The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 4

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proceso pro-_tseh_-so lawsuit.

C car _chahr_ because, for.

cielo chee-_eh_-lo heaven, sky.

sencesa sehn-_cheh_-sah incessant, ceaseless.

ec _ehch_ even.

E elemento eh-leh-_mehn_-to element.

e-a oceano o-tseh-_ah_-no ocean.

e-e treege treh-_eh_-geh exceedingly.

e-i feino feh-_ee_-no fairy.

perei peh-_reh_-ee to perish.

ej plej _plehy_ (sound "y" short, as ye) (monosyllable) most.

malplej _mahl_-plehy (sound "y" short, as ye) (dissyllable) least.

hejmo _hehy_-mo (sound "y" short, as ye) (dissyllable) home.

e-o neo _neh_-o negative.

teorio teh-o-_ree_-o theory.

e-u pereu peh-_reh_-oo perish (imperative).

eu Europo ehw-_ro_-po Europe.

G gento _gehn_-to tribe.

gv gvidi _gvee_-dee to guide.

lingvo _leen_-gvo language.

g-u guano goo-_ah_-no guano.

G gui _djoo_-ee to enjoy.

gojo _djo_-yo joy.

pago _pah_-djo page.

H haro _hah_-ro hair.

senhara sehn-_hah_-rah bald.

H hemio hHeh-_mee_-o (guttural aspirate) chemistry.

eho _eh_-hHo (do.) echo.

I idilio ee-dee-_lee_-o idyll.

i-a ial _ee_-ahl for any cause.

i-e tiel _tee_-ehl thus.

i-i diigi dee-_ee_-gee to deify.

i-o tiom _tee_-om as much.

i-u ciu _chee_-oo each.

i-uj tiuj _tee-ooy_ (dissyllable) those.

J justa _yoos_-tah just.

ciujara chee-oo-_yah_-rah yearly.

J jus _zhoos_ just (adv.).

jaudo _zhahw_-do Thursday.

bovajo bo-_vah_-zho beef.

K konkuri kon-_koo_-ree to compete.

kn knedi _kneh_-dee to knead.

kv kvankam _kvahn_-kahm although.

kvitanco kvee-_tahn_-tso receipt.

malkvieteco mahl-kvee-eh-_teh_-tso restlessness.

k-z ekzemplo ehk-_zehm_-plo example.

L mallumigo mahl-loo-_mee_-djo eclipse.

ellabori ehl-lah-_bo_-ree to achieve.

O ondo _on_-do a wave.

o-a boato bo-_ah_-to boat.

o-e troe _tro_-eh excessively.

o-i foiro fo-_ee_-ro a fair.

oj vojoj _vo_-yoy roads (plur.).

o-o zoologio zo-o-lo-_gee_-o zoology.

o-u trouzi tro-_oo_-zee to abuse.

R rimarki ree-_mahr_-kee to remark.

rr forrampi for-_rahm_-pee to creep away S sekci _sehk_-tsee to dissect.

sc sceno _(e)stseh_-no (imagine a very short _e_ to help to give the sound of the first _s_) scene.

sceptro _(e)stsehp_-tro sceptre.

scienco (e)stsee-_ehn_-tso science.

scii _(e)stsee_-ee to know.

sciuro (e)stsee-_oo_-ro squirrel.

konscienco kons-tsee-_ehn_-tso conscience.

nescio nehs-_tsee_-o ignorance.

sf sfero _sfeh_-ro sphere.

sv sveni _sveh_-nee to swoon.

skl sklavo _sklah_-vo slave.

skv skvamo _skvah_-mo scale (of fish).

S saumo _shahw_-mo froth.

malsargi mahl-_shahr_-djee to unload (a cart).

sl slosi _shlo_-see to lock.

sm smiri _shmee_-ree to smear.

spr spruci _shproo_-tsee to spurt (intrans.).

str strumpo _shtroom_-po stocking.

sv sveli _shveh_-lee to swell (intrans.).

st postmarko posht-_mahr_-ko postage stamp T trajto _trahy_-to (dissyllable) trait, feature.

U unu _oo_-noo one.

u-a unua oo-_noo_-ah first.

u-e duelo doo-_eh_-lo duel.

u-i kuirejo koo-ee-_reh_-yo kitchen.

detrui deh-_troo_-ee to destroy.

uj monujo mo-_noo_-yo purse.

tuj _tooy_ (monosyllable) immediately.

prujno _prooy_-no (dissyllable) white frost.

unuj _oo_-nooy (dissyllable) some (plural of _unu_).

u-o duobla doo-_o_-blah double.

paruo pah-_roo_-o tomt.i.t.

u-u detruu deh-_troo_-oo destroy (imperative).

V envolvi ehn-_vol_-vee to envelop, wrap.

Z edzino ehd-_zee_-no wife.

noktomezo nok-to-_meh_-zo midnight.

Note.--Esperanto vowels are very similar in sound to those in German and Spanish, and in the Italian _do_, _re_, _mi_, _fa_.

SYNTAX (Sintakso).

The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 4

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