Catherine The Great Part 20
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51. Arkhiv brat'ev Turgenevykh, vyp. 6: Perepiska Aleksandra Ivanovicha Turgeneva s kn. Petrom Aleksandrovichom Viazemskim, chast' I: 18141833 G.o.dy Arkhiv brat'ev Turgenevykh, vyp. 6: Perepiska Aleksandra Ivanovicha Turgeneva s kn. Petrom Aleksandrovichom Viazemskim, chast' I: 18141833 G.o.dy (Petrograd, 1921), 295, Aug. 1833; (Petrograd, 1921), 295, Aug. 1833; Dekabrist N. I. Turgenev: Pis'ma k bratu S. I. Turgenevu Dekabrist N. I. Turgenev: Pis'ma k bratu S. I. Turgenevu, ed. N. G. Svirin (M, 1936), 245, 15 Dec. 1817; Madariaga, Politics and Culture Politics and Culture, 236.
52. AKV AKV, xxi: 361.
53. Karamzin's Memoir on Ancient and Modern Russia Karamzin's Memoir on Ancient and Modern Russia, ed. and trans. R. Pipes (New York, 1972), 133.
54. M. M. Speranskii, Proekty i zapiski Proekty i zapiski, ed. S. N. Valk (Moscow-Leningrad, 1961), 20, 140.
55. Memoirs of Countess Golovine Memoirs of Countess Golovine, 35.
56. For detailed references, see my essay '"Prosveshchenie": Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Russia', in Peripheries of the Enlightenment Peripheries of the Enlightenment, eds. R. b.u.t.terwick, S. Davies and G. Sanchez-Espinoza, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century (2008:01). (2008:01).
57. Sochineniia Derzhavina Sochineniia Derzhavina, ed. Grot, iii: 2113.
58. 'O nravstvennom sostoianii voisk Rossiiskoi imperii i v osobennosti Gvardeiskogo korpusa', ed. N. A. Kargopolova, Reka vremen Reka vremen, 1 (1995), 40.
59. A. Viskovatov, Kratkaia istoriia Pervago Kadetskago Korpusa Kratkaia istoriia Pervago Kadetskago Korpusa (SPb, 1832), 35, 38, 468. (SPb, 1832), 35, 38, 468.
60. Polevoi, Literaturnaia kritika Literaturnaia kritika, 1689.
61. M. A. Gillel'son, P. A. Viazemskii: zhizn' i tvorchestva P. A. Viazemskii: zhizn' i tvorchestva (Leningrad, 1969), 2258. (Leningrad, 1969), 2258.
62. A.I. Kornilovich, Sochineniia i pis'ma Sochineniia i pis'ma (Moscow-Leningrad, 1957), 211. (Moscow-Leningrad, 1957), 211.
63. s.h.i.+shkov, 'Dostopamiatnye skazaniia', 20; M. Al'tshuller, Predtechi slavianofil'stva v russkoi literature: Obshchestvo 'Beseda liubitelei russkogo slova' Predtechi slavianofil'stva v russkoi literature: Obshchestvo 'Beseda liubitelei russkogo slova' (Ann Arbor, MI, 1984), 367. (Ann Arbor, MI, 1984), 367.
64. Sumarokov, Cherty Ekateriny Velikiia Cherty Ekateriny Velikiia, xix, 46, 489.
65. Dolgorukov, Kapishche moego serdtsa Kapishche moego serdtsa, 235.
66. A. S. Pushkin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, 17 vols. (M, 193759), ix: 32, note.
67. I. I. Dmitriev, Vzgliad na moiu zhizn' Vzgliad na moiu zhizn' (SPb, 1895), 161. (SPb, 1895), 161.
68. Ostaf'evskii arkhiv kniazei Viazemskikh, t. 2: Perepiska P.A. Viazemskago s A.I. Turgenvym 18201823 Ostaf'evskii arkhiv kniazei Viazemskikh, t. 2: Perepiska P.A. Viazemskago s A.I. Turgenvym 18201823 (SPb, 1899), 456, 11 Aug. 1820. (SPb, 1899), 456, 11 Aug. 1820.
69. A. G. Tartakovskii, Russkaia memuaristika XVIII-pervoi polovine XIX v.: Ot rukopisi k knige Russkaia memuaristika XVIII-pervoi polovine XIX v.: Ot rukopisi k knige (M, 1991), 215, 2189. (M, 1991), 215, 2189.
70. M. Mokrousova, 'A. I. Turgenevsobiratel' istochnikov po istorii Rossii', Sovetskie arkhivy Sovetskie arkhivy, 1974: 4, 401.
71. See S. Dixon, 'Pushkin and history', The Cambridge Companion to Pushkin The Cambridge Companion to Pushkin, ed. A. Kahn (Cambridge, 2006).
72. Khrapovitskii, 31, 13 Apr. 1787. See also A.A. Vasil'chikov, Semeistvo Razumovskikh Semeistvo Razumovskikh, vol. V (SPb, 1894), 135; L. Maikov, Pushkin: Biograficheskie materialy i istoriko-literaturnye ocherki Pushkin: Biograficheskie materialy i istoriko-literaturnye ocherki (SPb, 1899), 397413. (SPb, 1899), 397413.
73. Imperatorskoe russkoe istoricheskoe obshchestvo, 18661916 Imperatorskoe russkoe istoricheskoe obshchestvo, 18661916 (Petrograd, 1916), 45, 60. (Petrograd, 1916), 45, 60.
74. SIRIO SIRIO, xiii: i.
75. This section draws, in revised form, on sources first discussed in my 'Catherine the Great and the Romanov Dynasty: The case of the Grand d.u.c.h.ess Mariia Pavlovna (18541920)', in Russian Society and Culture and the Long Eighteenth Century Russian Society and Culture and the Long Eighteenth Century, eds. Bartlett and Hughes (Munster, 2004), 195208, where further references may be found.
76. S. S. Trubachev, 'G.P. Danilevskii: biograficheskii ocherk', in G.P. Danilevskii, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, 8th edn., 24 vols. (SPb, 1901), i: 44, 46, 61, 7988; 'Vospominaniia E. N. Opochinina', ed. E. V. Bronnikova, Vstrechi v proshlym Vstrechi v proshlym, 7 (M, 1990), 65; M. M. Stasiulevich i ego sovremenniki v ikh perepiske M. M. Stasiulevich i ego sovremenniki v ikh perepiske, ed. M. K. Lemke, 5 vols. (SPb, 191113), v: 3267.
77. A. Bogdanovich, Tri poslednikh samoderzhtsa Tri poslednikh samoderzhtsa (M, 1990 edn.), 133, 27 Jan. 1890. (M, 1990 edn.), 133, 27 Jan. 1890.
78. C.A. Stoddard, Across Russia: From the Baltic to the Danube Across Russia: From the Baltic to the Danube (London, 1892), 74, 40. (London, 1892), 74, 40.
79. F.-X. Coquin, 'Le monument de Catherine II a Saint-Petersbourg', in Catherine II et L'Europe Catherine II et L'Europe, ed. Davidenkoff, 212.
80. SIRIO SIRIO, xiii: xii-xiii.
81. V.O. Kliuchevsky, Sochineniia Sochineniia, 8 vols. (M, 19569), v: 30911.
82. Bil'basov, pa.s.sim pa.s.sim; Dnevnik gosudarstvennogo sekretaria A. A. Polovtsova Dnevnik gosudarstvennogo sekretaria A. A. Polovtsova, ed. P. A. Zaionchkovskii, 2 vols. (M, 1966), ii: 260, 15 Jan. 1890; 341, 8 Jan. 1891; P. A. Zaionchkovskii, Rossiiskoe samoderzhavie v kontse XIX stoletiia: Politicheskaia reaktsiia 80-khnachala 90-kh G.o.dov Rossiiskoe samoderzhavie v kontse XIX stoletiia: Politicheskaia reaktsiia 80-khnachala 90-kh G.o.dov (M, 1970), 2856. (M, 1970), 2856.
83. See A. Pyman, The life of Aleksandr Blok: I, The distant thunder, 18801908 The life of Aleksandr Blok: I, The distant thunder, 18801908 (Oxford, 1978), 51. (Oxford, 1978), 51.
84. For example, L. Zhdanov [L. G. Gel'man], V setiakh intriga: Dva potoka. Istoricheskii roman vremeni Ekateriny II V setiakh intriga: Dva potoka. Istoricheskii roman vremeni Ekateriny II (SPb, 1912); M. Evgeniia, (SPb, 1912); M. Evgeniia, Liubovniki Ekateriny Liubovniki Ekateriny (M, 1917). (M, 1917).
85. Velikii kniaz' Nikolai Mikhailovich, Russkie portrety XVIII i XIX stoletii Russkie portrety XVIII i XIX stoletii, 5 vols. (SPb, 19059); J. E. Bowlt, The silver age: Russian art in the early twentieth century and the 'World of Art' group The silver age: Russian art in the early twentieth century and the 'World of Art' group (Newtonville, MA, 1979), 1667; R. Buckle, (Newtonville, MA, 1979), 1667; R. Buckle, Diaghilev Diaghilev (London, 1979), 848. (London, 1979), 848.
86. Dnevnik V. N. Lamzdorfa (18861890) Dnevnik V. N. Lamzdorfa (18861890), ed. F. A. Rotshtein (Leningrad, 1926), 934, 15 Jan. 1888; 203, 24 Mar. 1889.
87. Dnevnik Polovtsova Dnevnik Polovtsova, ii: 203, 31 May 1889.
88. N. Notovich, L'Empereur Alexandre III et son entourage L'Empereur Alexandre III et son entourage (Paris, 1893), 93. (Paris, 1893), 93.
89. R. Wortman, 'The Russian empress as mother', in The family in imperial Russia: New lines of historical research The family in imperial Russia: New lines of historical research, ed. D. L. Ransel (Urbana, IL, 1978), 61.
90. Sir G. Buchanan, My mission to Russia and other diplomatic memories My mission to Russia and other diplomatic memories, 2 vols. (London, 1923), i: 1756.
91. John Hanbury-Williams, The Emperor Nicholas II: As I knew him The Emperor Nicholas II: As I knew him (London, 1922) 58, diary, 4 Oct. 1915. (London, 1922) 58, diary, 4 Oct. 1915.
92. Suvorov, Pis'ma Pis'ma, 204, to I. M. [Jose] Ribas.
93. The plant's formal name was cardamine nivalis cardamine nivalis: see A. K. Sytin, 'P. S. Pallas, P. I. Shangin i Ekaterina Velikaia', Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki, 2 (1997), 124.
94. Shcherbatov, 235.
95. Diderot, Memoires pour Catherine II Memoires pour Catherine II, ed. P. Verniere (Paris, 1966), 1978; D. Griffiths, 'To live forever: Catherine II, Voltaire and the pursuit of immortality', in Russia and the World of the Eighteenth Century Russia and the World of the Eighteenth Century, eds. Bartlett, Cross, Rasmussen, 44668.
96. Grimm, 77, 2 Feb. 1778.
97. Shcherbatov, 255, 2415, 2513, (241). Compare Martha Wilmot's reflections on a present given to Princess Dashkova: 'It was the first present she ever receiv'd from Katherine the Second, & certainly serv'd to recall the most interesting period of a friends.h.i.+p which then then existed a.s.suredly, as Katherine was only a Grand Dutchess; but for which sentiment existed a.s.suredly, as Katherine was only a Grand Dutchess; but for which sentiment they say they say a Crown very very rarely leaves room & I doubt whether the Great Katherine form'd an exception to the general observation.' a Crown very very rarely leaves room & I doubt whether the Great Katherine form'd an exception to the general observation.' Russian Journals Russian Journals, 159, Martha's Journal, 1 Dec. 1805 NS.
98. KfZh KfZh (1790), 160. (1790), 160.
99. See K. Rasmussen, 'Catherine II and the image of Peter I', Slavic Review Slavic Review, 37 (1978), 5169.
100. Cross, 3223.
There is no shortage of primary material in translation to guide the English-speaking reader straight to the heart of Catherine's sensibility. The latest edition of The Memoirs of Catherine the Great The Memoirs of Catherine the Great, ed. and trans. Mark Cruse and Hilde Hoogenboom (New York: Random House, 2005), also offers a perceptive introduction to the circ.u.mstances of their composition. No less entrancing is Love & Conquest: Personal Correspondence of Catherine the Great and Prince Grigory Potemkin Love & Conquest: Personal Correspondence of Catherine the Great and Prince Grigory Potemkin, ed. and trans. Douglas Smith (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2004). Correspondence of Catherine the Great when Grand-d.u.c.h.ess, with Sir Charles Hanbury-Williams and Letters from Count Poniatowski Correspondence of Catherine the Great when Grand-d.u.c.h.ess, with Sir Charles Hanbury-Williams and Letters from Count Poniatowski, ed. and trans. the Earl of Ilchester and Mrs Langford Brooke (London: Thornton b.u.t.terworth, 1928), gives a unique insight into Catherine's political ambitions at the Court of Empress Elizabeth. Unfortunately it has not been reprinted. Neither is there a modern translation of the empress's Nakaz Nakaz, though two contemporary English versions have been published by W. F. Reddaway, ed., Doc.u.ments of Catherine the Great Doc.u.ments of Catherine the Great (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1931), and Paul Dukes, ed., (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1931), and Paul Dukes, ed., Russia Under Catherine the Great: Volume 2 Catherine the Great's Instruction (NAKAZ) to the Legislative Commission, 1767 Russia Under Catherine the Great: Volume 2 Catherine the Great's Instruction (NAKAZ) to the Legislative Commission, 1767 (Newtonville, MA: Oriental Research Partners, 1977). Diderot's pungent 'Observations on the (Newtonville, MA: Oriental Research Partners, 1977). Diderot's pungent 'Observations on the Nakaz Nakaz' are translated in Diderot, Political Writings Political Writings, ed. John Hope Mason and Robert Wokler (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992). While Antony Lentin, ed., Catherine the Great and Voltaire Catherine the Great and Voltaire (Newtonville, MA: Oriental Research Partners), offers a selection of their correspondence in translation, the French originals are readily available in the magisterial edition by Theodore Besterman, published by the Voltaire Foundation. (Newtonville, MA: Oriental Research Partners), offers a selection of their correspondence in translation, the French originals are readily available in the magisterial edition by Theodore Besterman, published by the Voltaire Foundation.
Among the few Russian memoirs available in English, one of the most attractive and informative is the Memoirs of Countess Golovine: A Lady at the Court of Catherine II Memoirs of Countess Golovine: A Lady at the Court of Catherine II, trans. G. M. Fox-Davies (London: David Nutt, 1910), which covers the latter part of the reign. Far more self-absorbed are The Memoirs of Princess Dashkova The Memoirs of Princess Dashkova, trans. and ed. Kyril Fitzlyon, recently reissued with an introduction by Jehanne M. Geith (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1995). A sense of the riches buried in British archives can be gathered from three very different published journals: Diaries and Correspondence of James Harris, First Earl of Malmesbury Diaries and Correspondence of James Harris, First Earl of Malmesbury, ed. Third Earl of Malmesbury, 4 vols. (London: Richard Bentley, 1844); A Lady at the Court of Catherine the Great: The Journal of Baroness Elizabeth Dimsdale, 1781 A Lady at the Court of Catherine the Great: The Journal of Baroness Elizabeth Dimsdale, 1781, ed. Anthony Cross (Cambridge: Crest Publications, 1989); and John Parkinson, A Tour of Russia, Siberia and the Crimea, 17921794, A Tour of Russia, Siberia and the Crimea, 17921794, ed. William Collier (London: Frank Ca.s.s, 1971). Each offers unique insights into Catherine and her times. The Russian experiences of Dimsdale and Parkinson, along with hundreds of others, are explored in Anthony Cross, ed. William Collier (London: Frank Ca.s.s, 1971). Each offers unique insights into Catherine and her times. The Russian experiences of Dimsdale and Parkinson, along with hundreds of others, are explored in Anthony Cross, By the Banks of the Neva: Chapters from the Lives and Careers of the British in Eighteenth-Century Russia By the Banks of the Neva: Chapters from the Lives and Careers of the British in Eighteenth-Century Russia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997). The same author's companion volume, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997). The same author's companion volume, By the Banks of the Thames: Russians in Eighteenth-Century Britain By the Banks of the Thames: Russians in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Newtonville, MA: Oriental Research Partners, 1980), brings to life the Russians who journeyed in the opposite direction. Much the most sophisticated of these was Nikolai Karamzin, whose (Newtonville, MA: Oriental Research Partners, 1980), brings to life the Russians who journeyed in the opposite direction. Much the most sophisticated of these was Nikolai Karamzin, whose Letters of a Russian Traveller Letters of a Russian Traveller has been published in an excellent translation by Andrew Kahn in has been published in an excellent translation by Andrew Kahn in Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 2003:04 (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2003). For the broader context, see Sara d.i.c.kinson, Breaking Ground: Travel and National Culture in Russia from Peter I to the Era of Pushkin Breaking Ground: Travel and National Culture in Russia from Peter I to the Era of Pushkin (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006). (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006).
The most important (and appropriately weighty) study of Catherine's reign in any language remains Isabel de Madariaga, Russia in the Age of Catherine the Great Russia in the Age of Catherine the Great (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1981), which has been reprinted several times. My debts to this book and its author are profound. No less incisive are the essays collected in Isabel de Madariaga, (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1981), which has been reprinted several times. My debts to this book and its author are profound. No less incisive are the essays collected in Isabel de Madariaga, Politics and Culture in Eighteenth-Century Russia Politics and Culture in Eighteenth-Century Russia (London: Longman, 1998). John T. Alexander, (London: Longman, 1998). John T. Alexander, Catherine the Great: Life and Legend Catherine the Great: Life and Legend (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989) ranks as the first modern scholarly biography, particularly interesting on medical matters and also strong on social history. Roderick E. McGrew, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989) ranks as the first modern scholarly biography, particularly interesting on medical matters and also strong on social history. Roderick E. McGrew, Paul I of Russia 17541801 Paul I of Russia 17541801 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992) explores the troubled life of Catherine's son. Like its subject, Simon Sebag Montefiore, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992) explores the troubled life of Catherine's son. Like its subject, Simon Sebag Montefiore, Prince of Princes: The Life of Potemkin Prince of Princes: The Life of Potemkin (London, 2000) is scintillating, wayward and occasionally overblown: but it is packed with insight on the fluctuations of Court politics and remains obligatory reading on the 1780s. The need for a modern scholarly biography of Princess Dashkova is only partly fulfilled by A. Woronzoff-Dashkoff, (London, 2000) is scintillating, wayward and occasionally overblown: but it is packed with insight on the fluctuations of Court politics and remains obligatory reading on the 1780s. The need for a modern scholarly biography of Princess Dashkova is only partly fulfilled by A. Woronzoff-Dashkoff, Dashkova: A Life of Influence and Exile Dashkova: A Life of Influence and Exile ( (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 97, 3 (2008)). The best starting-point in English is Sue Ann Prince, ed., The Princess and the Patriot: Ekaterina Dashkova, Benjamin Franklin, and the Age of Enlightenment The Princess and the Patriot: Ekaterina Dashkova, Benjamin Franklin, and the Age of Enlightenment (Philadelphia, PA: American Philosophical Society, 2006). (Philadelphia, PA: American Philosophical Society, 2006).
Having celebrated its tricentenary in 2003, Catherine's capital city is famous primarily as a glittering icon of secular cosmopolitanism. It is not always easy to recall that much of it was a building site in the eighteenth century. For a helpful reminder, see Christopher Marsden, Palmyra of the North: The First Days of St Petersburg Palmyra of the North: The First Days of St Petersburg (London: Faber and Faber, 1942), which wears its learning lightly. W. Bruce Lincoln, (London: Faber and Faber, 1942), which wears its learning lightly. W. Bruce Lincoln, Sunlight at Midnight: St Petersburg and the Rise of Modern Russia Sunlight at Midnight: St Petersburg and the Rise of Modern Russia (Oxford: Perseus Press, 2001) offers a more up-to-date treatment, as do the contributors to Anthony Cross, ed., (Oxford: Perseus Press, 2001) offers a more up-to-date treatment, as do the contributors to Anthony Cross, ed., St Petersburg, 17031825 St Petersburg, 17031825 (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003). Dmitry Shvidkovsky, (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003). Dmitry Shvidkovsky, The Empress and the Architect: British Architecture and Gardens at the Court of Catherine the Great The Empress and the Architect: British Architecture and Gardens at the Court of Catherine the Great (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1996) brings together in a single, beautifully ill.u.s.trated volume the author's outstanding essays on Tsarskoye Selo and Pavlovsk. Though it is full of fascinating information about the fate of Pavlovsk in Soviet times, Suzanne Ma.s.sie's tantalising (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1996) brings together in a single, beautifully ill.u.s.trated volume the author's outstanding essays on Tsarskoye Selo and Pavlovsk. Though it is full of fascinating information about the fate of Pavlovsk in Soviet times, Suzanne Ma.s.sie's tantalising Pavlovsk: The Life of a Palace Pavlovsk: The Life of a Palace (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1990) never quite tells you what you want to know about its early history. An exhaustive and very well-ill.u.s.trated study of Falconet's monument is provided by Alexander M. Schenker, (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1990) never quite tells you what you want to know about its early history. An exhaustive and very well-ill.u.s.trated study of Falconet's monument is provided by Alexander M. Schenker, The Bronze Horseman: Falconet's Monument to Peter the Great The Bronze Horseman: Falconet's Monument to Peter the Great (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003), though he makes the fractious sculptor seem more saintly than he was by needlessly blackening the reputation of Ivan Betskoy. Geraldine Norman, (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003), though he makes the fractious sculptor seem more saintly than he was by needlessly blackening the reputation of Ivan Betskoy. Geraldine Norman, The Hermitage: The Biography of a Great Museum The Hermitage: The Biography of a Great Museum (London: Jonathan Cape, 1997) breathes life into a unique inst.i.tution, and very engagingly too. (London: Jonathan Cape, 1997) breathes life into a unique inst.i.tution, and very engagingly too.
Although the religious side of Catherine's Court is harder to penetrate, there are helpful essays in Michael Schaich, ed., Monarchy and Religion: The Transformation of Royal Culture in Eighteenth-Century Europe Monarchy and Religion: The Transformation of Royal Culture in Eighteenth-Century Europe (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007). Exhibition catalogues tell us a great deal about this and almost every other aspect of the empress's life and reign. Among the informative English-language editions published in recent years is (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007). Exhibition catalogues tell us a great deal about this and almost every other aspect of the empress's life and reign. Among the informative English-language editions published in recent years is Catherine the Great: Treasures of Imperial Russia from the State Hermitage Museum, Leningrad Catherine the Great: Treasures of Imperial Russia from the State Hermitage Museum, Leningrad (London: Booth-Clibborn Editions, 1990). Fuller still are (London: Booth-Clibborn Editions, 1990). Fuller still are Treasures of Catherine the Great Treasures of Catherine the Great (London: Hermitage Rooms at Somerset House, 2000) and (London: Hermitage Rooms at Somerset House, 2000) and Catherine the Great & Gustav III Catherine the Great & Gustav III (Helsingborg: Nationalmuseum, 1999). Both Cynthia Hyla Whittaker, ed., (Helsingborg: Nationalmuseum, 1999). Both Cynthia Hyla Whittaker, ed., Russia Engages the World, 14531825 Russia Engages the World, 14531825 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004) and (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004) and An Imperial Collection: Women Artists from the State Hermitage Museum An Imperial Collection: Women Artists from the State Hermitage Museum (London: Merrell, 2003) have plenty to say about Catherine. So does (London: Merrell, 2003) have plenty to say about Catherine. So does British Art Treasures from Russian Imperial Collections in the Hermitage British Art Treasures from Russian Imperial Collections in the Hermitage, eds. Brian Allen and Larissa Dukelskaya (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1996). Among permanent exhibits, Hillwood Museum stands out: anyone within reach of Was.h.i.+ngton D.C. should make the pilgrimage and purchase the exemplary catalogue by Ann Odom and Liana Paredes Arend, A Taste for Splendor: Russian Imperial and European Treasures from the Hillwood Museum A Taste for Splendor: Russian Imperial and European Treasures from the Hillwood Museum (Alexandria, VA: Art Services International, 1998). (Alexandria, VA: Art Services International, 1998).
Although books written for scholars can sometimes seem hard going, even to the initiated, the best work on Catherine's Russia is stylish and penetrating. Richard S. Wortman, Scenarios of Power: Myth and Ceremony in Russian Monarchy, vol. 1: From Peter the Great to the Death of Nicholas I Scenarios of Power: Myth and Ceremony in Russian Monarchy, vol. 1: From Peter the Great to the Death of Nicholas I (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995) is a brilliant study of the ways in which the ritual presentation of the monarchy inspired the loyalty of its leading subjects. Whereas Wortman emphasises the secularising influence of cla.s.sical Roman models, Gary Marker, (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995) is a brilliant study of the ways in which the ritual presentation of the monarchy inspired the loyalty of its leading subjects. Whereas Wortman emphasises the secularising influence of cla.s.sical Roman models, Gary Marker, Imperial Saint: The Cult of St Catherine and the Dawn of Female Rule in Russia Imperial Saint: The Cult of St Catherine and the Dawn of Female Rule in Russia (DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2007), reveals the persistence of religious symbolism in Court culture, focusing on Catherine I in an interpretation which carries broader implications for the remainder of the eighteenth century. John LeDonne, (DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2007), reveals the persistence of religious symbolism in Court culture, focusing on Catherine I in an interpretation which carries broader implications for the remainder of the eighteenth century. John LeDonne, Ruling Russia: Politics and Administration in the Age of Absolutism, 17621796 Ruling Russia: Politics and Administration in the Age of Absolutism, 17621796 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984) is a powerful study of patronage. David L. Ransel explores a key interest group in (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984) is a powerful study of patronage. David L. Ransel explores a key interest group in The Politics of Catherinian Russia: The Panin Party The Politics of Catherinian Russia: The Panin Party (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1976). Complementary studies of the n.o.bility are offered by Robert E. Jones, (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1976). Complementary studies of the n.o.bility are offered by Robert E. Jones, The Emanc.i.p.ation of the Russian n.o.bility, 17621785 The Emanc.i.p.ation of the Russian n.o.bility, 17621785 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1973), and Paul Dukes, (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1973), and Paul Dukes, Catherine the Great and the Russian n.o.bility: A Study Based on the Materials of the Legislative Commission of 1767 Catherine the Great and the Russian n.o.bility: A Study Based on the Materials of the Legislative Commission of 1767 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967). One gets a good sense of the ways in which n.o.bles a.s.similated and imitated Court culture from Priscilla Roosevelt, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967). One gets a good sense of the ways in which n.o.bles a.s.similated and imitated Court culture from Priscilla Roosevelt, Life on the Russian Country Estate: A Social and Cultural History Life on the Russian Country Estate: A Social and Cultural History (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1995), and from Douglas Smith, (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1995), and from Douglas Smith, The Pearl: A True Tale of Forbidden Love in Catherine the Great's Russia The Pearl: A True Tale of Forbidden Love in Catherine the Great's Russia (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2008), an imaginative recreation of Count Nikolay Sheremetev's marriage to a serf actress, particularly good on the setting in which they lived. John T. Alexander, (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2008), an imaginative recreation of Count Nikolay Sheremetev's marriage to a serf actress, particularly good on the setting in which they lived. John T. Alexander, Bubonic Plague in Early Modern Russia: Public Health and Urban Disaster Bubonic Plague in Early Modern Russia: Public Health and Urban Disaster (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980) is a first-cla.s.s social history of Moscow in the early 1770s. Catriona Kelly, (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980) is a first-cla.s.s social history of Moscow in the early 1770s. Catriona Kelly, Refining Russia: Advice Literature, Polite Culture and Gender from Catherine to Yeltsin Refining Russia: Advice Literature, Polite Culture and Gender from Catherine to Yeltsin (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001) offers a brilliant (and often very funny) way into the history of Russian manners. Rafaella f.a.ggionato, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001) offers a brilliant (and often very funny) way into the history of Russian manners. Rafaella f.a.ggionato, A Rosicrucian Utopia in Eighteenth-Century Russia: The Masonic Circle of N.I. Novikov A Rosicrucian Utopia in Eighteenth-Century Russia: The Masonic Circle of N.I. Novikov (Amsterdam: Springer, 2005) is the most significant recent study of Freemasonry, though the English translation is inelegant. W. Gareth Jones, (Amsterdam: Springer, 2005) is the most significant recent study of Freemasonry, though the English translation is inelegant. W. Gareth Jones, Nikolay Novikov: Enlightener of Russia Nikolay Novikov: Enlightener of Russia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984) remains the single most important study of the Enlightenment in Russia, a subject which awaits a full-scale treatment. See also (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984) remains the single most important study of the Enlightenment in Russia, a subject which awaits a full-scale treatment. See also Russia in the Age of the Enlightenment: Essays in Honour of Isabel de Madariaga Russia in the Age of the Enlightenment: Essays in Honour of Isabel de Madariaga (London: Macmillan, 1990) and my own essay '"Prosveshchenie": Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Russia', in (London: Macmillan, 1990) and my own essay '"Prosveshchenie": Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Russia', in Peripheries of the Enlightenment Peripheries of the Enlightenment, eds. Richard b.u.t.terwick, Simon Davies and Gabriel Sanchez-Espinoza, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 2008:01. On the wider context, try Larry Wolff, Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1994), a clever book which may overestimate the extent to which the Poles and Russians needed the (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1994), a clever book which may overestimate the extent to which the Poles and Russians needed the philosophes philosophes to alert them to the problem of their own backwardness. Foreign policy is expertly covered by H. M. Scott, to alert them to the problem of their own backwardness. Foreign policy is expertly covered by H. M. Scott, The Emergence of the Eastern Powers The Emergence of the Eastern Powers 17561773 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001) and Isabel de Madariaga, 17561773 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001) and Isabel de Madariaga, Britain, Russia and the Armed Neutrality of 1780: Sir James Harris's Mission to St Petersburg during the American Revolution Britain, Russia and the Armed Neutrality of 1780: Sir James Harris's Mission to St Petersburg during the American Revolution (London: Hollis and Carter, 1962), which ranges much more widely than its t.i.tle might imply. I have commented on some of these scholars' conclusions in two earlier attempts to set Catherine and her reign in the broader context of the history of eighteenth-century Europe: (London: Hollis and Carter, 1962), which ranges much more widely than its t.i.tle might imply. I have commented on some of these scholars' conclusions in two earlier attempts to set Catherine and her reign in the broader context of the history of eighteenth-century Europe: The Modernisation of Russia, 16961825 The Modernisation of Russia, 16961825 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999) and (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999) and Catherine the Great: Profile in Power Catherine the Great: Profile in Power (Harlow: Longman, 2001). Both these books give lists of further reading. (Harlow: Longman, 2001). Both these books give lists of further reading.
Readers of Russian will learn much from attractively written books by Evgenii Anisimov, Zhenshchiny na rossiiskom prestole Zhenshchiny na rossiiskom prestole (St Petersburg: Norint, 1998), and Aleksandr Kamenskii, (St Petersburg: Norint, 1998), and Aleksandr Kamenskii, Pod seniiu Ekateriny: Vtoraia polovina XVIII veka Pod seniiu Ekateriny: Vtoraia polovina XVIII veka (Moscow: 1992), the first study of Catherine's reign to be published in Russia since the Bolshevik revolution in 1917. Despite its t.i.tle, V. S. Lopatin, (Moscow: 1992), the first study of Catherine's reign to be published in Russia since the Bolshevik revolution in 1917. Despite its t.i.tle, V. S. Lopatin, Potemkin i Suvorov Potemkin i Suvorov (Moscow: Nauka, 1992) has just as much to say about Catherine: this book's rehabilitation of Potemkin, based on the author's excellent editions of the correspondence of the two men, underpins the argument of Montefiore's English biography. More specialised are the work of the legal scholar, O. A. Omel'chenko, (Moscow: Nauka, 1992) has just as much to say about Catherine: this book's rehabilitation of Potemkin, based on the author's excellent editions of the correspondence of the two men, underpins the argument of Montefiore's English biography. More specialised are the work of the legal scholar, O. A. Omel'chenko, 'Zakonnaia monarkhiia' Ekateriny II: Prosveschennyi absoliutizm v Rossii 'Zakonnaia monarkhiia' Ekateriny II: Prosveschennyi absoliutizm v Rossii (Moscow, 1993), and two studies of the relations.h.i.+p between literature and politics by Andrei Zorin, (Moscow, 1993), and two studies of the relations.h.i.+p between literature and politics by Andrei Zorin, Kormia dvuglavogo orla: Literatura i gosudarstvennaia ideologiia v Rossii v poslednei treti XVIIIpervoi treti XIX vek Kormia dvuglavogo orla: Literatura i gosudarstvennaia ideologiia v Rossii v poslednei treti XVIIIpervoi treti XIX vek (Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2001), and Vera Proskurina, (Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2001), and Vera Proskurina, Mify imperii: literatura i vlast' v epokhu Ekateriny II Mify imperii: literatura i vlast' v epokhu Ekateriny II (Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2005), who is not always quite so convincing. In the late 1880s, V. A. Bilbasov completed only two volumes of what promised to be a ma.s.sive biography before running into trouble with the censors. His (Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2005), who is not always quite so convincing. In the late 1880s, V. A. Bilbasov completed only two volumes of what promised to be a ma.s.sive biography before running into trouble with the censors. His Istoriia Ekateriny Vtoroi Istoriia Ekateriny Vtoroi, 2 vols (SPb-Berlin, 189091), remains the most detailed study of Catherine's life before 1763. The troubled relations.h.i.+p between Catherine and her husband is explored in unprecedented detail by O. A. Ivanov, Ekaterina II i Petr III: istoriia tragicheskogo konflikta Ekaterina II i Petr III: istoriia tragicheskogo konflikta (Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2007), a book which reached me just as my own went to press. (Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2007), a book which reached me just as my own went to press. Ekaterina II: Annotirovannaia bibliografiia publikatsii Ekaterina II: Annotirovannaia bibliografiia publikatsii, eds. I. V. Bab.i.+.c.h, M. V. Bab.i.+.c.h and T. A. Lapteva (Moscow: Rosspen, 2004), is an invaluable guide to the voluminous published sources on Catherine and her reign. Students of St Petersburg will find a very helpful bibliography of Russian work by A. M. Konechnyi in Europa Orientalis Europa Orientalis (1997, no. 1). No less crucial for the history of eighteenth-century Russian painting is the ill.u.s.trated catalogue of the State Russian Museum in St PetersburgGosudarstvennyi russkii muzei, (1997, no. 1). No less crucial for the history of eighteenth-century Russian painting is the ill.u.s.trated catalogue of the State Russian Museum in St PetersburgGosudarstvennyi russkii muzei, Zhivopis': XVIII vek Zhivopis': XVIII vek, ed. Grigorii Goldovskii (St Petersburg: Palace Editions, 1998)which carries a limited amount of summary information in English.
It may never be possible to acknowledge all the influences which lie behind the publication of a book such as this. I certainly cannot do so here. But I should never have begun it without help from Jon Jackson and Sam Johnson, and I could not have finished it without support from Catherine Beaumont. Much of it was written while I was chairman of the School of History at the University of Leeds, and I am deeply indebted to all my former colleagues there for their tolerance and encouragement. In particular, I received invaluable bibliographical advice from Simon Burrows, John Chartres, Emilia Jamroziak and Phil Withington (now of Christ's College, Cambridge), and unstinting support from John Childs, Gordon Forster, John Gooch, Katrina Honeyman, Kevin Linch, Graham Loud, Angela Softley, Edward Spiers, Andrew Thompson, Ian Wood and Anthony Wright. Richard Davies is an incomparable fount of wisdom in the Special Collections Department of the Brotherton Library, which boasts some of the most impressive Russian holdings in the United Kingdom. Among friends and colleagues in the international Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia, Paul Keenan generously permitted me to quote from his unpublished doctoral thesis, and I owe a continuing and mounting debt to Roger Bartlett, Anthony Cross, Elise Kimerling Wirtschafter, Joachim Klein, Isabel de Madariaga, Gary Marker, Gareth Jones, Patrick O'Meara, Viktor Zhivov and Andrei Zorin. For all its imperfections, this book would have been much the weaker without their help and example.
Though I have made regular journeys to Moscow and St Petersburg in recent years, much of the reading for this book was done in the Cambridge University Library, the British Library and the National Library of Finland on visits made possible by the University of Leeds. In Helsinki, I owe a profound debt to Marina Vituhnovskaja, Timo Vihavainen, Irina Lukka and her colleagues. In Cambridge, my friends Derek Beales and Tim Blanning still inspire just as much awe and respect as they did when they taught me thirty years ago. In London, my late friend Lindsey Hughes and her husband Jim Cutshall gave me some of the most memorable evenings of my life and much more besides. If there were any justice in the world, Lindsey would occupy the chair I now hold.
Three special obligations remain. Peter Carson has been an unfailingly patient publisher, even when he had grounds to be apoplectic. At home, Stephanie, Oliver and Rachel have been equally uncomplaining, even when the writing took longer than they had any reason to expect. The dedication acknowledges a debt that I shall never be able to repay, to two people who have sustained me for as long as I can remember. I owe them everything.
Simon Dixon London, October 2008
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