The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 46

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Connection = _In, to, with, on._

Examples.--_Brakon ce_ (or, _en_) _brako_ = Arm in arm. _Koron ce koro_ = Heart to heart. _Mi kredas, ke ce ciu vorto, kiun vi diras...._ = I believe that with every word you say.... _Ce la komparativo oni uzas la konjunkcion "ol"_ = With the comparative the conjunction "ol" is used. _Por elpagi mian konton ce vi, mi sendas...._ = To settle my account with you, I send.... _Ce tia vetero, vi estos baldau resanigita_ = With such weather, you will soon be restored to health. _Ce tio_ = On that.

As a prefix, _Ceesti_ = To be present. _Inter la ceestantoj ni rimarkis...._ = Amongst those present we observed....

259 (6). Cirkau = About, around.[19]

Denotes place, time, manner, quant.i.ty.

Place = _About, around, round._

Examples.--_Je cirkau tri pasoj_ = At about three paces. _La hundoj ludis kaj saltis cirkau si_ = The dogs played and jumped around her.

Time = _About._

Example.--_La koncerto dauris cirkau tri horojn_ (or, _dum cirkau tri horoj_) = The concert lasted about three hours.

Manner = _Round_.

Example.--_Li premis sian edzinon cirkau la talio_ = He squeezed his wife round the waist.

Quant.i.ty = _About_.

Example.--_Mi volas aceti cirkau kvar funtojn_ = I wish to buy about four pounds.

As a prefix or root-word, _cirkau_ has the signification of "encircling," as:--_Cirkaufrazo_ = Periphrase, circ.u.mlocution.

_Cirkaupreni_ = To embrace. _Cirkaui_, _cirkauigi_ = To surround.


[19] It will be seen from the examples that the preposition _cirkau_ may be followed by the accusative of direction: _Jakobo metis sakon cirkau siajn lumbojn_ (Rabistoj, 52, 2); _La virino jetis ambau brakojn cirkau la kolon de la knabino_ (Marta, p.

8); _Jetante siajn brakojn cirkau lian kolon_ (Faraono, II, 57).

259 (7). Da = _Of_.

Used only after words denoting quant.i.ty, measure, weight, number, etc. Between two words, da shows that the first word measures the second.

Quant.i.ty = _Of_.

Examples.--_Granda nombro da ideoj_ = A great number of ideas.

_Dudeko da h.o.m.oj_ = A score of people. _Funto da teo_ = A pound of tea. _Sur la arbo sin trovis multo_ (or, _multe_) _da birdoj_ = On the tree were (found themselves) many (of) birds.

Often de and da may be equally correct. Funto da teo emphasizes the _quant.i.ty_ required (funto); funto de teo emphasizes the _thing_ required (teo).

Do not use da before definite words like la, tiu, numbers, or p.r.o.nouns. Funto de la teo, de tiu teo, de mia teo, de gi.

Note the difference between "He ate a piece of bread" and "He ate a piece of the (particular) bread." The former is Li mangis pecon da pano, and the latter Li mangis pecon de la pano, de tiu pano.

N.B.--_Glaso da vino_ = A gla.s.s of wine. _Glaso de_ (or, _por_) _vino_, or, _vinglaso_ = A winegla.s.s. _Alportu al mi tetason, kaj elversu por mi tason da teo_ = Bring me a teacup, and pour me out a cup of tea.

Note.--Particular attention should be paid to the prepositions da, de, and el, all of which are often translated by the English preposition "of." Note the following examples:--

Da.--_Cento da pomoj_ = A hundred (of) apples. _Dekduo da kuleroj_ = A dozen (of) spoons. _Miliono da logantoj_ = A million (of) inhabitants. _Kvar metroj da stofo_ = Four metres of material.

_Ducent kilometroj da longo_ = Two hundred kilometres in (of) length.

De.--_Tri estas duono de ses_ = Three is half of six. _Ok estas kvar kvinonoj de dek_ = Eight is four-fifths of ten. _La domo de mia frato_ = The house of my brother, _or_, My brother's house. _Doktoro de juro_ = A doctor of laws.

El.--_Ciu el la infanoj_ = Each of the children. _Unu el ni_ = One of us. _Ni faru uzon el tio_ = Let us make use of that. _Domo konstruita el stono_ = A house built of stone. _La plej bela floro el la gardeno_ = The most beautiful flower of the garden.

259 (8). De = _Of_, _from_, _by_.

De denotes origin, possession, place, time, cause, agency, and disconnection or abstraction. It serves to form the genitive or possessive case. These are all variations of the one primary idea: _origin_.

De is not used in speaking of places, etc., when English uses the preposition "of," where nomata = _named_ might be inserted between two substantives.

Examples.--_La urbo Londono_ = The City of London. _La monato Julio_ = The month of July (par. 106 (_d_)).

Care must be taken not to confuse de with da.

Possession = _Of_.

Examples.--_La libro de Petro_ = The book of Peter, _or_, Peter's book. _La domo de mia kara patro_ = My dear father's house.

Origin or Dependence = _Of_, _on_, _from_.

Examples.--_Gi dependas de la nombro de vortoj_ = It depends on the number of words. _Tio venis de_ (or, _el_) _lia unua eraro_ = That came from his first error. _Li estas doktoro de medicino_ = He is a doctor of medicine. _Li venis de_ (or, _el_) _Parizo kaj nun iras al Berlino_ = He came from Paris and is now going to Berlin. _Kaj Dio diris: "Kolektigu la akvo de sub la cielo en unu lokon"_ = And G.o.d said: "Let the waters (water) (from) under the heaven be gathered together (collect itself) into one place."

Place = _From_, _of_, _to_.

Examples.--_For de tie ci, fripono!_ = Away from here, rascal! _Li forestas de tie ci_ = He is away from here. _Li staris meze de la malamikoj_ = He stood in the midst of the enemy. _Proksime de la domo staris arbo_ = Near (to) the house stood a tree. _Ne malproksime de la dometo staris pregejo_ = Not far from the cottage was (stood) a church.

Time = _From_, _since_, _for_.

Examples.--_De tiu tempo_ = From (since) that time. _De la kreo de la mondo_ = Since the creation of the world. _De tri semajnoj mi estas malsana_ = For three weeks I have been (am) ill.

Cause = _From_, _of_, _with_.

Examples.--_Li eksaltis de surprizo_ = He started (jumped) with surprise. _Li mortis de febro_ = He died of (from) fever. _Kauze de tio_ = Because of (due to) (owing to) that.

Agency = _By_ (after a pa.s.sive verb, to show the _agent_). To show the _means_ per is used.

Examples.--_Mi estas amata de mia patro_ = I am loved by my father.

_La domo konstruita de mia patro estas kovrita per ardezoj_ = The house built by my father is covered with slates.

Disconnection or Abstraction = _From_.

Example.--_Apartigu la pajlon de la fojno_ = Separate the straw from the hay.

As a prefix, _de_ signifies "off," "from," as:--_Li deprenis la libron de la breto_ (or, _li prenis la libron for de sur la breto_) = He took the book off the shelf. _Li demetis la capelon_ = He took off his (the) hat.

The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 46

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