at Martinique.
[17] The two six-pounders were to strengthen the post that commanded the road to Fort Royal by Dillon's house.
[18] One day, when the Commander in Chief met them on the road, they (being ignorant that a battery was appointed for them to serve in) surrounded the General, and offered him their services, swearing they thought it d----d hard to have all work and no fighting; and hoped his Honour would let them have some share in it. The General, with that kindness which won the hearts of all that had the happiness to serve under him, said, "Well, my lads, you shall have a battery to yourselves." On which, having saluted him with three hearty cheers, the honest fellows went readily to their work again.
From the 20th of February Forts Bourbon and Louis, with the town of Fort Royal, were completely invested, and the General was busily employed in erecting batteries on his first parallel. On the north-east side the army under General Prescott broke ground on the 25th of February, and on the west side towards La Coste (where Sir Charles Gordon commanded, Prince Edward not having as yet arrived from Canada) fascine batteries for mortars and cannon were erecting with every possible expedition. In this business the seamen, who formed a camp at Point Negro under Captain Josias Rogers of the Quebec, eminently distinguished themselves; and though the roads were not quite so bad as on the Sourier side, yet they had many severe difficulties to encounter, that rendered dragging the mortars and heavy ordnance to the batteries fatiguing and hazardous in a great degree. Part of the way which they were obliged to go was in sight of Fort Bourbon; soon after which they descended into a hollow way or ravine, where a rivulet invited them to refresh themselves, and it was with difficulty their officers could prevent them from slaking their thirst at this stream, which crossed them at a time when the fatigue and heat they sustained rendered the temptation almost irresistible, especially to men fearless of danger, and thoughtless to a proverb. No sooner did they begin to descend into this ravine, than the enemy threw their with such judgment, that they frequently fell at the moment our people were pa.s.sing the rivulet. It was in the afternoon of the 22d of February that Lieutenant James Miln of the Boyne was proceeding with his company of seamen to relieve those who had been the fore-part of the day at work on one of the advanced batteries, and having been observed on his march by the enemy in Fort Bourbon, they as usual began to fire their mortars into the ravine; Mr. Miln, who, added to the greatest courage, possessed much prudence, was hurrying his men through this dangerous pa.s.s, and was in the act of calling to two men who were drinking at the rivulet (the rest of his company having pa.s.sed on), when a sh.e.l.l burst near him, carried off one of his legs, and shattered the other in a dreadful manner. At the same time one of the men, who had loitered, lost a leg. In this dreadful situation he was carried two miles to Sir Charles Gordon's camp, before his wounds could be bound up, and from thence to his own quarters at Point Negro, where he suffered amputation of one leg. The next day the surgeon general of the navy went to him from the Boyne, and finding his situation dangerous in the extreme, having no better place than the ground, in an open sugar-house, part of which was the head quarters of the naval officers, and being within range of the enemy's guns, which frequently threw their shot and over him, he was conveyed to the royal hospital at St. Pierre; but from the loss of blood he had sustained, and the nature of the climate, he was seized with the lock jaw, of which he died on Sunday the 9th of March, and the next day was buried in the garden of the hospital with the honours of war, together with Lieutenants Spencer and Rosehill[19] of the Beaulieu, and Lieutenant Smith of the fifty-eighth regiment. The burial service was performed by the Chaplain[20] of the Boyne, and attended by Colonel Myers, commandant of St. Pierre, Captain Salisbury of the Beaulieu, and the other naval and military officers, and the English gentlemen who were in that town. The Admiral, who always distinguished merit, and rewarded it when in his power, had promoted Mr. Miln[21] to the command of the Avenger sloop, late Ma.r.s.eillois, taken at St. Pierre.
[19] The Admiral had lately promoted Mr. Rosehill to the rank of Lieutenant for his spirited behaviour at Trinite.
[20] Who this day performed the funeral service over thirteen people belonging to the army and navy.
[21] As it was my lot to be much in the society of this excellent young man, having from the time we arrived in the West Indies enjoyed his friends.h.i.+p, and on several occasions accompanied him on service, afterwards attending him from the camp at Point Negro to the hospital at St. Pierre, and remaining with him at intervals till the time of his death: these circ.u.mstances will, I trust, plead my excuse for detaining the reader from more important events of the campaign while I pay the tribute of respect to the memory of my gallant but ill-fated friend. Mr. James Miln was a native of Arbroath in Scotland, and after serving for near thirteen years with credit in the navy, was promoted to a lieutenancy on board the Blanche frigate by Admiral Sir John Laforey, and was afterwards taken on board the Boyne as fifth lieutenant by Sir John Jervis on his arrival at Barbadoes. His general good conduct as a man and officer soon attracted the notice of the naval Commander in Chief (than whom no man is more quick sighted to discern merit, and happy to reward it). By him no doubt he would have been much employed on the most active service, had not that melancholy event taken place, which deprived the service of a good and brave officer, and left me only the sad task of deploring, while I commemorate the death of a friend, from the excellency of whose heart and understanding I was in hopes of reaping future entertainment and improvement.
Bellgarde found it in vain to attempt any thing further, after his last shameful defeat; and being with his black army shut out of Fort Bourbon by General Rochambeau (who, when he retreated after the loss of his camp on Sourier under cover of the fire of that fort, shut the gates against him), he now determined to make the best bargain he could for himself; and accordingly on the 25th of February sent a message to Sir Charles Grey, offering to give up his army, on condition that himself, and certain others that he named, should be permitted to go to America; which request the Commander in Chief complied with; and on the 4th of March, Bellgarde, with his secretary, a white man, by whose councils he had always been guided, and eight people of colour, sailed in a schooner for America, whither he had taken the precaution at various times to forward a quant.i.ty of wealth against any change of circ.u.mstances should make such a retreat desirable[22].
[22] Since writing of this, news has arrived from the West Indies of the capture of a s.h.i.+p belonging to Victor Hughes (the present republican tyrant of Guadaloupe) loaded with wealth ama.s.sed by this plunderer to the amount of half a million sterling. Such has been the general conduct of the French Commanders, while ours have been vilified for claiming even the legal bounty for their suffering and exhausted followers.
On Tuesday the 4th of March his Royal Highness Prince Edward arrived at this island, and was received with a royal salute from the fleet.
Immediately he took the command of that brigade of the army encamped on the Cas Navire side, and at La Coste, which had hitherto been under the direction of Sir Charles Gordon[23].--Intelligence having reached the Commander in Chief that a number of brigands, composed of some runaways from Bellgarde's army, and other wretches, had committed many depredations and murders, pillaging and burning houses and villages in several parts of the island; he dispatched a detachment of the fifteenth regiment, commanded by Lord Sinclair, with a party of the Prince of Wales's light dragoons, commanded by Lieut. Shadwell, and conducted by Captain Cunningham (one of his Excellency's aid de camps), who surprised one hundred and fifty of these people in the act of burning and plundering the village of Francois[24]. At the first charge the enemy were routed, thirty-six of them, with their chief (who was cut down by a dragoon), were killed, and four taken prisoners, who were instantly hung up, to deter others from such infamous acts as had been committed by these miscreants.--Every preparation was now made for opening our batteries against Fort Bourbon, which were constructed only about eight hundred paces from the fort, and about six hundred in front of our own lines. These batteries would have been constructed much sooner, but, owing to the heavy rains that fell almost constantly, and which, at this season of the year, were unusual, the works had been greatly r.e.t.a.r.ded, and the difficulties encreased. On the morning of the 6th of March, every thing being ready for a heavy cannonade, Sir Charles Grey sent a flag of truce with a summons to the garrison to surrender, which was refused by General Rochambeau. Accordingly, at day-break on the 7th (the gun-boats having as usual attacked Fort Louis during the night) mortars, howitzers, and great guns, opened from five batteries at the same instant, keeping up an incessant fire on the fort and advanced redoubt the whole of that day and the night, from each of which it was returned with equal fury. All the following day the same spirited attack and defence was continued. On the 9th the enemy made a sortie from the fort, and attacked the advanced picquet from the camp at La Coste, composed of part of the third battalion of light infantry, and some sailors under command of Captain Faulknor of the Zebra. After an engagement of some length the enemy gave way, and were imprudently followed by our troops under the guns of the fort; by this excess of ardour we lost some men, while the enemy suffered but little. The gun-boats and Vesuvius now kept up a constant fire from Fort Royal Bay: in the former two seamen were killed by grape, and part of the head of the bomb ketch was shot away.
On the 13th a melancholy accident occurred in one of our batteries, which was formed and manned entirely by seamen. Captain Faulknor of the Zebra, who commanded in it, being provoked by the interference of an officer of artillery in the works which one of the seamen of the Asia was employed in, and the sailor not obeying him with alacrity, was provoked to strike him with his sword, which unfortunately wounded him mortally, and he died in a few minutes. Captain Faulknor was acquitted by the court martial that was instantly summoned by the Admiral to investigate the matter; and the circ.u.mstance of its happening in the heat of action, when the least disobedience of orders involves the most fatal consequences, as well, as that it appeared there was no premeditated intention of killing the unfortunate man, but was a blow given from the impulse of momentary pa.s.sion; the sentence was confirmed and approved.--From this time the siege was carried on with unremitted exertion by night and day; shot and were constantly flying, and new batteries daily constructed; so that our advanced batteries were at length brought within five hundred yards of the fort, and not more than two hundred from the redoubt: the latter indeed was so battered, that it might with ease have been stormed; but the General knew that a mine which communicated from the fort would involve in certain destruction all who attempted so desperate an action; and therefore preferred the more sure means of success, by regular and methodical approaches. On Monday the 17th of March two new batteries opened on Fort Louis from Point Carriere, a neck of land that forms the south-west side of the Carenage, and not more than two hundred yards across the mouth of that harbour to the walls of the fort; one of these was commanded by Captain Riou[25] of the Rose.--The French had a fine frigate called the Bienvenu, which was anch.o.r.ed in the centre of the Carenage, on board of which it was reported a number of English prisoners were confined, and were consequently exposed to the fire of our batteries. Lieut. Bowen of the Boyne formed a resolution to extricate his countrymen from their perilous situation; and having obtained the Admiral's permission, and approbation of his plan, at noon he boldly pushed into the harbour from Point Carriere, where he had collected his boats destined for the enterprise, well manned by tried and determined seamen. The instant he appeared round the point, the enemy prepared to give him a warm reception. The walls of Fort Louis were covered in an instant with troops, which kept up an incessant fire of musquetry on him; at the same time the frigate endeavoured to keep him off, by plying both her great guns and small arms; but at length, intimidated by the boldness of the attempt, they fled from their quarters, and Mr. Bowen at the head of his men boarded the frigate, and took the captain, officers, and crew of her prisoners without resistance. All this time the enemy in the fort continued to pour vollies of grape and musketry on the frigate, which was returned with great spirit by the British seamen, who now turned their own guns upon them, and would have brought her out of the harbour, but the sails being all unbent, it was impossible in such a situation to bend them: the tri-coloured flag, which was fastened to the gaff of the mizen, they were not able to strike, though a sailor had the audacity to go aloft for that purpose, scorning the musketry of the enemy. Mr.
Bowen, seeing no chance of getting the s.h.i.+p out of the harbour, and finding that the English prisoners were in another vessel further up, from whence it was rendered impossible to release them, contented himself with securing the officers and crew of the frigate, whom he brought off, in spite of every effort made by the republicans to prevent him. As the bullets were flying thick around him, he suffered the Frenchmen to lie down in the bottom of the boats, that they might not be killed by their own countrymen; a very different conduct from what they had observed to our people who were in the same situation[26]. In this business he lost only three men killed, and four or five wounded. The success of this enterprise gave the Commanders in Chief confidence, that a spirited attack by land and sea on Fort Louis would succeed.
Accordingly the Admiral ordered a number of bamboos of thirty feet long to be cut and made into scaling ladders, connected with strong line. The gun-boats and row-boats were collected in the bay round the Point Carriere, and the sailors' camp at Point Negro, with Prince Edward's camp at La Coste and Cas Navire, held themselves in readiness to co-operate in the grand attack. The navy to be employed in this business was under the immediate direction of Commodore Thompson. On Thursday the 20th of March, before day-break, the third battalion of grenadiers, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Buckridge, and the first battalion of light infantry, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Coote, marched by the hill on which Fort Bourbon is situated from the camp on Sourier, unperceived by the enemy, and took a position that gave them the command of the bridge that connected the town of Fort Royal to the road leading up to that fort, the batteries on the second parallel being ready, those on Morne Tortenson and Point Carriere kept up a well-directed and heavy fire on Fort Louis, and all the other batteries cannonaded Fort Bourbon during the whole of the day and night of the 19th instant, and on the morning also, till about ten o'clock, when the Asia of 64 guns, Captain Browne, and the Zebra sloop of 16 guns, Captain R. Faulknor, got under way. The Zebra led in towards the mouth of the harbour, receiving the fire of grape and round, without returning a shot: the Asia had got within the range of grape shot, when, to the surprise of every body, she wore and made sail from the fort[27]. The Admiral, Sir John Jervis, had previously made the signal for the rest of the fleet to be ready to second the attempt of these two s.h.i.+ps, by loosing the topsails of the Boyne, and lying at single anchor ready to slip and run in; on perceiving the Asia was foiled in her attempt, and supposing, as she was under a heavy fire from the fort, that either Captain Browne was killed, or that some other desperate accident had happened, he instantly dispatched Captain George Grey of the Boyne to take the command of the Asia, and if he could not get in, to run her aground under the walls of the fort. Captain Grey soon returned, and brought the pleasing intelligence that not a man was hurt on board of the Asia. She then stood in again, and again put about, when near the mouth of the harbour, and sailed from it. Captain Faulknor, seeing that he stood no chance of being seconded by the Asia, and being all this time under a dreadful fire from Fort Louis, boldly pushed in towards that fort, still reserving his fire till he came close to the walls of it; and then running his s.h.i.+p aground, plying his small arms and great guns, he drove the enemy from thence, and leaping into a boat, scaled the ramparts.
Seeing the Zebra go in, all the boats with scaling ladders, attended by the gun-boats, seemed to fly towards the scene of action. Those from Point Carriere mounted the walls near where Captain Faulknor had so gallantly run his s.h.i.+p, and seconding him, drove the enemy out of the fort, hauled down the republican flag, and hoisted the British union in its stead[28]. The storming party of seamen from the camp at Point Negro, under Captain Rogers, landed at the town of Fort Royal, of which they soon took possession, being aided by the first battalion of grenadiers, under Lieutenant Colonel Stewart, and third light infantry, under Lieutenant Colonel Close, from Prince Edward's camp at La Coste.--While this was doing, Lieutenant Colonel Coote kept up a heavy fire of musketry on the bridge and road, over which the enemy were retreating to throw themselves into Fort Bourbon; and Captain de Revigne covering the attack of the infantry by a well-directed fire of some field pieces, the whole action was so eminently successful in every part, that it is hard to say where was the greatest glory, every one performing the service allotted to him in so excellent a manner. General Rochambeau, seeing that all resistance would now be useless, Fort Royal, his grand depot of provisions and ammunition, being lost, sent a flag to General Grey, offering terms of capitulation; and commissioners being named, who met at the house of Madame Dillon to arrange the preliminary articles of it, the terms were finally adjusted and agreed to on the 22d instant; and the ratification thereof being signed by the Commanders in Chief on both sides, on the 23d following, at four o'clock in the afternoon, his Royal Highness Major General Prince Edward took possession of both gates of the fort with the first and third battalions of grenadiers, and first and third light infantry. On Tuesday the 25th of March, 1794, the garrison marched out of Fort Bourbon, to the number of nine hundred men; and being allowed the honours of war for their gallant[29] defence, they marched down the hill with their colours flying; and laying down their arms on the parade of Fort Royal, were embarked on board of s.h.i.+ps which took them immediately to France. Our troops, both army and that part of the navy that had served (during the siege) on sh.o.r.e, lined the road as the enemy pa.s.sed; and entering the fort, they struck the French and hoisted the British colours, changing the name from Fort Bourbon to Fort George, in compliment to our gracious Sovereign, which it now bears, and Fort Louis bears the name of Fort Edward.--At the commencement of the siege the garrison of Fort Bourbon consisted of one thousand two hundred men, which were reduced to nine hundred at the conclusion of it. Five stands of colours laid down by the garrison, and two colours of Fort Bourbon, were brought to England by Major Grey, second son of his Excellency the Commander in Chief, and presented by him (with the dispatches) to his Majesty, who ordered them to be hung up in the Cathedral of St. Paul, as a lasting memorial of the gallant action atchieved by Sir Charles Grey and Sir John Jervis, and their brave forces[30]; by which one of the most valuable of the French islands in the West Indies was added to the British dominions, possessing (besides great revenues and prodigious sources of wealth) one of the finest harbours in the world, in which the whole British fleet might safely anchor.
[23] See Appendix, page 24.
[24] See Appendix, page 25.
[25] The same officer who distinguished himself by his gallantry in saving his Majesty's s.h.i.+p the Guardian at the Cape of Good Hope in the year 1789. See Gent. Mag. vol. lx. page 465.
[26] See Appendix, pages 26 and 27.
[27] Monsieur de Tourelles, the ancient lieutenant of the fort, either through fear, ignorance, or treachery, refused to run the s.h.i.+p in under pretence of shoals.
[28] The whole fleet, witnessing this gallant action, instantly saluted the British colours with three hearty cheers.
[29] The gallant defence made by General Rochambeau and his garrison was strongly manifested on our entering Fort Bourbon, as there was scarce an inch of ground untouched by our shot or; and it is but justice to say, it did them the highest honour.--Among the casualties that happened during the siege, the following deserves notice. A party of the besieged were in one of the chambers of the Bomb-proof in the Traverse, when a sh.e.l.l from one of our batteries fell into the arched way, and rebounding, burst the door of the chamber, and killed the whole party.
[30] It is much to the credit of the officers, who served on sh.o.r.e from the landing on the island till the reduction of Fort Bourbon, a period of forty-seven days, that they shared the same hards.h.i.+ps as the privates without a murmur, sleeping in their clothes the whole time; and being so situated that they seldom could have the benefit of tents or any kind of hovel, they were exposed continually to the heavy rains and nocturnal damps which in a tropical climate so severely try the const.i.tution; but, owing (as it was imagined) to the flannel s.h.i.+rts which were invariably worn by all ranks, they, as yet, suffered less from sickness than could have been expected.
On the 21st of March, 1794, by order of their Excellencies Sir Charles Grey, K. B. General and Commander in Chief of his Britannic Majesty's forces in the West Indies, &c. &c. &c. and Vice Admiral Sir John Jervis, K. B. commanding his Majesty's fleet, &c. &c.
Commodore C. Thompson, Colonel R. Symes, and Captain J. Conyngham, met at Dillon's house to receive proposals of capitulation for Fort Bourbon, from Colonel d'Aucourt, Captain Dupriret, and Gaschet Dumaine, jun. nominated Commissioners for that purpose by General Rochambeau.
_The following_ ARTICLES _were proposed, discussed, and modified, at a second conference held at Fort Royal on the 22d of March, 1794_.
Article I. The garrison, composed of the troops of the line, artillery, gunners of the marine, and national guard, shall march out with colours flying, thirty rounds a man, and two field pieces with twelve rounds.--ANSWER. The colony of Martinique, already reduced by the arms of his Britannic Majesty, and the forts and towns of St. Pierre and Fort Royal taken with sword in hand, General Rochambeau can only capitulate for Fort Bourbon, and what it contains.--Granted. But they are to lay down their arms at a place appointed, and not to serve against his Britannic Majesty, or his allies, during the present war.
II. Three months pay to be allowed to the troops of the line.--ANSWER. No pay will be given. All their effects will be allowed them; and they will be provided with whatever may be necessary for their voyage to France.
III. The thirty-seventh regiment, formerly Marshal Turenne's, shall keep their colours and arms.--ANSWER. Refused, being contrary to all customs of war. The officers may keep their swords.
IV. They shall be furnished with s.h.i.+ps to carry them to France.--ANSWER. Granted.
V. The emigrants, who have returned to Martinique, shall not be present where the garrison lay down their arms or embark.--ANSWER.
VI. Such persons of the national guard, who can give proofs of their property, shall be permitted to remain in the island, giving that property as security for their conduct.--ANSWER. Those of the national guard in Fort Bourbon who have affairs to settle, and whose sojourn may not be deemed dangerous to the colony, may remain according to the declaration of the General, dated January 1, 1794.
Such as wish to go to France shall be allowed, leaving their agents here.--ANSWER. Granted.
VII. Persons not included in the above article, who are compelled to return to France, shall be allowed a certain time to settle their affairs.--ANSWER. A proper time shall be allowed: fifteen days at least.
VIII. Persons belonging to the garrison of Fort Convention, possessing no landed property, but who exercised some profession or trade previous to the present capitulation, shall be allowed to continue their trade or calling; nor sent to France, provided their future conduct should not make such a measure necessary.--ANSWER.
They are regarded in the same predicament with those in Article VI.
IX. The legal regulations of the const.i.tuted authorities shall be confirmed.--ANSWER. Refused.
X. The code of civil judicature in force through the island shall be continued for the s.p.a.ce of two years.--ANSWER. Granted, till his Britannic Majesty's pleasure be known.
XI. The property of owners and captains of s.h.i.+ps shall be secured to them on board and on sh.o.r.e.--ANSWER. Granted, as to their property in Fort Bourbon.
XII. The inhabitants of St. Pierre, embarked on English s.h.i.+ps, shall be set at liberty, and their property, under seal, secured to them.--ANSWER. This article cannot come within the present capitulation. The claimants may apply to the commanders of the fleet and army.
XIII. The ordonateur and officers of administration shall have permission and time to regulate their accounts, and to take with them the papers relative to that end.--ANSWER. Granted.
XIV. There shall be an entire and absolute oblivion of the past, and an end to all animosities.--ANSWER. Granted, according to the proclamations.
XV. The rights of free citizens inrolled in the national guard shall be preserved.--ANSWER. Refused.
XVI. The liberty of individuals composing the companies of l'Enclume, d'Octavius, de la Croire, and de Pontouur, shall be confirmed.--ANSWER. Refused. The slaves must be restored to their owners.
XVII. A period shall be fixed for the taking possession of the fort, and the necessary time allowed for the garrison to take out their effects.--ANSWER. The two gates of Fort Bourbon to be delivered up to the troops of his Britannic Majesty immediately after the exchange of the present articles. The garrison will march out at the great gate, and be conducted to the place appointed for each corps, by the commissioners who have managed the present capitulation, and will lay down their arms at the place of their embarkation. Three days will be allowed for the evacuation of the fort, and the commissaries of artillery and stores will remain in the forts to take inventories of all the magazines.
XVIII. The greatest attention shall be paid to the sick and wounded; and they shall be furnished with s.h.i.+ps to carry them to France as they recover.--ANSWER. Granted; but at the expence of the French government, and to be attended by their own surgeons; if not sufficient for the purpose, surgeons shall be furnished.
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