The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll Volume IV Part 16

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Have we a true copy of the Bible that was in the temple at Jerusalem--the one sent to Vespasian?

n.o.body knows.

Have we a true copy of the Septuagint?

n.o.body knows.

What is the oldest ma.n.u.script of the Bible we have in Hebrew?

The oldest ma.n.u.script we have in Hebrew was written in the 10th century after Christ. The oldest pretended copy we have of the Septuagint written in Greek was made in the 5th century after Christ.

If the Bible was divinely inspired, if it was the actual word of G.o.d, we have no authenticated copy. The original has been lost and we are left in the darkness of Nature.

It is impossible for us to show that our Bible is correct. We have no standard. Many of the books in our Bible contradict each other. Many chapters appear to be incomplete and parts of different books are written in the same words, showing that both could not have been original. The 19th and 20th chapters of 2nd Kings and the 37th and 38th chapters of Isaiah are exactly the same. So is the 36th chapter of Isaiah from the 2nd verse the same as the 18th chapter of 2nd Kings from the 2nd verse.

So, it is perfectly apparent that there could have been no possible propriety in inspiring the writers of Kings and the writers of Chronicles. The books are substantially the same, differing in a few mistakes--in a few falsehoods. The same is true of Leviticus and Numbers. The books do not agree either in facts or philosophy. They differ as the men differed who wrote them.

What have the worldly done?

They have investigated the phenomena of nature. They have invented ways to use the forces of the world, the weight of falling water--of moving air. They have changed water to steam, invented engines--the tireless giants that work for man. They have made lightning a messenger and slave. They invented movable type, taught us the art of printing and made it possible to save and transmit the intellectual wealth of the world. They connected continents with cables, cities and towns with the telegraph--brought the world into one family--made intelligence independent of distance. They taught us how to build homes, to obtain food, to weave cloth. They covered the seas with iron s.h.i.+ps and the land with roads and steeds of steel. They gave us the tools of all the trades--the implements of labor. They chiseled statues, painted pictures and "witched the world" with form and color. They have found the cause of and the cure for many maladies that afflict the flesh and minds of men. They have given us the instruments of music and the great composers and performers have changed the common air to tones and harmonies that intoxicate, exalt and purify the soul.

They have rescued us from the prisons of fear, and s.n.a.t.c.hed our souls from the fangs and claws of superst.i.tion's loathsome, crawling, flying beasts. They have given us the liberty to think and the courage to express our thoughts. They have changed the frightened, the enslaved, the kneeling, the prostrate into men and women--clothed them in their right minds and made them truly free. They have uncrowned the phantoms, wrested the scepters from the ghosts and given this world to the children of men. They have driven from the heart the fiends of fear and extinguished the flames of h.e.l.l.

They have read a few leaves of the great volume--deciphered some of the records written on stone by the tireless hands of time in the dim past.

They have told us something of what has been done by wind and wave, by fire and frost, by life and death, the ceaseless workers, the pauseless forces of the world.

They have enlarged the horizon of the known, changed the glittering specks that s.h.i.+ne above us to wheeling worlds, and filled all s.p.a.ce with countless suns.

They have found the qualities of substances, the nature of things--how to a.n.a.lyze, separate and combine, and have enabled us to use the good and avoid the hurtful.

They have given us mathematics in the higher forms, by means of which we measure the astronomical s.p.a.ces, the distances to stars, the velocity at which the heavenly bodies move, their density and weight, and by which the mariner navigates the waste and trackless seas. They have given us all we have of knowledge, of literature and art. They have made life worth living. They have filled the world with conveniences, comforts and luxuries.

All this has been done by the worldly--by those, who were not "called"

or "set apart" or filled with the Holy Ghost or had the slightest claim to "apostolic succession." The men who accomplished these things were not "inspired." They had no revelation--no supernatural aid. They were not clad in sacred vestments, and tiaras were not upon their brows. They were not even ordained. They used their senses, observed and recorded facts. They had confidence in reason. They were patient searchers for the truth. They turned their attention to the affairs of this world. They were not saints. They were sensible men. They worked for themselves, for wife and child and for the benefit of all.

To these men we are indebted for all we are, for all we know, for all we have. They were the creators of civilization--the founders of free states--the saviors of liberty--the destroyers of superst.i.tion and the great captains in the army of progress.


WHOM shall we thank? Standing here at the close of the 19th century--amid the trophies of thought--the triumphs of genius--here under the flag of the Great Republic--knowing something of the history of man--here on this day that has been set apart for thanksgiving, I most reverently thank the good men, the good women of the past, I thank the kind fathers, the loving mothers of the savage days. I thank the father who spoke the first gentle word, the mother who first smiled upon her babe. I thank the first true friend. I thank the savages who hunted and fished that they and their babes might live. I thank those who cultivated the ground and changed the forests into farms--those who built rude homes and watched the faces of their happy children in the glow of fireside flames--those who domesticated horses, cattle and sheep--those who invented wheels and looms and taught us to spin and weave--those who by cultivation changed wild into wheat and corn, changed bitter things to fruit, and worthless weeds to flowers, that sowed within our souls the seeds of art. I thank the poets of the dawn--the tellers of legends--the makers of myths--the singers of joy and grief, of hope and love. I thank the artists who chiseled forms in stone and wrought with light and shade the face of man. I thank the philosophers, the thinkers, who taught us how to use our minds in the great search for truth. I thank the astronomers who explored the heavens, told us the secrets of the stars, the glories of the constellations--the geologists who found the story of the world in fossil forms, in memoranda kept in ancient rocks, in lines written by waves, by frost and fire--the anatomists who sought in muscle, nerve and bone for all the mysteries of life--the chemists who unraveled Nature's work that they might learn her art--the physicians who have laid the hand of science on the brow of pain, the hand whose magic touch restores--the surgeons who have defeated Nature's self and forced her to preserve the lives of those she labored to destroy.

I thank the discoverers of chloroform and ether, the two angels who give to their beloved sleep, and wrap the throbbing brain in the soft robes of dreams. I thank the great inventors--those who gave us movable type and the press, by means of which great thoughts and all discovered facts are made immortal--the inventors of engines, of the great s.h.i.+ps, of the railways, the cables and telegraphs. I thank the great mechanics, the workers in iron and steel, in wood and stone. I thank the inventors and makers of the numberless things of use and luxury.

I thank the industrious men, the loving mothers, the useful women. They are the benefactors of our race.

The inventor of pins did a thousand times more good than all the popes and cardinals, the bishops and priests--than all the clergymen and parsons, exhorters and theologians that ever lived.

The inventor of matches did more for the comfort and convenience of mankind than all the founders of religions and the makers of all creeds--than all malicious monks and selfish saints.

I thank the honest men and women who have expressed their sincere thoughts, who have been true to themselves and have preserved the veracity of their souls.

I thank the thinkers of Greece and Rome, Zeno and Epicurus, Cicero and Lucretius. I thank Bruno, the bravest, and Spinoza, the subtlest of men.

I thank Voltaire, whose thought lighted a flame in the brain of man, unlocked the doors of superst.i.tion's cells and gave liberty to many millions of his fellow-men. Voltaire--a name that sheds light.

Voltaire--a star that superst.i.tion's darkness cannot quench.

I thank the great poets--the dramatists. I thank Homer and Aeschylus, and I thank Shakespeare above them all. I thank Burns for the heart-throbs he changed into songs, for his lyrics of flame. I thank Sh.e.l.ley for his Skylark, Keats for his Grecian Urn and Byron for his Prisoner of Chillon. I thank the great novelists. I thank the great sculptors. I thank the unknown man who moulded and chiseled the Venus de Milo. I thank the great painters. I thank Rembrandt and Corot. I thank all who have adorned, enriched and enn.o.bled life--all who have created the great, the n.o.ble, the heroic and artistic ideals.

I thank the statesmen who have preserved the rights of man. I thank Paine whose genius sowed the seeds of independence in the hearts of '76.

I thank Jefferson whose mighty words for liberty have made the circuit of the globe. I thank the founders, the defenders, the saviors of the Republic. I thank Ericsson, the greatest mechanic of his century, for the monitor. I thank Lincoln for the Proclamation. I thank Grant for his victories and the vast host that fought for the right,--for the freedom of man. I thank them all--the living and the dead.

I thank the great scientists--those who have reached the foundation, the bed-rock--who have built upon facts--the great scientists, in whose presence theologians look silly and feel malicious.

The scientists never persecuted, never imprisoned their fellow-men. They forged no chains, built no dungeons, erected no scaffolds--tore no flesh with red hot pincers--dislocated no joints on racks--crushed no bones in iron boots--extinguished no eyes--tore out no tongues and lighted no f.a.gots. They did not pretend to be inspired--did not claim to be prophets or saints or to have been born again. They were only intelligent and honest men. They did not appeal to force or fear. They did not regard men as slaves to be ruled by torture, by lash and chain, nor as children to be cheated with illusions, rocked in the cradle of an idiot creed and soothed by a lullaby of lies.

They did not wound--they healed. They did not kill--they lengthened life. They did not enslave--they broke the chains and made men free.

They sowed the seeds of knowledge, and many millions have reaped, are reaping, and will reap the harvest of joy.

I thank Humboldt and Helmholtz and Haeckel and Buchner. I thank Lamarck and Darwin--Darwin who revolutionized the thought of the intellectual world. I thank Huxley and Spencer. I thank the scientists one and all.

I thank the heroes, the destroyers of prejudice and fear--the dethroners of savage G.o.ds--the extinguishers of hate's eternal fire--the heroes, the breakers of chains--the founders of free states--the makers of just laws--the heroes who fought and fell on countless fields--the heroes whose dungeons became shrines--the heroes whose blood made scaffolds sacred--the heroes, the apostles of reason, the disciples of truth, the soldiers of freedom--the heroes who held high the holy torch and filled the world with light.

With all my heart I thank them all.


* Delivered before the Congress of the American Secular Union, at Chickering Hall, New York, Nov. 14, 1885.

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: In the greatest tragedy that has ever been written by man--in the fourth scene of the third act--is the best prayer that I have ever read; and when I say "the greatest tragedy," everybody familiar with Shakespeare will know that I refer to "King Lear." After he has been on the heath, touched with insanity, coming suddenly to the place of shelter, he says:

"I'll pray, and then I'll sleep."

And this prayer is my text:

"Poor naked wretches, wheresoe'er you are, That bide the pelting of this pitiless storm, How shall your unhoused heads, your unfed sides, Your looped and windowed raggedness, defend you From seasons such as these?

Oh, I have ta'en Too little care of this.

Take physic, pomp; Expose thyself to feel what wretches feel, That thou may'st shake the superflux to them, And show the heavens more just."

That is one of the n.o.blest prayers that ever fell from human lips. If n.o.body has too much, everybody will have enough!

I propose to say a few words upon subjects that are near to us all, and in which every human being ought to be interested--and if he is not, it may be that his wife will be, it may be that his orphans will be; and I would like to see this world, at last, so that a man could die and not feel that he left his wife and children a prey to the greed, the avarice, or the cruelties of mankind. There is something wrong in a government where they who do the most have the least. There is something wrong, when honesty wears a rag, and rascality a robe; when the loving, the tender, eat a crust, while the infamous sit at banquets. I cannot do much, but I can at least sympathize with those who suffer. There is one thing that we should remember at the start, and if I can only teach you that, to-night--unless you know it already--I shall consider the few words I may have to say a wonderful success.

I want you to remember that everybody is as he _must_ be. I want you to get out of your minds the old nonsense of "free moral agency;" and then you will have charity for the whole human race. When you know that they are not responsible for their dispositions, any more than for their height; not responsible for their acts, any more than for their dreams; when you finally understand the philosophy that everything exists as the result of an efficient cause, and that the lightest fancy that ever fluttered its painted wings in the horizon of hope was as necessarily produced as the planet that in its...o...b..t wheels about the sun--when you understand this, I believe you will have charity for all mankind--including even yourself.

The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll Volume IV Part 16

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