Military Memoirs of Capt. George Carleton Part 7

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But when _Easter_ Day appears, you find it in all Respects with them a Day of Rejoicing; for though Abstinence from Flesh with them, who at no time eat much, is not so great a Mortification as with those of the same Persuasion in other Countries, who eat much more, yet there is a visible Satisfaction darts out at their Eyes, which demonstrates their inward Pleasure in being set free from the Confinement of Mind to the Dissatisfaction of the Body. Every Person you now meet greets you with a _Resurrexit Jesus_; a good Imitation of the primitive Christians, were it the real Effect of Devotion. And all Sorts of the best Musick (which here indeed is the best in all _Spain_) proclaim an auspicious Valediction to the departed Season of superficial Sorrow and stupid Superst.i.tion. But enough of this: I proceed to weightier Matters.

While we lay at _Valencia_, under the Vigilance and Care of the indefatigable Earl, News was brought that _Alicant_ was besieg'd by General _Gorge_ by Land, while a Squadron of Men of War batter'd it from the Sea; from both which the Besiegers play'd their Parts so well, and so warmly ply'd them with their Cannon, that an indifferent practicable Breach was made in a little time.

_Mahoni_ commanded in the Place, being again receiv'd into Favour; and clear'd as he was of those political Insinuations before intimated, he now seem'd resolv'd to confirm his Innocence by a resolute Defence.

However, perceiving that all Preparations tended towards a Storm, and knowing full well the Weakness of the Town, he withdrew his Garrison into the Castle, leaving the Town to the Defence of its own Inhabitants.

Just as that was doing, the Sailors, not much skill'd in Sieges, nor at all times capable of the coolest Consideration, with a Resolution natural to them, storm'd the Walls to the Side of the Sea; where not meeting with much Opposition (for the People of the Town apprehended the least Danger there) they soon got into the Place; and, as soon as got in, began to Plunder. This oblig'd the People, for the better Security of themselves, to open their Gates, and seek a Refuge under one Enemy, in opposition to the Rage of another.

General _Gorge_, as soon as he enter'd the Town, with a good deal of seeming Lenity, put a stop to the Ravages of the Sailors; and ordered Proclamation to be made throughout the Place, that all the Inhabitants should immediately bring in their best Effects into the great Church for their better Security. This was by the mistaken Populace, as readily comply'd with; and neither Friend nor Foe at all disputing the Command, or questioning the Integrity of the Intention; the Church was presently crouded with Riches of all sorts and sizes. Yet after some time remaining there, they were all taken out, and disposed of by those, that had as little Property in 'em, as the Sailors, they were pretended to be preserv'd from.

The Earl of _Peterborow_ upon the very first News of the Siege had left _Valencia_, and taken s.h.i.+pping for _Alicant_; where he arrived soon after the Surrender of the Town, and that Outcry of the Goods of the Townsmen. Upon his Arrival, _Mahoni_, who was block'd up in the Castle, and had experienced his indefatigable Diligence, being in want of Provisions, and without much hope of Relief, desired to capitulate. The Earl granted him honourable Conditions, upon which he delivered up the Castle, and _Gorge_ was made Governor.

Upon his Lords.h.i.+p's taking s.h.i.+p at _Valencia_, I had an Opportunity of marching with those Dragoons, which escorted him from _Castile_, who had received Orders to march into _Murcia_. We quarter'd the first Night at _Alcira_, a Town that the River _Segra_ almost surrounds, which renders it capable of being made a Place of vast Strength, though now of small Importance.

The next Night we lay at _Xativa_, a Place famous for its steadiness to King _Charles_. General _Ba.s.set_, a _Spaniard_, being Governor; it was besieg'd by the Forces of King _Philip_; but after a n.o.ble Resistance, the Enemy were beat off, and the Siege raised; for which Effort, it is supposed, that on the Retirement of King _Charles_ out of this Country, it was depriv'd of its old Name _Xativa_, and is now called _San Felippo_; though to this day the People thereabouts much dissallow by their Practice, that novel Denomination.

We march'd next Morning by _Monteza_; which gives Name to the famous t.i.tle of Knights of _Monteza_. It was at the Time that Colonel _O Guaza_, an _Irish-man_, was Governor, besieg'd by the People of the Country, in favour of King _Charles_; but very ineffectually, so it never chang'd its Sovereign. That Night we quarter'd at _Fonte dalas Figuras_, within one League of _Almanza_; where that fatal and unfortunate Battle, which I shall give an Account of in its Place, was fought the Year after, under the Lord _Galway_.

On our fourth days March we were oblig'd to pa.s.s _Villena_, where the Enemy had a Garrison. A Party of _Mahoni's_ Dragoons made a part of that Garrison, and they were commanded by Major _O. Rairk_ an _Irish_ Officer, who always carried the Reputation of a good Soldier, and a brave Gentleman.

I had all along made it my Observation, that Captain _Matthews_, who commanded those Dragoons, that I march'd with, was a Person of much more Courage than Conduct; and he us'd as little Precaution here, though just marching under the Eye of the Enemy, as he had done at other Times. As I was become intimately acquainted with him, I rode up to him, and told him the Danger, which, in my Opinion, attended our present March. I pointed out to him just before _Villena_ a jutting Hill, under which we must unavoidably pa.s.s; at the turning whereof, I was apprehensive the Enemy might he, and either by Ambuscade or otherwise, surprize us; I therefore intreated we might either wait the coming of our Rear Guard; or at least march with a little more leisure and caution. But he taking little notice of all I said, kept on his round March; seeing which, I press'd forward my Mule, which was a very good one, and rid as fast as her Legs could carry her, till I had got on the top of the Hill. When I came there, I found both my Expectation, and my Apprehensions answered: For I could very plainly discern three Squadrons of the Enemy ready drawn up, and waiting for Us at the very winding of the Hill.

Hereupon I hastened back to the Captain with the like Speed, and told him the Discovery I had made; who nevertheless kept on his March, and it was with a good deal of Difficulty, that I at last prevail'd on him to halt, till our Rear Guard of twenty Men had got up to us. But those joining us, and a new Troop of _Spanish_ Dragoons, who had march'd towards us that Morning, appearing in Sight; our Captain, as if he was afraid of their rivalling him in his Glory, at the very turn of the Hill, rode in a full Gallop, with Sword in Hand, up to the Enemy. They stood their Ground, till we were advanc'd within two hundred Yards of them, and then in Confusion endeavoured to retire into the Town.

They were obliged to pa.s.s over a small Bridge, too small to admit of such a Company in so much haste; their crouding upon which obstructed their Retreat, and left all that could not get over, to the Mercy of our Swords, which spar'd none. However narrow as the Bridge was, Captain _Matthews_ was resolved to venture over after the Enemy; on doing which, the Enemy made a halt, till the People of the Town, and the very Priests came out to their Relief with fire Arms. On so large an Appearance, Captain _Matthews_ thought it not adviseable to make any further Advances; so driving a very great flock of Sheep from under the Walls, he continued his March towards _Elda_. In this Action we lost Captain _Topham_, and three Dragoons.

I remember we were not marched very far from the Place, where this Rencounter happen'd; when an _Irish_ Dragoon overtook the Captain, with a civil Message from Major _O Rairk_, desiring that he would not entertain a mean Opinion of him for the Defence that was made; since could he have got the _Spaniards_ to have stood their Ground, he should have given him good Reason for a better. The Captain return'd a complimental Answer, and so march'd on. This Major _O Rairk_, or _O Roork_, was the next Year killed at _Alkay_, being much lamented, for he was esteemed both for his Courage and Conduct, one of the best of the _Irish_ Officers in the _Spanish_ Service. I was likewise informed that he was descended from one of the ancient Kings of _Ireland_; the Mother of the honourable Colonel _Paget_, one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber to his present Majesty, was nearly related to this Gallant Gentleman.

One remarkable Thing I saw in that Action, which affected and surprised me; A _Scotch_ Dragoon, of but a moderate Size, with his large basket-hilted Sword, struck off a _Spaniard's_ Head at one stroke, with the same ease, in appearance, as a Man would do that of a Poppy.

When we came to _Elda_ (a Town much in the Interest of King _Charles_, and famous for its fine Situation, and the largest Grapes in _Spain_) the Inhabitants received us in a manner as handsome as it was peculiar; all standing at their Doors with lighted Torches; which considering the Time we enter'd was far from an unwelcome or disagreeable Sight.

The next Day several requested to be the Messengers of the Action at _Villena_ to the Earl of _Peterborow_ at _Alicant_; but the Captain return'd this Answer to all, that in consideration of the Share that I might justly claim in that Day's Transactions, he could not think of letting any other Person be the Bearer. So giving me his Letters to the Earl, I the next Day deliver'd them to him at _Alicant_. At the Delivery, Colonel _Killigrew_ (whose Dragoons they were) being present, he expressed a deal of Satisfaction at the Account, and his Lords.h.i.+p was pleased at the same time to appoint me sole Engineer of the Castle of _Alicant_.

Soon after which, that successful General embark'd for _Genoa_, according to the Resolutions of the Council of War at _Guadalaxara_, on a particular Commission from the Queen of _England_, another from _Charles_ King of _Spain_, and charged at the same time with a Request of the Marquiss _das Minas_, General of the _Portugueze_ Forces, to negotiate Bills for one hundred thousand Pounds for the use of his Troops. In all which, tho' he was (as ever) successful; yet may it be said without a figure, that his Departure, in a good measure, determin'd the Success of the confederate Forces in that Kingdom. True it is, the General return'd again with the fortunate, Fruits of those Negotiations; but never to act in his old auspicious Sphere: And therefore, as I am now to take leave of this fortunate General, let me do it with Justice, in an Appeal to the World, of the not to be parallel'd Usage (in these latter Ages, at least) that he met with for all his Services; such a vast variety of Enterprizes, all successful, and which had set all _Europe_ in amaze; Services that had given occasion to such solemn and public Thanksgivings in our Churches, and which had received such very remarkable Approbations, both of Sovereign and Parliament; and which had been represented in so lively a Manner, in a Letter wrote by the King _of Spain_, under his own Hand, to the Queen of _England_, and communicated to both Houses in the Terms following:

Madam, my Sister,

I should not have been so long e'er I did my self the Honour to repeat the a.s.surances of my sincere Respects to you, had I not waited for the good Occasion which I now acquaint you with, that the City of _Barcelona_ is surrendered to me by Capitulation. I doubt not but you will receive this great News with intire Satisfaction, as well, because this happy Success is the Effect of your Arms, always glorious, as from the pure Motives of that Bounty and maternal Affection you have for me, and for every Thing which may contribute to the Advancement of my Interest.

I must do this Justice to all the Officers and common Soldiers, and particularly to my Lord _Peterborow_, that he has shown in this whole Expedition, a Constancy, Bravery, and Conduct, worthy of the Choice that your Majesty has made of him, and that he could no ways give me better Satisfaction than he has, by the great Zeal and Application, which he has equally testified for my Interest, and for the Service of my Person.

I owe the same Justice to Brigadier _Stanhope_, for his great Zeal, Vigilance, and very wise Conduct, which he has given Proofs of upon all Occasions: As also to all your Officers of the Fleet, particularly to your worthy Admiral _Shovel_, a.s.suring your Majesty, that he has a.s.sisted me in this Expedition, with an inconceivable Readiness and Application, and that no Admiral will be ever better able to render me greater Satisfaction, than he has done. During the Siege of _Barcelona_, some of your Majesty's s.h.i.+ps, with the a.s.sistance of the Troops of the Country, have reduc'd the Town of _Tarragona_, and the officers are made Prisoners of War. The Town of _Girone_ has been taken at the same time by Surprize, by the Troops of the Country. The Town of _Lerida_ has submitted, as also that of _Tortosa_ upon the _Ebro_; so that we have taken all the Places of _Catalonia_, except _Roses_. Some Places in _Aragon_ near _Sarrogosa_ have declared for me, and the Garrison of the Castle of _Denia_ in _Valencia_ have maintained their Post, and repulsed the Enemy; 400 of the Enemies Cavalry have enter'd into our Service, and a great number of their Infantry have deserted.

This, Madam, is the State that your Arms, and the Inclination of the People have put my Affairs in. It is unnecessary to tell you what stops the Course of these Conquests, it is not the Season of the Year, nor the Enemy; these are no Obstacles to your Troops, who desire nothing more than to act under the Conduct that your Majesty has appointed them. The taking of Barcelona, with so small a Number of Troops, is very remarkable; and what has been done in this Siege is almost without Example; that with seven or eight thousand Men of your Troops, and two hundred Miquelets, we should surround and invest a Place, that thirty thousand _French_ could not block up.

After a March of thirteen Hours, the Troops climb'd up the Rocks and Precipices, to attack a Fortification stronger than the Place, which the Earl of _Peterborow_ has sent you a Plan of; two Generals, with the Grenadiers, attack'd it Sword in Hand. In which Action the Prince of _Hesse_ died gloriously, after so many brave Actions: I hope his Brother and his Family will always have your Majesty's Protection. With eight hundred Men they forc'd the cover'd Way, and all the Intrenchments and Works, one after another, till they came to the last Work which surrounded it, against five hundred Men of regular Troops which defended the Place, and a Reinforcement they had receiv'd; and three Days afterwards we became Masters of the Place. We afterwards attack'd the Town on the Side of the Castle. We landed again our Cannon, and the other Artillery, with inconceivable Trouble, and form'd two Camps, distant from each other three Leagues, against a Garrison almost as numerous as our Army, whose Cavalry was double the Strength of ours. The first Camp was so well intrench'd, that 'twas defended by two thousand Men and the Dragoons; whilst we attack'd the Town with the rest of our Troops. The Breach being made, we prepar'd to make a general a.s.sault with all the Army. These are Circ.u.mstances, Madam, which distinguish this Action, perhaps, from all others.

Here has happen'd an unforeseen Accident. The Cruelty of the pretended Viceroy, and the Report spread abroad, that he would take away the Prisoners, contrary to the Capitulation, provok'd the Burghers, and some of the Country People, to take up Arms against the Garrison, whilst they were busy in packing up their Baggage, which was to be sent away the next Day; so that every thing tended to Slaughter: But your Majesty's Troops, entering into Town with the Earl of _Peterborow_, instead of seeking Pillage, a Practice common upon such Occasions, appeas'd the Tumult, and have say'd the Town, and even the Lives of their Enemies, with a Discipline and Generosity without Example.

What remains is, that I return you my most hearty Thanks for sending so great a Fleet, and such good and valiant Troops to my a.s.sistance. After so happy a Beginning, I have thought it proper, according to the Sentiments of your Generals and Admirals, to support, by my Presence, the Conquests that we have made; and to shew my Subjects, so affectionate to my Person, that I cannot abandon them. I receive such succours from your Majesty, and from your generous Nation, that I am loaded with your Bounties; and am not a little concern'd to think that the Support of my Interest should cause so great an Expence. But, Madam, I sacrifice my Person, and my Subjects in Catalonia expose also their Lives and Fortunes, upon the a.s.surances they have of your Majesty's generous Protection. Your Majesty and your Council knows better than we do, what is necessary for our Conservation. We shall then expect your Majesty's Succours, with an entire Confidence in your Bounty and Wisdom.

A further Force is necessary: We give no small Diversion to _France_, and without doubt they will make their utmost Efforts against me as soon as possible; but I am satisfy'd, that the same Efforts will be made by my Allies to defend me. Your Goodness, Madam, inclines you, and your Power enables you, to support those that the Tyranny of France would oppress. All that I can insinuate to your Wisdom, and that of your Allies, is, that the Forces employ'd in this Country will not be unprofitable to the public Good, but will be under an Obligation and Necessity to act with the utmost Vigour against the Enemy. I am,

With an inviolable Affection, Respect, and most Sincere Acknowledgment, Madam, my Sister, Your most affectionate Brother, CHARLES.

And yet, after all, was this n.o.ble General not only recall'd, the Command of the Fleet taken from him, and that of the Army given to my Lord _Galway_, without a.s.signment of Cause; but all Manner of Falsities were industriously spread abroad, not only to dimish, if they could, his Reputation, but to bring him under Accusations of a malevolent Nature. I can hardly imagine it necessary here to take Notice, that afterward he disprov'd all those idle Calumnies and ill-invented Rumours; or to mention what Compliments he receiv'd, in the most solemn Manner, from his Country, upon a full Examination and thorough canva.s.sing of his Actions in the House of Lords. But this is too notorious to be omitted, That all Officers coming from _Spain_ were purposely intercepted in their Way to _London_, and craftily examin'd upon all the idle Stories which had pa.s.s'd tending to lessen his Character: And when any Officers had a.s.serted the Falsity of those Inventions (as they all did, except a military Sweetner or two) and that there was no Possibility of laying any thing amiss to the Charge of that General--they were told, that they ought to be careful however, not to speak advantagiously of that Lord's Conduct, unless they were willing to fall Martyrs in his Cause--A Thing scarce to be credited even in a popish Country. But _Scipio_ was accus'd--tho' (as my Author finely observes) by Wretches only known to Posterity by that stupid Accusation.

As a mournful Valediction, before I enter upon any new Scene, the Reader will pardon this melancholy Expostulation. How mortifying must it be to an _Englishman_, after he has found himself solac'd with a Relation of so many surprising Successes of her Majesty's Arms, under the Earl of _Peterborow_; Successes that have lay'd before our Eyes Provinces and Kingdoms reduc'd, and Towns and Fortresses taken and reliev'd; where we have seen a continu'd Series of happy Events, the Fruits of Conduct and Vigilance; and Caution and Foresight preventing Dangers that were held, at first View, certain and unsurmountable: to change this glorious Landskip, I say, for Scenes every way different, even while our Troops were as numerous as the Enemy, and better provided, yet always baffled and beaten, and flying before the Enemy till fatally ruin'd in the Battle of _Almanza_: How mortifying must this be to any Lover of his Country! But I proceed to my Memoirs.

_ALICANT_ is a Town of the greatest Trade of any in the Kingdom of _Valencia_, having a strong Castle, being situated on a high Hill, which commands both Town and Harbour. In this Place I resided a whole Year; but it was soon after my first Arrival, that Major _Collier_ (who was shot in the Back at _Barcelona_, as I have related in the Siege of that Place) hearing of me, sought me out at my Quarters; and, after a particular Enquiry into the Success of that difficult Task that he left me upon, and my answering all his Questions to satisfaction (all which he receiv'd with evident Pleasure) he threw down a Purse of Pistoles upon the Table; which I refusing, he told me, in a most handsome Manner, his Friends.h.i.+p was not to be preserved but by my accepting it.

After I had made some very necessary Repairs, I pursu'd the Orders I had receiv'd from the Earl of _Peterborow_, to go upon the erecting a new Battery between the Castle and the Town. This was a Task attended with Difficulties, neither few in Number, nor small in Consequence; for it was to be rais'd upon a great Declivity, which must render the Work both laborious and precarious. However, I had the good Fortune to effect it much sooner than was expected; and it was call'd _Gorge's_ Battery, from the Name of the Governor then commanding; who, out of an uncommon Profusion of Generosity, wetted that Piece of Gossiping with a distinguis.h.i.+ng Bowl of Punch. Brigadier _Bougard_, when he saw this Work some time after, was pleas'd to honour it with a singular Admiration and Approbation, for its Compleatness, notwithstanding its Difficulties.

This Work, and the Siege of _Cartagena_, then in our Possession, by the Duke of _Berwick_, brought the Lord _Galway_ down to this place.

_Cartagena_ is of so little Distance from _Alicant_, that we could easily hear the Cannon playing against, and from it, in our Castle, where I then was. And I remember my Lord _Galway_, on the fourth Day of the Siege, sending to know if I could make any useful Observations, as to the Success of it; I return'd, that I was of Opinion the Town was surrender'd, from the sudden Cessation of the Cannon, which, by our News next Day from the Place, prov'd to be fact. _Cartagena_ is a small Sea-Port Town in _Murcia_; but has so good an Harbour, that when the famous Admiral _Doria_ was ask'd, which were the three best Havens in the _Mediterranean_, he readily return'd, _June, July_, and _Cartagena_.

Upon the Surrender of this Place, a Detachment of Foot was sent by the Governor, with some Dragoons, to _Elsha_; but it being a Place of very little Strength they were soon made Prisoners of War.

The Siege of _Cartagena_ being over, the Lord _Galway_ return'd to his Camp; and the Lord _Duncannon_ dying in _Alicant_, the first Guns that were fir'd from _Gorge's_ Battery, were the Minute-Guns for his Funeral.

His Regiment had been given to the Lord _Montandre_, who lost it before he had Possession, by an Action as odd as it was scandalous.

That Regiment had received Orders to march to the Lord _Galway's_ Camp, under the Command of their Lieutenant-Colonel _Bateman_, a Person before reputedly a good Officer, tho' his Conduct here gave People, not invidious, too much Reason to call it in Question. On his March, he was so very careless and negligent (though he knew himself in a Country surrounded with Enemies, and that he was to march through a Wood, where they every Day made their Appearance in great Numbers) that his Soldiers march'd with their Muskets slung at their Backs, and went one after another (as necessity had forc'd us to do in _Scotland_) himself at the Head of 'em, in his Chaise, riding a considerable way before.

It happened there was a Captain, with threescore Dragoons, detach'd from the Duke of _Berwick's_ Army, with a Design to intercept some Cash, that was order'd to be sent to Lord _Galway's_ Army from _Alicant_. This Detachment, missing of that intended Prize, was returning very disconsolately, _Re infecta_; when their Captain, observing that careless and disorderly March of the _English_, resolv'd, boldly enough, to attack them in the Wood. To that Purpose he secreted his little Party behind a great Barn; and so soon as they were half pa.s.sed by, he falls upon 'em in the Center with his Dragoons, cutting and slas.h.i.+ng at such a violent Rate, that he soon dispersed the whole Regiment, leaving many dead and wounded upon the Spot. The three Colours were taken; and the gallant Lieutenant-Colonel taken out of his Chaise, and carried away Prisoner with many others; only one Officer who was an Ensign, and so bold as to do his Duty, was kill'd.

The Lieutenant who commanded the Granadiers, received the Alarm time enough to draw his Men into a House in their way; where he bravely defended himself for a long Time; but being killed, the rest immediately surrender'd. The Account of this Action I had from the Commander of the Enemy's Party himself, some Time after, while I was a Prisoner. And Captain _Mahoni_, who was present when the News was brought, that a few _Spanish_ Dragoons had defeated an _English_ Regiment, which was this under _Bateman_, protested to me, that the Duke of _Berwick_ turn'd pale at the Relation; and when they offer'd to bring the Colours before him, he would not so much as see them. A little before the Duke went to Supper, _Bateman_ himself was brought to him, but the Duke turn'd away from him without any further Notice than coldly saying, that _he thought he was very strangely taken_. The Wags of the Army made a thorough jest of him, and said his military Conduct was of a piece with his Oeconomy, having two Days before this March, sent his young handsome Wife into _England_, under the Guards.h.i.+p of the young Chaplain of the Regiment.

_April_ 15. In the Year 1707, being _Easter Monday_, we had in the Morning a flying Report in _Alicant_, that there had been the Day before a Battle at _Almanza_, between the Army under the Command of the Duke of _Berwick_, and that of the _English_, under Lord _Galway_, in which the latter had suffer'd an entire Defeat. We at first gave no great Credit to it: But, alas, we were too soon woefully convinced of the Truth of it, by Numbers that came flying to us from the conquering Enemy. Then indeed we were satisfied of Truths, too difficult before to be credited.

But as I was not present in that calamitous Battle, I shall relate it, as I received it from an Officer then in the Duke's Army.

To bring the Lord _Galway_ to a Battle, in a Place most commodious for his purpose, the Duke made use of this Stratagem: He ordered two _Irishmen_, both Officers, to make their way over to the Enemy as Deserters; putting this Story in their Mouths, that the Duke of _Orleans_ was in a full March to join the Duke of _Berwick_ with twelve thousand Men; that this would be done in two Days, and that then they would find out the Lord _Galway_, and force him to Fight, where-ever they found him.

Lord _Galway_, who at this Time lay before _Villena_, receiving this Intelligence from those well instructed Deserters, immediately rais'd the Siege; with a Resolution, by a hasty March, to force the Enemy to Battle, before the Duke of _Orleans_ should be able to join the Duke of _Berwick_. To effect this, after a hard March of three long _Spanish_ Leagues in the heat of the Day; he appears a little after Noon in the face of the Enemy with his fatigu'd Forces. Glad and rejoyc'd at the Sight, for he found his Plot had taken; _Berwick_, the better to receive him, draws up his Army in a half Moon, placing at a pretty good Advance three Regiments to make up the Centre, with express Order, nevertheless, to retreat at the very first Charge. All which was punctually observ'd, and had its desired Effect; For the three Regiments, at the first Attack gave way, and seemingly fled towards their Camp; the _English_, after their customary Manner, pursuing them with Shouts and Hollowings. As soon as the Duke of _Berwick_ perceiv'd his Trap had taken, he order'd his right and left Wings to close; by which Means, he at once cut off from the rest of their Army all those who had so eagerly pursu'd the imaginary Runaways. In short, the Rout was total, and the most fatal Blow that ever the _English_ receiv'd during the whole War with _Spain_.

Nor, as it is thought, with a great probability of Reason, had those Troops that made their Retreat to the Top of the Hills, under Major General _Shrimpton_, met with any better Fate than those on the Plain, had the _Spaniards_ had any other General in the Command than the Duke of _Berwick_; whose native Sympathy gave a check to the Ardour of a victorious Enemy. And this was the sense of the _Spaniards_ themselves after the Battle. Verifying herein that n.o.ble Maxim, _That Victory to generous Minds is only an Inducement to Moderation_.

The Day after this fatal Battle (which gave occasion to a _Spanish_ piece of Wit, _that the English General had routed the French_) the Duke of _Orleans_ did arrive indeed in the Camp, but with an Army of only fourteen Attendants.

The fatal Effects of this Battle were soon made visible, and to none more than those in _Alicant_. The Enemy grew every Day more and more troublesome; visiting us in Parties more boldly than before: and often hovering about us so very near, that with our Cannon we could hardly teach 'em to keep a proper Distance. _Gorge_ the Governor of _Alicant_ being recall'd into _England_, Major General _Richards_ was by King _Charles_ appointed Governor in his Place. He was a Roman Catholick, and very much belov'd by the Natives on that Account; tho' to give him his due, he behaved himself extremely well in all other Respects. It was in his Time, that a Design was laid of surprising _Guardamere_, a small Sea-port Town, in _Murcia_: But the military Bishop (for he was in a literal Sense excellent _tam Marte, quam Mercurio_, among his many others Exploits), by a timely Expedition, prevented that.

Governor _Richards_, my Post being always in the Castle, had sent to desire me to give notice whenever I saw any Parties of the Enemy moving.

Pursuant to this Order, discovering one Morning a considerable body of Horse towards _Elsha_, I went down into the Town, and told the Governor what I had seen; and without any delay he gave his Orders, that a Captain with threescore Men should attend me to an old House about a Mile distance. As soon as we had got into it, I set about barricading all the open Places, and Avenues, and put my Men in a Posture ready to receive an Enemy, as soon as he should appear; upon which the Captain, as a feint, ordered a few of his men to shew themselves on a rising Ground just before the House. But we had like to have caught a Tartar: For tho' the Enemy took the Train I had laid, and on sight of our small Body on the Hill, sent a Party from their greater Body to intercept them, before they could reach the Town; yet the Sequel prov'd, we had mistaken their Number and it soon appeared to be much greater than we at first imagin'd. However our Out-scouts, as I may call 'em, got safe into the House; and on the Appearance of the Party, we let fly a full Volly, which laid dead on the Spot three Men and one Horse. Hereupon the whole Body made up to the House, but stood a-loof upon the Hill without reach of our Shot. We soon saw our Danger from the number of the Enemy: And well for us it was, that the watchful Governor had taken notice of it, as well as we in the House. For observing us surrounded with the Enemy, and by a Power so much superior, he marched himself with a good part of the Garrison to our Relief. The Enemy stood a little time as if they would receive 'em; but upon second thoughts they retir'd; and to our no little Joy left us at Liberty to come out of the House and join the Garrison.

Scarce a Day pa.s.s'd but we had some visits of the like kind attended sometimes with Rencounters of this Nature; in so much that there was hardly any stirring out in Safety for small Parties, tho' never so little away. There was within a little Mile of the Town, an old Vineyard, environed with a loose stone Wall: An Officer and I made an Agreement to ride thither for an Airing. We did so, and after a little riding, it came into my Head to put a Fright upon the Officer. And very lucky for us both was that unlucky Thought of mine; pretending to see a Party of the Enemy make up to us, I gave him the Alarm, set Spurs to my Horse, and rid as fast as Legs could carry me. The Officer no way bated of his Speed; and we had scarce got out of the Vineyard but my Jest prov'd Earnest, twelve of the Enemy's Horse pursuing us to the very Gates of the Town. Nor could I ever after prevail upon my Fellow-Traveller to believe that he ow'd his Escape to Merriment more than Speed.

Soon after my Charge, as to the Fortifications, was pretty well over, I obtain'd Leave of the Governor to be absent for a Fortnight, upon some Affairs of my own at _Valencia_. On my Return from whence, at a Town call'd _Venissa_, I met two Officers of an _English_ Regiment, going to the Place from whence I last came. They told me, after common Congratulations, that they had left Major _Boyd_, at a little Place call'd _Capel_, hiring another Mule, that he rode on thither having tir'd and fail'd him; desiring withal, that if I met him, I would let him know that they would stay for him at that Place. I had another Gentleman in my Company, and we had travell'd on not above a League further, whence, at a little Distance, we were both surpriz'd with a Sight that seem'd to have set all Art at defiance, and was too odd for any thing in Nature. It appear'd all in red, and to move; but so very slowly, that if we had not made more way to that than it did to us, we should have made it a Day's Journey before we met it. My Companion could as little tell what to make of it as I; and, indeed, the nearer it came the more monstrous it seem'd, having nothing of the Tokens of Man, either Walking, Riding, or in any Posture whatever. At last, coming up with this strange Figure of a Creature (for now we found it was certainly such) what, or rather who, should it prove to be, but Major _Boyd_? He was a Person of himself far from one of the least Proportion, and mounted on a poor little a.s.s, with all his warlike Accoutrements upon it, you will allow must make a Figure almost as odd as one of the old _Centaurs_. The Morocco Saddle that cover'd the a.s.s was of Burden enough for the Beast without its Master; and the additional Holsters and Pistols made it much more weighty. Nevertheless, a Curb Bridle of the largest Size cover'd his little Head, and a long red Cloak, hanging down to the Ground, cover'd Jackboots, a.s.s, Master and all. In short, my Companion and I, after we could specifically declare it to be a Man, agreed we never saw a Figure so comical in all our Lives. When we had merrily greeted our Major (for a _Cynick_ could not have forborn Laughter) He excus'd all as well as he could, by saying he could get no other Beast. After which, delivering our Message, and condoling with him for his present Mounting, and wis.h.i.+ng him better at his next Quarters, he settled into his old Pace, and we into ours, and parted.

We lay that Night at _Altea_, famous for its Bay for s.h.i.+ps to water at.

It stands on a high Hill; and is adorn'd, not defended, with an old Fort.

Thence we came to _Alicant_, where having now been a whole Year, and having effected what was held necessary, I once more prevail'd upon the Governor to permit me to take another Journey. The Lord _Galway_ lay at _Tarraga_, while _Lerida_ lay under the Siege of the Duke of _Orleans_; and having some Grounds of Expectation given me, while he was at _Alicant_, I resolv'd at least to demonstrate I was still living. The Governor favour'd me with Letters, not at all to my Disadvantage; so taking s.h.i.+p for _Barcelona_, just at our putting into the Harbour, we met with the _English_ Fleet, on its Return from the Expedition to _Toulon_ under Sir _Cloudsly Shovel_.

Military Memoirs of Capt. George Carleton Part 7

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