The Jumble Book of Rhymes Part 12

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And then went to work a big trap to set.

They got it all fixed and placed on the ground, And then lots of honey scattered around; And then, lest some traveler its sight should miss, They nailed up a sign that looked just like this:

[Ill.u.s.tration: BEWARE FORBEAR]

As soon as they had gone quite a while Old Pa Bear sneaked out, then called with a smile; "Come out, hustle up, there's nothing to fear; There's honey enough for all of us here!"

"To me," says Ma, "this thing spells ruin; I feel that there is trouble brewin'!"

"Tut, tut!" says Pa, "just like a fool!

'Tis plain you never went to school.

If you could read you'd plainly see That this was sent a gift to me.

'Bee-ware' is honey, surely you know; And 'For-Bear' is what it says below.

Now cubbies, you see how much you need To learn right soon to write and to read.

So study real hard, become a power-- A Cub reporter, some day, or maybe the bar."

"Dip in," said he, "la, la it's swell!"

And then let out an awful yell!!---- For the trap had sprung and caught him fair---- The fam'ly quickly ran to the lair.

Then ping!! crack!! crack!! a loud report!!

"All in!" cried they, "Oh, my, what sport!"

They skinned him and carried away the dead; But not a pall-bearer once bared his head.

On this Bear's sad end the grocer oft does gloat-- What's now left of Pa is a big winter coat.

When the weather's cold (not immodest nor sin) The Grocer comes forth just in his bear skin.

The Cubs, thus bereft, were frightened quite, They sobbed and they cried with all of their might.

"Come, Bairns," said Ma, "let's off to the wood; I'll get you a new pa who'll do as Bears should."

She did it and made a most excellent wife, And all are now living the happiest life.

Missing You

_Impelled by lonesomeness, the Jumbler is inspired to this bit of sentimental rhyme._

Feeling mighty lonely; Yes, getting pow'ful blue; Dearie, here's the answer: I'm missing, missing you.

Rain beats 'gainst the window, Or skies are bright and blue; Doesn't seem to matter-- I'm missing, missing you.

Days are long and tiresome, And nights seem endless, too; Slumber is a stranger-- I'm missing, missing you.

Writing rhyme is easy, 'Bout all that I can do; Ev'ry word in English Now wants to rhyme with _You_.

If I thought, my dearie, That you missed me, too, I should then be happy In missing, missing you.

Joy lives close to Sadness, The steps are short and few: Changing just one letter Makes "_missing_" "_kissing_" you.


The Jumble Book of Rhymes Part 12

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