Catholic Problems in Western Canada Part 16

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6. Decide on Committees.-Their number and matters to be trusted to them.

7. Sub-committees can be appointed for publicity, information, reception (ceremonies), invitations, billeting.

8. Appointment of Permanent Secretary... .

N.B.-In a work of this nature it is the quiet, silent, well-thought-out preparatory work that counts. The distribution of the work (papers-speakers-leaders) is the secret of genuine success.

Therefore, to make a Congress a success, we need:

1. Clearly defined programme.-(What do we want to do?)

2. Compact and efficient organization.-(How is it going to be done?)

3. Competent and reliable leaders.-(Who is going to do it?)

Foresight, energy, decision-should mark out the leaders;

Foresight will give the vision.

Energy will give the will.

Decision will push to action.

II-Suggestive Programme.

1. Committee on "Education":

1. Our Primary Schools.-Their legal status-their efficiency?

Our teaching staff? Bureau for Catholic teachers.

2. Higher Education.-Catholic Colleges: their standing-Catholic University-Affiliation to State Universities?

3. Sunday School.-Teaching of Catechism-in our separate schools-in spa.r.s.ely settled countries? Lay Cathechists?

2. Committee on "Catholic Missions."

1. Home Missions.-Church Extension.-What co-operation are we giving? Needs of the West: Men and money.

2. Foreign Missions.-Propagation of Faith.-Holy Childhood.

3. What are we doing for non-Catholics?

4. The Missions (parochial).

5. Priestly and religious vocations.

3. Committee on "Press and Catholic Literature."

1. Catholic Newspapers.-(Their policy.-Their circulation.) Vigour in policy and extensiveness in circulation: two essential conditions for success.

2. Work and establishment of Catholic Truth Society.

3. Catholic circulating libraries for cities, countries. (Example of same, under care of Saskatchewan Government.)

4. Committee on "Public Morality."

1. Divorce-Race-suicide.

2. Theatres-Moving pictures.-(More severe censors.h.i.+p.)

3. Eugenics?

4. Venereal diseases?

5. Committee on "Social Action."

1. Immigration-Reception and direction of Catholic Immigrants at ports of St. John and Halifax and intermediate points. Care of foreigners (leakage).

2. Colonization?

3. Young Men's a.s.sociation-on Y.M.C.A. lines. Young Girls' a.s.sociation-on Y.W.C.A. lines-Girls' homes.

6. Committee on "Public Charities."

Children's Aid-Orphanages-Free Kindergartens-Day-nurseries-Juvenile Courts-Preventive and curative work.

7. Committee on "Labour Problem."

Labour Unions-Living wage-Child labour-Care of girl-workers, etc.

N.B.-The great point to elucidate in these matters is: Must we, and how far can we, co-operate with non-Catholic bodies? This is a very important point, far reaching in its consequences.

8. Committee on "Resolutions."

"The resolutions are to embody the fruit of the collective experience and deliberations of the Congress. They will remain then as the profession of Catholic conviction and go far to create public opinion on the questions of the day." (Fr. Plater.)

And indeed, public discussion awakens new thoughts, gives various views of a topic, suggests practical conclusions, expedient measures. It is the crystallizing process of all the activities of the Congress.

III-After the Congress.

The good results of a Congress are made permanent by the establishment of:

1. A permanent Committee of Clergy and laity-who meet occasionally to stimulate or check activities of the body at large.

2. A Vigilance Committee:

(a) On legislation.-To watch and initiate legislation-for different Provinces.

(b) On press.

(c) On social work.

Catholic Problems in Western Canada Part 16

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