The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll Volume III Part 34

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Kant: That immortal man who said: "Whoever thinks that he can please G.o.d in any way except by discharging his obligations to his fellows, is superst.i.tious."

And that greatest and bravest of thinkers, Ernst



Italy:--Mazzini. Garibaldi.

In France who are and were the friends of freedom--the Catholic priests, or Renan? the bishops, or Gambetta?--Dupanloup, or Victor Hugo?

Michelet--Taine--Auguste Comte.

England:--Let us compare her priests with John Stuart Mill,--Harriet Martineau, that "free rover on the breezy common of the universe."--George Eliot--with Huxley and Tyndall, with Holyoake and Harrison--and above and over all--with Charles Darwin.


LET us be honest. Did all the priests of Rome increase the mental wealth of man as much as Bruno? Did all the priests of France do as great a work for the civilization of the world as Diderot and Voltaire? Did all the ministers of Scotland add as much to the sum of human knowledge as David Hume? Have all the clergymen, monks, friars, ministers, priests, bishops, cardinals and popes, from the day of Pentecost to the last election, done as much for human liberty as Thomas Paine?--as much for science as Charles Darwin?

What would the world be if infidels had never been?

The infidels have been the brave and thoughtful men; the flower of all the world; the pioneers and heralds of the blessed day of liberty and love; the generous spirits of the unworthy past; the seers and prophets of our race; the great chivalric souls, proud victors on the battlefields of thought, the creditors of all the years to be.

Why should it be taken for granted that the men who devoted their lives to the liberation of their fellow-men should have been hissed at in the hour of death by the snakes of conscience, while men who defended slavery, practiced polygamy, justified the stealing of babes from the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of mothers, and lashed the naked back of unpaid labor are supposed to have pa.s.sed smilingly from earth to the embraces of the angels? Why should we think that the brave thinkers, the investigators, the honest men, must have left the crumbling sh.o.r.e of time in dread and fear, while the instigators of the ma.s.sacre of St. Bartholomew; the inventors and users of thumbscrews, of iron boots and racks; the burners and tearers of human flesh; the stealers, the whippers and the enslavers of men; the buyers and beaters of maidens, mothers, and babes; the founders of the Inquisition; the makers of chains; the builders of dungeons; the calumniators of the living; the slanderers of the dead, and even the murderers of Jesus Christ, all died in the odor of sanct.i.ty, with white, forgiven hands folded upon the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of peace, while the destroyers of prejudice, the apostles of humanity, the soldiers of liberty, the breakers of fetters, the creators of light, died surrounded by the fierce fiends of G.o.d?



THERE are two ways,--the natural and the supernatural.

One way is to live for the world we are in, to develop the brain by study and investigation, to take, by invention, advantage of the forces of nature, to the end that we may have good houses, raiment and food, to the end that the hunger of the mind may be fed through art and science.

The other way is to live for another world that we expect, to sacrifice this life that we have for another that we know not of. The other way is by prayer and ceremony to obtain the a.s.sistance, the protection of some phantom above the clouds.

One way is to think--to investigate, to observe, and follow the light of reason. The other way is to believe, to accept, to follow, to deny the authority of your own senses, your own reason, and bow down to those who are impudent enough to declare that they know.

One way is to live for the benefit of your fellow-men--for your wife and children--to make those you love happy and to s.h.i.+eld them from the sorrows of life.

The other way is to live for ghosts, goblins, phantoms and G.o.ds with the hope that they will reward you in another world.

One way is to enthrone reason and rely on facts, the other to crown credulity and live on faith.

One way is to walk by the light within--by the flame that illumines the brain, verifying all by the senses--by touch and sight and sound.

The other way is to extinguish the sacred light and follow blindly the steps of another.

One way is to be an honest man, giving to others your thought, standing erect, intrepid, careless of phantoms and

The other way is to cringe and crawl, to betray your n.o.bler self, and to deprive others of the liberty that you have not the courage to enjoy.

Do not imagine that I hate the ones who have taken the wrong side and traveled the wrong road.

Our fathers did the best they could. They believed in the Supernatural, and they thought that sacrifices and prayer, fasting and weeping, would induce the Supernatural to give them suns.h.i.+ne, rain and harvest--long life in this world and eternal joy in another. To them, G.o.d was an absolute monarch, quick to take offence, sudden in anger, terrible in punishment, jealous, hateful to his enemies, generous to his favorites.

They believed also in the existence of an evil G.o.d, almost the equal of the other G.o.d in strength, and a little superior in cunning. Between these two G.o.ds was the soul of man like a mouse between two paws.

Both of these G.o.ds inspired fear. Our fathers did not quite love G.o.d, nor quite hate the Devil, but they were afraid of both. They really wished to enjoy themselves with G.o.d in the next world and with the Devil in this. They believed that the course of Nature was affected by their conduct; that floods and storms, diseases, earthquakes and tempests were sent as punishments, and that all good phenomena were rewards.

Everything was under the direction and control of supernatural powers.

The air, the darkness, were filled with angels and devils; witches and wizards planned and plotted against the pious--against the true believers. Eclipses were produced by the sins of the people, and the unusual was regarded as the miraculous. In the good old times Christendom was an insane asylum, and insane priests and prelates were the keepers. There was no science. The people did not investigate--did not think. They trembled and believed. Ignorance and superst.i.tion ruled the Christian world.

At last a few began to observe, to make records, and to think.

It was found that eclipses came at certain intervals, and that their coming could be foretold. This demonstrated that the actions of men had nothing to do with eclipses. A few began to suspect that earthquakes and storms had natural causes, and happened without the slightest reference to mankind.

Some began to doubt the existence of evil spirits, or the interference of good ones in the affairs of the world. Finding out something about astronomy, the great number of the stars, the certain and continuous motions of the planets, and the fact that many of them were vastly larger than the earth; ascertaining something about the earth, the slow development of forms, the growth and distribution of plants, the formation of islands and continents, the parts played by fire, water and air through countless centuries; the kins.h.i.+p of all life; fixing the earth's place in the constellation of the sun; by experiment and research discovering a few secrets of chemistry; by the invention of printing, and the preservation and dissemination of facts, theories and thoughts, they were enabled to break a few chains of superst.i.tion, to free themselves a little from the dominion of the supernatural, and to set their faces toward the light. Slowly the number of investigators and thinkers increased, slowly the real facts were gathered, the sciences began to appear, the old beliefs grew a little absurd, the supernatural retreated and ceased to interfere in the ordinary affairs of men.

Schools were founded, children were taught, books were printed and the thinkers increased. Day by day confidence lessened in the supernatural, and day by day men were more and more impressed with the idea that man must be his own protector, his own providence. From the mists and darkness of savagery and superst.i.tion emerged the dawn of the Natural.

A sense of freedom took possession of the mind, and the soul began to dream of its power. On every side were invention and discovery, and bolder thought. The church began to regard the friends of science as its foes: Theologians resorted to chain and mutilation and torture.

The thinkers were denounced as heretics and Atheists--as the minions of Satan and the defamers of Christ. All the ignorance, prejudice and malice of superst.i.tion were aroused and all united for the destruction of investigation and thought. For centuries this conflict was waged.

Every outrage was perpetrated, every crime committed by the believers in the supernatural. But, in spite of all, the disciples of the Natural increased, and the power of the church waned. Now the intelligence of the world is on the side of the Natural. Still the conflict goes on--the supernatural constantly losing, and the Natural constantly gaining. In a few years the victory of science over superst.i.tion will be complete and universal.

So, there have been for many centuries two philosophies of life; one in favor of the destruction of the pa.s.sions--the lessening of wants,--and absolute reliance on some higher power; the other, in favor of the reasonable gratification of the pa.s.sions, the increase of wants, and their supply by industry, ingenuity and invention, and the reliance of man on his own efforts. Diogenes, Epictetus, Socrates to some extent, Buddha and Christ, all taught the first philosophy. All despised riches and luxury, all were the enemies of art and music, the despisers of good clothes and good food and good homes. They were the philosophers of poverty and rags, of huts and hovels, of ignorance and faith. They preached the glories of another world and the miseries of this. They derided the prosperous, the industrious, those who enjoyed life, and reserved heaven for beggars.

This philosophy is losing authority, and now most people are anxious to be happy here in this life. Most people want food and roof and raiment--books and pictures, luxury and leisure. They believe in developing the brain--in making servants and slaves of the forces of Nature.

Now the intelligent men of the world have cast aside the teachings, the philosophy of the ascetics. They no longer believe in the virtue of fasting and self-torture. They believe that happiness is the only good, and that the time to be happy is now--here, in this world. They no longer believe in the rewards and punishments of the supernatural. They believe in consequences, and that the consequences of bad actions are evil, and the consequences of good actions are good.

They believe that man by investigation, by reason, should find out the conditions of happiness, and then live and act in accordance with such conditions. They do not believe that earthquakes, or tempests, or volcanoes, or eclipses are caused by the conduct of men. They no longer believe in the supernatural. They do not regard themselves as the serfs, servants, or favorites of any celestial king. They feel that many evils can be avoided by knowledge, and for that reason they believe in the development of the brain. The schoolhouse is their church and the university their cathedral.

So, there have been for some centuries two theories of government,--one theological, the other secular.

The king received his power directly from G.o.d. It was the business of the people to obey. The priests received their creeds from G.o.d and it was the duty of the people to believe.

The theological government is growing somewhat unpopular. In England, Parliament has taken the place of G.o.d, and in the United States, government derives its powers from the consent of the governed.

Probably Emperor William is the only man in Germany who really believes that G.o.d placed him on the throne and will keep him there whether the German people are satisfied or not. Italy has retired the Catholic G.o.d from politics, France belongs to and is governed by the French, and even in Russia there are millions who hold the Czar and all his divine pretensions in contempt.

The theological governments are pa.s.sing away and the secular are slowly taking their places. Man is growing greater and the G.o.ds are becoming vague and indistinct. These "divine" governments rest on the fear and ignorance of the many, the cunning, the impudence and the mendacity of the few. A secular government is born of the intelligence, the honesty and the courage, not only of the few, but of the many.

We have found that man can govern himself without the a.s.sistance of priest or pope, of ghost or G.o.d. We have found that religion is not self-evident, and that to believe without evidence is not a praiseworthy action. We know that the self-evident is the square and compa.s.s of the brain, the polar star in the firmament of mind. And we know that no one denies the self-evident. We also know that there is no particular goodness in believing when the evidence is sufficient, and certainly there is' none in saying; that you believe when the evidence is insufficient.

The believers have not all been good. Some of the worst people in the whole world have been believers. The gentlemen who made Socrates drink hemlock were believers. The Jews who crucified Christ were believers in and wors.h.i.+pers of G.o.d. The devil believes in the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and yet it does not seem to have affected his moral character. According to the Bible, he trembles, but he does not reform.

At last we have concluded that we have a right to examine the religion of our fathers.

The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll Volume III Part 34

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