Dominion From Sea To Sea Part 16

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Epigraph from G.o.dkin quoted in Healy (1970), 218; G.o.dkin was the editor of the Nation.

i. Braudel (1995), x763.

z. Starr (2004), 10, 23-25; Starr (1997), 288.

3. Starr (2004),156-69.

4. Eperjesi (2005),14.

5. See, for example, Takas.h.i.+ Inoguchi, "Why Is There No Asian Theory of International Relations? The Case of j.a.pan," July 12, 2005, paper provided to me by Professor Inoguchi.

6. Jamie Court, "Eastie Editors Are Colonizing L.A.," Los Angeles Times (April 24, zoo5), p. M2.

7. Katzenstein (2005), 234.

8. Jonnes (2004); Brinkley (2003); Gordon (2004); Igler (2001), 8-9, 181; Williams (1961).

9. McDougall (1993), it, 699, 703.

io. Duus (2004),7- ii. Frank (1998), 277, 319.

12. Arrighi et al. (2003), 303; Katzenstein (2005), 209; Louis Uchitelle, "If You Can Make It Here," New York Times (September 4, 2005),; StatisticalAbstract of the United States, 2004-200S(Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 2006), 505, 977- 13. "Top 500 Supercomputing Sites," j.a.pan had a temporary breakthrough in 2002 when a government-financed program brought forth the fastest machine in the world, a HNSX supercomputer, but HNSX is a unit of a NEC subsidiary based in Littleton, Colorado. John Markoff, "j.a.panese Computer Is World's Fastest, as U.S. Falls Back," New York Times (April 20, 2oo2),

14. Starr (1990),305,327-28.

15. "Earthquake Risk: A Gobal View," National Geographic 209, no. 4 (April 2006), map supplement.

16. I was ignorant of this fact until a former student, Ken Kawas.h.i.+ma, pointed it out to me.

17. McWilliams (1946),339,376-77.

18. Quoted in Connelly (2002), 279- 19. Santayana (1967),194.

20. Adams's thoughts rendered in Carolyn Porter's apt words, in Porter (1981),188-89.

21. Slotkin (1985), 163; Hofstadter (1965), 132.

22. Charles J. Hanley, "Huge Bases Portend Long Iraq Stay," a.s.sociated Press report reprinted inAnn Arbor News (March 22, 2006), p. A3.

23. Eric Schmitt and James Dao, "U.S. Is Building Up Its Military Bases in Afghan Region," New York Times (January 9, 2002), p. At; Kennish and Bien quoted in Greg Jaffe, "Pentagon Prepares to Scatter Soldiers in Remote Corners," Wall Street Journal (May 27, 2003), pp. Ar, A6; Michael Klare, "Imperial Reach: The Pentagon's New Basing Strategy," Nation (April 25, 2005), 13-18. See also Phillips (20o6), 84-85; Kaplan (z005), 3-4, 92.

Z4. V. Dion Haynes and Vincent J. Schodolski, "Crisis Creates Case for Defense," Chicago Tribune (September 20, 2001), sec. 5, p. i; also Tim Weiner, "Lockheed and the Future of Warfare," New York Times Business Section (November 28, 2004), pp. 1, 4. We have examined Boeing and Lockheed. Northrop makes missiles, naval vessels, radar systems, and the B-2 bomber; Raytheon makes missiles and targeting optics; General Dynamics makes tanks, a.s.sault vehicles, and artillery systems; United Technologies produces various military helicopters among other things.

25. Hartz (1964),13,22; Bin Laden quoted in New York Times (September 12, 2006), p. A25.

26. "One of the things that's most striking to me is how much [Americans] hate questioning themselves and the world as it is. They need to believe that Good and Evil are clearly divided categories and that Good is or will be brought about easily." Simone de Beauvoir (1954), 382.

27. Quoted in Patterson (1972),198.

28. The late Eric Nordlinger tried to start this conversation with his excellent 1995 book, Isolationism Reconfigured, which is particularly good on America's historic and geographical immunities, on leading by example, and the follies of"a vaulting idealism" (p. 7).

29. Bacevich (2005), 208-21. 29.

30. Harper (1996), 79; Carroll (2006), ix-xi, 1.

3, 597 Y. Beard (1948), 580, 592-93,597- 32. Barnett (2004),115; Peter J. Boyer, "Downfall: How Donald Rumsfeld Reformed the Army and Lost Iraq," New Yorker (November 20, 20o6), p. 59.

33. Mearsheimer (2001), 2-3, 31-34, 84.

34 See Mann (2000), 334 In the same year another Chinese official, Qao s.h.i.+, said Beijing would take out New York City if Was.h.i.+ngton attacked it with nuclear weapons (ibid.).

35. Huntington (1996), 312-16.

36. Rogin (1987), 277-78- 37. Slotkin (1985),12.

38. c.u.mings (1990), 772-74; Michael Herr, Dispatches (New York: Vintage Books, 1968), 49. In 1949, when Mao was coming to power, Kerman convened a group of East Asian experts at the State Department; after listening a while, he told them "China doesn't matter very much. It's not very important. It's never going to be powerful." China had no integrated industrial base, which Kerman thought basic to any serious capacity for warfare, merely an industrial fringe st.i.tched along its coasts by the imperial powers; thus China should not be included in his containment strategy. j.a.pan did have such a base and was therefore the key to postwar American policy in East Asia. Quoted in c.u.mings (1990), 55.

39. Quoted in Sutter (2005), 265. See also Fei-ling w.a.n.g in Deng and w.a.n.g (2005), 22.

40. John C. Reilly, ed., American Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy, r999 (Chicago: Chicago Council on Foreign Relations), 8, 37; Andrew Kohut, "Speak Softly and Carry a Smaller Stick," New York Times (March 24, 2006), p. A19.

41. Nathan and Ross (1997), 33.

42. Clinton's speech of April 7, 1999, reproduced in the NAPSNet Daily Report of April 8, '999, on the Web site.

43. Braudel (1995), 1:170.

44 Bureau of the Census figures cited in New York Times (March 30, 2001), p. A16, and in John Hubner, "Data Shows Mixed-Race Population in Bay Area Twice National Average," San Jose Mercury News (March 30, 2001), p. A21.

45. Quoted in Lambropoulos (r993), 305-6.

46. Michael Arlen, "An Armenian Journal: Faucet Sales and Crash Syndrome," Nation 148, no. 16 (April 24,1989): 22.

Appendix i. Mokyr (1990), 7,16; Krugman (1995), 73 2. Marx (1887), 372n; Cohen (1978),146-55; Little (1986), 89,147-48.

3. Elster (1983),113.

4. Schumpeter (1939), 7; Swedberg (1991),130-31.

5. Mokyr (iggo), 6.

6. Marz (1990, 4,9,58; Schumpeter (1934),133; part r of his best-known book begins with five chapters on Marx: Schumpeter (1942). Daniel Little also has an excellent discussion on productive forces in Marx's theories, Little (1986), 49-50 7. Schumpeter (1934), 64n; Schumpeter (1939), 62-77.

8. Schumpeter (1934), 61n, 64n, 73-74, 98, 231; Schumpeter (r939), 76-77, 85; Schumpeter (1942), 31; Marz (r99r), 5-7, 13, 20; Swedberg (1991), 29-35, 173; Lebergott (1984), 62; Mokyr (1990), 287-94, 299. Schumpeter visited j.a.pan for lectures in 1931 and fell in love with the country, which reciprocated. On credit and the state in South Korea, see Woo (1991) 9. Schumpeter (1942), 67-68, 83-84; Schumpeter (1934), 407, 411.

10. Gerschenkron (1962), 1-30; Dawidoff (2002),176.

ii. Gerschenkron (1962), 8-30.

1z. Smith (1776), 27-30, 793-95. On s.p.a.ce and its absence from neocla.s.sical economics, see also Chisholm (1990), 83, 95-96.

13. Warsh (2006), xv, 25, 212, 292, 315, 372, 379. Margaret Somers has an excellent discussion of the culture, historicity, and symbolic construction of social science concepts in "Narrating and Naturalizing Civil Society and Citizens.h.i.+p Theory: The Place of Political Culture and the Public Sphere," Sociological Theory 13, no. 3 (November 1995): 232.

14. Braudel (1992), 402-408, 416, 433; Braudel (1995),1:23.

15. Andrew Carnegie later said the 1870 tariff was a major reason why he entered the steel industry, since it added between $7 and $25 million each year to steel industry profits. See LaFeber (1993), 32. Of course the ideal was to corner the home market and export abroad, which Carnegie, Standard Oil, Singer, and other companies did after 1890.

16. Hobsbawm (1987), 65-67; Polanyi (1944), 212-15. The Bush foreign policy stimulated an enormous new literature on empire: Ronald Steel reviewed thirteen new books in "Totem and Taboo," Nation (September 20, 2004), pp. 29-36. Readers can judge whether this new literature made a big breakthrough in studies of empire; I have not found that it did, but a cogent discussion of empire can be found in Maier (2005).

17. Williams (1959), 41-43; LaFeber (1963), 370; McCormick (1967); Young (1968); see also the discussion of Williams and LaFeber in Hoganson (1998), 21o-r3n.

18. Whitman and Jackson quoted in Williams (1961), 270.

r9. Schumpeter, "The Sociology of Imperialisms," in Schumpeter (op r), 141-219; Swedberg (1991), 98-102; Marx (r99r), 64.

zo. Schumpeter (1934), 193.

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