Journal of a Horticultural Tour through Germany, Belgium, and part of France,Autumn of 1835 Part 24

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This pamphlet contains a concise history of Factory Legislation down to the present time, with copious extracts from the Evidence and Reports of the Factory Commissioners of 1833, and from the various reports, to the Secretary of State, of the Factory Inspectors since that period. It enters fully into the argument of the comparative healthiness of factory employment, and into the policy of further curtailing the hours of labour. It contains also the most recent and authentic information respecting the progress of foreign manufactures--the quant.i.ty produced by the machinery in the continental and American cotton mills, compared with those of England; and it shows the precarious tenure on which the cotton manufacture of this country is at present held.

In the Press. In Octavo, 3_s._ 6_d._


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Second Edition, in One Volume, price 6_s._

THE FRUIT CULTIVATOR. By JOHN ROGERS, Nurseryman, formerly of the Royal Gardens.

Journal of a Horticultural Tour through Germany, Belgium, and part of France,Autumn of 1835 Part 24

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Journal of a Horticultural Tour through Germany, Belgium, and part of France,Autumn of 1835 Part 24 summary

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