The Merworld Water Wars - Finned Part 20

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"Take me where?"

"To the annual Fair Weather Fair on the beach of Hambury House. It's only for Merpeople. Normals aren't invited. But, I think it's time we make a statement."

"What might that be?" I asked.

"That we're for real. Bringing you to a merps-only event should do the trick," he said.

"What about Katrina's vow to smite me?" I asked in a mock-scary voice. "I thought you were scared to let me go anywhere near her and her faction."

"First of all, I'm not scared, Marina. Very little frightens me. Second, I'll be with you. And third, I'll make sure we don't take unnecessary risks."

"What does that mean?" I said, eyeing him.

"It means we won't ride any scary rides."

"What?! No roller coasters or fun things that go way up in the air and twist and turn and make you wanna puke?"

"Not a one. We won't be taking a ride on any roller coasters, and definitely no airborne rides. Far too many chances for Katrina to issue her smite."

"Where's the fun in that?" I griped. "We'll be two dorks on the baby rides."

"There aren't any baby rides in our world. Just think of them as relaxing rides."

"Old people rides, then." I stuck my lips out as far as they would go.

"Look at you pout!" He placed his fingers under my chin, tilted my head up, and kissed me. "I'm not tempting fate."



"Not that I really care, but what is a smite?"

He swallowed hard before answering. "It means she vows to kill you using the most painful, gruesome means imaginable. I should have told you sooner. If I had, maybe you wouldn't take Katrina so lightly."

"I knew she hated me, and I knew she could hurt me, but I never thought she'd ma.s.sacre me, Texas-chompin'-chainsaw style," I said, clutching the counter. "Is that what triggered those orb-y things you, Airi, and Bobby created in your hands?"

He nodded. "The orbs are called storm swells. The greater the number of merps creating them, the larger they become. Storm swells encase an enemy, forcing them to fight against the worst storm imaginable. It's unlike any storm humans have ever seen. Only two merps are known to have survived a storm swell-my father and Katrina's father."

"So, you can make the storm swells outside of the water?"

"You know how some of our abilities remain for a certain amount of time after our skin last touches the sea?"

"Like silver snow."

"Exactly. Even though Bobby and Airi didn't have remnants of the sea on their skin, I was able to stimulate their ability to create the swells that night because I had just been in the water. I'm kinda strong."

"So you're a super strong sailor man, sans the squinty eye," I teased.

"And I don't even need to eats me slimy spinach, I'm Tombolo the mer-merman," he sang with a squinty eye.

"Toot, toot. And you say I'm the one who doesn't miss a beat?"

"What can I say? You keep me on my toes...and fin tip. There's something else you should know, Marina. When a merperson vows to smite thee, it means he or she will not rest until they have succeeded. This is why I've been so careful with you since that night. Carelessness is not something either of us can afford. You look pale. Maybe we shouldn't go tonight."

"I'm always pale, practically translucent. Ghosts are my extended family. Besides, I want to go. I won't let her win, Troy. I promise not to take her lightly, but I also won't walk on sand dollars around her. The momentum must stay with us, like in football. The team that scores before halftime always has the momentum. Right now, we're even."

"I love it when you talk dirty," he said, grinning mischievously.

"Then you should love when I say...I'm going to score first," I said, slowly inching closer to his lips.

"You drive me crazy," he breathed.

After a brief make-out session, we hopped in his truck and took off for the Fair Weather Fair at Hambury House. Night had fallen by the time we arrived. The sky behind the grand old manor glowed from the many rides and attractions.

"Marina!" squealed Airianna. She rushed over to me with Bobby close behind.

"Hi, sweetie!" I said, returning her hug. "Here with Bobby? Thought he drove you crazy?"

"Well, he's nice and doesn't treat me like I'm stupid," she said, blus.h.i.+ng. "Those traits can go a long way. Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know, cras.h.i.+ng the Fish Fair." Thank G.o.d Airianna and Troy understood my humor. Anyone else would have been totally, like Bobby.

"I'll have you know this 'Fish Fair' is a long standing tradition for our people. For generations, our forefathers delivered thy bounty to each-"

"Bobby, she was only joking," said Airianna, placing a hand on his forearm.

The instant she touched him, his whole body turned to jelly. His cheeks flushed pink as he let out a shy giggle. "Sincerest apologies, Marina. I tend to forget you are an exception to the teachings of our elders."

"Bobby grew up in a very conservative family," said Airianna.

"Nah, I don't believe it," I said, smirking.

"It's true, I'm afraid. My family has never been tolerant of Normals. But, I'm not my family, and I'm fond of you and your American-isms!"

"Aw, you're sweet in a finicky, textbook kind of way. I like that about you, Bobby. Now, who's up for a ride?" I asked.

"Nothing scary," said Troy.

"Oh, good. I'm not one for the robust rides," squeaked Bobby, rolling his "R's."

"Let's just walk around and ride-shop, see what we'd like to do first," offered Airianna.

As we sauntered along, I realized the majority of rides were solely for merps. Your fin must be this long to ride adorned every ride's entry sign. Merps, young and old, entered and exited rides fully clothed; it was a different story altogether while they were in the ride. For example, in The Loch Ness Nest ride, merps must swim past the real Loch Ness Monster and retrieve a sword from her nest. Once they have the sword, they stab a dummy Loch Ness Monster to win some sort of prize. In Waterspout Wilma, they have to defeat all sorts of sea monsters, grab a golden seahorse, and exit before the tips of their fins touch the bottom of the ride.

"I can see why this is a merp-only fair of festive fin fun," I muttered in awe.

"There are still some rides for you, I promise," said Troy, pulling me close.

"Did you know, Marina, that each ride was designed and built by either a Fairhair or Ravenflame family?" said Bobby.

"I didn't know that, my little dictionary with limbs and fin friend. Reckon we should stick to Fairhair rides, then?" I asked Troy.

Smirking, he replied, "Probably smart. Bobby, can you find us a nice, calm Fairhair-designed ride?"

"Unfortunately, there is only one such ride," he said, pointing to something that looked very much like a carousel. "Not too different from the Normal's interpretation, I'm sorry to say. The creatures you will ride are enhanced to seem real, though."

"And they don't just move up and down," said Airianna. "They go sideways and diagonal. It's actually pretty cool."

"Let's do it!" I said, eager to try anything otherworldly.

"Off to ride the baby ride, Marina." Katrina and her gang looked menacing. Dressed in all black with silver chains dripping down their sides, they sauntered up to us. "Did you remember your diaper?"

"Television show. Don't You Dare Wear. Trendy Threads Channel. Apply," I said.

Katrina blew me a kiss, waved, and then guided the lot of them out of sight.

"Do you think we should get Marina out of here, Troy?" asked Airianna.

"No. No fear," I said.

"We'll carousel it once and leave," said Troy.

"What about some yummy fair food?" I whined.

"Oh, I don't think you'd like anything here, Marina," said Airianna cautiously.

"Why not?"

"There's a reason we haven't gotten you anywhere near the food," said Troy.

"It's all fish, isn't it?" I said. "Duh."

"There are some lovely barbeque crab racks, corn-fish on a stick, cotton candy catfish..." offered Bobby.

"She's turning green. Get her on the ride," said Airianna, taking my hand. "Now, the dolphins are the gentlest animals. Here, you take this one, Marina."

I climbed upon a small, sweet-faced dolphin with wide eyes. "He looks and feels so real!"

Troy, amused, sat atop a seahorse next to me. Airianna selected a manatee on the other side of me, while Bobby opted for a gloomy little turtle opposite Troy. When the ride began, salty sea droplets fell against my lips, and cool breezes caressed my cheeks. The sensation reminded me of riding a small wave. I closed my eyes and indulged my senses with everything I once thought was simply fairy tale fodder. But soon, a different breeze slapped against my face, and the sound of the ocean grew very near.

My serenity quickly vanished when I opened my eyes, and in its place grew terror. All of the realistic sea creatures had hopped off the ride and were now carrying us towards the sea. I frantically looked around for Troy. He was just a few paces behind my little dolphin. Without warning, my dolphin stopped, and within seconds, everyone else joined me. When I allowed myself to comprehend the scene, I nearly vomited. There we were atop our stoic sea creature rides, floating in a perfect line, all facing the sea.

"Troy," whispered Airianna, "it's a standoff."

"I know."

I could hear Bobby heaving into a paper bag.

"Standoff? Like the let's play pretend war kind?" I asked.

"More like the draw your weapons kind. When a threat gets summoned from the sea, all creatures, both real and fas.h.i.+oned, are called to duty."

"Something's coming, Marina, and we'll have to fight it," Airianna clarified.

I really wanted Bobby's paper bag.

"Could this be Katrina's smite, Troy?" asked Airianna.

"No doubt."

"How about adopting the run for your life mentality? Just a simple-minded, gutless thought," I said.

"Normally, gutless would be the smart option, but we can't move from our rides. I've already tried. The only weapon we have is our brain."

"That's highly uncomforting, emphasis on the 'un.' Anyone else smell the stink of rapidly approaching death?" I whispered.

"I won't let anything happen to you," Troy said, taking my hand.

As soon as he touched me, I heard a roar unlike any other coming from the dark sea. Wis.h.i.+ng I could see something, anything, I leaned forward on my little dolphin. When I did, I sailed headfirst into the sand.

"Here's a totally unique response to falling on one's head...dang it and double ouch!"

"MARINA MOVE!" Troy screamed.

I heard skittering behind me. Without looking back, I scrambled up and ran for the manor. I could hear the merps and their animal rides charging ahead, trying to fight whatever came for me.

I crashed to the ground when something wet snaked through my legs and dragged me backwards. "It hurts!" I screamed. Sand buried itself beneath my nails as I tried to cling to anything that might keep me from flying into the mouth of the creature I was too afraid to face.

When I reached for a large boulder, my hands hooked the edge and flipped me around to face my nemesis. Looking down upon me was a ma.s.sive crab, its s.h.i.+ny pincers snapping furiously across the top of my body. Troy, Airianna, and Bobby fought to reach me, but the creature had other a.s.sets: slick chord-like tentacles with thorns on the tips, the very same wound tightly around my legs, holding me in place.

It played with me like food. I twisted and rolled from right to left, trying to dodge the pincers. As I did, I spotted Katrina, watching with glee.

"I won't let you win," I growled. "YOU WANT ME? COME AND GET ME! COME ON!" I stayed perfectly still and waited.

"MARINA! NO!" Troy's voice cracked.

"DO IT!" I shouted at the creature, slamming my fists on the sand.

The creature obliged, sending its pincers down for one final snap. Arching my back, I urged my legs upwards. Implementing my one year of gymnastics training, I flipped over, and the pincers sliced through the tentacles around my legs. Piercing screams came from the monster's underbelly where, to my horror, a smaller, more agile crab-beast emerged, diving straight for me.

I ripped the lifeless tentacles off my legs, the tiny thorns taking bits of my skin with them, and fled, but something was wrong. My legs felt heavy, and my knees wouldn't bend. The thorns must have had poison in them. I could hear the smaller beast nearing. I couldn't outrun it. Its breath brushed against my heels. Just when I thought all was over, my little dolphin ride slipped underneath me and carried me towards Hambury House.

"Thanks, little one," I said, patting him on the head. He looked up at me with so much pride.

I had to find Troy. Looking behind me, I screamed, "No. No. NOOOOOOO!"

A long tentacle shot out from the smaller crab and stabbed my little dolphin in the stomach. With terror-filled eyes, my dolphin soared towards the crab, leaving me flying irresistibly forward. I was going to slam headlong into the mansion. I tried to turn and find Troy; I didn't want the last thing I ever saw in this world to be a solid wall. Though I did find him, desperately racing for me, something else caught my eye.

The Merworld Water Wars - Finned Part 20

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