Catherine The Great Part 18
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72. Khrapovitskii, 26, 22 Feb. 1787.
73. Archivo del General Miranda, Viajes: Diarios 17851787 Archivo del General Miranda, Viajes: Diarios 17851787 (Caracas, 1929), ii: 256, 11 Feb. 1787. (Caracas, 1929), ii: 256, 11 Feb. 1787.
74. Lettere Lettere, 170, 20 Feb. 1787; 175, 15 Mar.
75. Khrapovitskii, 24, 7 Feb. 1787. The abbess was the former Countess Anna Pavlovna Iaguzhinskaia.
76. Lettere Lettere, 169, 16 Feb. 1787.
77. Baedeker's Russia 1914 Baedeker's Russia 1914 (London, 1971 edn.), 381. (London, 1971 edn.), 381.
78. N. Ia. Ozeretskovskii, Puteshestvie po Rossii 17821783 Puteshestvie po Rossii 17821783, ed. S. Kozlov (SPb, 1996), 135, diary, 12 June 1783; Archivo del General Miranda Archivo del General Miranda, ii: 259, 15 Feb. 1787.
79. KfZh KfZh (1787), appendix. (1787), appendix.
80. Ibneeva, Puteshestviia Ekateriny Puteshestviia Ekateriny, 1456.
81. SIRIO SIRIO, 23: 396, 2 Apr. 1787; ibid., 7035, 'Vedomost' o den'gakh, perevodimykh k statskomu sovetniku baronu Grimmu'.
82. Khrapovitskii, 2532, 15 Feb.21 Apr. 1787; I. Reyfman, Ritualized violence Russian style: The duel in Russian culture and literature Ritualized violence Russian style: The duel in Russian culture and literature (Stanford, CA, 1999), 523. (Stanford, CA, 1999), 523.
83. Khrapovitskii, 32, 16 Apr. 1787; Madariaga, Short History Short History, 2078.
84. Ibneeva, Puteshestviia Ekateriny Puteshestviia Ekateriny, 1404 (142).
85. Lettere Lettere, 179, 1 Apr. 1787; Khrapovitskii, 30, 4 Apr.
86. Bantysh-Kamenskii, Spiski Spiski, 159.
87. A. M. Panchenko, 'Potemkinskie derevni kak kul'turnyi mif', XVIII vek XVIII vek, 14 (1983), 93104.
88. SIRIO SIRIO, xv: 105, C. to Paul and Maria Fedorovna, 14 May 1787; Madariaga, 373. Kherson had actually been founded in 1778.
89. Ozeretskovskii, Puteshestvie Puteshestvie, 131, diary, 22 May 1783.
90. O. I. Eliseeva, Geopoliticheskie proekty G. A. Potemkina Geopoliticheskie proekty G. A. Potemkina (M, 2000), 191216. (M, 2000), 191216.
91. Zorin, Kormia dvuglavogo orla Kormia dvuglavogo orla, ch. 4; A. Schonle, 'Garden of the Empire: Catherine's appropriation of the Crimea', Slavic Review Slavic Review, 60 (2001), 123.
92. S. d.i.c.kinson, 'Russia's First "Orient": Characterizing the Crimea in 1787', Kritika Kritika, 3 (2002), 224; Khrapovitskii, 28, 14 Mar. 1787.
93. Khrapovitskii, 389, 8 June 1787; 40, 21 June.
94. Papmehl, Metropolitan Platon Metropolitan Platon, 489.
95. D. Smith, The Pearl: A true tale of forbidden love in Catherine the Great's Russia The Pearl: A true tale of forbidden love in Catherine the Great's Russia (New Haven, CT, 2008), 7584 (75). (New Haven, CT, 2008), 7584 (75).
96. Zimmerman, 251, 3 Dec. 1787.
97. Lopatin, 223, C. to Potemkin, 24 Aug. 1787; 22930, Potemkin to C., 16 Sept; 232, Potemkin to C., 24 Sept; 238, C. to Potemkin, 2 Oct.; 240, C. to Potemkin, 9 Oct.
98. Alexander, 264, 269; Madariaga, 396405; Lopatin, 329, 16 Dec. 1788.
99. Khrapovitskii, 215, 18 Dec. 1788.
100. Madariaga, 401.
101. Lopatin, 300, C. to Potemkin, 3 July 1788; 303, 17 July.
102. Madariaga 399400, Montefiore, 3601.
103. Khrapovitskii, 277, 21 Apr. 1789; Alexander, 21921.
104. Lopatin, 355, C. to Potemkin, 29 June 1789.
105. Madariaga, 5401.
106. Lopatin, 372, Potemkin to C., 22 Sept. 1789.
107. Lopatin, 379, C. to Potemkin, 18 Oct. 1789.
108. A. Iu. Andreev, Russkie studenty v nemetskikh universitetakh XVIIIpervoi poloviny XIX veka Russkie studenty v nemetskikh universitetakh XVIIIpervoi poloviny XIX veka (M, 2005), 182208. (M, 2005), 182208.
109. Madariaga, 5415; C.'s notes in A. N. Radishchev, A Journey from St Petersburg to Moscow Journey from St Petersburg to Moscow, trans. L. Wiener, ed. R. P. Thaler (Cambridge, MA, 1958), 23940, emphasis in the original.
Chapter 12.
1. Khrapovitskii, 331, 34 May 1790; KfZh KfZh (1790), 217. (1790), 217.
2. Khrapovitskii, 333, 23 May 1790.
3. KfZh KfZh (1790), 269; Zavadovskii, 32930, 14 June 1790. (1790), 269; Zavadovskii, 32930, 14 June 1790.
4. KfZh KfZh (1790), 3012, 26 June 1790; Lopatin, 419, 28 June; Grimm, 493, 12 Sept. (1790), 3012, 26 June 1790; Lopatin, 419, 28 June; Grimm, 493, 12 Sept.
5. Alexander, 2812; Madariaga, 4134; Lopatin, 426, 9 Aug. 1790.
6. Lopatin, 426, 9 Aug. 1790; KfZh KfZh (1790), 42543; (1790), 42543; MP MP, iii: 834.
7. Runkevich, Aleksandro-Nevskaia Lavra Aleksandro-Nevskaia Lavra, ii: 146; S. K. Batalden, Catherine II's Greek Prelate: Eugenios Voulgaris in Russia, 17711806 Catherine II's Greek Prelate: Eugenios Voulgaris in Russia, 17711806 (New York, 1982), 7980 and (New York, 1982), 7980 and pa.s.sim pa.s.sim.
8. Lopatin, 429, 29 Aug. 1790.
9. Stedingk, 21, 10 Oct. 1790 NS.
10. Khrapovitskii, 349, 15, 7 Oct. 1790.
11. Grimm, 500, 27 Sept. 1790.
12. Stedingk, 99, 17 Mar. 1791 NS; 23, 10 Oct 1790 NS.
13. Stedingk, 78, 8 Feb. 1791 NS; 33, 18/27 Oct. 1790.
14. Khrapovitskii, 350, 24 Oct. 1790.
15. Stedingk, 40, J. J. Jennings to G. de Franc, 13 Nov. 1790 NS.
16. KfZh KfZh (1790), 614. (1790), 614.
17. Stedingk, 445, 26 Nov. 1790 NS.
18. SIRIO SIRIO, xlii, 1234; Stedingk, 45, 26 Nov. 1790 NS; Khrapovitskii, 3501, 25, 29, 31 Oct., 1, 5, 6, 10 Nov. 1790.
19. Stedingk, 578, 29 Dec. 1790 NS.
20. V. S. Lopatin, Potemkin i Suvorov Potemkin i Suvorov (M, 1992), 18797; P. Longworth, (M, 1992), 18797; P. Longworth, The art of victory: The life and achievements of Field-Marshal Suvorov The art of victory: The life and achievements of Field-Marshal Suvorov (London, 1965), 16574. (London, 1965), 16574.
21. Montefiore, 450 (Damas); A. V. Suvorov, Pis'ma Pis'ma, ed. V. S. Lopatin (M, 1986), 207, Suvorov to Potemkin, 11 Dec. 1790.
22. Montefiore, 580, n. 22; Stedingk, 65, 14 Jan. 1791 NS.
23. A. Zorin, 'Redkaia veshch': 'sandunovskii skandal' i russkii dvor vremen Frantsuzskoi revoliutsii', Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 80 (2006), 91110. See also, W. Rosslyn, 'Petersburg actresses on and off stage (17751825)', in St Petersburg 17031825 St Petersburg 17031825, ed. Cross, esp. 122, 140.
24. M. Duffy, The Englishman and the foreigner The Englishman and the foreigner (London, 1986), 40, pl. 86. (London, 1986), 40, pl. 86.
25. A. Cross, 'Catherine in British caricature', in Catherine the Great and the British: A pot-pourri of essays Catherine the Great and the British: A pot-pourri of essays (Nottingham, 2001), 338; Alexander, 289. (Nottingham, 2001), 338; Alexander, 289.
26. J. Black, British foreign policy in an age of revolutions, 17831793 British foreign policy in an age of revolutions, 17831793 (Cambridge, 1994), 28591. (Cambridge, 1994), 28591.
27. Khrapovitskii, 359, 15 Mar. 1791; Madariaga, 4179.
28. Stedingk, 112, 8 Apr. NS.
29. Khrapovitskii, 361, 78 Apr. 1791. Lopatin, Potemkin i Suvorov Potemkin i Suvorov, 228, ascribes these words to Potemkin.
30. M. S. Anderson, Britain's discovery of Russia 15531815 Britain's discovery of Russia 15531815 (London, 1958), 15485. (London, 1958), 15485.
31. Alexander, 289; Parkinson quoted in Cross, 328.
32. P. Schroeder, The Transformation of European politics 17631848 The Transformation of European politics 17631848 (Oxford, 1994), 81. (Oxford, 1994), 81.
33. Stedingk, 1034, 25 Mar. 1791 NS; Lopatin, Potemkin i Suvorov Potemkin i Suvorov, 215.
34. Tooke, iii: 365. On this influential work, see D. Griffiths, 'Castera-Tooke: the first Western biographer(s) of Catherine II', SGECRN SGECRN, 10 (1982), 5062.
35. Zorin, Kormia dvuglavogo orla, Kormia dvuglavogo orla, 13841. 13841.
36. Tooke, iii: 3678.
37. Quoted in Wortman, Scenarios Scenarios, 145.
38. Zorin, Kormia dvuglavogo orla Kormia dvuglavogo orla, 1267.
39. Stedingk, 137, 18 May 1791 NS; Grimm, 519, 29 Apr. 1791.
40. Zorin, Kormia dvuglavogo orla Kormia dvuglavogo orla, 12830; Madariaga, 424.
41. See R. b.u.t.terwick, 'Political discourses of the Polish Revolution, 17881792', English Historical Review English Historical Review, 120 (2005), 695731.
42. Const.i.tution quoted in J. Michalski, 'The meaning of the Const.i.tution of 3 May', in Const.i.tution and reform in eighteenth-century Poland Const.i.tution and reform in eighteenth-century Poland, ed. S. Fiszman (Bloomington, IN, 1997), 271.
43. Madariaga, 42044; Schroeder, Transformation of European politics Transformation of European politics, 836 (86).
44. Khrapovitskii, 3712, 16 Aug. 1791.
45. Lettres de Cte Valentin Esterhazy a sa femme 17841792 Lettres de Cte Valentin Esterhazy a sa femme 17841792, ed. E. Daudet (Paris, 1907), 305, 12 Sept. 1791.
46. Lettres de Esterhazy Lettres de Esterhazy, 288, 4 Sept. 1791; Grimm, 558, 16 Sept.; 560, 23 Sept; Khrapovitskii, 3745, 16 Sept.
47. Lettres de Esterhazy Lettres de Esterhazy, 301, 9 Sept. 1791.
48. Madariaga, 4256.
49. Lopatin, C. to Potemkin, 468, 16 Sept. 1791; 470, 30 Sept.
50. Tooke, iii, 385.
51. Lopatin, 470, C. to Potemkin, 3 Oct; Potemkin to C., 4 Oct.; Khrapovitskii, 3746; Montefiore, 4816.
52. Lettres de Esterhazy Lettres de Esterhazy, 347, 29 Oct. 1791.
53. Suvorov, Pis'ma Pis'ma, 2267, to D. I. Khvostov, [30 Oct.] and 12 Dec. 1791; Lopatin, Potemkin i Suvorov Potemkin i Suvorov, 2247.
54. Khrapovitskii, 377, 12 Oct. 1791; Grimm, 561, 13 Oct.
55. Obshchii arkhiv Ministerstva Imperatorskago Dvora: Opisi domov i dvizhimago imushchestva kniazia Potemkina-Tavricheskago, kuplennykh u naslednikov ego Imperatritseiu Ekaterinoiu II Obshchii arkhiv Ministerstva Imperatorskago Dvora: Opisi domov i dvizhimago imushchestva kniazia Potemkina-Tavricheskago, kuplennykh u naslednikov ego Imperatritseiu Ekaterinoiu II (M, 1892), (M, 1892), pa.s.sim pa.s.sim; Montefiore, 344; Batalden, Catherine II's Greek Prelate Catherine II's Greek Prelate, 756.
56. Grimm, 605, 27 Aug. 1794.
57. Belekhov and Petrov, Ivan Starov Ivan Starov, 81102; A. G. Cross, 'British sources for Catherine's Russia: 1) Lionel Colmore's Letters from St Petersburg, 179091', SGECRN SGECRN, 17 (1989), 31.
58. Parkinson, 37, 17 Nov. 1792.
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