Captain Cook's Journal During His First Voyage Round the World Part 31
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About 9 o'clock in the Evening we had much rain, with some very heavy Claps of Thunder, one of which carried away a Dutch Indiaman's Main Mast by the Deck, and split it, the Maintopmast and Topgallantmast all to s.h.i.+vers. She had had an Iron Spindle at the Maintopgallant Mast head which had first attracted the Lightning. The s.h.i.+p lay about 2 Cable lengths from us, and we were struck with the Thunder at the same time, and in all probability we should have shared the same fate as the Dutchman, had it not been for the Electrical Chain which we had but just before got up; this carried the Lightning or Electrical matter over the side clear of the s.h.i.+p. The Shock was so great as to shake the whole s.h.i.+p very sencibly. This instance alone is sufficient to recommend these Chains to all s.h.i.+ps whatever, and that of the Dutchman ought to Caution people from having Iron Spindles at their Mast heads.* (* No instance is known of s.h.i.+ps fitted with properly constructed lightning conductors having received any damage.)
[At Batavia.]
In the morning I went on sh.o.r.e to the Council Chamber and laid my request before the Governour and Council, who gave me for answer that I should have every thing I wanted., 13th. Received on board a Cask of Arrack and some Greens for the s.h.i.+p's Company.
Sunday, 14th. Early this morning a s.h.i.+p sail'd from hence for Holland by which I had just time to write 2 or 3 lines to Mr. Stephens, Secretary of the Admiralty, to acquaint him of our Arrival, after which I went on sh.o.r.e and waited upon the Shabander, who has the direction of the Town, Port, etc., to get an order to the Superintendent at Onrust to receive us at that Island, but this, I was told, would not be ready before Tuesday next. Received from the Sh.o.r.e Fresh Beef and Greens for the s.h.i.+p's Company.
Monday, 15th. Fresh Sea and land breezes and fair weather. I had forgot to mention, that upon our arrival here I had not one man upon the Sick List; Lieut. Hicks, Mr. Green, and Tupia were the only people that had any complaints occasioned by a long continuance at Sea.* (* This was an achievement indeed, and Cook records it in this simple observation. Of the many s.h.i.+ps which had arrived at Batavia after voyages across the Pacific, none but had come to an anchor with crews decimated and enfeebled through scurvy. Hawksworth mentions, probably on the authority of Banks, that when pa.s.sing Torres Straits there were several incipient cases of this disease in the Endeavour. The fresh provisions obtained at Savu probably dissipated these symptoms, if they were symptoms; but Mr. Perry, the surgeon, in his report, given in the Introduction, distinctly states that there were no cases after leaving Tahiti.)
Tuesday, 16th. Finding, by a strict inquiry, that there were no private person or persons in the place that could at this time advance me a sufficient sum of money to defray the charge I might be at in repairing and refitting the s.h.i.+p--at least, if there were any, they would be afraid to do it without leave from the Governor--wherefore I had nothing left but to apply to the Governor himself, and accordingly drew up the following request, which I laid before the Governor and Council this morning, in consequence of which the Shebander had orders to supply me with what money I wanted out of the Company's Treasure:--
"Lieutenant James Cook, Commander of His Brittannick Majesty's Bark the Endeavour, begs leave to represent to His Excellency the Right Honourable Petrus Albertus Van der Parra, Governor-General, etc., etc., That he will be in want of a Sum or Sums of Money in order to defray the Charge he will be at in repairing and refiting His Brittannick Majesty's s.h.i.+p at this place; which sum or sums of money he is directed by his Instructions, and empower'd by his commission, to give Bills of Exchange on the respective Offices which Superintend His Brittannick Majesty's Navy.
"The said Lieutenant James Cook Requests of His Excellency, That he will be pleased to order him to be supply'd with such sum or sums of money, either out of the Company's Treasure, or permit such private persons to do it as may be willing to advance money for Bills of Exchange on the Honourable and Officers and Commissioners of His Brittannick Majesty's Navy, the Commissioners for Victualling His Majesty's Navy, and the Commissioners for taking care of the Sick and Hurt.
"Dated on board His Brittannick Majesty's Bark the Endeavour, in Batavia Road, the 16th of October, 1770.
Wednesday, 17th. In the P.M. I waited upon the Superintendent of Onrust, with an order from the Shebander, to receive us at that Island, but this order, the Superintendent told me, was not sufficient to impower him to give me the conveniences and a.s.sistance I wanted, and when I came to call upon the Shebander, I found this mistake was owing to the word "heave down" being wrong translated; this Circ.u.mstance, trifling as it is, will cause a delay of some days, as it cannot be set to rights until next Council day, which is not till Friday.
Thursday, 18th. In the P.M. received on board 2 live Oxen, 150 Gallons of Arrack, 3 Barrels of Tar, and one of Pitch; at daylight in the A.M. took up our Anchor and run down to Onrust.
At 9 Anchor'd in 7 fathoms off Coopers Island, which lies close to Onrust. There are wharfs at both of these Islands, and s.h.i.+ps land there stores, sometimes on the one and sometimes on the other, but it is only at Onrust where the proper conveniences are for heaving down. Soon after we Anchor'd I went on sh.o.r.e to the Officer of the Yard, to see if they could not allow us some place to land our stores, but this could not be granted without orders.
Friday, 19th. In the P.M. I sent a Petty Officer to Mr. Hicks, who Lodges ash.o.r.e at Batavia for the recovery of his health, with orders to desire him to wait upon the Shebander, in order to get the necessary orders respecting us dispatched to this place as soon as possible., 20th. Employ'd unrigging the s.h.i.+p, etc.
Sunday, 21st. In the P.M. orders came down to the Officers of the yard to comply with everything I wanted, but we could not yet get a Wharfe to land our Stores, they being all taken up by s.h.i.+pping.
Monday, 22nd. In the A.M. two s.h.i.+ps went from the Wharfes at Coopers Island, when we prepared to go along side one of them.
Tuesday, 23rd. In the P.M. hauled along side one of the Wharfes, in order to take out our stores, etc., after which the s.h.i.+p is to be deliver'd into the Charge of the proper Officers at Onrust, who will (as I am inform'd) heave her down, and repair her, with their own people, while ours must stand and look on, who, if we were permitted, could do every thing wanting to the s.h.i.+p ourselves.* (* Here Mr. Corner's copy of the Journal ends abruptly. The record for the next day explains the reason, and there is no doubt that this was the copy of the Journal sent home. The Queen's copy ends on 10th October. The remainder of the Journal is taken from the Admiralty copy.)
[Reports Sent Home from Batavia.]
Wednesday, 24th. Employ'd clearing the s.h.i.+p, having a Store House to put our Stores, etc., in. In the P.M. I went up to Town in order to put on board the first Dutch s.h.i.+p that Sails, a pacquet for the Admiralty containing a Copy of my Journal, a Chart of the South Sea, another of New Zeeland, and one of the East Coast of New Holland. In the morning the General, accompanied by the Water Fiscall, some of the Council, and the Commodore, each in their respective Boats, went out into the Road on board the oldest Captain, in order to appoint him Commodore of the Fleet, ready to Sail for Holland. The s.h.i.+ps was drawn up in 2 Lines, between which the General past to the new Commodore's s.h.i.+p, which lay the farthest out. Each s.h.i.+p as he pa.s.sed and repa.s.sed gave him 3 Cheers, and as soon as he was on board, and the Dutch Flag Hoisted at the Main Topmast Head, the other Commodore Saluted him with 21 Guns, and immediately after Struck his Broad Pendant, which was again hoisted as soon as the General left the other s.h.i.+p; he was then Saluted with 17 Guns by the new made Commodore, who now hoisted a Common Pendant. This Ceremony of appointing a Commodore over the Grand Fleet, as they call it, we were told is Yearly perform'd. I went out in my Boat on purpose to see it, accompanied by Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander, because we were told it was one of the Grandest sights Batavia afforded; that may be too, and yet it did not recompense us for our trouble. I thought that the whole was but ill conducted, and the Fleet appear'd to be very badly mann'd. This fleet consists of 10 or 12 stout s.h.i.+ps; not only these, but all or most of their other s.h.i.+ps are pierced for 50 Guns, but have only their upper Tier mounted, and these are more by half than they have men to fight.
Thursday, 25th. In the evening I sent the Admiralty Packet on board the Kronenburg, Captain Fredrick Kelger, Commodore, who, together with another s.h.i.+p, sails immediately for the Cape, where she waits for the remainder of the Fleet.*
(* The following letter to the Secretary of the Admiralty (now in Public Record Office) was also dispatched:--
"To Philip Stephens, Esq.
"Please to acquaint my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty that I left Rio de Janeiro the 8th of December, 1768, and on the 16th of January following arrived in Success Bay in Straits La Maire, where we recruited our Wood and Water; on the 21st of the same month we quitted Straits La Maire, and arrived at George's Island on the 13th of April. In our Pa.s.sage to this Island I made a far more Westerly Track than any s.h.i.+p had ever done before; yet it was attended with no discovery until we arrived within the Tropick, where we discovered several Islands. We met with as Friendly a reception by the Natives of George's Island as I could wish, and I took care to secure ourselves in such a manner as to put it out of the power of the whole Island to drive us off. Some days preceeding the 3rd of June I sent Lieutenant Hicks to the Eastern part of this Island, and Lieutenant Gore to York Island, with others of the Officers (Mr. Green having furnished them with Instruments), to observe the Transit of Venus, that we may have the better Chance of succeeding should the day prove unfavourable; but in this We were so fortunate that the observations were everywhere attended with every favourable Circ.u.mstance. It was the 13th of July before I was ready to quitt this Island, after which I spent near a month in exploring some other Islands which lay to the Westward, before we steer'd to the Southward. On the 14th of August we discovered a small Island laying in the Lat.i.tude of 22 degrees 27 minutes South, Longitude 150 degrees 47 minutes West. After quitting this Island I steered to the South, inclining a little to the East, until we arrived in the Lat.i.tude 40 degrees 12 minutes South, without seeing the least signs of Land. After this I steer'd to the Westward, between the Lat.i.tude of 30 and 40 degrees until the 6th of October, on which day we discovered the East Coast of New Zeland, which I found to consist of 2 large Islands, extending from 34 to 48 degrees of South Lat.i.tude, both of which I circ.u.mnavigated. On the 1st of April, 1770, I quitted New Zeland, and steer'd to the Westward, until I fell in with the East Coast of New Holland, in the Lat.i.tude of 30 degrees South. I coasted the sh.o.r.e of this Country to the North, putting in at such places as I saw Convenient, until we arrived in the Lat.i.tude of 15 degrees 45 minutes South, where, on the night of the 10th of June, we struck upon a Reef of Rocks, were we lay 23 Hours, and received some very considerable damage. This proved a fatal stroke to the remainder of the Voyage, as we were obliged to take shelter in the first Port we met with, were we were detain'd repairing the damage we had sustain'd until the 4th of August, and after all put to Sea with a leaky s.h.i.+p, and afterwards coasted the Sh.o.r.e to the Northward through the most dangerous Navigation that perhaps ever s.h.i.+p was in, until the 22nd of same month, when, being in the Lat.i.tude of 10 degrees 30 minutes South, we found a Pa.s.sage into the Indian Sea between the Northern extremity of New Holland and New Guinea. After getting through the Pa.s.sage I stood for the Coast of New Guinea, which we made on the 29th; but as we found it absolutely necessary to heave the s.h.i.+p down to Stop her leaks before we proceeded home, I made no stay here, but quitted this Coast on the 30th of September, and made the best of my way to Batavia, where we Arrived on the 10th instant, and soon after obtained leave of the Governor and Council to be hove down at Onrust, where we have but just got alongside of the Wharf in order to take out our Stores, etc.
"I send herewith a copy of my Journal, containing the Proceedings of the whole Voyage, together with such Charts as I have had time to Copy, which I judge will be sufficient for the present to ill.u.s.trate said Journal. In this Journal I have with undisguised truth and without gloss inserted the whole Transactions of the Voyage, and made such remarks and have given such discriptions of things as I thought was necessary in the best manner I was Capable off. Altho' the discoverys made in this Voyage are not great, yet I flatter myself they are such as may Merit the Attention of their Lords.h.i.+ps; and altho' I have failed in discovering the so much talked of Southern Continent (which perhaps do not exist), and which I myself had much at heart, yet I am confident that no part of the Failure of such discovery can be laid to my charge. Had we been so fortunate not to have run a sh.o.r.e much more would have been done in the latter part of the Voyage than what was; but as it is, I presume this Voyage will be found as compleat as any before made to the South Seas on the same account. The plans I have drawn of the places I have been at were made with all the Care and accuracy that time and Circ.u.mstances would admit of. Thus far I am certain that the Lat.i.tude and Longitude of few parts of the World are better settled than these. In this I was very much a.s.sisted by Mr. Green, who let slip no one opportunity for making of Observations for settling the Longitude during the whole Course of the Voyage; and the many Valuable discoveries made by Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander in Natural History, and other things useful to the learned world, cannot fail of contributing very much to the Success of the Voyage. In justice to the Officers and the whole Crew, I must say they have gone through the fatigues and dangers of the whole Voyage with that cheerfulness and Allertness that will always do Honour to British Seamen, and I have the satisfaction to say that I have not lost one Man by sickness during the whole Voyage. I hope that the repairs wanting to the s.h.i.+p will not be so great as to detain us any length of time. You may be a.s.sured that I shall make no unnecessary delay either here or at any other place, but shall make the best of my way home. I have the Honour to be with the greatest respect,
"Your most Obedient Humble Servant,
"(Signed) JAMES COOK.
"Endeavour Bark, at Onrust, near Batavia, the 23rd of October, 1770."
"Although the discoveries made in this voyage are not great." In these modest words does Cook describe his work. I read them to mean that with his love of accuracy he did not wish to claim his explorations of New Zealand and the East Coast of Australia as discoveries, as it was already known that lands existed there; but seeing how little was known, and how completely he did his work, there are but few men who would have refrained from cla.s.sing them, as indeed he truly might have, as discoveries.)
Friday, 26th. Set up the s.h.i.+p's Tent for the reception of the s.h.i.+p's Company, several of them begin to be taken ill, owing, as I suppose, to the extream hot weather.
[Heaving down at Batavia.], 27th. Employed getting out Stores, Ballast, etc.
Sunday, 28th. Employ'd as above.
Monday, 29th, Tuesday, 30th, Wednesday, 31st. Employ'd clearing the s.h.i.+p.
[November 1770.]
Thursday, November 1st. Got every thing out of the s.h.i.+p, and all clear for going alongside of the Carreening, but about Noon I received a message from the Officer at Onrust acquainting me that they could not receive us there until they had first despatched the s.h.i.+ps bound to Europe, which were down here taking in pepper.
Friday, 2nd,, 3rd, Sunday, 4th. Employ'd overhauling the rigging, and making rope, making and repairing Sails.
Monday, 5th. Clear, hot sultry weather. In the A.M. transported the s.h.i.+p over to Onrust, alongside one of the Carreening Wharfs.
Tuesday, 6th. In the A.M. the officers of the Yard took the s.h.i.+p in hand, and sent on board a number of Carpenters, Caulkers, Riggers, Slaves, etc., to make ready to heave down.
Wednesday, 7th. Employ'd getting ready to heave down in the P.M. We had the misfortune to loose Mr. Monkhouse, the Surgeon, who died at Batavia of a Fever after a short illness, of which disease and others several of our people are daily taken ill, which will make his loss be the more severely felt; he was succeeded by Mr. Perry, his mate, who is equally as well skilled in his profession.
Thursday, 8th. In the night had much Thunder, Lightning, and Rain; during the day fair weather, which gave us time to get everything in readiness for heaving down.
Friday, 9th. In the P.M. hove the Larboard side of the s.h.i.+p, Kiel out, and found her bottom to be in a far worse condition than we expected; the false kiel was gone to within 20 feet of the Stern post, the main Kiel wounded in many places very considerably, a great quant.i.ty of Sheathing off, and several planks much damaged, especially under the Main Channell near the Kiel, where 2 planks and a 1/2, near 6 feet in length, were within 1/8th of an inch of being cutt through; and here the worms had made their way quite into the timbers, so that it was a matter of surprise to every one who saw her bottom how we had kept her above water, and yet in this condition we had sailed some hundreds of Leagues, in as dangerous a Navigation as in any part of the World, happy in being ignorant of the continual danger we were in. In the evening righted the s.h.i.+p, having only time to patch up some of the worst places to prevent the water getting in in large quant.i.tys for the present. In the morning hove her down again, and most of the Carpenters and Caulkers in the Yard (which are not a few) were set to work upon her Bottom, and at the same time a number of Slaves were employ'd bailing the water out of the Hold. Our people, altho' they attend, were seldom called upon; indeed, by this time we were so weakned by sickness that we could not muster above 20 Men and Officers that were able to do duty, so little should we have been able to have hove her down and repair'd her ourselves, as I at one time thought us capable of., 10th. In the P.M. we were obliged to righten the s.h.i.+p before night, by reason of her making water in her upper works faster than we could free; it made it necessary to have her weather works inside and out caulked, which before was thought unnecessary.
Sunday, 11th. In the A.M., having caulked her upper works, hove out the Larboard side again, which a number of Workmen were employ'd repairing.
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